Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2463 Throne

Lu Chen thought, since he can't fall asleep, he should just meditate, it's good to let himself calm down, otherwise, even if he fell asleep, his dream would definitely be unreliable.

Since it's all like this, it's better not to sleep, let yourself cultivate yourself, this feeling is definitely better than falling asleep, and you can seriously think about the matter of black and white.

While meditating seriously, he closed his eyes and rested his mind. When he returned to his place of residence, it was already dark. When one or two friends who lived nearby saw Lu Chen, they simply ate something with him. During the meal, they were curious. He asked cautiously, "Lu Chen, did you see anything magical inside?"

Lu Chen said helplessly: "There is nothing, except black and white, there is nothing else."

After listening to his answer, they said in disbelief: "You are lying, are you afraid to tell us that we are going to practice secretly?"

"How could it be? There is really nothing left." Lu Chen still insisted on saying that, but his good friend just didn't believe him, then continued to eat with a smile, and said half-jokingly and half-seriously, "Lu Chen, you are not benevolent. oh."

Then he turned around and left after paying the bill, leaving Chase Lu alone, blankly depressed.

Where did Lu Chen want to hide his secrets? He only saw black and white, and then he couldn't see anything else. Because of this, he didn't want to think about it anymore. He was already very tired, and now he just wanted to go back rest.

After Lu Chen went back, he directly entered his own small world, and began to retreat altogether to comprehend the way of the sword fairy.

Although he didn't see anything, what do these two colors refer to and what does Tai Chi represent? This is the key point that makes it difficult for Lu Chen to figure out the truth. Create two colors like this.

Lu Chen couldn't figure it out, so he had to inhale slowly and exhale slowly according to the practice at that time, and then add his own formulas, but he really couldn't comprehend it right away, he could only imitate it bit by bit until dawn. At night, the breathing speeds up a little bit, which makes the whole person in a good state of mind.

Lu Chen had a new idea for his kendo after learning from the Sword Immortal kendo.

According to the prompts in Daodaotan, Lu Chen continued to practice. Although he only drew gourds according to the same pattern, only black and white Tai Chi patterns, but he still learned a little bit of the mystery through his perseverance, although it was only so A simple upgrade may not see any change at all.

But Lu Chen is still very satisfied. According to others, he may have given up long ago.

But Chase Lu was still a little annoyed at himself, why couldn't he be smarter or work harder than others.

Although I blame myself in my heart, I still can't live with myself after all.

In the morning, the birds chirped all morning, and Father Sun also climbed up the mountain early. Many people may still be sleeping late, but Lu Chen has already dressed and got up. After washing his face and brushing his teeth, he is ready to welcome the new year. the day is over.

Lu Chen, who had been in seclusion for a day, finally realized some truth, and he was in a super good mood.

I plan to go out to eat something delicious, I can't let my stomach feel uncomfortable after being hungry all night.Get everything ready and go out.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Lin Qing. Seeing him, Lin Qing greeted him happily: "Lu Chen, you got up so early."

Lu Chen replied with a smile: "Yes, the weather is so good today, so I got up early."

"Not bad, I feel that you have slept all night, and your energy is much better than when you just came out of Daodaotan yesterday, and you are all halo?"

"Hahaha", after finishing speaking, the two looked at each other and laughed.

Then he replied: "Yes, after resting all night, the whole person has really recovered, otherwise I really feel that I am about to collapse."

Both of them felt a little emotional, but there are still many important things to do today.

Lin Qing only knew Lu Chen not long ago, but he also had this deep emotion.

From today onwards, they will enter the inner courtyard, which is the so-called second grade.

And the situation in this courtyard has also changed extremely suddenly.

Lu Chen, Chi Qianyu and others soon entered the second-year study stage. After successfully promoted to the second grade, the power of the college has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Suddenly, a talisman named Ye Zi was born out of nowhere and defeated Chi Qianyu!

Since Chi Qianyu was not as good as this talisman named Ye Zi, Ye Zi became the second person instead. , Although Lu Chen is very powerful in cultivation and has a strong comprehension ability, he doesn't bother to participate in this kind of competition to compete for the first and second positions, and he doesn't even care about this leaf at all.

As a result, Ye Zi's momentum in the academy is also getting bigger and bigger, and even vaguely has the potential of No.1.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Of course, it was still much worse than Chase Lu.

And Bai Yu knew that Lu Chen was very powerful.So he persuaded Lu Chen to participate in the second grade selection, but Lu Chen politely refused.He said to Bai Yu: "I think this kind of selection is really boring. Why don't you take more time to practice? If you have time to prepare for the competition, it's better to take a good rest and improve your cultivation. Your own strength As long as you know your strengths and weaknesses, you don’t need to be so public, and I’m not that kind of person, so let them fight if they like to fight.”

But Bai Yu was listening on the sidelines, but secretly felt sorry for Lu Chen. Although she knew that Lu Chen was a relatively low-key person, he still hoped that Lu Chen could be the number one in the second grade.

Although he is No. [-] in name, another comparison will make it easier for Chase Lu to control this force.

So she continued to try to dissuade Lu Chen from participating, but Lu Chen looked at Bai Yu directly with a sharp look, Bai Yu lowered his head, didn't say anything more, and left embarrassingly.

And after losing the battle with that leaf, Chi Qianyu's morale was also extremely low.

After experiencing this competition, Chi Qianyu was in a very depressed mood, and sometimes he even stayed in his room without coming out, which made Bai Yu and Zhan Hong extremely anxious.No one can persuade Chi Qianyu, and then Bai Yubian found Lu Chen, and she said to Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, go and persuade Chi Qianyu, he is staying in the room now, and he will not eat if he doesn't eat." If you don’t drink, I’m afraid he’ll ruin his body.”

So after hearing this, Lu Chen hurriedly felt the door of Chi Qianyu's room.He knocked on the door lightly, and shouted into the inside: "Chi Qianyu, come out first, let's discuss things carefully, besides, this is not a big deal, even though you lost the first and second place. position, but we are third anyway. It’s okay, you are still the boss among us, there are so many people in the second grade, you can be content with being the third, this is already a very powerful thing.”

It just sounds like Lu Chen is deliberately mocking Chi Qianyu.

And this is where Lu Chen is smart.

If he really came to persuade him, I'm afraid Chi Qianyu wouldn't listen at all.

But there was still no response at all, and then Chase Lu continued: "It's not good for you to damage your body like this. If your strength drops because of this, you will not even talk about the first and second. The third position may be snatched away by others, do you have the heart to watch the third position you have finally obtained be snatched away by others?"

At this time, there was a "bang" inside, and the door was opened. Chi Qianyu just looked at Lu Chen with dull eyes. Seeing that his provocative method had an effect on Chi Qianyu, Lu Chen began to chuckle in his heart.

After Chi Qianyu opened the door, he walked into the room again, and Lu Chen followed him in. When Lu Chen walked in and took a look, he couldn't help laughing.

It turned out that Chi Qianyu stayed in this room not because of any sadness or loss, but because he was actively studying spells and cultivation. He practiced and meditated secretly in the room for a long time.Lu Chen suddenly realized after looking at the sword and martial arts cheats on the table.

So, he patted Chi Qianyu on the shoulder, and jokingly said: "You kid, you made us anxious. Let me just say, how could you be lost and sad because of a little setback? , Qianyu, I did not misread you, then you should practice hard, and I will go out first, um"

Before Chase Lu could finish speaking, Chi Qianyu said: "You people don't have to worry, isn't it just a matter of ranking? I don't care that much anymore, besides, am I so fragile in your hearts?"

After speaking, he despised Lu Chen with his eyes.Lu Chen was embarrassed, and after a while, he voluntarily left Chi Qianyu's room.

Bai Yu was also very embarrassed, and left in a sensible way.

A few days later, it was an important moment for Dongsheng's first-year freshmen to enter the second grade. The teachers of each grade were announcing the new rules for each grade.Unexpectedly, Lu Chen, Bai Yuhua Ruoxi, Chi Qianyu, Zhan Hong, Qu Bo and Su Qiong were assigned to the same class because of the small difference in strength.

When they saw a red class list with their class names posted in front of their eyes, they were all very surprised. They didn't expect that a group of them could be assigned to the same class.The two girls, Hua Ruoxi and Baiyu hugged each other tightly to prove the joy in their hearts.

Then they ushered in a new teacher in the second grade. This teacher was a male teacher who was over sixty years old. He walked to the podium with a serious expression, and stood on the podium, overlooking the students sitting below. They said to them: "Today is the day when you officially enter the second grade, and you must have a lot of things that you don't understand, so let me take you to understand what the second grade should do. "

"First of all, the knowledge you learned in the first grade is very shallow and relatively basic. Then in the second grade, it will naturally be more advanced. If you want to make progress, you must learn more and more difficult knowledge. Every time you enter a new grade, there will be a new template unlocked, and there are many modules unlocked in our second grade, including the most famous reward list."

"Anyone can participate in the reward list, and anyone can post a reward, and there are all kinds of rewards. This reward means that someone else will issue a reward order and you will help them complete the things they specify , then the bounty will belong to you. This is one of the reasons why the bounty list is the most representative second-year module."

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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