Chapter 380 Enlightenment

Lu Chen almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, is there such a lesson?

Looks like this guy has been treated well!Lu Chen thought in his heart.

"Going on now, you still have a chance to continue to be lively and dancing." Lu Chen said indifferently, his eyes were full of indifference.

Lu Chen's attitude made the Holy Master feel a great insult, but his eyelids twitched countless times in an instant, obviously wanting to rush over and beat Lu Chen up.

But after all, the Holy Master is still rational, but his defensive posture has become more serious.

Lu Chen sighed, it seems that this outwit was still unsuccessful.

Then, I have no choice but to beat you up for real!

With a light grip of Lu Chen's left hand, the fire element between the heaven and the earth became agitated instantly, and even the air was so dry for a while.

Flames danced up and down around Chase Lu's body, and the black flames under the cloak burned blazingly.

It was fire, overwhelming fire!

The flame that seemed to be able to swallow everything hit the crowd in the auditorium with the scorching heat of the pavement and the breath of destruction.

This is not just the visual impact in the simple sense.

It is a strong, stimulating, intuitive feeling that seems to be right in front of your eyes.

This kind of scene of destroying heaven and earth can only be compared to it if the Holy Lord of Thunder is really angry!

This flame almost boiled the audience!

It is really exciting to see such a strong man born again!

This is already the case in the audience, not to mention the Holy Master who faced all this alone.

In this life, he has already lost his mind, because there is only the endless fire in front of his eyes!

Fire that symbolizes rules!

The soil lord has completely lost his fighting spirit at this moment.

The mutual generation and restraint of elements has existed since ancient times, and soil has a great advantage over fire.

And with the improvement of the realm, this kind of restraint will become more and more obvious. Only by means of other elements and treasures can this gap be barely filled.

It stands to reason that the Holy Lord of the earth element should have the upper hand, and no matter how you say it, it is safe to win this battle.

However, at this time, this ancient truth seemed to have lost its effect in front of Lu Chen.Intense fire elements filled the entire space!

Even, vaguely, this fragile space is about to be torn apart abruptly!

No matter how much the Holy Lord urges his own power, he can't feel the power of the earth element from the suppression of the fire element!

The holy master's face was pale, and the temperature of the earth gradually increased. In the face of the terrifying heat, the earth was no longer hard, the rock melted into mud, and the soil turned into water.

Accompanied by the sound of crackling, the ground on the platform quickly cracked, revealing the fiery red clay inside.

"Soil restrains fire, you have a good plan, but what you didn't expect is that my fire is enough to burn out life and melt the earth. Your soil can't stop my flames at all!"

Lu Chen's joking voice sounded in the Holy Lord's ear, and he could have changed other attributes to take down the Holy Lord.

How can you call him handsome?How can he stand up again in front of everyone?

So!Chase Lu chose flames, this trembling fire!

Although the Holy Master was terrified of dying at this time, he was already unable to get off the tiger.

As long as he doesn't resist, he will probably have to die!

He could only continuously pour his own power into his magic weapon. The excessive power output made the Holy Master unable to withstand the high temperature of the fighting platform.

The power of the rules had already attached to the flames and corroded his body, and the Holy Master's skin began to crack due to dryness, exposing pieces of flesh and blood.

Apparently, this earth-type lord is already a little bit overwhelmed!

Fortunately, he looked at the magic weapon in his hand.The brilliance of the treasure is condensed and contained, and it has reached saturation.

Until now, he can only believe in this magic weapon for a while!

And Chase Lu's attack happened at this time.The fireworks expand rapidly, and everything is on fire!

In the blink of an eye, the tiny figure of the Holy Master was swallowed up, and only a little khaki-yellow light was still shining.

"Is this the ultimate way of fire?"

The people in the audience were so stunned that their jaws almost fell out!

"How long has this man been practicing flames?"

Obviously, this unknowing elder brother also regarded Lu Chen as a hermit semi-holy who specialized in flames for many years.

But who knew that this flame was only part of Chase Lu's strength?

Seeing that the flame of Lu Chen exploded, the top ten holy masters couldn't help adding mana there.

I just hope that the shield will not be broken!

In an instant, the protection of the fighting platform lit up with colorful brilliance, and there was a strange force constantly resisting Lu Chen's flame.

Lu Chen smiled, but he has thoroughly studied this formation, nothing more than stripping the power inside and digesting it slowly.

Chase Lu just moved his fingers slightly, and a part of the flame seeped out, which shocked the people outside.

Fortunately, after the weakening of this formation, the power of the flames that popped out did not contain as much energy as before.

It's just that the power of the above rules is still very difficult, and several veteran holy masters tried their best to put out the fire!

You must know that in order to prevent the Thunder Lord from harming him, Lu Chen left his mark on the formation early on.

It's not that he is bragging, as long as he thinks, this formation can be used by him at any time!


Strains of blue smoke emerged from the protective cover of the fighting platform, and the whole fighting platform became faintly visible.

All the people in the outfield could see were red and black flames and Lu Chen's figure like Yan Mo!

At this time, feeling the monstrous power in the arena, even the battles in the rest of the arena stopped!

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Everyone looked at Lu Chen's fighting platform in unison, the so-called saint's cultivation, the so-called supreme magic weapon.

None of these things that they fought for before could bring them enough sense of security at this moment.

In front of the monstrous fire, they only felt that they were extremely small!

To know that person in the arena, no magic weapon is useless, but it is just a punch that attracts the power of flames!

But among the people present, how many people can block this punch?

The top ten holy masters who were observing on the stage couldn't help but gasped.

Even if they are, they dare not guarantee to survive from Lu Chen at this moment!

Of course, what they don't know is that when Lu Chen cultivated into the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Ball, the realm of his other attributes also improved accordingly!

Perhaps, this is the beauty of Zhiyin Zhiyang!

Looking at the arena again, the boundless flames had dissipated, and the earth element that had been suppressed for a long time finally overflowed and became active again in the world of the arena.

And in the very center of the arena, the nameless Holy Master's body was scorched black, and he was already unconscious.

But this is still the case when Chase Lu released the water!

With a wave of Lu Chen, he lifted him off the platform.

He just wanted to make a name for himself and fight for status, and Lu Chen didn't have any life-or-death grievances with the other party, so he didn't kill him.

Besides, if this holy master died, wouldn't Lu Chen's expeditionary road be in vain without a combat power?

In an instant, several figures flashed down from the audience stage, came to the side of the Holy Master, and held the Holy Master up.

Seeing that Chase Lu didn't stop him anymore, he quickly pinched the space system scroll in his hand.

The leader clasped his fists and bowed to Lu Chen, "Thank you for your kindness of not killing me. I will definitely repay you in the future. I wish you a good ranking in the Holy Way Conference."

As soon as the voice fell, he had already fled away.

The cultivation base of the Holy Master, if it is not some casual cultivators with extraordinary talents and opportunities, most of them are the top figures of one party's power!

The injury or even death of such characters will definitely cause a wave of turmoil.

Presumably if there is no Chase Lu, the Holy Way Conference will end, and the forces in the mainland will set off another bloody rain.

After thinking for a while, Lu Chen blocked the space movement of those people.

"What is this, Your Excellency?" The man dodged around and returned to the original place, extremely embarrassed, and asked Lu Chen puzzled.

"Why don't you leave after listening to the matter? How can anyone just touch you here for healing?" Lu Chen said, while maintaining his kind smile.

Why didn't he stop him when he was about to run away?

If this guy didn't participate in Chase Lu's plan after he ran away, wouldn't it be a big loss for Chase Lu to release him this time?

"This" the holy master surnamed Fang hesitated a little.

"Don't worry! I guarantee it!" The Lord of Thunder also made a guarantee on the above.

The man saw that the Thunder Lord had taken the initiative to accept Ruo, so naturally it was more respectful than obedient.

After all, judging from the terrifying means shown by Lu Chen, if he really ran, he would not be able to escape Lu Chen's palm!

Lu Chen just thought about it for a while, and then ignored these people, but it was just a small role, and Lu Chen couldn't care so much!

However, although Lu Chen is not a villain, he is not a person of great kindness and virtue.

To him, profit is the most important thing, and being able to keep a living is already the biggest concession.

Sitting cross-legged, Lu Chen began to close his eyes and adjust his breath, but the coercive voice exploded in the Holy Dao Conference!

"Is there another one?"

Unsurprisingly, no one in the audience responded.

You must know that the strength Lu Chen showed just now is comparable to that of the Lord of Thunder!

Even, it is possible to surpass the Lord of Thunder!

People are not stupid, even the earth-type holy masters who are good at defense have lost so badly, if they want to go up again, isn't it going to give away their heads?

Sure enough, in the end, Chase Lu won the first place in the ring where he was.

In fact, no one has dared to step into that arena since seeing the Lord of the Earth Element being defeated by Chase Lu with the power of the rules of the Fire Element.

After Chase Lu's battle ended, the other competitors in the arena tried their best to defeat their opponents in order to show themselves.

After all, under Lu Chen's performance, it is indeed difficult to stand out.

The game instantly changed from a healthy competition to a life-and-death struggle, which added a lot of attention.

Lu Chen also began to observe carefully, watching the four arenas at the same time, not letting go of a minute or a second.

Unfortunately, to Lu Chen's disappointment, there were no competitors who were pleasing to his eyes in each fighting stage. In the end, all the fighting rings left were some old people who had been famous for a long time.

To Lu Chen's surprise, the young man who provoked the Lord Fengyun before was defeated by an old man with a destructive force!

This is rather surprising news. You must know that although the young man is a little crazy, but in terms of strength, he can at least enter the top 20 in this holy master list.

Now, he was defeated by the old man with a few tricks!

What made Chase Lu even more interested was that although the old man's grade was not high, the power of rules he mastered was not pure enough.

But the old man seemed to have practiced some kind of strange kung fu, and the tricks he used, even Lu Chen couldn't see through it!

However, according to Lu Chen's observation, the old man was full of youthful energy, probably because he practiced some exercises with side effects.

Otherwise, those people on the stage would have been ready to snatch it!

With Lu Chen's observation, the game also slowly drew to a close, and the first place in each ring slowly appeared.

Only the battle of the fourth fighting platform is not completely over.

Up to now, there is only one old holy master and the previous old man left on the fighting platform.

The top ten masters majored in the wind system, and their wind spells are extremely pure!In Lu Chen's view, he is stronger than Fengyun Shengzhu.

According to the Lord of Thunder, this Lord of the wind system was also a figure among the top ten Holy Masters before, but he abdicated only after Sheng Yang and others came.

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