Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2367 You're Unworthy

Especially Holy Master Lingwu, whose aura is disordered, it is easy to be seen by others.

"Juvenile Saint, you are as powerful as the sky, please help me cover up the aura on my body."

Holy Master Lingwu knelt on the ground and begged.

He was only afraid that someone would see through his situation and put their Lingwu Empire in a disadvantageous situation.

After all, there are still three guys in the top ten of the Holy Master list, and they have been eyeing their three empires all the time.

Those three guys had sneak attacked Lord Xiongwu.

If they find out that their situation is not right, they will definitely sneak attack on themselves, and then occupy the Lingwu Empire.

Then he is a sinner of the empire!

"it is good."

Lu Chen waved his hand casually and said, "Okay, get up."

Holy Master Lingwu was astonished: "That's all right?"

He looked at Holy Master Xiongwu and Holy Master Xuanwu.

Seeing the shocked expressions of the two, they said: "Lingwu, we really can't see through you."

Holy Master Lingwu closed his eyes, perceiving it carefully.

I can only feel that there is an aura like a formation around my body, but it is very illusory, and people can't catch it.

"What a powerful method. It seems that this is the sword master's formation method. I thought he would refuse my request, or give me a magic weapon to cover up my aura, but I didn't expect such a move. This is Shock me."

Holy Master Lingwu has a complicated heart.

Faced with Lu Chen's methods, he was afraid that he would have no way out, so he could only surrender to the end.

When Holy Master Shenwu and Holy Master Xuanwu saw the situation of Holy Master Lingwu, they immediately knelt down and said, "I beg the Sword Master to help us cover up our breath."


Lu Chen smiled and waved his hand casually.

In fact, he was waving his hands as a show, and he actually used the spiritual pattern to form the formation.

Using the rules of space, the spiritual formation pattern directly arranges a small formation around the three of them.

It's just a simple shielding array, not complicated at all, just do it casually.

But in front of those who don't understand, this secret method is amazing.

"Okay, go out and call Holy Lord Thunder and the others in, and continue our conversation."

Lu Chen said, and then sat on the top seat.

Originally, this seat was occupied by the Thunder Lord, but now he has occupied the magpie's nest.

Of course the three Holy Masters didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

They have already decided that today's conversation is a game, and the Thunder Lord has long surrendered to the Juggernaut, and arranged this residence for the Juggernaut, just to trap the three of them.

Pity the three of them were kept in the dark, they were killed so badly.

The Xuanwu Holy Master walked out obediently, and said: "Thunder, ice, space, don't stick around, the sword master calls you all, come in."

After all, without waiting for them, he walked back directly, too lazy to give them a good face.

Anyway, everyone is now under the account of the Juggernaut, so there is no need to do any front work.

And this account has clearly been divided into two teams.

The first team is the Holy Lord of their three empires.

The other team is Thunder, Ice and Space.

As for the top ten players on the Holy Master Ranking, there are still three people. When they arrive, they will naturally be the last team.

Xuanwu sneered secretly in his heart, already waiting to see the good show of the last three guys.

You can't let yourself be unlucky alone.

But speaking of it, the other three were not easy to deal with, they were very eccentric.

Although the ranking is relatively low, its strength should not be underestimated.

The position of the top ten has not changed for many years, and no one among them will challenge anyone when they are full.

You must know that the top ten on the list of holy masters are all old antiques, and they all have their own empires behind them.

And he belongs to the strongest in the empire. If he has any deviations, the empire behind him will inevitably be lost, and many years of management will have to be given away.

Speaking of which, there is no fetters of the empire behind those three.

He walks alone and basically sees no one.

Only at the Holy Cause Conference can we see each other last time.

That's why the three of them are hard to find.

"Ha, Holy Lord Thunder, I haven't seen you for many years, and my spirit is getting better and better."

A loud sound came, and then a figure fell into the hall.

The person who came was wearing a coir raincoat, with a fishing rod on his back and a bamboo hat, and his appearance was invisible.

It looks like a farmer in the country.

"My lords, please stay safe."

He greeted casually, and found a place to sit on his own.

"Hmph, you're here!" Holy Master Xuanwu snorted coldly, as if he was a little dissatisfied with the visitor.

"Isn't this the Xuanwu Holy Master? Long time no see. You are in good health." The visitor saw that it was the Xuanwu Holy Master and laughed.

Lord Thunder said with a smile: "Amp, you seem to be getting younger and younger, unlike our group of old bones.

Come on, let me introduce you, this is the Juggernaut. "

"Oh? Juggernaut."

Under the bamboo hat, a pair of green eyes flickered slightly.

He didn't know that not everyone was qualified to claim the title of Juggernaut.

Sanctified by the sword.Like them, they can only be called saints, and they just put gold on their faces.

In this day and age, conditions do not permit sanctification.

This young man actually claims to be a sword master, and his strength is extraordinary.

It can be seen from the attitude of Holy Master Thunder and other Holy Masters towards this kid.

He took the main seat, and no one showed dissatisfaction on his face.

"I have admired the name of the Sword Master for a long time, and I am going to Anpu." He cupped his hands in a gesture.

Lu Chen nodded and said, "You are the wolf god who ranks sixth on the Holy Lord list, Anpu, why don't you show your true face to others?"

For the other three on the Holy Master list, Lu Chen has already inquired about the Thunder Lord.

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They are the sixth Wolf God Anpu, the eighth and ninth Lords of Extreme Yin and Extreme Yang respectively.

The wolf god replied: "Back to the Sword Master, please forgive me for any inconvenience."

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Lu Chen sneered in his heart, and was about to take off his bamboo hat.

Just as he was about to make a move, the Thunder Lord next to him secretly pressed Lu Chen's hand.

Lord Thunder said: "The wolf god has always been like this, and I still look to the sword saint Haihan."

"The relationship between Thunder Lord and Wolf God is good." Lu Chen glanced at Thunder Lord.

Lord Thunder showed forgiveness, and said via voice transmission: "I owe him a favor, and besides, his status is unusual, and he has something to do with overseas."

"It's related to overseas, and he is also from overseas?"

As soon as he heard about overseas, Lu Chen became interested.

"It is very possible that, like you, he does not have a background belonging to this continent.

When he appeared in front of the world, he already possessed powerful strength.

I asked him if he was from overseas, but he didn't answer. "

Lu Chen understood, but still had some doubts in his heart, and said via voice transmission: "In fact, I'm not the first person to come here, he should be the first one."

"If the guess is correct, it should be. But only I know about this."

The Lord of Thunder did not tell others about this, but because he is the strongest in this continent, he will not act until he finds out the situation of this outsider.

Because once these outsiders are moved, there will be unexpected troubles.

So he chose to observe for a period of time, but he didn't find anything unusual about this outsider, and it didn't seem to be harmful to this continent.

Therefore, when the holy way conference was opened, he was directly canonized as the sixth saint to appease An Pu.

As for Lu Chen, the second person to come to this continent, the Lord Thunder actually knew it a long time ago.

Similarly, he also chose to observe in secret.

"How is your strength?" Chase Lu said via voice transmission.

To be able to cross from one continent to another is considered to be very powerful.

If such a person is very weak, how can he say the past, he came from another continent, and stood out from the top of another world.

If such a person is still a waste, then there is really no way to reason.

But more importantly, it works for me.

Time is running out now, and the Sifang Continent is at stake, so I must immediately gather all the forces here.

Any purpose to thwart oneself may not be allowed to exist.

"It's not very clear, he rarely takes shots, but it's very weird.

Somebody refused to accept An Pu and got the sixth place on the list of Holy Masters. That person was a new Holy Master, and he was dealt with badly in the end. "

"Oh, this is what you designed." Lu Chen glanced at the Thunder Lord.

If the guess is correct, the reason why the Thunder Lord directly canonized Anpu as the sixth Holy Lord is to let people try his strength.

And this person can't be him, and he can't be too weak.So I chose to come to such a place in this holy way conference.

"Holy Master Thunder has always taken good care of me, the Sword Master has taken care of me."

Anpu was very polite, and didn't have much opinion of Lu Chen's title of sword master and the position of master.

There was no intention of conflicting with Chase Lu.

This made Xuanwu on the side suddenly feel a little bored.

I thought there would be a wonderful contest, but this Anpu seems to be very honest and doesn't cause much trouble.

"I heard that you came from the outside world." Lu Chen asked straight to the point.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes widened except for Lu Chen and Thunder Lord.

This always mysterious wolf god is actually an outsider, and they don't even know that the wolf god Anpu still has this identity.

Originally, I wanted to try Anpu's depth after the holy way conference was over.But after thinking about it, Lu Chen felt that the sooner the better, the better.

An Pu was a little surprised by Lu Chen's question, and said with a smile: "The Juggernaut is very interested in my life experience? Isn't the Holy Dao Conference a conference for seeking advice and cultivation, and there are such gossip sessions."

Before waiting for Lu Chen to speak, Xuanwu Holy Master suddenly took a step forward and said: "Anpu, the sword master asked you something, why don't you answer it directly, and say what are those twists and turns?"

An Pu was silent.The pair of green eyes under the bamboo hat flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a long time, he slowly said: "I really don't belong here."

The crowd was in an uproar.

Lu Chen stared at An Pu, and said coldly: "Are you from the sea area?"

His aura suddenly rose, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense. Everyone present could feel Lu Chen's irreversible will.

At this moment, he is like an emperor, examining An Pu.

An Pu was startled, and he realized how powerful his relatives were in front of him.

However, he wasn't too worried. The strong man who was able to secure the sixth spot on the Holy Master Ranking certainly had his own trump cards.

No wonder the Holy Master Thunder and all the Holy Masters present respect him very much.

So he hurriedly said: "The sword master is too worried. I am not from the sea area, but I have heard about the sea area you mentioned. There is a strong man there."

Chase Lu withdrew his momentum, and everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it is not the people of the sea area, it is easy to say.

"You said you came from the outside world and don't belong to the sea area, so let me ask you, how did you cross the sea area?" Lu Chen still had some doubts about An Pu's identity.

Here, only Lu Chen has been to the sea, and only Lu Chen knows the horror of the Siren Emperor and the Kraken army.

Being able to cross the sea is almost equal to zero.

"The matter is of great importance, and I am sorry that I cannot tell you."

An Pu's tone became more serious this time, as he seemed to be extremely repulsed by others to pursue his origins.

"If you have a clean identity, why hide and hide. Tell the truth." Xuanwu Holy Master said.

Anpu looked up at the people present, then swept across Lu Chen, and finally set his eyes on the Xuanwu Holy Master, and said slowly: "Xuanwu Holy Master, I call you the Holy Master just to satisfy what you have done. vanity.

In my eyes, you are not worthy of that holy word. "

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