Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2441 Wu Zijian Comes

Quickly absorbing the energy of this stone, Lu Chen sighed comfortably. To be honest, the energy of this stone is too abundant, and the quality is much better than those of the current stones.

After absorbing the good things around him, Chase Lu stood up and walked to the side, when he was suddenly attracted by a dark object.

I don't know why, that thing is obviously very ugly, but Lu Chen couldn't help thinking that he walked over, maybe it was God's will in the dark, Lu Chen picked up the dark thing, looked at it for a while, It was discovered that there was a light leak in one place!

Lu Chen buckled from the place where the light leaked, and with great difficulty buckled off a large black thing, and suddenly, the strong light shot out.

Caught off guard, Lu Chen was a little uncomfortable being stimulated by the strong light. He closed his eyes and slowed down for a while before recovering.

When he opened his eyes again, the light was no longer as strong as before, but only shimmering, shining on Lu Chen's face.

Judging from the luminous place, this material is simply the best, much better than those that Chase Lu saw before.

Although he didn't know what it was, Chase Lu took off those black things little by little, and the original appearance of the thing appeared in front of Chen Lu.

It turned out that that thing was a bishou, compared to some current weapons, it does feel a little rough, but this material is rare in the world, if it is slightly modified, it must be amazingly powerful.

After cleaning the bishou, Chase Lu put it away. When the bishou was just opened, there would be a strong beam of light, but the light would gradually weaken after a while. until it disappears.

Time passed slowly, and Chase Lu absorbed all the things in the entire secret realm, some things that he couldn't absorb for a while, and some weapons, so Chase Lu decided to pack them up and take them away.

As soon as he went out, Lu Chen got a piece of news.

The competition among the five courtyards was imminent at this moment, and Chase Lu hurried to the academy and found that everyone was already preparing for the competition.

It was never said that there would be such an urgency, so Lu Chen has never been in a hurry, but now he suddenly said that the game is imminent, Lu Chen really did not expect it.

The competition between the five colleges had been agreed a long time ago. At that time, Lu Chen's status was not as good as it is now, and no one said that he was the main force of this college.

But it can be said that it is different now. Lu Chen's current strength is obvious to all. Although many people still refuse to accept him, there are already more people who obey him.

Moreover, he is actually very important now. Without him, the chances of winning this academy are not great.

He can't just rush into battle without preparing anything. Although he now has a lot of cheats, martial arts and weapons, but the more ability, the more chances of winning.

But Chase Lu really didn't expect this game to come so quickly. Originally, his time was not so tight, but now it seems that this game came so quickly, and he didn't have time to do many things.

There is no way, and he can't do other things now, so he has no choice but to go to the bookstore to get a cheat book that suits him.

Hurrying to the bookstore of the academy, Lu Chen found that there were a lot of people inside, most of them were picking out some martial arts classics to prepare for the competition in a few days.

Then Chase Lu discovered that among these people today, there were many whom he had never seen before, and many of them were beauties.

Thinking that there are many beauties in this college that he doesn't know, Lu Chen sighed, and felt that it was a pity.

After watching for a while, Chase Lu yawned. He was not tired when he was in the secret realm, but after he came out, he started to feel sleepy after having nothing to do.

It's just that Lu Chen just yawned when he saw Xu Qian, and Xu Qian had obviously seen him and was walking towards him.

Xu Qian is a man Lu Chen is very familiar with, and he is the tutor of the middle library of Dongsheng College.

On weekdays, Chase Lu came to this library to search for information, and he did a lot of help.

"Come out from the secret realm?" Xu Qian looked at Lu Chen with a smile on his face.

Lu Chen quickly walked towards him. He admired Xu Qian very much. He was not only his teacher, but also his friend, and he was also very kind to Lu Chen.

"Well, it's out, are you here to look for classics?" After greeting with a smile, Lu Chen asked Xu Qian.

Xu Qian nodded. It was a coincidence that he came to Shuge just now when he didn't understand something. He happened to see Lu Chen.

"What are you doing here?" Seeing Lu Chen's dusty look, Xu Qian raised his eyebrows in doubt.

"Isn't the competition between the five courtyards about to start? I'm here to find some cheats." Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, looking very helpless.

Xu Qian also knew that this match was relatively rushed, and it might be more stressful for Lu Chen, so he just smiled and didn't say anything.

The two chatted for a while, and Lu Chen separated from him. After all, finding cheats is the most important thing now.

Lu Chen went directly to the highest level of martial arts cheats, but he didn't seem to find anything he liked and suitable for him.

Just when he was about to give up, his eyes were suddenly attracted by three words.

"Dragon Transformation Art?" Lu Chen read these three words lightly, and suddenly became interested.

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long night fire

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The name is quite interesting. After opening it, Lu Chen flipped through it and found that this cheat book can be practiced by himself.

And it seems that this cheat is not bad, and the attack power is quite strong, which is very suitable for Chase Lu.

Dragon Transformation

Lu Chen is very satisfied with this Dragon Transformation Jue. This Dragon Transformation Jue is a way to draw the dragon energy between heaven and earth to fight, and ordinary people can't practice it.

But Lu Chen is different, he has a dragon on his body, so it will be very easy to practice.

But easy is only easy for him, I am afraid it will not be so easy for other people to cultivate, after all, there is no one, everyone has little dragons.

After taking the Dragon Transformation Art, Lu Chen took it back to his residence first, and after some research, he finally sat on the bed and began to practice.

To put it bluntly, this Dragon Transformation Art is the art of attracting dragon energy from heaven and earth to fight. If there is no little dragon, then it will be very strenuous to practice.

Lu Chen has a little dragon, so he may practice more smoothly, so Lu Chen released his little dragon.Then carefully read the Dragon Transformation Art again.

He put the Dragon Transformation Jue in front of him, and began to practice carefully, according to his heart. This little dragon is also very powerful. By his side, Lu Chen only felt that the dragon energy in his body was particularly abundant.

With this little dragon by his side, Chase Lu felt very warm all over his body, without feeling uncomfortable at all.

A steady stream of vitality surged all over his body, and as he silently recited the Dragon Transformation Jue in his heart, Lu Chen only felt that his dantian was hot.

At the beginning, Chase Lu still encountered some obstacles. When he was stuck there, Xiaolong flew around him as if he had sensed something. Chase Lu only felt that his whole body was full of dragon energy. Clenched tightly, mobilized the aura of the whole body, and finally broke through.

After that, Chase Lu's cultivation process will be much smoother.

When he reached the eighth level, Lu Chen could feel that the dragon energy on Xiaolong's body could already be controlled by him.

By the time of the ninth level, Chase Lu could almost absorb the dragon energy in a radius of hundreds of miles.

Soon Lu Chen had reached the tenth level, but the last level was not easy to break through. Lu Chen was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, but that level was still not easy to break through.

"Cough." Lu Chen coughed violently, it was still evening outside, but in fact, Lu Chen knew that he had practiced for two days and two nights.

In fact, his speed is very fast, but now he has worked hard for the last stage many times, but he still can't break through, and he is really anxious.

After resting for a while, Lu Chen got out of bed and took a sip of water. He felt that his physical strength had recovered a lot. When he looked up, he saw Xiaolong staying beside him quietly, very well-behaved.

Lu Chen touched Xiaolong's head, and sat back on the bed again. This time, he went very smoothly at first, but later, he got stuck there again.

It was as if there was a big wall, very high, very wide, and Chase Lu couldn't climb over that wall no matter what, so he could only be anxious.

After a while, Lu Chen planned to take a rest first, but just as he was about to rest, he felt the little dragon turning around beside him, and a powerful dragon's breath rushed towards his face.

Then Lu Chen concentrated again and found that there seemed to be a hole in the wall. He took advantage of the opportunity to get into the hole, and soon felt that his whole body was smooth.

A huge burst of energy also erupted from his body. Chase Lu opened his eyes, experimented a little, and found that he could attract dragon energy for his own use at will.

Just when he was about to finish his work, Lu Chen suddenly remembered one thing. He had obtained many cheats when he was in the secret realm of the Wu Clan.

When he was in the secret realm, he found that there were a lot of cheat books there. Chase Lu picked and picked among the pile of cheat books, and picked one that was very suitable for him.

In fact, to be honest, Lu Chen is only a human being after all, and it is still a bit powerless to use a human body to attract dragon energy for his own use, and this cheat is to enhance Lu Chen's physique, and then when he attracts dragon energy, the power can be even greater. huge.

Lu Chen spent another day practicing the secret book, and he really felt that his physique had improved a lot, and when using the Dragon Transformation Art, the power was even greater.

Stretching in satisfaction, Lu Chen opened his eyes and finally felt hungry. He jumped out of bed and went out to find food.

As soon as he went out, Lu Chen saw Wu Zijian.

"What a coincidence!" After Lu Chen saw Wu Zijian, he greeted Wu Zijian enthusiastically. Unexpectedly, Wu Zijian shook his head and looked at him with an unfathomable expression.

Lu Chen was baffled by him, Wu Zijian just asked if there was something on his face.

"It's no coincidence, I just came here to look for you." Wu Zijian smiled, making Lu Chen laugh a little bit.

Lu Chen stepped back in disgust, not wanting to keep too close to Wu Zijian, "Tell me if you have anything to say, you really don't look normal like this."

Hearing what Lu Chen said, Wu Zijian coughed twice, and then suddenly became serious, "Actually, there is nothing special. I saw you locked yourself in the room for several days. Are you practicing some particularly powerful martial arts?"

Wu Zijian's face was wretched, Lu Chen was just a little helpless, Wu Zijian's nose was too sensitive.

"No, no, don't think too much." Lu Chen looked like Wu Zijian was thinking too much, then turned and left. He now needs to find some food to fill his stomach.

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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