Chapter 340 Trapped

Fortunately, the Lord Lie Yan is there.

Lord Lie Yan and Lord Fengyun walked side by side, their flame rules pojiě the rules of ice, and Lord Fengyun drove the rules of wind elements, chasing after them.

Whoosh whoosh!

The three figures are one behind the other.

There were some martial arts practitioners in the martial tower originally who broke into the tower, but at this moment, they were all charged by the breath of the three people, and they suffered an indiscriminate disaster, half dead.

Soon, the three rushed to the 99th floor.

I saw no one on the 99th floor.

Lord Ice and Snow's face was ugly: "Where is Bing Xuanji?"

She took out the soul jade slip, but it was not broken, which shows that Bing Xuanji is still alive.

But why can't I find it?

"Bingxue, you have nowhere to escape. Hurry up and take out the ring, we will share it equally, otherwise don't blame the two of us for being rude!"

Lord Fengyun shouted loudly.

Lord Lieyan persuaded: "Ice and snow, the three of us will share equally. I only need the holy dragon golden bone bow, and I will give you the rest. You will take the lead, don't you want to?"

"I didn't take the ring at all!"

The Holy Lord of Ice and Snow vomited blood angrily.

These two mad dogs lost their judgment because of the magic weapon.

I have been blocked by them, what good is it to lie to them?

After thinking about it for a while, I understand that I have to get entangled with myself.

As the Holy Master, Bingxue is proud of herself and doesn't bother to explain.

But the current situation cannot be explained.

Bing Xuanji was gone, and he didn't get his ring. Fighting the two of them here was ridiculous.

So she calmed down and explained over and over again.

In the end, he had no choice but to take out the storage ring and let the two of them use their mental power to investigate.

"Could it be hidden somewhere in the Wu Tower?"

Lord Fengyun still didn't believe it.

After following Bingxue all the way, the result was just like this, he was not reconciled, he didn't want to believe it!

Bingxue's beautiful eyes were covered with frost, and he shouted angrily: "I've shown you the storage ring, what else do you want?"

Lord Lie Yan intervened and said: "You two, don't get angry. As Bing'er said, that kid must still be inside the martial tower. As long as we stay outside the martial tower, we won't believe that he won't come out!"

Bingxue sneered: "This kid is powerful. If he comes out, he may have recovered from his injuries and has the magic weapon of Sheng Yusheng. The three of us alone can't hold him down!"

"Hmph, why bother raising others' prestige. I think the Lord of Ice and Snow hasn't come out of the mountain for many years, and he has lost his judgment."

Lord Fengyun sneered.

Bingxue didn't bother to pay attention to him, but with a heartbeat, said: "I remember entering the Wuta, and my name will appear on the huge monument of the Wuta."


Lie Yan nodded and was taken aback for a moment: "When we came in just now, we didn't see Chase Lu's name appearing except for the name reserved on the 99th floor. He is not on the 99th floor right now. If he entered the Wuta, why is there no name? ?”

"Oops, he didn't enter Wuta at all!"

Bingxue's face changed drastically.

My majestic Holy Master was actually being played like a monkey by Lu Chen.

This guy just sent a ripple to the entrance of the Wuta, making himself think that he entered the Wuta.

In fact, this guy has been watching the situation quietly, and when the three of them enter the martial tower, this kid will immediately run away.

Right now, I'm afraid this kid has already left the Imperial City and disappeared without a trace!

Thinking of this, Bingxue immediately rushed out of the martial tower, sweeping away with mental power, frantically looking for Lu Chen's figure.

But suddenly, she was taken aback.

To her surprise, Lu Chen didn't run away, but stood upright in front of her with a sarcastic smile on his face.

rub rub!

Another two figures quickly rushed out of the martial tower.

It is Lord Fengyun and Lord Lie Yan.

"What are you running for, Bingxue?"

Lord Fengyun shouted loudly.

Then he saw the gaze of the Lord of Ice and Snow, so he looked at Lu Chen and said, "This kid"

"He is Lu Chen, who stole Xiong Yusheng's ring."

The Lord of Ice and Snow said in a deep voice.

Lu Chen said with a smile: "Don't talk nonsense. I killed Sheng Yusheng originally, and the ring is the trophy, so it belongs to me naturally. Why do you want to grab the word."

"That's a bad word."

Lord Lie Yan stepped out, his robes fluttered, and his eyes were fixed on Lu Chen.

He saw a clue.

The breath of the kid in front of him was obviously unstable, and he was obviously seriously injured.

Although Xiong Yusheng is the strongest in this imperial city, in terms of strength alone, he is only [-] to [-]% inferior to the Lord Lie Yan.

To be able to become emperor in this imperial city, of course, not only rely on the extra [-]-[-]% of his strength, but also rely on the numerous magic weapons in Saint Xiong Yusheng, which can be described as endless.

Moreover, it also controls the imperial city formation.In this way, even the sum of several of their holy masters cannot be inferior to Xiong Yusheng.

And the kid in front of him was actually quite capable of beheading Xiong Yusheng.

But in order to kill Xiong Yusheng, this kid must have paid a lot of price.

Therefore, Xiong Yusheng concluded that Lu Chen is only at the end of his battle now, and now he is just pretending, and whoever can be deceived can only deceive the Lord of Ice and Snow.

If this kid is allowed to swallow the ring all by himself, with this kid's talent, given time, he might be the second male Yusheng.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to let the tiger go back to the mountain, as long as this kid surrenders the ring, he cannot keep it!

Thinking of this, Lord Lieyan's expression changed, and he said gently: "Lu Chen, right, I think you are very talented, and you will become a great weapon in time.

It's because you are young and ignorant, and don't know how to measure.

What should be taken and what should not be taken is still a little unclear.But it doesn't matter, as long as you hand over the ring to me, I will guarantee you nothing will happen. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Holy Master Fengyun couldn't hold back any longer.Just as he was about to speak, he was stopped by the Ice and Snow Lord.

"Oh? I guess you haven't figured out the situation yet."

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Lu Chen shook his head and sighed: "I'm getting old, and my eyes are indeed a little dizzy. If you have long eyes, leave quickly before I make any plans."


Toast, do not eat and drink fine!

Sacred Lord Lieyan suddenly moved and grabbed Lu Chen.

Immediately, the flames shot up into the sky, and Suzaku could be heard faintly singing softly.

But soon he realized something was wrong.

I couldn't rush out to catch this kid in an instant, as if something in the space blocked me.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Lu Chen stretched out his fingers and shook, and said: "Three, please be safe and don't be impatient. You must recognize the reality and don't scream."

Lord Lie Yan's face was livid.

Lord Fengyun frowned, and said in a deep voice, "There is a trap around here."

"What trap can trap the three of us?"

Lord Lie Yan sneered, grabbed the air with his right hand, and then his expression froze.

I couldn't break this trap.

Lord Fengyun also realized that something was wrong, and said sharply: "Let's do it together!"

The three of them worked together to activate their respective magical powers at the same time.

However, the trap only shook slightly, and it still didn't break.

"how is this possible!"

The three exclaimed in unison.

Why is Kunzheng so powerful that he can withstand the joint attack of their three holy masters.

Seeing the expressions of the three of them, Lu Chen sneered and didn't bother to pay attention to them, let them continue to struggle here.

Although this Kunzheng was not very powerful, it was more than enough to trap the three of them.

For one thing, Lu Chen's formation skills can be called the best in the Xuanwu Continent, even if he arranges a formation method casually, it should not be underestimated.

Coming, Lu Chen buried the magic weapon array under this trapped array.

Although she hasn't been able to refine the magic weapon array, but the magic weapon guards the trapped array, and the firmness of the array will naturally increase exponentially.

In addition, the magic weapon array plate can also extract the power of the imperial city array, unite and instill it into the trapped array.

Even if the three of them kept attacking, at least they would have to attack for a stick of incense.

During this period, Chase Lu's mental power can definitely be greatly recovered.

At that time, it would not be so troublesome to clean up these three guys.

Time passed slowly.

Lu Chen sat firmly in front of the three of them, closed his eyes tightly, and did not run away.

The three of them continued to attack the trapped formation, their faces becoming more and more gloomy.

Feng Yun frowned, and said: "What does this kid mean, he got the ring of Xiong Yusheng, and said that we were trapped together, why didn't he run?"

"Yeah, what else does he have in mind?"

Lord Lie Yan was also puzzled: "If you can arrange such a powerful trap, if you want to kill us, why don't you arrange a killing array?"

The Lord of Ice and Snow snorted coldly: "Don't be fooled by this kid! Killing a formation requires much more spiritual power than a trapping formation. He just fought against Xiong Yusheng, and he doesn't have any extra energy to deal with us. Being able to arrange a trapping formation is already It's the limit."

"Well said."

Feng Yunsheng nodded in approval, and said to himself: "With this kid's strength, he is not enough to kill us.

Being able to trap us with a trap is already his ability, but it is also his limit.

In my opinion, he didn't run away, not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't.

Because he needs to activate the formation all the time to be able to trap us.

If he leaves, even if he just takes a step, it will probably relax the formation and be easily broken by us.

Therefore, he must remain motionless and concentrate on controlling the formation.

In other words, as long as we do our best to quickly break this formation, that kid will be a fish on the chopping board, let us slaughter him! "

"That's right! Sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot. This kid is dead, Bing'er, let's take action!"

Lord Lie Yan exclaimed with joy.

Bingxue snorted coldly, her expression was still indifferent, but her hands were merciless.

While the three Holy Masters were analyzing, the attack did not slow down at all.

Whether it's the rules and supernatural powers, or their own magic weapons, they are constantly smashing out to attack the trapped formation.

It is also thanks to the magic treasure array and the imperial city formation that maintain this trapped formation. If Lu Chen is allowed to maintain it alone, he will be shocked to death by so many attacks.

"What is Palace Master Lu Chen doing? Why isn't he running away?"

In the distance of the Wu Tower, Chu Zhong and others were also watching, very nervous and worried.

They were originally attracted by Lu Chen's stepping into the 99th floor of the Wuta, but they didn't expect to see repeated battles before Lu Chen had time to celebrate.

And a battle at this level is not something they are qualified to contact at all.

Even if they were watching from a distance, they felt incomparable fear, fearing that the aftermath of the battle would dissipate and kill them.

Before Lu Chen finally took control of the situation, he killed Xiong Yusheng and trapped these three strong men of unknown origin.

This gave everyone the opportunity to escape to a distant place.

But everyone escaped, but Lu Chen's palace master did not escape, but sat there, motionless.

What on earth is he trying to do.

This is simply waiting to die.

When the three strong men get out of trouble, the Lord Lu Chen will undoubtedly die.

"Hallmaster, shall we go up and help?"

Ji Sunying asked.

The head of the hall, Mu Huang, shook his head, and said coldly: "It's useless for us to go up, it's not at the same level at all. Besides, brother Lu Chen has overshadowed the sky and has a lot of clever tricks. He will never die rashly. Let's just watch."

"That's right, just watch it, don't be impulsive. At this level, we simply can't get in."

The second palace master nodded and reconsidered.

Chu Zhong sighed: "I didn't expect that Lu Chen not only suppressed and killed Xiao Sha, but also killed the most powerful man in the empire, Xiong Yusheng. With such a powerful strength, if Lu Chen hadn't met three strong men with unknown origins, Lu Chen would have been killed." The Hall Master is invincible and can dominate the Xiongwu Empire!"

"Who are these three people? Their auras are so terrifying. Just standing there makes us unable to have the courage to fight."

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