Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2431 Well-informed

But who told this Huo Xiu to be neither? On the contrary, he is the kind of person who can't afford to lose but still wants to compare.

So this Huo Xiu deliberately wanted to take revenge on Lu Chen. Huo Xiu's name was Zhang Huohuo, which really suited his character.

Zhang Huohuo's mouth evoked a smile that he thought was very evil.

I thought in my heart: Hehe, Lu Chen, I can't beat you and can't revenge you, so can't I bully other people related to you?Cut, underestimate me.

As soon as Zhang Huohuo finished thinking, he fell from the sky, jumped from his attic, and happened to land in front of the fellow Taoist brother.

Zhang Huohuo's face was grim and distorted, and he said to Brother Daoist threateningly: "Friend Daoist, I'm sorry for you today, who made you have anything to do with Lu Chen."

Zhang Huohuo's appearance is unbearable to look at directly. He was originally a pretty handsome young man, but now his appearance seems to have turned black. Sure enough, jealousy makes people's face and heart ugly.

Brother Daoyou looked at Zhang Huohuo who fell from the sky, and looked at him threateningly, as if Zhang Huohuo and brother Daoyou had a hatred for killing his father.

Brother Daoist's legs are a bit weak, if he and Zhang Huohuo really got into a fight, no one would be willing to make trouble and offend Zhang Huohuo for him.

He can't take care of himself at all, because he and Zhang Huohuo are outnumbered, and the difference in strength is too big, and he is overconfident in fighting Zhang Huohuo.

Brother Daoyou had some breakdowns in his heart, and it was not an ordinary breakdown. He complained to himself in his heart: Oh, why did I end up with such a hard job!

If I had known, I would not have come. I thought that this time I would be familiar with the high-level officials and Lu Chen, but now I may almost die.

Zhang Huohuo stretched out his hands, ready to shoot a fireball at brother fellow daoist, and use the fire cultivation method.

And brother fellow daoist also tightly closed his eyes, ready to have an intimate contact with death.

But who knows, Lu Chen, who was in the room at this time, just came out, and what he saw was the scene where Zhang Huohuo was about to bully the little brother with the big one, and wanted to attack the little fellow daoist brother.

But the other disciples just kowtowed melon seeds to watch the play leisurely and didn't stop him, which made Zhang Huohuo even more arrogant.

Some disciples even applauded for fun, encouraging Zhang Huohuo to hurt the innocent fellow Taoist brother.

Lu Chen was shocked, and felt that his three views had been severely impacted. It was understandable for him to stand by and watch, but it was too much to applaud to add to the fun.

At this time, Zhang Huohuo had already launched the fireball, and Lu Chen couldn't stop it at this time, so he could only quickly rush forward to block in front of the fellow daoist brother, and take the attack for him.

And this blow Zhang Huohuo was really ruthless, and he used ten percent of his strength to hit Lu Chen firmly. Lu Chen could clearly feel the muffled sound that he couldn't bear. Humph.

This made Lu Chen unable to imagine what would happen if he hit the fellow daoist brother.

Zhang Huohuo was very angry when he saw that the fellow Taoist had escaped again. This kind of anger was expressed in his tone. He said to Lu Chen aggressively: "Lu Chen, what are you doing? I will discuss with him. What does martial arts have to do with you? Are you here to stop me because you want me not to hit him and hit you?"

Brother Daoist kept his eyes tightly closed until Zhang Huohuo made a sound, and just opened his eyes when he realized that he had not been hit by Zhang Huohuo.

But it was inconceivable to see Lu Chen protecting him in front of him, accepting the move for him. Brother Daoist admired Lu Chen very much, and now he has become a diehard fan.

Although Lu Chen was hit by Zhang Huohuo, he was still not affected at all, at most his face was a little pale.

Lu Chen felt that Brother Daoist was targeted by Zhang Huohuo because of him, so he felt very guilty for him. The first time he protected Brother Daoist, he kindly asked: "Hey! How are you? Fellow Daoist, how are you?" all right"

Brother Daoist was brought back to his senses by Lu Chen's question, and immediately replied: "Ah, I'm fine, I'm fine, how about you?"

Brother Daoist looked at Lu Chen nervously, for fear that he would feel uncomfortable.

Lu Chen smiled reassuringly at his little brother and said, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

Zhang Huohuo looked at the two talking like this, not caring about the fact that he was still there, nor taking what he said to heart, feeling speechless in his heart, and wanted to say something to make them pay attention to him.

But before the words were spoken, Lu Chen came to Zhang Huohuo to settle the score: "Zhang Huohuo, you can come to me to settle the grievances between the two of us, why involve innocent people? Apologize quickly"

Zhang Huohuo glanced contemptuously at the fellow daoist brother, and burst out laughing: "Cut, this kind of rubbish is worthy of my apology? I can't even take one of my moves well. It's really a disgrace to a man. Even if I give it to you He apologized, do you think he can bear it? Are you afraid that he will lose his life?"

When the fellow Taoist brother heard Zhang Huohuo say that he was trash, he bowed his head sadly and inferiorly, not daring to look into Lu Chen's eyes anymore.

Hearing this, Lu Chen frowned, and said to Zhang Huohuo with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth: "I can do it if I say so. Apologize quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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No matter how you look at Lu Chen's expression, he feels weird.

Although Zhang Huohuo knew that as soon as Lu Chen came out, he would definitely not be able to hurt that little trash who ran errands, and if Lu Chen shot at him, he might not be able to win.

Zhang Huohuo is unwilling to apologize to fellow Taoist brother, he still insists: there is a contingency in everything, if this contingency happens to me, I just hit Lu Chen, I don't believe he still Have that strength to protect that trash.

At a glance, Lu Chen knew that Zhang Huohuo was unwilling to apologize, and he stopped talking nonsense to him. Anyway, it was useless to talk, so he shot Zhang Huohuo directly.

Using Taijiyi plus Sixiang Quan to attack Zhang Huohuo, Zhang Huohuo couldn't stand it, and Wei Junjie, who knows the current affairs, directly surrendered and said, "Stop, don't beat me and admit defeat."

When Zhang Huohuo conceded defeat, Lu Chen didn't respond. Zhang Huohuo made up his mind and shouted: "Lu Chen, I apologize to him, please let me go."

When Zhang Huohuo said this, Lu Chen raised his eyes, without any emotion in his eyes, let go and said to Zhang Huohuo: "Okay."

After finishing speaking, he threw Zhang Huohuo to Brother Daoist, threatened him with his eyes, and signaled that if you dare to mess around, you will die for me.

Zhang Huohuo knew in his heart that Lu Chen would do what he said, and that he might not be able to hurt that little trash by taking action now, after all, Lu Chen was always watching.

Zhang Huohuo was terrified in his heart, holding back his anger and tremblingly, he said to fellow daoist brother: "I'm sorry, it's my fault. I shouldn't attack you, let alone laugh at you."

Brother Daoist was a little flattered, and quickly waved his hand, saying that he was big-hearted and wouldn't mind, anyway, he didn't hurt himself, so just let Zhang Huohuo apologize to Lu Chen.

After seeing Zhang Huohuo obediently apologizing to fellow Taoist brother, Lu Chen threw Zhang Huohuo to the other disciples and ordered with a sullen face, "You guys help send Zhang Huohuo back."

Several fellow Taoists have seen how powerful Lu Chen is, so they can't do anything wrong, they are afraid that Lu Chen will treat himself as a punching bag, and hurriedly take Zhang Huohuo away from the place where things are right and wrong.

Seeing the embarrassing appearance of several fellow daoists, the fellow daoist burst out laughing. After laughing enough, he took a moment to look seriously at Lu Chen's bewitching eyes and said solemnly: "Lu Chen, thank you for saving me. If it weren't for you today, I might still have my name Ning Mingzhe."

Lu Chen didn't take Ning Mingzhe's words to heart, shrugged his shoulders and stretched out his hands and said: "It's nothing, Zhang Huohuo also attacked you because of me, I should save you, if you really want to thank me, you can Just practice hard and strive to stand out.”

Ning Mingzhe nodded solemnly. After today's incident, he realized how important strength is to a person, and he is tired of being slaughtered and treated like a mermaid.

Lu Chen suddenly seemed to remember something, and asked Ning Mingzhe, "By the way, Ning Mingzhe, what's the matter with you coming to see me?"

Ning Mingzhe scratched his head and said with an embarrassed smile: "Yeah, if it weren't for you, I would have almost forgotten it. I'll congratulate you first, it's like this, the senior management of Dongsheng College arranged to say that No.1 in the freshman competition You can go to the fourth floor of Zangshu Pavilion to read books, and you can also go to Longtan to practice."

After Ning Mingzhe finished speaking, he looked at Lu Chen with envy and admiration, because Lu Chen lived out the way he wanted.

When Lu Chen heard that Ning Mingzhe said that he could go to practice some more, his expression was pleasantly surprised, and he said in disbelief: "Really? Why didn't I know?"

Ning Mingzhe smiled and said: "Pfft, of course you don't know, if you know, why don't I tell you in person?"

After Ning Mingzhe saw that Chase Lu already knew the news, he finished his task and left with brisk steps.

Lu Chen just got the news here, and Su Qiong and Bai Yu also got the news almost at the same time.

Both Bai Yu and Su Qiong knew that No.1 could go to the fourth floor of Zangshu Pavilion, but no one thought of it when the news came out. Even Su Qiong and Bai Yu, who were the most well-informed, were at a loss. No.1 can go to Longtan to practice the big news.

In fact, no matter how they inquired about it, they couldn't find out the news, because it was a good way for the senior management of Dongsheng College to come up with a whim after the freshman competition ended.

When the other disciples who participated in the freshman competition heard that there was this benefit, they became even more envious and jealous of Lu Chen, and hated themselves for not being as lucky as Lu Chen.

Entering Longtan training can improve the No. 1 physique of the freshman competition, and those who can win the No. 1 freshman competition are not ordinary people.

In this way, after their physique is improved, they must be able to go to a higher level. As soon as this idea came out, it immediately received enthusiastic approval from other high-level officials.

So every time Lu Chen went out, he could see the envious and jealous expressions of a group of people watching him, and felt a little refreshed.

This month's NO.20 is coming soon, Lu Chen is ready to go out to Zangshu Pavilion after packing up.

As everyone knows, some weirdness is happening beside Chen Lu.

On the way, there was a man who had been following Chase Lu furtively. He would go wherever Chase Lu went. This man hid himself very well, even the powerful Chase Lu didn't find him.

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