Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2410 First Line of Life——Chapter 1 Huajiao

He kept searching, kept searching, and traveled to every piece of land on this continent.

But still, still haven't found the way to transform the dragon again.

Until he came to an unknown cave.

Feeling the bursts of fragrance coming from the cave, the little snake's eyes burst into a bright red light.

"It's a dragon! It's a dragon!" The little snake said with some uneasiness, and his body also burst into the cave.

For Little Snake, the dragon is his only thought now!

"If I can swallow this dragon, I must also be able to transform into a dragon!" The result of countless failures fermented in my mind is actually this crazy idea that the little snake has now!

The more he walked in, the more he felt the purity of the dragon energy inside, the more excited the little snake became, and his figure was slightly unstable under this excitement.

"Kill this dragon! Kill this dragon!" For some reason, this was the only thought left in the little snake's rational mind.

His eyes were red, and even the toxin from the tip of his teeth slowly dripped down.

At this moment, the little snake doesn't look as cute as before.

He had already become as tyrannical as before.

"Here we come!" Little Snake caught a glimpse of that figure at a glance, and felt extremely familiar, but he forgot.

"It's unlucky for you to meet my uncle!" The little snake smiled sinisterly twice, and then shot away with a burst of energy.

The fangs and one of them ejected in an instant, biting hard on the tender skin, causing a puddle of blood to explode.

Feeling this familiar, sweet blood, the little snake seemed to think of something, and his thoughts went back to the past a long time ago.

"This is?"

The little snake was stunned in place, but the former hatred in his eyes had been replaced with clarity.

Chase Lu outside the field didn't know what the little snake was thinking in the spiritual world, but he was always staring at the little snake.

The body of the little snake in front of him was already twisted into a ball strangely, making Lu Chen unable to understand what he was trying to do.

"What happened to him?" Chase Lu turned his head and asked Xiaolong. Xiaolong became like this as soon as he got to Xiaoshen. This also made Chen Lu feel more confident to ask Xiaolong.

Xiaolong didn't understand the strange posture of the little snake, but he still studied the current state with his heart.

Although Chase Lu didn't understand them beasts at all, he watched them seriously from the sidelines.

In the spiritual world of the little snake, it is already a different scene.

The little snake bit the little dragon's flesh and blood, but the more he bit, the more tears he shed.

"How can I do this?" The little snake kept asking himself in his heart.

You must know that the reason why I was able to transform into such a crystal clear little snake body at that time was because Xiaolong gave his heart and blood!

Thinking of this, the little snake felt extremely regretful, but he didn't know what to say, the more force he used on his teeth, the less and less it was.

"When did I become like this?" The little snake spit out the little dragon and slowly put it on the ground.

He began to look around at himself, a dirty body, a fat body with suffocation that made it difficult to move flexibly.

"I was like this before?"

The little snake was a little dazed, and his thoughts slowly flew back to the countless nights before.

He used this body to gallop in the dark, and he also used this body to fight against many enemies.

Although huge, although ugly, although he is not a dragon!

"But he is me!" Little Snake spit out a sentence slowly, the defense and indifference in his heart had already collapsed!


Outside the arena, Xiaolong and Lu Chen looked at the little snake that had begun to shed its skin, and they said together.

I saw the little snake's crystal clear body slowly glowing with streaks of rays of light, as if he had turned into the unusually beautiful clouds in the sky.

Looking at the "Colorful Little Snake" at this moment, Lu Chen and Xiaolong were a little excited. The dream of the brothers who had been with them for a long time was finally coming true. How could they not be happy?

"So it turns out that all things turn into dragons, and all things turn into themselves!"

In the little snake's spiritual world, the big snake that symbolizes the past raised his always proud head and looked towards the bright sun beyond the sky.

"This kind of thing can trap me for so long, and even almost entrap me, but sometimes!"

The big snake narrowed its eyes, and in just a moment, its figure had already returned to its previous crystal clear little snake appearance.

In the next second, it shot out, hitting the scorching sun nine days away!

"It turns out that this is the Dragon Ball!" The little snake spit out a small and cute snake letter, and the speed of flying towards the sun increased a lot.

But a few seconds.It is already approaching.

This is not because the ability of the little snake has broken through the sky, but because.

This is his spiritual world, who has broken his spiritual shackles, who can stop him here?

With a roar, the little snake rushed into the sea of ​​flames that filled the sky!

"Come on!" Responding, the snake shadow has already churned together with the sea of ​​flames!

Endless sea of ​​flames, what's the matter now!

And off the field, under Lu Chen's eyes, there was also an unknown fire suddenly bursting out, burning the little snake's body.

"This is?" Chase Lu looked at the transparent flame. If it wasn't for the fluctuation, he wouldn't be able to find this terrible thing at all!

And just now, Chase Lu also wanted to study this thing carefully, but before he did the research, he was already amazed.

This flame can actually isolate Lu Chen's mental power!

Do not!Rather than isolation, it was actually a more direct and violent method. As soon as Lu Chen's mental power approached the flame, it dissipated along with the aura of heaven and earth, leaving only a tingle between Lu Chen's brows.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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What is the origin of this flame!

"This is the fate bestowed by heaven and earth when we transformed into dragons. It's normal if you can't detect it." Xiaolong said slowly, and at this moment, he obediently shrunk down and lay on Lu Chen's shoulder.

"The rules of heaven and earth?" Lu Chen was relieved now, and he was even more eager for the weird transparent flame.

But the little snake burning in this terrible flame is constantly transforming along with the flame.

In the constant tumbling, Chase Lu seemed to have seen that there were already two small bumps bulging on the top of the little snake's head.

"Longhua is hopeful!" Lu Chen couldn't help but feel happy for the little snake.

The process of transforming the dragon is still a long time away. For safety, Lu Chen and Lu Tianxing are always guarding the little snake.

But this time, Lu Wang is still in the imperial city!

He originally thought that when his father came back, he would be able to relieve himself of heavy responsibilities, but unexpectedly, when his cheap father came back, he would pretend that he was not helping, and even abducted his second-in-command uncle.

"Oh." Lu Wang sighed, and began to deal with his busy business.

Even Lu Tianxing is not here now, and many important things can only be handled by himself.

The most important thing is the forthcoming four-party meeting for selecting talents. Lu Wang originally wanted Lu Chen to appear in this four-party meeting.

Then use this to make the name Lu Chen, who has been somewhat forgotten among the public, come back loud again.

But Lu Chen is not here!

This situation gave Lu Wang a headache, but in the end he had to solve the problem himself.

What Lu Chen didn't know was that while he and Lu Tianxing were waiting for the little snake to transform into a dragon, nearly a week had passed by the outside world.

And this day is also the time when the Quartet Conference will be held!

Since Lu Wang won the chief position of the Sifang Continent with the assistance of Lu Tianxing decades ago, the Sifang Conference has been held regularly.

And this conference did not meet everyone's expectations. It has imported batch after batch of talents for the current high-level of the Sifang, which also makes the popularity of the Sifang Conference more and more high.

After all, as long as there is an eye-catching performance in the four-party conference, Ke will immediately be cultivated first-class. Such benefits are also enviable.

And this is not over yet, this first-class cultivation is not talking about an ordinary big power.

This refers to the entire Sifang Continent!

With such treatment, how could it not make everyone even crazier?

Even those old monsters who had been in seclusion for a long time were attracted by the Quartet Conference and broke out one after another.

Lu Wang walked slowly to the stage, his face full of helplessness.

In fact, he didn't want to hold it now. For Lu Wang, letting his father Lu Chen preside over this meeting was the result he wanted to see most.

But helplessly, this incident has been prepared for a long time, and everyone has already taken their positions as early as a few days ago.

It's only because of the issue of the stipulated time that it has been delayed until now. If it is not released at this moment, I am afraid that Lu Wang will not be able to convince the public so far!

As Lu Wang slowly walked up to the high platform, the voices from the audience became louder and louder.

"Martial Emperor!" "Martial Emperor!"

Thousands of people kept singing this name, and he acted as the patron saint of the four continents when Lu Chen was away!

Today, he is already the highest combat power in the four continents on the bright side, the absolute emperor who entered the Tao with martial arts!

Lu Wang smiled bitterly, only he himself knew how miserable he was hammered by his father Lu Chen that day.

"Are you ready, warriors?" Lu Wang said to everyone as he walked steadily to the front of the stage.

This finely processed voice is extremely majestic, and the old monsters who came over are also suddenly a little less powerful.


Corresponding to this is the deafening shout that spreads throughout the entire imperial city!

Lu Wang smiled and continued: "I announce that this Quartet Conference has officially begun!"

This simple sentence is to heat up the present again, the blood and passion will be revealed soon!

As if responding to the call of the blood from far away, in an inconspicuous small cave thousands of miles away, the pair of majestic horns on the head of a certain little snake finally took shape gradually.

"I don't know how far he can transform into a dragon this time?" Lu Chen said to himself in his heart, and his eyes on the little snake refused to leave.

He knew that the last and most critical moment - the dragon jumping gate was coming!

At the same time, the little snake's eyes were filled with the same enthusiasm.

"Come on!" After a loud noise, the little snake flew towards the Longmen, which seemed to be unreachable and invisible in the sky.

Leaping over the Dragon Gate, what jumps up is the heart, the root, and the self!

Looking back, it is not a dry bone;

Looking forward to the end, there is only infinite darkness left!

But if one really wanted to succeed in transforming a dragon, who would be afraid of these things?

The little snake has used all of its strength, but it seems that it is only a hair away from the dragon gate.

"No! Am I not qualified!" Xiao Snake roared angrily in his heart.

How can you give up?How can you accept it?

How many years?How many kalpas?

The little snake ignited all his vitality, and flew towards the goal that seemed within reach.

In reality, things often backfire.

"Is it almost there?" But after a long time, the little snake, who had overdrawn his whole body, could only open his eyes tiredly and look in front of him.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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