Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2440 The Secret Realm

As soon as Lu Chen arrived at the scene, he saw Chi Qianyu and Su Qiong who were almost unable to hold on.

Before he could speak, he heard Lin He say to Yuan Shao beside him: "Let's try to destroy them in the shortest possible time now."

When Lu Chen heard Lin He's tone of voice, he was also very angry.

When he got angry, he raised the sword in his hand and walked towards Lin He.

He rushed forward with a sword, like thunder, he swung the sword in his hand downward desperately.

Lin Heben is a physical training major in strength, and his body skills are not very good; Lu Chen's attack was clever.

Lin He didn't have time to dodge, so Lu Chen went down with his sword and cut Lin He into blood.

Seeing that Lin He was seriously injured, Xiang Han, Yin Jiong and Yuan Shao immediately supported him.

But he found that Lin He had temporarily lost his fighting power at this time.Then they started fighting with Lu Chen and the others.

But because of their lack of physical strength, they couldn't beat Lu Chen Baiyu and Qu Bo at all.

Lu Chen saw that Zhongzhou and the others were really hateful, and the people who bullied them Dongsheng everywhere actually bullied Chi Qianyu and the others, so he wanted to deal with them together.

In this way, Lu Chen's prestige can be improved.

Secondly, it also vented the emotions in Lu Chen's heart.

But when Lu Chen held the sword and wanted to kill Lin He and the others, suddenly a group of people behind them stopped them and shouted at Lu Chen: "Stop, what are you doing? You think you Dongsheng How amazing is it? You are still making trouble here."

Lu Chen looked back, and it turned out that reinforcements from Zhongzhou had arrived.

Seeing the leader in black in Zhongzhou, Lu Chen's eyes were full of caution.

Seeing that person, Lu Chen had already guessed the identity of that guy.

If Lu Chen is not mistaken, that guy is the number one in Zhongzhou - Hun Yan!

Hun Yan's aura is very special, it is not arrogant, but mysterious and calm.

However, even though he knew that the person opposite was extremely powerful, Chase Lu was not afraid.

The export is verbal criticism.

"Then do you think you Zhongzhou are some good things? It's not that we, Dongsheng, want to hurt you, but you ask the people of Zhongzhou what they did to our Dongsheng people, if I didn't tell you in time. If you came here, I'm afraid my brothers would have already died at the hands of your Zhongzhou people."

After listening to Lu Chen's words, Hun Yan looked at Lin He, and Lin He did not deny what he had just done to Dong Sheng.

The winner had the final say on this matter, and Lin He did play a little harder.

So Hun Yan apologized to Lu Chen: "I'm sorry, I'm not strict with my brothers on weekdays, and I won't do it next time. After all, Dongsheng and Zhongzhou will still meet in the future, so this matter depends on it." Let it pass for the sake of the two colleges."

When he said this, Hun Yan was also extremely humble, which made Lu Chen feel very comfortable while speaking.

Lu Chen saw that Hun Yan didn't seem like an unreasonable person, so he agreed with Hun Yan's statement.

Although Lin He was indeed at fault here, in fact, Lu Chen's sword was even more at fault.

The reason why the two reconciled in this way is not because it is unreasonable or unreasonable.

It was fear, fear that the two courts would fight each other, and in the end, the other courts would take advantage of the loopholes, and they might be swept out of the house.

So the two teams left their respective sights, and after walking away, the two teams slowly integrated.

"What should I do next?"

Chi Qianyu asked Lu Chen that at this moment, he was not as repulsive to Lu Chen as before.

Hearing this, Lu Chen also thought carefully.

Chi Qianyu was able to ask him about this because he trusted him.

For this reason, Lu Chen also has to make long-term plans for Dongsheng's future.

From the giant lotus, Lu Chen also learned.

This secret realm is actually not very big, and it can even be said to be smaller than other secret realms.

It is said that this secret realm is only a small part of the ancient Wu Clan ruins.

Lu Chen also understands this, if this secret realm is really all that, I'm afraid it won't be their turn to come!

Right now, there is no hesitation anymore, and speaking out is telling everyone about the strategy he formulated.

According to Lu Chen's understanding, there is nothing else in this secret realm.

Although there are some miraculous medicines, they are not much different from other secret realms.

The only thing that is a little different is the background of this witch clan and this weird giant lotus.

As a result, Chase Lu was also constantly guessing the true purpose of this secret realm.

After that, he also analyzed the situation in detail to everyone.

Listening to Lu Chen's narration, everyone also followed Lu Chen's instructions.

They are no longer scattered, but also established a territory of their own.

Since then, various small forces have also been expelled, and the territory of the secret realm has been slowly expanded.

It stands to reason that all this is gradually developing in a good direction.

Even everyone has found their own opportunities in this secret realm.

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As for white jade, the harvest is the most abundant among all.

What she got was nothing more than an amphora.

But this amphora is very famous.

It is said that it was used by the overlord of the ancient music cultivator. With the sound of the piano in one hand, it can retreat enemies from all directions.

And the one that Bai Yu got, although it is just a copy, its ability is not inferior at all.

But they didn't expect that the binaural would be discovered by them in the secret realm now.

Bai Yu has been carefully hugging the Qin, the function of the two-eared Qin is to disturb the mind of the enemy and make the enemy stunned during the process of plucking.

Such a precious treasure also made everyone ecstatic.

Afterwards, there are more and more treasures, and everyone's equipment is getting better and better.

In addition, they also discovered many rules of the Wu clan along the way, just like the light of the lotus flower, the colors are extremely bright.

From three colors to seven colors, the order is different. Even the highest-end giant lotus that Lu Chen can see now is just a seven colors.

Everyone also interpreted the rules inside one by one, and now they have almost completely understood the rules of the Wu Clan, as well as the rules of this secret realm.

It turns out that as long as you find enough treasures in the secret realm and find the key to open the exit of the secret realm, you can get out of the secret realm smoothly.

At this time, Chase Lu and the others had already found many magic weapons.Suddenly, a group of small powers passed by them, and found that they had already won many magic weapons, so they were extremely jealous and wanted to snatch them.

Lu Chen saw that these small forces seemed to be fighting with them, so he stepped up his vigilance.Unexpectedly, as he expected, those small forces formed a circle in an instant.

Surrounded Chase Lu and the others, but Chen Lu was not afraid, because he was very strong after all, and he also clearly knew the strength of the small forces.

They quickly launched a struggle, but in the end, those small forces fell to the ground one after another, with broken arms and legs, and panicked and fled.

Lu Chen and the others found many treasures in the secret realm, and they had collected the keys to get out of the secret realm. They came to the exit of the secret realm and took out the key.

Those keys quickly merged into one key.It automatically attached to the exit of the secret realm, and the gate of the exit of the secret realm was opened immediately.

At this time, Chi Qianyu didn't want to leave the secret realm, because he felt that there must be many treasures in the secret realm that they hadn't discovered yet.

Besides, there are still people from Zhongzhou and other colleges who have not come out. If they come out early, many good things will be snatched away by them, so he said to Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, or we Don't go out yet, I think there are still many treasures inside after all, why don't we explore and explore."

But Lu Chen said to Chi Qianyu: "Qianyu, we can't be too greedy, we must know how to accept as soon as we are good, now we have taken a lot of treasures in the secret realm, so we have to leave some for others, right? Although it is said that we are competing with other academies, it depends on their ability to get it."

Chi Qianyu was a little upset, but since Lu Chen said the same thing, he could only hold back his displeasure.

Lu Chen also didn't want to see Chi Qianyu like this, so he spoke.

"We don't take it because there are still treasures in the secret realm. Otherwise, if we take all the treasures away, who will come to the secret realm to explore in the future? We have to leave some opportunities for others. After all, this secret realm is not our."

When Chi Qianyu heard Lu Chen's words, he felt that there was some truth, so everyone left the secret realm one after another.

As soon as he got out of the secret realm, the sharp-eyed Lu Chen found the leader who was waiting at the gate of the secret realm. Lu Chen ran towards the leader directly, followed by the rest of Dongsheng's people.

Seeing Lu Chen and the others coming back, the elder pushed hard at the corner of his mouth, and a bright smile appeared on his face.Lu Chen said to the elder: "Elder, we have obtained many magic weapons."

The elder saw that there were indeed many magic weapons in their bags.Then he said to Lu Chen: "Okay, now you can distribute these magic weapons."

So Lu Chen distributed those magic weapons one by one. Since Bai Yu discovered the binaural piano, and Bai Yu's major was also a piano repairer, it belonged to Bai Yu.

As for the other treasures, each has its own owner.

Nine Dragon Xiao is more suitable for Hua Luoxi who is good at illusion.Ling Tianjian was handed over to Chi Qianyu, after all he majored in sword repair.

As for Lu Chen, he has his own stop-killing weapon, which means he can beat him a lot.

It is definitely right to give the Soul Eater Knife to Su Qiong.

Afterwards, he gave Zhan Hong all those internal energy pills one after another. After all, Zhan Hong majored in martial arts, and martial arts consumes a lot of internal energy.Lu Chen got the elixir in the cave by himself.

In this way, those treasures were clearly arranged.

What should be said or not is that the things in this secret realm are really good, and there are many more. While Lu Chen was delighted, he did not dare to slack off in the slightest, and raced against time to absorb the treasures in this secret realm.

This secret realm was left by the Wu Clan who cultivated the flesh body in ancient times. Those Wu Clan collected a lot of good things for their cultivation.

Being obtained by Lu Chen at this time, it is decided that it is impossible to keep it for others, and he must accept it all by himself.

Lu Chen picked up a shining bead, looked left and right, and didn't see what it was after looking for a long time. However, when he thought about it being left by the witch clan who cultivated the flesh body in ancient times, Lu Chen subconsciously I think this must be a good thing.

Moreover, this thing is definitely not like nothing, this thing is very similar to longan, but, relatively speaking, longan is not so beautiful, and the energy is not as strong.

Therefore, this thing can be said to be the best, it is simply rare in the world, and, not to mention an exaggeration, it is possible that this ancient treasure is the only one in this world.

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