Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2366 Win 1 by [-]

The 360th six chapters are won one by one

Ding Deng Deng.

Holy Master Lingwu and Holy Master Shenwu took a few steps back together, and only then did they suppress the backlash, rolling their throats and swallowing the blood.

Their faces were ugly, their expressions were dignified, and they looked at each other, feeling a little at a loss.

Not to mention being in the opponent's formation, now the three of them shot together, but they were still hurt themselves.

If it is the fault of Xuanwu Holy Master, Xuanwu Holy Master is actually even worse.

Although Xuanwu was not injured, his magic weapon, Xuanwu, was trampled by Lu Chen and severed the connection.

At this time, the anxious Xuanwu Holy Lord had white hair jumping wildly, but he had no choice but to hastily take out other ordinary magic weapons to fight against the figure of Lu Chen stepping on the tortoise.

"Your Mental Power"

Seeing that the Xuanwu magic weapon was extremely obedient under Lu Chen's control, the Holy Master Xuanwu couldn't help exclaiming, his face turned pale, and he was terrified in his heart.

His mental strength is not bad.

But the mysterious tortoise magic weapon that he had sacrificed for many years was cut apart by the other party's spiritual power in an instant.

What level of spiritual power is this?

Is it the top level of delusion?

Xuanwu Continent has not produced such a level of spiritual power for many years, how can this kid be able to do it?

By the way, he is not from the Xuanwu Continent, but from overseas.

Could it be that there are really places overseas where people can break the shackles.

If not, how could this person from overseas be able to raise his spiritual power to the realm of delusion?


While the Xuanwu Holy Master was thinking wildly, his ordinary magic weapon had already been knocked into the air by the Soaring Snake Longlance.

Xuanwu Holy Master watched the tortoise shell crashing with a dull face, and he had no defense except the inner armor.


Under the astonished gazes of the other two Holy Masters, Holy Master Xuanwu knelt down on the ground: "I submit, I submit. From now on, I will look forward to your leadership and fight out of the sea together to create a new world for Xuanwu Continent. "


Lu Chen stopped and said with a smile: "He who knows the current affairs is a hero. Since you choose to surrender, I will give you a chance to make meritorious deeds. Go and persuade your two companions, spare you from death, and let you have the opportunity to break through the Earth Yuan Realm in the future .”

"Yes Yes."

Xuanwu Holy Master responded quickly, with a complicated expression on his face.

As the emperor who is the head of the four great empires, when has he ever been so respectful to others?

Even if facing the Lord of Thunder, with the Xuanwu Empire at his back, he can still stand on an equal footing with him.

But today, he had no choice but to kneel down.

But this is not my fault, it is because the kid in front of me is too strong.

The mental power to break the illusion is comparable to the formation ability of the formation king, and the ability to control the rules beyond the ordinary

No matter what ability it is, it is far beyond oneself.

It can be said that it has broken the multiple limits of Xuanwu Continent.

It can be seen from this that what this kid said is true in all likelihood.

This person really came from overseas, and what the Thunder Lord proposed was what he proposed.

As for today's game, it was clear that that guy Lei Ting had surrendered to him, and he was helping him with the layout in order to suppress the three of them.

This is to force the will of the Xuanwu Continent to reach a consensus.

Anyone who dares to say anything wrong will be severely suppressed.

If you dare not follow, you will die!

Holy Master Xuanwu walked up to Holy Master Shenwu and Holy Master Lingwu, and informed them of his conjecture.

Although they also had speculations in their hearts, they were still dumbfounded by the words of Xuanwu Holy Master.

After a while, Holy Master Lingwu's expression turned ugly, and he said in a deep voice, "What do you mean, you want us to kneel and submit like you?"


Xuanwu Holy Master sneered uncomfortably, and said: "If you want to try his skills, go ahead and try. I'm afraid you will be worse than me later!"

Holy Master Lingwu snorted: "At worst, the body dies and the dao disappears!"

"If you have such an idea, the other party is absolutely willing to fulfill it."

Holy Master Xuanwu stepped aside and said please, with a sneer in his eyes.

Lingwu, an old man, dared to mock himself to kneel down to Lu Chen.

He hasn't been robbed of the strongest magic weapon, and he doesn't know how powerful Lu Chen is, so let him die.

Soon he will experience the despair he was in just now, and he will kneel faster than himself.

Everyone is an old monster who has known each other for thousands of years, and no one knows who is what.

What a big-tailed wolf!

Lord Lingwu stalked his neck, and was about to walk over to face Lu Chen head-on.

Suddenly, Holy Master Shenwu gave him a hand and said, "Don't be impulsive. You forgot Holy Lord Xiongwu? If you really die, your Spiritual Martial Empire will be absorbed by him."

Holy Lord Lingwu immediately stopped and nodded, feeling very grateful to Holy Lord Shenwu.

If it wasn't for the other party to stop him, I'm afraid I would be beaten up.

He is not a fool, he has already figured it out, it is estimated that the Holy Master Xiongwu is disobedient, and was beheaded by Lu Chen forcefully!

As for what Holy Master Thunder said about Xiongwu dying at the end of his life, it is absolutely nonsense.

Even if it was true, he must have been forced to die by Lu Chen.

In fact, these old men didn't dare to explode their strongest strength at all.

I'm afraid that if one is not careful, the qi and blood will explode dramatically and affect the life span, that would be pitiful.

Therefore, Holy Master Lingwu and Holy Master Shenwu looked at each other, and they both came to a judgment, saying: "Lu Chen, we also agree with your proposal, let's fight out of the sea together and build a new world together."

"very good."

Lu Chen clapped his hands.


The oppressive feeling in the surrounding air disappeared instantly.

The faces of the three Lingwu Holy Masters all changed, and they became a little happy.

This is because the opponent canceled the formation, so the atmosphere became relaxed.

But why is this kid so bold, he dared to dispel the formation directly.

You must know that a large part of the reason why he can fight three against one is because of this powerful formation.

Without this formation, it is still unknown whether he can defeat the three of them.

Thinking of this, Holy Master Lingwu's thoughts came alive, and he didn't want to be caught without a fight.

Why can a person from overseas occupy their Xuanwu Continent?

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Bullying me that there is no one in the Xuanwu Continent?

Then, Holy Master Lingwu and Holy Master Shenwu looked at each other, and the two of them rushed out together, their aura surging, and holding the strongest magic weapon, they came rushing forward.

But Lu Chen was not surprised or afraid, but laughed: "Xuanwu, you can't even complete the first task assigned to you, what use are you for?"


Xuanwu wanted to explain, but when he saw Lu Chen's eyes, he was immediately shocked.

He hastily shot and attacked Lingwu's back to show his loyalty.

The Holy Lord of Lingwu was furious: "Xuanwu, how dare you attack me. You are the eternal sinner of Xuanwu Continent!"

As he spoke, a fan appeared behind him.

The fan unfolded in an uproar, blocking Holy Master Xuanwu like a wall.

After all, the Holy Lord of Xuanwu did not have the magic weapon of Xuanwu, and his strength was greatly reduced. It would take a lot of effort to break through the fan wall.

And taking advantage of this time, Lu Chen had to be executed under the outrageous attacks of Lingwu and Shenwu!

But at this time, Lu Chen sneered and said, "Since I dare to let go of the formation, I'm not afraid of you two trash joining forces. It's a pity that you, an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years, has such a worrying IQ!"

at the same time.


The oppressive feeling in the air hit again.

Holy Master Lingwu and Holy Master Shenwu suddenly changed their colors and screamed: "Your formation is unreasonable!"

"I am right."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, his figure rose into the air, stepped on the turtle shell, and stepped on the door covering the face of the Spirit Martial Lord.


The Holy Lord of Lingwu was trampled to the ground by the sole of his big foot, and the magic seal and the bird-shaped doll in his hand were not activated in time, and were directly trampled out.

With a quick grab, Lu Chen put the two magic weapons into the small world.

The Lord of Divine Martial Arts was so frightened that he immediately stopped, motionless, and looked at Lu Chen foolishly.

He couldn't understand how Lu Chen reactivated the formation.

He obviously didn't make any moves, and didn't throw any array flags, so the array was activated inexplicably.

By the way, when he let go of the array before, he didn't seem to take back any array flags.

How did this young man do it?

With such a secret way of setting up formations like him, what kind of sword master is he, why not just call him a formation saint.

"I surrender. Met the Juggernaut."

The Divine Martial Lord hastily knelt down and surrendered.

He didn't want to be crushed half of his face like Lingwu.

The body was also trampled into a cake.

Even if he can recover, the injury will take several years to repair.

It can be said that Lingwu is useless.

Originally, he was still the powerful Holy Master of the Three Great Empires, ranking third on the list of Holy Masters.

But from today onwards, his strength might drop to No.11 on the list of masters.

"Ha ha."

Lu Chen smiled at the Divine Martial Lord, then slapped him, and said, "If you dare to attack me, I will teach you a lesson."

As he said that, the big handprint took out the holy master of martial arts.

At the same time, Lu Chen also sent the two magic weapons of the Divine Martial Lord to the small world.

In this way, the top-level magic weapons of the combination of the three holy masters are all in his pocket.

Now even if these three don't surrender, it doesn't matter.

Without the combination of top-level magic weapons, they are tigers without minions, nothing to be afraid of.

So Lu Chen put away his big footprints and said, "Lingwu, if you want to die, you can save yourself wasting healing pills."

As he said that, a stream of sword energy condensed between the eyebrows of Holy Lord Lingwu.

The Holy Lord of Lingwu was shocked, and said hastily: "Surrender, I am willing to surrender."

"You're smart."

Lu Chen grabbed again with his right hand and took away the ring of the Holy Lord of Lingwu.

Afterwards, he threw it back, but there were only some healing pills left in it.

Holy Master Lingwu was bleeding from the heart, but he didn't dare to say a word, and endured silently.

Seeing this, the Holy Master Xuanwu on the other side quickly presented the ring up.

Lu Chen took it.

The Lord of Divine Martial Arts is not far behind, and he also offered it.

Lu Chen accepted it naturally.

The treasures of these three old monsters are the top treasures that have exhausted the power of an empire, and they will not be taken for nothing.

In the battle to kill the sea in the future, these treasures will be of great use.

"Very well, I think the three of you have contributed to the treasure offering. I will let you heal your wounds here first to save your face."

Lu Chen said.

Xuanwu Holy Master breathed a sigh of relief, and then flattered: "Sword Master, what about our magic weapon?"

Lu Chen said: "Don't worry, I won't let others know that your magic weapon has been confiscated by me."

Lord Xuanwu: ""

His original intention was to let Chase Lu return the top magic weapon of the combination to them.

As a result, Lu Chen choked him to death with such a sentence.

It seems that the magic weapon will never have a chance to get it back.

Yes, after all, it is a rare combination top-level magic weapon.

You must know that the real independent top-level magic weapon is only possessed by the Thunder Lord.

The people below them are all top-level magic weapons.

It can be seen that the top-level magic weapon is rare.

Whoever gets it can't return it.

Therefore, if you want to blame, you can only blame the three of them for overestimating their capabilities and going against Lu Chen.

Now it's all right, they not only became the Juggernaut firmly, but also took away the top-level magic weapon of their combination.

And they can only kneel down and surrender.

Not worth the loss.

Although regretful, the three holy masters still cherish the quick healing of time.

After a while, they returned to their original appearance.

All of them became magnificent imperial emperors again.

Even the Holy Master Lingwu, who was the most injured, returned to his original state.

Of course, if the strong observe carefully, they can find that their aura is not right.

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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