But it seems that there is always a thin line behind.

"I'm going to do this, did I fail?" The little snake muttered softly, and rushed towards the dragon gate again.

This time, even if it is to overdraw his own soul, the little snake will not hesitate!

at last!

In the little snake's confusion, he finally!

Leap over!

But outside the arena, the two horns of the little snake are no longer the simple prototype, the pair of dragon horns, they are now on the little snake's head as if they were born with it.

Extraordinarily eye-catching and exceptionally well-matched.

"Finally!" The little snake uttered the last sentence, and collapsed to the ground because of the exhaustion of his whole body.

With a quick movement, Xiaolong caught the fainted little snake.

"Is this a success?" Lu Chen asked anxiously, his brows were clearly beaming with joy.

Even he felt that the sudden burst of dragon energy just now was a bit scary. If this didn't work out, Chase Lu really couldn't think of it to succeed in this way.

"It's done!" Xiaolong's brows and eyes were also full of joy.

"It's made Jiao!" Xiaolong continued.

"Jiao? No Jackie Chan?" Lu Chen was a little surprised. He didn't know much about these things, so he continued to ask Xiaolong.

Xiaolong knew these things very well, so it was definitely right for him to answer them.

"It's not bad to be able to become a dragon, and it can also share a share of the luck of the world. True dragons like us are the darlings of the world. How can it be so easy?"

Xiaolong cast a contemptuous look at Lu Chen, obviously Lu Chen ignored the difficulty of transforming a dragon.

Lu Chen scratched his head, so it was so!

"What's more, this dragon is not the snake dragon. The nature of the dragon is obscene. Many dragons you have seen before are just the blood left by the dragon."

When Xiaolong said this, he paused for a moment, and continued: "The real dragons, but compared with the real dragons, they are only a little bit worse. Otherwise, how can the dragons become the third race?"

Lu Chen nodded to show that he understood.

Xiaolong taught him another piece of knowledge. For Lu Chen, although this kind of knowledge is a bit messy, it is not useless.

There are many days to come, and Lu Chen doesn't know when this little knowledge will come in handy again.

Seeing the little dragon taking care of the little snake attentively, Lu Chen and Lu Tianxing also felt a little warmth.

For the safety of the little snake that had just transformed into a dragon, the two of them guarded the cave tightly and never left.

It's a pity that they didn't know that there was another Lu Wang who was regarded as a rebellious boy thousands of miles away, and he was complaining non-stop at this moment just to complain about the sudden disappearance of Lu Chen and Lu Tianxing.

The two guarded for a long time, until the little snake barely woke up.

"Congratulations!" Seeing the little snake that woke up, the two were also very happy, and they congratulated each other.

Although Xiao Snake was still exhausted and a little dizzy, he returned his congratulatory message to the two of them quite generously.

Seeing that the little snake was fine and the dragon transformation was very successful, Lu Chen was also very happy, and finally remembered the cheap son he had left behind for a long time.

"By the way, what about my previous question? I'll come here and ask where my son is?" Lu Chen then remembered, originally he just came here to improve the relationship between father and son, but now he is here at the Little Snake Transforming Dragon A lot of time wasted on this matter.

What would Lu Wang think during this time?

Lu Chen thought to himself, quietly waiting for Lu Tianxing's answer.

"Oh!" Lu Tianxing was reminded by Lu Chen that he remembered the real purpose of Lu Chen when he came.

"Lu Wang! He is usually in the imperial city! Don't worry! How can father and son have something to say?" Lu Tianxing smiled and patted Lu Chen on the shoulder.

Lu Chen nodded in response to Lu Tianxing's comfort.

But Lu Tianxing didn't let him go, and Lu Chen also knew that Lu Tianxing probably wanted to tell him something.

Sure enough, within a while, Lu Tianxing had already spoken.

"Don't worry about your son, why don't you take care of the Sifang Continent?" Lu Tianxing smiled at Lu Chen and said.

Only then did Lu Chen realize his gaffe. In Lu Chen's eyes, the survival of the race is naturally greater than the love of women here!

On the day he first met Lu Tianxing, Lu Tianxing took care of his emotions after not returning home for a long time, and also let Lu Chen meet Jiang Xinyue first.

At that time, there was no mention of the current situation of the Sifang Continent.

Lu Chen also wanted to ask, but because of the reunion after a long absence, he was pleasantly surprised for a while, and the joy was to gradually wash away this question.

And the next day, when Lu Chen came to Lu Tianxing to ask about his son, he also planned to ask about this matter, but who knew that the "big snake" suddenly turned into a dragon, which made Lu Chen really helpless.

Afterwards, Chase Lu also looked at Lu Tianxing who didn't seem to be particularly anxious about the Sifang Continent, so he didn't ask any more questions.

But now that Lu Tianxing mentioned it, Lu Chen has to break the casserole and ask the end!

"Don't worry! Why don't you care?" Lu Chen held Lu Tianxing's hand tightly, ignoring the little dragon and snake beside him, and hugged Lu Tianxing tightly again.

"Brother, why are you doing this?" Lu Tianxing was obviously a little uncomfortable with Lu Chen's sudden excitement, but he didn't push Lu Chen away, just said tremblingly.

Hearing this, Lu Chen also let go of his hand, and hammered on Lu Tianxing's chest: "What are you thinking! Brother, I just think that you have suffered to protect the Sifang Continent all these years, and I can't bear it!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"Let's talk! What's the situation in Sifang Continent now?" Lu Chen laughed.

He is very confident about the current situation. You must know that the Siren Emperor was also beheaded by him before. Lu Chen really can't think of any reason why the current forces in the sea area are not in chaos.

Everyone might not be able to see through it before, but Lu Chen and Thunder Lord knew it.

That time they went to sea, they went for the sea monster emperor.

The Siren Emperor controls this endless sea area. In order to directly attract the Siren Emperor and not be disturbed by his subordinates Dong Shuai and Xi Shuai, Lu Chen and Thunder Lord have worked hard.

Therefore, this was the only way to successfully meet the Siren Emperor in that battle.

And if the Siren Emperor is killed, it will be much easier to deal with the sea forces!

Once the Kraken Emperor was gone, they lost their leader, and Marshal Sifang was either headstrong or ambitious.

In a few days, there will be chaos. Such a situation is a good time to counterattack the sea area!

So Lu Chen is very confident now. He is only waiting to get in touch with the Xuanwu Continent. After integrating the Sifang Continent, he will attack in one fell swoop.

"Tell me?" Lu Chen looked at Lu Tianxing's embarrassed eyes and continued.

However, Lu Chen still had some doubts at the moment. Even if Lu Tianxing didn't know that Lu Chen had already beheaded the Siren Emperor, he should feel that the pressure from the Kraken's forces was gradually weakening!

Lu Tianxing struggled for a while before saying anything: "Brother Lu Chen! I'm sorry! It's because we didn't protect the Sifang Continent!"

After speaking, she also knelt down on the ground with tears streaming down her face.

"What does this mean?" Lu Chen was a little surprised, and quickly pulled Lu Tianxing up, but Lu Tianxing refused to move at all, until Lu Chen used his spiritual power to stand up.

"What's the matter?" Lu Chen asked with a confused face, so that he didn't understand the situation at all!

But Lu Tianxing still kept silent, as if he had already made up his mind, no matter what Lu Chen said, he refused to let go.

Lu Chen was a little surprised, when Lu Tianxing would play this kind of routine!

You must know that Lu Tianxing was the one who first proposed to talk to Lu Chen about this before!

It seems that this matter seems to be really big.Lu Chen thought silently in his heart, and his view of the situation became more and more confusing.

"After solving the Siren King, is there anyone else who can threaten the Sifang Continent?" With this question, Lu Chen was also about to think of a way to pry Lu Tianxing's mouth open.

To be honest, Chase Lu would never blame Lu Tianxing anyway. Most of Lu Tianxing's behavior today is probably because of his nephew!

Just as Lu Chen wanted to speak, he was suddenly preempted by the little snake who had just transformed into a dragon.

Although the little snake has only turned into a dragon this time, it still looks very handsome. The two small horns are shimmering, showing the little snake's identity as a dragon all the time.

But this is not the reason for you to wantonly grab the words!

"Ahem! Let me speak for him!" The clear voice of the little snake suddenly echoed in the small space.

Lu Chen turned his head and stared at the little snake carefully, wanting to see what he wanted to say.

"After you left, Sifang Continent had a moment of peace because of several seniors who sacrificed themselves under the Nine Dragon Pillar." Xiao Snake cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Hmm." Chase Lu knew this. If it wasn't for these old seniors, how could Chase Lu feel relieved to leave Sifang Continent alone to find a new way out?

"Could it be that some seniors had an accident?" Lu Chen was a little panicked, fearing that there would be another traitor on his side.

The traitor has a lot of lessons learned from the past. When Xu Daoguang went to the sea area, he directly extinguished the glimmer of hope in the Sifang Continent.

If there is another influential traitor in the Sifang Continent, he will go to the Nine Dragon Pillar to wreak havoc.

Not to mention killing a few seniors, the influence is always there!

As for the betrayal of the seniors, Lu Chen didn't even want to watch it. Needless to say, this kind of thing is impossible!

"No, the Nine Dragon Pillar is the object of our strict protection, and it has always been in good condition." The little snake replied.

Hearing this, Lu Chen also heaved a sigh of relief. He was also very happy that those seniors were fine. You must know that they are all seniors who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the Sifang Continent!

No matter how strong Lu Chen is now, he can even crush those old seniors.

But in Lu Chen's heart, he will always only respect those old seniors.

Just because Lu Chen was already convinced by those few people!

This is admiration, a spiritual admiration!

"What's that?" Chase Lu is even more curious about the object that can trigger the Sifang Continent at this moment!

Since nothing happened to the Nine Dragon Pillar, what on earth is it that allows the Krakens to extend their hands into the Sifang Continent?

"Although nothing happened to the Nine Dragon Pillar, there were still some accidents. According to Lu Tianxing, you must have bumped into Lu Wang when you were killing Ziyun Mingzhu!"

Seeing that Lu Chen was more interested, Xiao Snake did not hesitate to sell it.

"Yeah." Lu Chen recalled the big camp when he killed Ziyun Mingzhu.

I have to say that the doubts are too great, you must know that this is the Sifang Continent.

The people from Ziyun Mingzhu not only arrived on the mainland, but also built a large camp. The most terrifying thing is that if it weren't for Lu Chen, no one would be able to break through the maze and find them.

There are even many sea monsters in that camp!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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