Back inside, Lu Chen frowned.

This Chi Qianyu is an opponent, he made a promise in front of everyone today, if he can't beat him tomorrow, then Chi Qianyu will probably be laughed at by everyone!What's more, I can't get over the hurdle in my heart.

If a practitioner has mental troubles, he will give birth to demons, which is a taboo for practicing!So you must win tomorrow's battle!

After cleaning up for a while, Lu Chen immediately meditated and began to practice.

"Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, three begets all things, and all things return to one." Lu Chen clasped his hands together and clasped together, a small Zhoutian was completed.

"Huh" Lu Chen let out a breath of foul air, put his hands on his sides, and became relaxed.

Suddenly Lu Chen opened his eyes suddenly, and a sword qi slashed towards one corner.

"Who?" Lu Chen looked sharply at a corner, ready to make another move.

A grievance sounded, and Bai Yu's face was wrinkled, with resentment in his eyes.

"What are you doing? I'm so kind to tell you Chi Qianyu's weakness, but you want to murder me! Are you still a brother!"

Bai Yu walked forward slowly, obviously dissatisfied with Lu Chen's actions.

Lu Chen touched his nose, a little embarrassed, but it's not all his fault, who made this guy sneaky.

"Forget it, forget it, I didn't intend to ask you to apologize, now the time is urgent, let's discuss how to defeat that kid Chi Qianyu!" Bai Yu said eagerly, and was very concerned about this matter.

Hearing Bai Yu's words, a bit of warmth appeared on Lu Chen's face, and he immediately started discussing with Bai Yu.

The night was dark, and stars and candles were burning in Lu Chen's house, flickering in the house.

The candlelight shone on the young man's face, making the tough and handsome facial features look extraordinarily outstanding.

"Lu Chen, I found a point. According to my observation of Chi Qianyu for so many days, I think this point is very reliable!" Bai Yu's baby face was full of determination.

"Tell me." Lu Chen put on a look of listening attentively.

Bai Yu looked around seriously, as if he was worried that the partition wall had ears, and after looking at it, he moved to Lu Chen's ear with confidence.

"Chi Qianyu was very aggressive when he was fighting, but the meridian on the inside of his left arm was injured a few days ago, so it restrained his strength." At this point, Bai Yu glanced at Lu Chen and gave him something you know the eyes.

Lu Chen raised his eyelids and rubbed his fingers, "So you mean, let me work hard on strength, and then defeat him in one fell swoop?"


Lu Chen had a lot of thoughts in his heart, Chi Qianyu had a wound on his left arm?It doesn't look like it!

As if seeing Lu Chen's suspicion, Bai Yu opened his eyes wide, stood up and asked, "Hey, Lu Chen, you don't doubt me, do you?"

Lu Chen came back to his senses and comforted Bai Yu: "I don't believe you, but I feel that something happened today is a bit strange. It's already night, you should go back to rest early, I'm going to start practicing."

After hearing the straight man's answer, Bai Yu was not at all unhappy.

Hearing these words, Bai Yu's complexion suddenly improved, and she said happily: "Okay! Lu Chen, practice hard, and beat that guy to the ground tomorrow!" The voice disappeared into the night along with the figure.

To be honest, Lu Chen believed Bai Yu's words, and now the two of them were on the same boat, so he didn't need to lie to himself.

Right now, hurry up and practice quickly, the most reliable way is to compare yourself with strength!

With a thought, Lu Chen entered the small world, and all the distracting thoughts in his mind dissipated all of a sudden. People and thoughts seemed to be independent from the world, forming a space of their own. One day in the small world was equivalent to one day in the outside world. In the blink of an eye, Lu Chen was in The small world spent ten days.

The next morning, Lu Chen slowly opened his eyes, shot out a sharp light, and hurried to the competition field.

Once there, he found that Chi Qianyu was already waiting.

On the martial arts arena, Lu Chen and Chi Qianyu's eyes met, and Chi Qianyu sneered: "Lu Chen, I thought you were afraid to come!"

A trace of impatience appeared on Lu Chen's face, and he immediately drew his sword: "Stop talking nonsense, watch the trick!" A powerful sword intent swept towards Chi Qianyu with lightning speed.

There was a smile on the corner of Chi Qianyu's mouth, and with a wave of the sword in his hand, a stronger sword energy instantly dispelled Lu Chen's offensive.

So strong!The expression on Lu Chen's face finally changed, and the hand holding the sword tightened. This battle is bound to be a tough one!

"If Lu Chen has any tricks, use them quickly! Don't linger!" Chi Qianyu saw that Lu Chen's expression changed, and the disdain and contempt in his eyes became stronger. Just such a kid, he still wants to defeat himself, ha ha!

The audience in the audience looked at the offensive of the two people coming and going, and their hearts were full of shock, and their mentality of eating melons became even stronger.

"Friend, do you think which of these two will win?" A fat man in the audience poked the thin man next to him.

The thin man shook his head mysteriously: "It's hard to say."

If it was an ordinary person, I am afraid that at this time the answer is that Chi Qianyu is sure to win.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the four seats was a little shocked.

The commotion spread to Chi Qianyu's ears on the field.

Hearing this, Chi Qianyu sneered, it's hard to say?Very good, let's end this kid now!

Chi Qianyu's body suddenly swept back, and then he tapped his toes on the ground, his whole body volleyed in the air, and the bluish-black sword aura shot towards Lu Chen all at once.

The dazzling blue light reflected in Lu Chen's pupils, approaching slowly, very fast!

So fast!But it's still a bit short of strength!Maybe this guy is really like what Bai Yu said, he must be suppressed in terms of strength!

The audience in the audience held their breath, for fear of missing this good show, and at the same time worried about Chase Lu.

At this time, I saw Lu Chen's body in a distorted posture, barely dodging the blow, and the sword energy shot straight at the stone statue next to him, and with a "thump", the stone statue was broken into pieces.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The momentum is big and the rain is small. Chi Qianyu's speed is fast, but his strength is lacking!

While you are sick, I will kill you!Lu Chen is not a kind person.

Sink the dantian, mobilize the breath of the whole body, and silently recite the Heart Sutra. In just one click, Lu Chen's power poured into the sword and hands.

"Wow" the Tai Chi sword was shot out, with a dazzling light, Chi Qianyu finally turned serious, holding the sword flower in his hand, the speed was so fast that only an afterimage remained!

Lu Chen's sword energy turned over in that sword, and continued to expand. With a "whoosh", the sword intent returned to Lu Chen's side, sending out a heart-shattering offensive.

Lu Chen was shocked. It turned out that Chi Qianyu was not lacking in strength, but practiced a set of kung fu to save energy.And the direction of my own research is wrong, so the efforts just now were in vain.

Bai Yu, you idiot!

Don't allow Lu Chen to be distracted at this time, he changed his hand holding the sword, and the steps under him changed, and he was already in a hard fight.

"What? Do you want to admit defeat?" Chi Qianyu still had that aloof appearance, and he was completely the god who ruled life and death.

"Heh" Lu Chen glanced at him lazily, evoking a touch of ridicule, "It's really unnecessary for you!"

Then wait to die!With a flash, Chi Qianyu planned to fight Lu Chen in close quarters!

Suddenly Lu Chenfu came to his mind, did Chi Qianyu plan to fight in close quarters?

Then what he is focusing on now is his weird four-two-handed strength before, right?Hehe, just in time!

Lu Chen was about to compare the difference between this exercise and Tai Chi!

I saw that Lu Chen's steps began to erratic, he picked up the Taiji sword and held the sword flower in his hand, and he learned from Chi Qianyu. With a clever effort, a powerful sword energy struck towards the opposite side.

How dare the light of fireflies compete with the sun and the moon!Chi Qianyu became more and more disdainful, isn't this kind of trick exactly the same as Cai Cai just now?This kid is probably at the end of his rope!

Immediately, he raised his hand lightly, intending to launch a big move, which was fatal to knock Lu Chen down.

Suddenly Lu Chen's pace changed again, "Purity is pure, masculinity is strong, the sky is healthy, and the two appearances follow the Tao." Lu Chen silently recited the mantra, and the pace under his feet was gradually accelerating.

Chi Qianyu's attack came with a fierce force, very domineering.

Lu Chen hangs his body, the sword in his hand seems to have a soul, flying in Lu Chen's hand, as tough as a sword, it seems to have become soft at this moment.

After accumulating enough power, Lu Chen used his strength to throw the sword out, and then the sword turned into a black and white slash, and went straight towards Chi Qianyu with the light of red gold.

This, this is impossible!how come!Chi Qianyu opened his eyes wide, full of shock, how could this kid do this trick!

Chi Qianyu was shocked and missed the best time to defend. At this moment, he had already fallen out of the ring, spitting blood.

The powerful sword intent was still reverberating in the air, and the red golden light had not dissipated. Facing this scene, Lu Chen slowly walked towards Chi Qianyu.

With a wave of his hand, the sword pointed directly at Chi Qianyu. Lu Chen stepped on the wooden pier beside him, raised his eyebrows and imitated Chi Qianyu's tone, and asked, "How is it? Are you convinced?"

Chi Qianyu vomited blood angrily in the audience, and his veins burst out, "Despicable!" The voice was squeezed out from between his teeth.

Lu Chen shook his head, just looked at him: "It looks like you lost."

Slowly walked off the stage, without taking away the smoke and dust along the way.

Lu Chen lived up to expectations and won No.1 in the freshman competition, and the reward he got was: he could go to the fourth floor of Zangshu Pavilion just like Bai Yu got the news.

Lu Chen was overjoyed when he got the news, no matter how humble Lu Chen was, he couldn't conceal the joy in his heart, which can be seen from his handsome eyebrows.

Lu Chen couldn't wait to stand up and go to the fourth floor of Zangshu Pavilion to find exercises, but he hadn't fully stood up yet.

But it suddenly occurred to me that Zangshuge seems to be only opened on NO.20 of each month, but today is only NO.15, so this means that I can’t go today.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen was very helpless, he retracted the foot he had just stepped out, and sat on the bed in a daze.

Suddenly, Chase Lu heard someone shouting outside the door: "Chen Lu, the No.1 player in the freshman contest, Chase Lu, has come out, please inform me if you have something to do."

Lu Chen tilted his head in doubt, rolled his black eyeballs shrewdly, and thought: Who is shouting so loudly, but the people nearby are resting, they seem to be looking for me, right, go out and have a look.

Lu Chen did what he said, thinking about going out, he immediately got up and put on his clothes, ready to go out.

And the brother fellow daoist who came outside to run errands to spread the news is suffering terribly now, because Lu Chen must be notified, so the brother fellow daoist's voice is very loud.

But there is not only Lu Chen living here, but also other disciples, and now everyone is resting and recuperating. After all, they have just finished a game and are exhausted physically and mentally.

And brother fellow daoist yelled so loudly that he naturally disturbed the disciples who were resting.

Although the disciples are very impatient, they are also very polite and understand the fellow Taoist brother who is running errands.

But not all people are so sensible, only some people are sensible.

Among the other Taoist friends who were disturbed, one of them was Huo Xiu, who had a very hot temper and was very hot-tempered.

Originally, Huo Xiu couldn't hold back anymore, and he became even more angry when he heard Lu Chen's name being called by Brother Daoist.

If other people might have to forgive and forgive others, Lu Chen's would only add fuel to the fire.

As for the reason, it is because this Huoxiu was the one who was defeated by Lu Chen in the freshman competition. Obviously, without Lu Chen, he could have entered the top ten.

But who let Lu Chen get out halfway, Huo Xiu's top ten will naturally be ruined.

Although people who practice martial arts generally have a broad mind, and the prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, anyone who is more tolerant will not be so fussy.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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