Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2418 Slashing the Rebel with One Sword

After encountering the vine demon again, Lu Chen's consciousness gradually became clear. Although the fog was still there, it no longer affected detection.

A series of majestic buildings appeared in Lu Chen's mind. The buildings were so huge that even the body of the vine demon seemed small compared to them.

The square hall has long been dilapidated, the broken stone pillars have smooth incisions, and the remaining power still exists. The statue with a severed head stands alone in the center of the hall, and every notch on the statue is cut with a knife and an axe.

The only surviving right arm is raised high, the trident is tightly held in the hand, and each piece of scale armor on the body is engraved with a name. After years of travel and dust, it is still left behind, conveying the heroic spirit of the warrior in those days.

When Chase Lu wanted to take a closer look, he found that the names began to blur, and there was a layer of law in the world to protect these names from outsiders!

The detection screen suddenly became pitch black, with the mountains of bones and the sea of ​​blood, and the dark sea water could not hide the scarlet color, and the sound of chewing and chewing suddenly sounded.

The two green lights lit up the darkness like searchlights. Xu Daoguang drank the blood wine in the cup, and the bones he spit out were discarded at the foot of the bone mountain, and his green eyes stared at Lu Chen.

"You finally came...."

Feeling the killing intent from Lu Chen, Xu Daoguang stood up straight, and the handle of the ancient throne was tightly grasped by the tentacles and split into fine stripes.

"Come and kill me."

The strange green light flickered, and the tentacles vibrated, blood scatter and fell to the ground, and a terrifying aura rose from Xu Daoguang's body.

"Or, die here!"

There are mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and the demon with green eyes is waiting on the throne, waiting for Lu Chen to step into this hell.

Either be buried, or fall!

The detection screen was turned off, and Xu Daoguang looked at the empty hall. The brave man led many followers to fight against the demons in the sea area. Everything was like a human fairy tale.

The bones were crushed by fangs, Xu Daoguang's eyes were full of indifference, no matter in his eyes or on the surface, he didn't look like a person at all!

Xu Daoguang drank the cold blood in one gulp, and looked in front of him coldly.

Thousands of years ago, the great monsters of the gods and the sea tribe occupied this temple. The omnipotent monster slayer in the myth is just a legend.

But in fact, the knights of the temple died in battle, the priests sacrificed blood, the head of the idol was cut off and the left arm of the demon was cut off, and the body was kept as a shame and nailed to the temple.

Fairy tales are meant to be broken.Starting from Chase Lu, human beings, a lowly and ignorant species, will destroy all their hopes!

With the return of his consciousness, Lu Chen held a panacea in his hands, and the location of the Kraken army has been informed to the fleet, and it will arrive in about two or three hours. During this time, Lu Chen has to adjust his state and breath, Fight every possible fight.

After all, in Xu Daoguang's home court, Xu Daoguang had no idea what methods Xu Daoguang would use to ambush Lu Chen.You can only recharge your energy and store up your energy to reach your peak state.

Lu Chen walked forward proudly, without a trace of fear in his eyes.

Since Xu Daoguang dared to wait for him here, he clearly set up an ambush.

But Lu Chen didn't care about these so-called ambushes at the moment. In Lu Chen's eyes, the enemy was ahead, and if Lu Chen was still cowering.

Such and such, I am afraid that Lu Chen himself is extremely reluctant!

What's more, if Xu Daoguang has been timid and afraid to approach Lu Chen, then it will make Lu Chen laugh!

As Lu Chen's opponent who has been fighting each other for many years, he has nothing but incomprehensible hatred for Xu Daoguang and Lu Chen.

But there is always that respect, the respect for the opponent.

"Long time no see!" Looking at Xu Daoguang who was still indifferent in front of him, Lu Chen sneered and said.

With a flip of the hand, the Killing Sword has already been shot.

The fleet will arrive in two or three hours, but Lu Chen knows that Xu Daoguang's siren army will probably intercept his fleet.

And where is his confidence in daring to stop Lu Chen alone?

Lu Chen half-closed his eyes, but didn't think about it again.

No matter where his confidence comes from, there is only one thing Lu Chen has to do!

One sword beheaded the traitor.

"Long time no see, you are still so brave!" Xu Daoguang laughed like a mockery, and lightly hooked his fingers.

"I dare to wait for you here, is there really nothing I can do?"

Suddenly, the sea water rose crazily.

And the aura in the water is constantly distorted.

The final center of the cyclone was the proud Xu Daoguang!

"Array?" Lu Chen snorted coldly, Xu Daoguang is an array master, and it's not uncommon to do such things.

But relying on this formation alone, it's like trapping Lu Chen, it's too whimsical!

You know, no matter what Lu Chen said, in terms of formation talent, he is not inferior to this Xu Daoguang!

"But it's not enough?" In Lu Chen's increasingly puzzled eyes, a blood mist exploded from the ocean.

Like a blood lotus, it shocked the entire ocean.

"Feel the power of the ocean!" Xu Daoguang said lazily, but the aura of the figure suddenly increased a lot.

That evil spirit, and that sea spirit that is very similar to the sea monster emperor.

For a moment, Lu Chen seemed to feel that it was not Xu Daoguang in front of him, but the Siren Emperor!

At this moment, Xu Daoguang's strength also jumped from the ordinary Holy Master Realm to the top level in an instant!

"Blood sacrifice?" Lu Chen looked at Xu Daoguang with serious eyes.

With such a blood sacrifice, coupled with this formation, it seems that Xu Daoguang has been preparing for it for a long time!

However, what's wrong with letting him be the top Holy Master?

Lu Chen has long made it clear that he is practicing the invincible way, and there are any so-called guys in the way.

Just cut it off with one sword!

This is Lu Chen's bearing!

This is Lu Chen's way!

The two couldn't bear it any longer, and they rushed over together in an extremely tacit understanding.


In just an instant, the two figures collided together.

Just looking at the size, the two of them looked so small in this vast ocean.

But the momentum on his body suddenly crushed the whole world under his feet!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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From the very beginning, the two of them tried their best.

Because both of them knew that this was a fateful battle.

If anyone has the intention to dodge, then whoever dies first!

When Lu Chen and Xu Daoguang were fighting, many situations also occurred on the side of the fleet.

"Lu Chen can't be contacted!" The Thunder Lord said with a sullen face, turning around and talking to everyone.

Since Lu Chen couldn't get in touch, he must have encountered some big troubles.

Perhaps, it might not be necessary to meet the Siren Emperor directly!

"Let's hurry over there!" The Holy Master of Space said bluntly.

At this moment, he is not the little Jiujiu who doesn't care about Xuanwu Holy Master and the others.

The Xuanwu Holy Master and the others have been thinking about doing things since Chase Lu disappeared last time.

If it wasn't for the suppression of the Thunder Lord, the coalition forces in the Xuanwu Continent might be in chaos!

Hearing that Lu Chen seemed to have an accident again at this moment, the few people were naturally joyous.

"Hmm." The Lord Thunder still frowned, and said gloomyly.

For some reason, Lord Thunder always felt that something was wrong.

"Tsk, are you the rescuers from Sifang Continent?"

Suddenly, there was an extremely strange sound revolving between heaven and earth, which made everyone feel uncomfortable for a while.

"May I ask your Excellency?" The Thunder Lord stared at the water below the surface, and said every word.

"Under Dirong!"

"I'm down to the dragon!"

"Raise the flag!"

Suddenly, three voices echoed in this vast space at the same time. I don't know what skill the person who made the voice used.

The sound of this sound actually caused some monks with insufficient cultivation to faint directly!

"Not good! It's the three marshals except Xu Daoguang!"

Hearing these three names, Lu Wang immediately reacted.

He has led the Sifang Continent to fight against the forces in this sea area for so long, and he gritted his teeth for these names.

At this moment, when he heard the name, he immediately reacted.

Now that three marshals are dispatched at once, I am afraid that the forces in the sea area have a lot of plans!

"I'm afraid they are trying to catch us all!"

The Lord of Thunder suddenly turned pale, and said slowly.

At this moment, the method adopted by the forces in the sea area is to treat the person in the same way as the person!

At the beginning, the Thunder Lord and Lu Chen planned to trap the Siren Emperor into the game, but they quietly set up countless mazes to force the Siren Emperor to think that they were sweet pastries.

Now they heard the news and came to this sea area to look for the trace of the seriously injured Siren Emperor, but it was because of the heavy loss of the vine monster in the first place.

From this point of view, they are clearly waiting for Lu Chen and others to enter the game!

As for the three guys who just appeared, although Holy Master Thunder did not know who these people were, he did know their strength.

Just judging from the aura of a few people, this group of guys are at least top-level Holy Masters!

The complexion of the Thunder Lord became more and more unsightly. Today's battle, I am afraid, will be a tough battle that the Thunder Lord will remember in his whole life!

"Children! Come out and play with this group of guys!" Following the grin of the leader of the three, sea monsters continued to emerge from under the sea.

And there are more, still gathering towards the fleet in all directions.

Such a sight almost drowned that insignificant fleet!

Now, with a glance at the sky, there are only thousands of dark waves left.

And among the waves, the expedition fleet that is as crumbling as the Quartet Continent!

If there is no miracle, the fleet at this moment seems to have only one choice left - to die!

"Your Excellency, please let me go." When everyone was still looking at the shock in front of them, there was a person behind him who said softly.

Everyone was about to turn around, but they saw that figure had already flown out.

Each with a spear, standing proudly on the bow of the boat.

In the next second, a gun plunged into the so-called sea!

In an instant, half of the eyes were bright red, just like the bright pupils in that person's eyes.

"Oh, give me a break!"

The people from Xuanwu Continent have not yet figured out the situation, but there are more and more people.

He just uttered a word, but he plunged into the boundless ocean without any regrets.

Silence, only the slightest wind.

"I have long dedicated my life to these four continents. Now, what is the use of remaining skins?"

Seeing the shock in Thunder Lord's eyes, a person walked past him with a smile and said casually.

Afterwards, they also fought together with the Kraken army!

The shock in Thunder Lord's eyes became even worse, he had an impression of that person just now.

It is the master of the Pill Palace in the Sifang Continent—— Gong Cheng!

However, shouldn't he feel at ease in alchemy in Sifang Continent?


Countless thoughts flashed through the mind of Lord Thunder, but in the end, only one glance of determination remained.

He looked up into the sky, where any one of the three people was not weaker than him.

"But, what's the matter?" A smile appeared on the face of the Thunder Lord, and he appeared in the air in the next second.

Maybe it was a bit of ridicule, but at that moment just now, he realized it.

It's just that what I realize is not this realm, but this life!

With a light touch in the hand, the thunder and lightning flashed the slightest trace.

"Thunder in the palm of your hand!" The Lord of Thunder spit out a few words slightly, the determination in his eyes has been replaced by indifference.

The most famous basic move in the Dao of Thunder and Lightning is used by the Thunder Lord at this moment, but it seems to have grasped everything in front of him.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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