Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2419 Against Xu Daoguang

The extreme thunder and lightning exploded in an instant, filling the sea area instantly.

Although the three people on the field were a little shocked, the subordinates still didn't hesitate at all.

In just a split second, several moves flew out.

The people on the boat couldn't bear it any longer!

The Lord of Space and his wife came hand in hand, and met the Beishuai.

Sheng Yang also took his wife and bombarded Xi Shuai.

However, the Xuanwu trio, who possessed great strength, just found a great emperor to deal with them.

Let the people look at it with contempt.

Although the battle at this moment is very different, it has already exploded with a bang!

It seems that Chase Lu's top strength seems to be higher than that of the sea area.

But those endless little sea monsters, and those sea monster generals who killed piles of void realms.

Even if there are more group attacks on Lu Chen's side, he will be crushed to death!

What's more, except for the Lightning Lord's side which can gain a little advantage, the other two battlefields, even if the husband and wife join forces, are still at a disadvantage!

The situation on the big battlefield here is already a bit dangerous, and Lu Chen, who is thousands of miles away, is also a little pessimistic at the moment.

Xu Daoguang didn't know how many little sea monsters he had sacrificed, but his physical fitness at this moment was actually better than that of the sea monster emperor Lu Chen had seen before.

Lu Chen, who was in a hard fight, was fighting happily. He had only one thought at the moment, and that was to tear Xu Daoguang shrouded in blood in front of him to pieces!

But Xu Daoguang took advantage of this situation, and there seemed to be countless spiritual power around him, which made Lu Chen feel embarrassed.

Under this competition of spiritual power, Lu Chen naturally lost a bit.

He had fought with Xu Daoguang for a long time before, although Xu Daoguang's realm was not as good as Lu Chen's, but with the blessing of this formation, he was actually better than Lu Chen in various other aspects.

Lu Chen also wanted to completely destroy this formation, but this formation seemed to be natural, and Lu Chen couldn't find the trick at all.

In other words, this formation can be replaced by Lu Chen, but it can't be deployed.

However, this does not mean that Xu Daoguang's formation realm is much higher than that of Lu Chen.

If Lu Chen's conjecture is correct, this formation probably already exists, and it is not a product of Lu Chen's era at all.

"Otherwise, why would Xu Daoguang insist on forming an army here?" Lu Chen stared at the submerged hall below Xu Daoguang, feeling filled with emotion.

With the help of this ancient formation, Xu Daoguang's aura is also rising steadily.

Just at that moment, before Lu Chen could dodge, he was suddenly knocked back several miles by Xu Daoguang.

"It can't go on like this!" Lu Chen said secretly, the killing sword in his hand was already glowing bloody.

"Then come!" Lu Chen roared angrily, and the sword in his hand had already begun to gain momentum.

He knew that to deal with Xu Daoguang's current state, he could only kill him with one sword.

"Cut, I'm still thinking about it." However, Xu Daoguang is also extremely smart, and he found out what Lu Chen wanted to do at a glance.

Xu Daoguang muttered something, but he didn't know what he was talking about.

There was also a seal in his hand, obviously he didn't want to give Lu Chen a chance to gain momentum.

In an instant, the huge formation shrank suddenly.

In the end, it was concentrated on this small spot on Xu Daoguang's body.

"This is?" Chase Lu had never seen the usage of such formations, and he was extremely puzzled, and the momentum in his hands was also secretly accelerated.

"You must like it very much to die under my formation!" Xu Daoguang said with a dark smile, the formation engulfed his entire body at that moment.

In the next second, Xu Daoguang was already attacking Lu Chen with a terrifying wave of spiritual power.

This weird formation turned the collected aura into an attack at that moment, attacking Lu Chen overwhelmingly!

Lu Chen's eyes became more and more determined. Xu Daoguang's blow cost him all his money, probably because he thought that this blow would take Lu Chen's life.

The sword in Lu Chen's hand also moved, and the sword was cut out.

With Lu Chen's countless obsessions, all living beings also slammed towards Xu Daoguang.

All living beings collided with the wave of spiritual energy, and it was immediately difficult to distinguish between superior and inferior.

The realm of all beings is obviously much higher than that simple wave of spiritual power, and it has also formed a severe suppression on Xu Daoguang.

But the suppression of this level seems to be no match for the wave.

As countless waves of spiritual power came over, the appearance of all living beings also became more and more blurred.

It seems that they all have the momentum of going to nothingness.

"Jie Jie! Let's see what you can fight with me now!" Xu Daoguang laughed more and more complacently.

At this moment, Xu Daoguang didn't dare to take it lightly. The appearance of sentient beings was a terrifying sword move that killed the Sea Monster Emperor.

Now even though Xu Daoguang took advantage of the power of heaven and earth and had this surging wave of spiritual power, he still seemed unable to win.

If it weren't for the fact that Lu Chen's momentum was too short this time, although the obsession among all living beings is strong, the sword will is still a little bit weak.

Otherwise, relying on the appearance of sentient beings in Lu Chen's peak period.

Slashing away with a sword, not to mention this small wave of spiritual energy, even if it is the boundless sentient beings, Lu Chen can also kill them!

Lu Chen's eyes were indifferent, as if he turned a blind eye to the beings who were about to disappear.

But how is this possible?

The enemy was right in front of him, but he was unable to take revenge, and Lu Chen could only lament in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a monstrous anger!

Seeing that Lu Chen remained silent, Xu Daoguang didn't have time to be proud, but in the next second, the appearance of all living beings brightened again!

"Not good!" Xu Daoguang said in shock, as if he felt Lu Chen's endless hatred, the meaning in the appearance of all beings has already risen to another level!

The original ferocious wave of spiritual power can no longer shake these sentient beings at this moment!

It seems that in an instant, the appearance of all beings will fly out and press Xu Daoguang firmly under his feet.

There was a hint of hatred in Xu Daoguang's eyes, and the seals in his hands flew up.

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He knew that if he really allowed all living beings to show their strength, even with his current physical fitness, he could only end up being beheaded in the end!

Looking back, one after another array seals flew out.

With the continuous superimposition of this array of seals, the original wave of spiritual power also slowed down a lot.

And the sentient beings under Lu Chen's control, facing this wave of spiritual power that can only be regarded as a small fight compared to before, are naturally overwhelming, crushing all the way.

Lu Chen's eyes were not at all happy. He, who is also a formation master, knew that Xu Daoguang was probably preparing a terrifying move.

And what Lu Chen can do is to urge all living beings with all his strength, trying to kill that Xu Daoguang at once!

"Die to me!" Accompanied by Xu Daoguang's yell, the formation marks all over the sky exploded.

The spiritual power in the air that had been scattered by all living beings gradually condensed.

Lu Chen frowned, there shouldn't be only such a little effect!

As if catering to Lu Chen's thoughts, the spiritual power only gathered to a third of the level, but stopped again.


The formation marks all over the sky exploded at that moment, with a trace of echo, the formation that Xu Daoguang relied on originally collapsed in an instant!

The spiritual energy is gradually gathering, but the meaning that can be produced at this moment is also several times higher than the previous wave of spiritual energy because of the collapse of the formation.

In other words, Xu Daoguang is using this formation to sacrifice!

Sacrifice this ancient formation to support Xu Daoguang's move!

Lu Chen's eyes were fixed, but he was not gathering momentum, he just stood there simply.

Xu Daoguang saw that Lu Chen seemed to have lost the idea of ​​​​resisting, and laughed even more wildly.

The offensive brought about by the formation also came quietly.

Different from the overwhelming wave of spiritual power before, the move at this moment actually compressed the originally abundant spiritual energy in this space to the extreme.

It's just a small thread, invisible and colorless, but it's extremely frightening.

When Lu Chen seemed to be in a daze, the thin thread also smashed towards Lu Chen.

It's just Lu Chen, will he really give up resistance?

I'm afraid that not many people will believe this word.

When the thin line arrived, Lu Chen's figure moved slightly.

Not to escape, but to raise the sword and point forward!

Just because Lu Chen believes that no one can stop the sword's edge!

The thin sword shadow collided with the thin line, and even the surrounding space exploded.

Both of them tried their best to stand behind their backs, because they knew that this blow was already the key to victory or defeat!

In an instant, it was a collision!

Lu Chen spat out a big mouthful of blood, obviously seriously injured.

The impact just now was not just a collision of energy and moves.

The two of them wanted to distinguish the superior and the inferior in that moment in the artistic conception.

But obviously, Chase Lu didn't seem to lose.

He raised his head and looked towards the not-too-distant distance.

Xu Daoguang supported his body strongly, and looked at Lu Chen with a look of astonishment.

Just now, Xu Daoguang had enough strength to believe that he had already won half of the victory, but under the collision, he was already shocked.

Xu Daoguang had just come into contact with the record of sentient beings, and it seemed to be a little different from before.

Just for a moment, Xu Daoguang's own will was involved.

Or in other words, this move seems to have secretly achieved the Tao!

It is precisely because of this that Xu Daoguang's move to break the formation just now seems to have been plotted by all living beings.

Its true power has been drawn out of this space!

Xu Daoguang didn't understand, but Lu Chen knew it very well.

The Dao contained in the appearance of sentient beings is not just this kind of swordsmanship. Although this Dao of swords is still the main one, there are countless Daos that Lu Chen has realized, so how could it not be reflected in the appearance of sentient beings?

Lu Chen raised his head and smiled triumphantly at Xu Daoguang who was still struggling in the distance.

He knew that Xu Daoguang was close to running out of fuel after being hit by this memorization of all living beings.

Not to mention maintaining his combat effectiveness, even if Xu Daoguang was thinking about how to survive, it would be difficult!

"Don't think about it." Xu Daoguang seemed to want to continue clamoring, using words to frighten Lu Chen.

But the words have not yet been finished, but there are already many changes!

It can be seen that Xu Daoguang's chest at this moment is already a touch of blood red!

The scarlet blood seemed to imply something.

Lu Chen was startled, who is attacking Xu Daoguang in this situation?

But before the mental power was fully detected, Xu Daoguang's body had already been dragged out.

The speed was so fast that Lu Chen, who was already exhausted at the moment, was naturally unexpected.

Lu Chen was naturally extremely vigilant in his heart. At this moment, his body was already a little unbearable, and Lu Chen turned around and wanted to leave.

But as soon as Lu Chen turned around, a thunderbolt exploded from his side!

At this moment behind him, Xu Daoguang was dead, so who could stop Lu Chen?

Lu Chen didn't dare to think about it, but after the combination, Xu Daoguang's death situation was already guessed.

Who else could it be?

A flash of determination flashed in Lu Chen's eyes!

In an instant, he thought of Lu Wang, his wife, and the brothers who accompanied him in Sifang Continent.

This is clearly a killing game for him!

On the other hand, the battle on the other side of the fleet is already in full swing.

The Kraken continued to attack, and the losses of the fleet became heavier and heavier.

Most of the ships now, not to mention equipped, but at least one-third of the people died!

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Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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