Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2435 Lie on the ground and call Dad

Now this is not good, the big snake was woken up, seeing his ferocious appearance, Qu Bo exclaimed in his heart, "It's over, this is terrible." Unexpectedly, they just entered the secret realm , was suddenly entangled by such a big snake, and could not escape.

Lu Chen hurriedly called Qu Bo and Bai Yu to hide together.Because he saw that the snake had already swam ashore and was running around in the cave. The voice of "S, S, S" came into Lu Chen's ears.Snakes seem to be born with a defensive instinct and the ability to perceive danger and strangers.Even though the three of them had been avoiding the snake, the big snake could still feel their breath, so it slowly swam towards them.

Bai Yu closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembling slightly on her closed eyes.This all means that she is afraid, after all, that snake is very huge.It was getting closer, it was getting closer, it was getting closer, the snake was already getting close to them.Lu Chen closed his eyes tightly, took a deep breath, and decided not to sit still.He hastily pulled Qu Bo and Bai Yu to another place quickly, passed in front of the snake, and the big snake quickly spotted them and followed closely behind.

Then, the scene in front of me was three people facing a snake.The snake stood up straight again, sticking out its tongue, and opened its bloody mouth, trying to swallow the three people in front of it.Chase Lu really didn't want to fight the snake.Because their size does not become a direct ratio, he felt that it would consume a lot of energy.Right now they just want to leave here, they don't want to hurt this big snake.

So he calmed down and wanted to deal with the snake. As soon as Bai Yu and Qu Bo moved, the snake started to move, even trying to swallow them.Seeing this, Lu Chen stopped Bai Yu and Qu Bo loudly: "You two stand there and don't move." Bai Yu and Qu Bo didn't dare to act rashly after hearing Lu Chen's command.The snake also looked at them quietly.

Lu Chen thought about how to deal with the snake. He suddenly thought that he wanted to use his mouth to deal with the snake. After all, the snake looked like it could understand human speech, so he pointed at the snake. The snake said softly: "I didn't move, we didn't move. You stop, we don't want to do anything here, we just want to leave here now, and we won't hurt you, let alone Destroy this cave of yours. We also entered here unconsciously and broke into your territory by mistake. Don't be angry, otherwise, we will leave immediately, do you think it's okay?" Lu Chen pretended to be very cowardly, trying to make the snake believe him.

But the big snake still looked at them fiercely, and didn't seem to want to let them go.At this time, Lu Chen felt that what he said might be too insincere, so he asked Bai Yu and Qu Bo to put down all the weapons in their hands, then smiled at the big snake, and said to it: " You see, I said I won’t hurt you, we’ve taken down all our weapons, why don’t you just let us out.” Unexpectedly, the big snake didn’t listen to persuasion at all, and still opened its mouth. Opening his bloody mouth, he wanted to swallow the three of them.

Looking at the snake in front of him, Lu Chen didn't listen to dissuasion at all, so he said to Bai Yu and Qu Bo, "If this is the case, then let's not be polite with it, let's go up together and kill it. Qu Bo nodded to Lu Chen and said: "It should have been like this a long time ago. To deal with this kind of cruel beast, it should be killed."

During the conversation between the three, the snake suddenly swam towards them.Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, Bai Yu was involved, and the snake entwined tightly around Bai Yu's body. Bai Yu's warm and charming face turned pale in an instant, and the snake continued to squirm. The entanglement around Bai Yu was tightened, so that the blood in Bai Yu's body was not circulated, and it was solidified there. Bai Yu now looks like a zombie with a lifeless complexion and a very stiff body.

When Qu Bo and Lu Chen saw this scene, they directly picked up their weapons and attacked the snake.Unexpectedly, the big snake whipped towards the two of them quickly with its own tail.The two were caught off guard and scattered to the surrounding area one after another.However, the snake was still relentless towards them and continued to swing its tail.

The big snake's tail hit the rock wall, and many rocks rolled down from it.But the two nimbly escaped the rolling rocks and the snake's tail.Seeing that Bai Yu's face became more and more ugly, Lu Chen was afraid that if Bai Yu was not rescued again, Bai Yu would die in the hands of the snake.So he took out his long-sealed magic weapon, Zhishuijing, and came out.

This magic weapon can adjust the mentality and alleviate the killing intent, so Lu Chen released it without hesitation. The Zhishuijing emitted a strange light in the air. Under the shroud of this light, the snake suddenly went crazy.In the chaos, the snake finally took back the part tightly wrapped around Bai Yu's body.Bai Yu fell to the ground, and the suffocation just now made her feel that her body was light, as if she was about to suffocate, so she kept panting on the ground.

Seeing this situation, Qu Bo quickly helped up the white jade on the ground and hid behind a rock. Taking advantage of the fact that the snake could not fight them yet, he thought about temporarily recovering his physical strength during this period of time. .Everyone has seen the powerful ability of Zhishuijing.The snake quickly wound itself up and rolled into a pile, just like a twist.

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Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Chen took out his sword and wanted to kill the snake.He quickly rushed to the snake, and slashed the sword down from top to bottom.So the next scene is bloody.The big snake's tail was separated from its body and head quickly.

Lu Chen saw that the big snake had been chopped into pieces by himself, so he thought that the big snake had no attack ability, so he walked directly towards Bai Yu and Qu Bo. At this time, Bai Yu had not fully recovered. Because after all, they had been strangled by the big snake for so long, and their energy and blood were not enough. The three of them wanted to take a rest before leaving the cave.

Unexpectedly, the big snake's mouth suddenly opened wide, and it came towards Qu Bo and Lu Chen with a whoosh. Seeing this, Lu Chen immediately stretched out his sword, and his sword got stuck there. between the upper and lower jaws of the snake, making it impossible for the big snake to close its mouth.

The big snake was finally wiped out by them, and the whole cave was stained red with blood, and the flesh and blood were blurred.Suddenly the three of them heard a huge bàozhà sound, and they looked over quickly, only to find that the snake's body had completely disappeared, only a red one was left, shining like a elixir The graininess of the light is there.

Lu Chen stretched out his hand to hold it, and after watching it for a while, he found that this thing was actually the inner alchemy of the snake.Suddenly, the red light from the inner alchemy rushed directly to Lu Chen's body, and finally merged into his body.In this way, Chase Lu obtained the inner alchemy of the snake.He suddenly felt the blood in his body churning, as if there was such a powerful force congealing in his body.

After a while, Bai Yu had almost recovered. When the three of them wanted to leave the cave, a step suddenly protruded from the water pool.The three of them saw a huge lotus flower on the steps.Finally they understood why the snake refused to let them go. It turned out that the snake was just to protect the giant lotus.

Lu Chen, who was planning to leave the cave, suddenly said to Bai Yu and Qu Bo: "Let's not leave here, should we go over and have a look? I think that giant lotus is very likely to be a very important treasure. Otherwise, why would the big snake guard it tightly and not let anyone get close to it." After hearing what Lu Chen said, Bai Yu and Qu Bo thought they should go and have a look, anyway, there is no danger in the cave now, so The two of them nodded heavily at Chase Lu.

After gaining the consent of Bai Yu and Qu Bo, Lu Chen led the two of them back to the water pool. Qu Bo and Lu Chen jumped up and briskly jumped to the steps to observe the giant lotus, while Bai Yu was Because of what happened just now, my body is still a little weak, and I can't fully use my lightness skills and mana, so I can only stay outside the pond and watch the two people.

So the two of them carefully looked up and down this giant lotus, and they found that this giant lotus actually exuded purple light and kept turning on the steps.The flower core is as big as Lu Chen's fist, and the petals are proudly unfolded.Very coquettish and charming. In Lu Chen's impression, lotus flowers are generally relatively pure. They come out of mud without being stained, and they are clean but not coquettish. I didn't expect this lotus to bloom so coquettishly.

So Lu Chen felt very strange. What is so wonderful about this flower that it can make the big snake guard it tightly? other people's voices.It turned out that a group of people passed by the entrance of the cave at this time. When they saw the cave, they wanted to come in and check it out.As soon as he came in, he saw Baiyu Luchen and Qu Bo observing a giant lotus there.

Lu Chen looked at them, and it turned out that they were some small forces that competed with him for treasures, and there were probably dozens of people.The leaders of these forces glanced at the giant lotus blooming on the steps, and they thought it was a very precious treasure.

Then he said to Lu Chen and Qu Bo: "Hey, you two brats, quickly hand over this giant lotus flower to us, and we can spare you from dying, or you will be blamed, and we are welcome. "When Lu Chen heard what these small forces said in such a loud tone, he sneered, raised the corners of his mouth evilly, and said to them: "Why, we are the ones who want to let this giant lotus flower Here you are, you are so courageous, don’t you understand what is first come, first served? We came to this cave first and killed a big snake before we could get this giant lotus.”

"Besides, what does it mean that you are not polite to us? Have you ever beaten us? Just rely on you little bastards. In my opinion, we will beat the shit out of you within two strokes. You can lie on the ground and call Dad. "After listening to Chen Chen's words, Qu Bo suddenly covered his mouth and laughed. He didn't expect that Chase Lu could speak so well, but it was so husky. If the elder's eloquence is good, then this Chase Lu It must belong to the kind of eloquence that can make people mad.

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