Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2434 Behemoth

The Zhongzhou people were speechless and unable to defend themselves. Seeing that their leading elder was about to faint from anger, the Zhongzhou students hurriedly supported the old man, turned around and left angrily.

In this way, the eloquence of Elder Dongsheng won the final victory in a thrilling battle of mutual hatred.

Seeing such a fierce verbal battle, Dongsheng's students applauded one after another, and they were all surprised by the eloquence of the usually unsmiling leader.

I didn't expect that the old-fashioned and honest leader had such good eloquence, and both parties almost fainted with anger, so they all went forward to worship the elder, even those who had previously disobeyed the elder came forward one after another.

Lu Chen joked: "Elder, I didn't expect you to have such a cute side. Didn't I pay attention to you before? I didn't realize that your eloquence is so good. I guess it's because of your eloquence. If you want to tease a girl, you must be sure."

As soon as Lu Chen finished speaking, he was stared at by the elder, and Lu Chen quickly shut his mouth.

Zhanhong went on to say: "Elder, you have such a good eloquence that you hide it and don't want to teach everyone, we are all stupid, if you have an elder to teach us, our eloquence will definitely improve Yes, otherwise, elder, you can teach it to us, and we will definitely practice hard." After speaking, Zhan Hong naturally couldn't escape the elder's eyes.

Obviously, I was about to be pissed off by the other party just now, so I forcefully said those words, which is not eloquence.The elder thought in his heart.

"Okay, you people, don't talk to me anymore. I'm good at eloquence, and you don't have to talk about entering the secret realm with you. You don't have to talk about it. What I want to tell you now is In the secret realm, besides being careful of the things inside, you also need to be careful of the people from Zhongzhou and other colleges. After all, the people from Zhongzhou you just saw are so arrogant and domineering, and the people from Zhongzhou also like to make sneak attacks from behind. So you must be careful. They are all jealous of the treasures in the secret realm, and they don't know what they will do." The elder returned to his usual seriousness, and seriously warned Dongsheng's students.

All the Dongsheng students said to the elder in unison: "Okay, we will follow the elder's warning and we will be very cautious.

"One more thing, I must emphasize that our Dongsheng students must not be like other colleges, playing tricks behind the scenes. We must be honest and upright. Even if we can't rob others in the secret realm, we will never Allow this to happen." The elder took this matter very seriously.

On behalf of Dongsheng students, Lu Chen said to the elders: "We will definitely not do sneaky things like Zhongzhou, and even if we can't rob others, we will not be angry because this is the reason for our own strength. We can't blame others Also, I am very confident, because I think we will get more and more outstanding magic weapons than other colleges. Don't worry, elder. After hearing Lu Chen say this to himself, the elder felt very happy gratified.

The elder nodded and said to them: "Okay, there is nothing else to do now, you should take the time to rest quickly, we will enter the secret realm tomorrow, and if you want to enter the secret realm, you must prepare for it. Open them all so that you can enter."

So, everyone went to have a good rest, preparing to take care of themselves, so as to open up the two channels of Rentong all over the body.After resting for a period of time, it was almost time to open Rentong's second channel. Everyone calmed down and meditated. Chase Lu's skill is not shallow, and he opened it all at once. Most people can basically enter the secret realm.But some students with relatively shallow skills just can't open it.

After a day, all the forces have been recuperated, and they all entered the secret realm one after another. Now only Dongsheng is left, but those students are still entangled in the fact that the second channel of Rentong has not been opened.At this time, everyone was very anxious, fearing that the treasure would be taken away by those people first.

At this time, a few Dongsheng students suddenly said to the elder: "Elder, let's not wait now, you see those people have already entered the secret realm, we are afraid that we have to wait for them to go down like this, I am afraid that the people inside Everything will be looted. Why do we still enter the secret realm? Besides, we are fighting with them. Now we are so long behind them. If we don’t go in again, I’m afraid it will really be There is no chance, Elder, why don't we go in first."

The elder said to those students: "What nonsense are you talking about? Dongsheng is a big group, and no one can enter without one person. We must unite as one, and we must not lose our morale and cause infighting among each other's teams. I think Let's wait for those students, after all, their skills are relatively shallow." All in all, the elder felt very chilled by the words of those students, as a student of Dongsheng, he didn't understand his companion at all.

After listening to the elder's words, those few students were obviously very angry, because they felt that those who did not open Ren Tong's second channel were simply holding them back.

But they really have no choice, because even if they want to enter the secret realm now, they can't enter it, because the way to open the secret realm is very special, that is, it can only be opened by the leading elder of each college with his own scepter. So they can only worry on the sidelines.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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It's just that Lu Chen suddenly stood up and directly lost his spiritual power to a few people!

The elder looked at Lu Chen from the sidelines and did not hesitate to consume his spiritual power to help those students who could not open the second line of Ren and Du. He felt very admirable in his heart, because he had never seen such a student before, and he silently He took note of Chase Lu. He thought that Chase Lu would definitely be a very capable person in the future if he considered the whole group and contributed his own strength.The elder was silently optimistic about Lu Chen in his heart.

At this time, through Lu Chen's unremitting efforts, he finally opened up the two channels of Ren and Tong of those students.The students of Dongsheng were elated, and the whole scene cheered happily as if they had won a battle.At this moment, the elder pressed his staff on the ground and shouted loudly to them: "Okay, stop for me, don't you want to enter the secret realm?"

So everyone shut up one after another, waiting for the elder's next step.The elder saw that they all shut up, and felt that the time was wasted a lot now.

He quickly raised his scepter, and there was a blue gemstone in the middle of the scepter. The elder poured spiritual power into the palm of his hand, and poured spiritual power into the gemstone, and the gemstone leaped out, becoming a Something like a curtain suddenly expanded to an entrance like a gate, which was the entrance to the secret realm.

Everyone is looking at the entrance of the secret realm, and they all know that once they enter, it will be out of control, but they are gambling, they are fighting against fate, and they all hope that they can win the bet, because if the bet comes back, then They are strong, no one to be afraid of, if they lose the bet, they may die.

But people always have to go for a break, and life without a break is incomplete.Knowing that there is a deep pool and a tiger's den ahead, they still want to try bravely.So they all entered the secret realm one after another.After the last person entered the secret realm, the elder still stood outside and looked straight at the entrance of the secret realm.

He looked at them like the old father of these students.He doesn't know what kind of things these students will experience in it, but the road of life is always for them to complete alone. He thinks that he can use this opportunity to give them a better exercise. I hope They can understand the importance of a team in it, and let them know that people cannot be selfish.

After a while, the elder finally left the entrance of the secret realm.All he can do now is wait anxiously, waiting for their good news

"Tick tock, tick tock", there was a sound of water in Lu Chen's ears, which made Lu Chen wake up suddenly, he opened his eyes, and suddenly found himself in a cave.He thought about it carefully, maybe he had already entered the secret realm, maybe the secret realm had teleported himself into this cave.He immediately got up and stood up, looking around, he found that the cave was extremely humid.Moss grew from the crevices of the rocks, and the ground was wet, and the water on the surrounding rocks still reflected light, piercing into Lu Chen's eyes.

"Yes, is anyone there?" Suddenly, Chase Lu heard a shout, and he searched for the voice, only to find Qu Bo standing there shouting while leaning on the wall, he hurried forward, and Qu Bo saw Lu Chen felt very excited, it turned out that he was not alone.Then the two of them heard footsteps and walked towards them. The two of them looked straight over and found that it was Baiyu.

Bai Yu also looked at the two of them blankly. It turned out that the three of them were teleported to the same place by the secret realm, "What about the others? Are there just the three of us?" Bai Yu asked.

"I don't know, I just found out that I'm here." Lu Chen replied. "Maybe the other four people and some ordinary disciples were sent to other places." The three of them smiled at each other.

Qu Bo said shamelessly: "The three of us get together, and we will be invincible in the world, then we." Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly disturbed by a big movement, and the three of them gathered together. Looking over there, I found a pond in front of me. The water in the pond suddenly splashed, and the splashed water blurred the vision of the three of them. The three of them watched the scene in front of them.

The water splash wrapped around something, as if it was about to surge out.After a while, Lu Chen and the others finally saw what it was, and it turned out that it was an extremely huge snake.The snake was blue-black in color, and it stood up straight, as if being disturbed by someone, and then woke up.

It stuck out its tongue, showing its sharp fangs, and kept looking into the hole with its eyes.It was as if he was looking for the person who disturbed his rest just now.Qu Bo's pupils kept dilated, because he felt very surprised. He must have been heard by the big snake when he yelled so loudly just now. He didn't expect them to be in such a dangerous place. It sensed that there was such a huge monster in this pool.

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