Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2381 The general trend has been set

Since then, he has stopped participating in world affairs, but for some reason, he has made a comeback in this holy way conference.

The harshness and treachery of the wind are vividly displayed in the hands of this holy master!

The misty wind made it impossible to grasp the murderous intent, even a slight air flow could be fatal.

But even with this kind of wind, it couldn't blow away the green energy behind the old man.

The old man's body was still entangled with circles of black viscous liquid, and the liquid tightly protected the old man of Heijian, forming a rudimentary form of armor.

This armor not only prevents the Holy Lord's wind from harming the old man Heijian, but at the same time, the oil-like liquid is still spreading!

At this point in the battle, the liquid has already covered the ground of the fighting platform, forming a black ocean!

The Lord of the wind element didn't dare to step on the ground at all, so he had to use the breeze to support his body from falling.

Everyone in the stands has long been shocked by this weird method.

"What kind of method is this? Could it be that the earth system changed?"

Lu Chen couldn't help asking the Thunder Lord on the stage, he knew that this old immortal lived the longest, and he probably knew about this thing.

The Thunder Lord over there coughed twice, it could be said that he put on airs enough, and then spoke slowly.

"This is the unique water of Heijian. According to the legend, the water of Heijian does not communicate with the world like ordinary water systems to continuously strengthen one's water system cultivation base."

Speaking of this, the Thunder Lord actually stopped for a while, quite like a master storyteller.

"It's taken from the burial soil of the black stream, combined with its own water element, and cultivated in its own body.!"

"Is this black stream so wonderful?" Lu Chen couldn't help asking, obviously full of curiosity about the legendary black stream.

"Heijian is a site of an ancient battlefield. I don't know how many masters have fallen here. The water raised by the burial soil of Heijian is extremely yin and soft. This time, the Holy Master Dongfeng is about to be planted."

The Holy Lord of Thunder had a serious expression on his face, obviously he was extremely afraid of this black stream.

The cultivators of this black stream also appeared in the previous holy way conferences. The viscosity of the water of the black stream makes it almost impenetrable.

The Lord of Thunder had also met the Lord of the Black Stream who used the water of the Black Stream.

That was before Holy Master Thunder became the first Holy Master. At that time, he and the Holy Master also had a decisive battle in the Holy Dao Conference.

But the protection of the holy lord's black stream made his lightning system useless.

Even the fatal blow that he evolved by using the Thunderbolt rule slowly receded on the water of the black stream.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Holy Master could not use much water from the black stream, the Holy Master of Thunder had found a chance to defeat him.

It's just that even so, he also suffered a big loss from the sailor of the black stream.Almost lost that number one status.

Now seeing this black stream of water as thick as a vast ocean, how can I not be surprised.

Obviously, the old monster in the audience is probably one of the old monsters in Heijian!

At this moment, Holy Lord Thunder regretted a little, why did he tell the news that he could break through to the Earth Element Realm?

Originally, they just wanted to fill in a few more gimmicks for this conference, but now they have attracted many old monsters!

"What is this black water? How can it be so powerful?" Curious classmate Lu Chen continued to ask his 1 whys.

"The water of this black stream is extremely strange. It seems that only those who grow up in that black stream can master the power of this black stream."

The Lord of Thunder had a displeased face when he said this, obviously he wanted to absorb the water of the black stream, but he stumbled.

"However, I feel that the power of this black stream is very similar to that of the most yin and soft."

After a pause, the Thunder Lord continued to explain.

Lu Chen, who was on the side, fell into deep thought when he heard it. He was very yin and soft, which was somewhat similar to his Taiji Yin power, and he didn't know whether his own Yang power could neutralize this power.

After all, the most yin and softness of this black stream water is somewhat similar to his yin power in origin, but there is a huge difference in the form and use.

This made Lu Chen interested, and he instantly became energetic.

As the saying goes, Tai Chi produces Yin and Yang, and Tai Chi is the combination of Yin and Yang. Although the power to touch the law with this structure is stronger, it is often more difficult, so he must spend more energy to touch the root of the two powers.

"If you have a chance, you can go to Heijian to see the burial ground there." Lu Chen murmured in his heart.

But there must always be a chance. After all, the most urgent task for Lu Chen now is to go to Sifang Continent to save his hometown!

While Lu Chen was thinking about things, the situation on the field changed again.

The Dongfeng Holy Master is also extremely smart, he did not choose to be tough with the old man from Heijian, but stood firmly on the airflow.

Looking at it like that, it is estimated that he is preparing for some big move.

Although the old man in Heijian was eager to see through it, it seemed that this guy had no way to spread the water of Heijian in the air, so he could only do it on the ground and watch.

But from Lu Chen's point of view, this guy is probably also preparing some kind of big move and waits for the guy above to come down and kill him with a blow!

"This is too embarrassing!" Lu Chen couldn't help complaining as he looked at the two people who were in a stalemate.

It's too embarrassing for the battle between the two holy masters to be in this motionless place!

It wasn't just Lu Chen who thought so, the audience in the audience wanted to throw shoes on it.

From the very beginning, the guy from Heijian has been using that weird black liquid as a turtle shell.

No matter how the Holy Master Dongfeng attacked, the tortoise shell remained unmoved.

Really, how could a scene of beating one another arouse people's interest in watching it?

Lu Chen also closed his eyes, preparing to think carefully about how to deal with the strange tricks of the old man Heijian.

In his eyes, that Holy Master Dongfeng has already lost.

Next, he was going to deal with such a tricky guy!

Time is passing by little by little, when everyone is a little impatient.

The Lord Dongfeng finally moved!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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All I saw was that the power of the wind that had been stored for a long time erupted instantly!

Everyone watching the show on the field also immediately became lively, these two guys finally fought!

How does the Holy Master Dongfeng plan to break the water of the black stream?

I saw the violent wind on the field suddenly blowing up, but after a while, it concentrated and blew in one direction!

"It turned out to be like this!" Lu Chen said with a half understanding.

The strong wind rolled up layers of air waves, and the water of the black stream was blown away first!

"You still want to blow up the water of my black stream? Dream on you!" After realizing the intention of the Holy Master Dongfeng, the old man of Heijian also smiled brighter.

"Try to know!" Dongfeng Holy Master roared, while pouring all his strength into the strong wind.

Gradually, the violent wind has condensed into a solid body!

Being attacked by layers of air waves, the old man Heijian was also struggling a bit, and quickly poured strength into the water of the Heijian with all his strength.

This on the field is close to anxiety!

"Who do you like, Juggernaut?" Lord Thunder began to ask Lu Chen.

"Looking good?" Lu Chen smiled and said, "We can't make any conclusions until the dust settles!"

Lord Thunder felt a little strange when he heard this, but thought Lu Chen didn't want to answer, so he didn't continue to reply.

"It's time to decide the outcome!" Lu Chen said suddenly.

"Score the winner?" The Thunder Lord hurriedly looked at the field, but the stalemate remained on the field.

Both sides have plenty of spare power, and it doesn't look like they will be able to decide the outcome in a short while!

Lu Chen smiled, he roughly figured out what the two people were doing!

The moment Lu Chen smiled, those two people also moved!

"I see what's the use of your tortoise shell!" Dongfeng Holy Master screamed sharply, and the power of wind and cloud gushed out from his bag-shaped magic weapon!

But what formed this time was a strange suction force!

"You naively think that you can suck the water of my black stream? How stupid!"

Although the old man Heijian spoke casually, his control over the water of the Heijian multiplied in his hands.

Both of them knew that such a success or failure could only be done in one fell swoop!

"Here we come!" Finally, Holy Master Dongfeng saw the chance, and the old man Heijian's defense finally showed a flaw!

Holy Master Dongfeng had prepared a lot for this blow!

Immediately, the gust of wind that he originally attached to the old man Heijian was also attracted, and condensed into a gun!

The power of the rules was added instantly, and in that mere trace of wind, there was a faint space of its own!


That gun suddenly rushed over, passed through the gap of the Heijian water, and pressed straight to the heart of the old man Heijian!

Winning or losing seemed to be clear at this moment.

In the entire field, only Lord Thunder and Chen Lu discovered Dongfeng Lord's attack.

Although the two did not speak, they couldn't help but praise in their hearts.

Such methods are indeed excellent!

To be able to come up with such a method in such a crisis situation, the Holy Master Dongfeng is obviously far superior to ordinary people.

He didn't find the gun until he was in front of Old Man Heijian.

But it was too late to dodge, and it was even more impossible to mobilize the water of the black stream to defend.

No matter how you look at it, this old man in Heijian is waiting to die.

It's a pity that the Holy Master Dongfeng didn't see the youthful energy beside the old man Heijian, or he ignored him.

Even Lu Chen couldn't have imagined that this inconspicuous green energy was actually

The old man Heijian condensed his hands, and the cloud of green energy instantly condensed in front of him at a speed that Lu Chen couldn't understand.

"Bang!" A dull bàozhà sounded.

That green energy actually enveloped the entire wind force, firmly suppressing that terrifying air wave.

"It's really interesting!" If Chase Lu guessed correctly, the green energy is probably the refined version of the water of the black stream.

Only by explaining it in this way can it explain the terrifying oppressiveness of the green energy that erupted at that moment!

Holy Master Dongfeng almost used all his strength on this blow, and was immediately knocked out of the arena by the old man Heijian with a wave of water.

"Can you subdue this guy?" Lord Thunder couldn't help asking Lu Chen when he saw this scene.

"Not yet!" It was obviously impossible for Lu Chen to drag out the Thunder Lord, and he was just cheating first.

How could the Lord of Thunder believe this guy's words?Smiling is also noncommittal.

"Now go back and rest for a day, and start competing for the first place tomorrow!"

Lord Thunder said to the crowd, the words were not incorrect.

Everyone is exhausted at the moment, and the few who guard the ring are also exhausted.

In this case, you can only take a rest first.

Now that the matter has come to an end, the Holy Master of Thunder also greeted all the Holy Masters and said, "Let's have a dinner together tonight!"

Its meaning is just thinking that we will have to go to sea together in less than a month, and we need to promote our relationship first.

But I don't know if the Lord of Thunder is too old and unattractive or something else, very few people responded in the end.

It's just that the two couples, the Holy Lord of Space and Lu Chen, gave him some kindness.

Otherwise, the Holy Master of Space would probably die of embarrassment.

At the dinner, the Lord of Space raised his glass to Lu Chen.

"A toast to the Sword Saint!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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