Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2347 Flaws

The two of them tried their best to tear open the big formation before, and sent the Ice and Snow Lord in, but they were bounced back out, and they had no strength to rush into the big formation again.

Now, it can break through the formation.

This is not because of their sudden improvement in strength, but because the moment Lu Chen snatched the Xiongyu Sheng magic weapon array disk, the imperial city array lost control in an instant, revealing its flaws.

Taking advantage of this gap, the two rushed into the imperial city.

Based on the experience of the two of them, the imperial city formation must have lost control.

Xiong Yusheng is afraid that he is already dead.

All kinds of magic weapons on his body, all kinds of treasures in the imperial palace, naturally cannot be given away.

It is true that the Lord of Ice and Snow is on good terms with them, but it cannot be allowed to monopolize the treasures.

The two rushed over quickly just to get a share of the action!

Crack cack cack.

Bang chi!

In the sky above the Martial Pagoda of the Imperial City, the Lord of Ice and Snow finally opened the space cage.

With a long howl, she was furious, and a terrifying icy breath swept over, trying to freeze Lu Chen into ice slag.

Lu Chen's figure exploded back.

It seemed that something was pulling him instead of acting on his own.

This is still the power of formation.

Lu Chen had no time to fight this woman desperately, so he moved himself away with the power of the formation.

At the same time, various shielding patterns condensed on his body, hiding his figure.

In fact, when the Lord of Ice and Snow was trapped, Lu Chen could hide himself.

But he didn't do that, just to let the Ice and Snow Lord attack with anger, wasting her spiritual power.

Anyway, whenever you move, you are moving, and you are almost invincible in the big formation of the imperial city.

"I still want to run away!"

The Lord of Ice and Snow yelled coldly and chased after him.

She saw her right hand grabbing a spear.

The icy light froze on the spear, making a crackling sound, almost freezing the air.

"go with!"

The Lord of Ice and Snow shouted coquettishly, and threw the spear.

Although she couldn't see where Chase Lu was, she could sense part of it.

After all, Lu Chen had been hidden for too long, and there was still breath left.


A space was blasted, Lu Chen's figure emerged, and then collapsed.

The Lord of Ice and Snow sneered, but his expression turned extremely dark in an instant.

A hand suddenly protruded from the void and grabbed the ice and snow spear.

Afterwards, the ice and snow spear lost contact with itself.

This is a magic weapon that she has refined for many years, but she lost her sense in an instant.

How can it be?

How did the other party cut off his connection with the magic weapon?

How to have such a terrible means!

Lu Chen's method is actually not terrible, he just threw the ice and snow spear into the small world casually.

Not to mention the small world is its own space, and the outside world cannot communicate.

Even if the outside world can communicate, there are still various formations arranged by him in Chase Lu's small world.

The ice and snow spear entered it, and naturally cut off all contact with the ice and snow lord.

"Hehe, thank you girl for giving me the treasure."

Lu Chen sneered, his figure still hidden in the formation.

However, his face was slightly pale.

After all, he was hit by a magic weapon, even if he moved to avoid it, he would still be scratched.

But getting another magic weapon can be regarded as a profit.

Anyway, what he is now relying on in the battle is not his body, but his mental strength.

As long as the mental power is sufficient, and he can control various formations and the imperial city formation, he will be invincible.

"I'll kill you! Give me back my magic weapon!"

The Lord of Ice and Snow had a ferocious expression on his face, almost going mad.

Magical treasures are hard to come by, if you lose one, you will lose one.

The magic weapons that their ice and snow holy mountain has had for so many years are very limited.

As a result, his most powerful attack magic weapon, the ice spear, was easily taken away.

Where is this kid so powerful?

Lu Chen ignored the Ice and Snow Lord, hid in the formation, and moved to another hidden place.

Suddenly, a ripple appeared at the entrance of Wuta.

At the same time, two figures whizzed over the Wuta.

The Lord of Ice and Snow stared beautifully, and found the Lord of Lieyan and the Lord of Fengyun.

Her expression changed slightly, and she said, "How did you get in?"

Lord Lie Yan said: "There was a fluctuation in the big formation before, and we caught the loophole and came in."

Fengyun Shengzhu said: "Don't mention this. I saw that there was a battle here just now. Who are you fighting?"

He looked at the Ice and Snow Holy Master with scorching eyes, suspecting that the Ice and Snow Holy Master had suppressed Xiong Yusheng and obtained his ring.

The Lord of Ice and Snow is also an old monster, how can he not know what the Lord of Fengyun thinks.

She glanced at Holy Lord Lie Yan, and found that Lie Yan's eyes were also burning.

In front of the magic weapon, no matter how much Lie Yan fell in love with Bingxue, she would not give it up.

Bingxue sneered in her heart, and said: "When I came, Xiong Yusheng was already dead, his ring was taken away by another person, and that person has already entered Wuta." "Oh?"

Lord Fengyun frowned, half-believing and half-doubting.

That person entered Wuta, this rhetoric is really wonderful!

Because the Wu Tower has its own rules, it can block their spiritual power detection.

They couldn't judge the truth of Bingxue's words at all.

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If you want to judge, you have to enter Wuta.

Can enter the Wuta, but is restricted by the rules of the Wuta, and can't be alert to the outside world.

If the ice and snow lord sneaked up to her ice and snow holy mountain as soon as they entered the martial tower, wouldn't they be treated like monkeys?

Lord Fengyun pondered for a while, and said: "Bingxue, when we arrived just now, the aftermath of the battle was icy, who are you fighting?"

Bingxue snorted coldly: "It's the one who snatched the ring."

"Who is that person who can block your attack?"

Lord Fengyun asked doubtfully.

Lord Ice and Snow flicked his sleeves coldly: "I don't know!"

Lord Fengyun asked again: "Who killed Sheng Yusheng, that person or you?"

Lord Lieyan's face was ugly, but he still didn't make a move. Instead, he pondered for a while and said, "I have another way."

As he spoke, he grabbed a person with his right hand and grabbed a person on the ground nearby, and asked, "Tell me everything that happened before!"

"Yes Yes Yes"

The man was so frightened that he told everything he had seen before.

After a long while, the man begged for mercy in a low voice: "My lord, I have finished speaking, and there is absolutely no falsehood, please"


Lord Lieyan hummed casually, and sent out the flame power from his right hand, burning the man to ashes.

He didn't seem to realize that he had just killed a person, but looked at the giant monument of the Wuta, and said: "The kid named Lu Chen broke into the 99th floor, and there is Ice Mystery with him. Hehehe, Bingxue , and said it has nothing to do with you?"

The Lord of Ice and Snow had an ugly expression.

Her attention had been on the ring and Chase Lu before, and she didn't pay attention to the huge monument of the Wuta at all.

If this person hadn't told everything he knew, he wouldn't have known that the boy who snatched the holy ring of Xiong Yu was actually Lu Chen.

He had heard the name Lu Chen before.

Previously, Bingxuanji's servant and maid were watching in Wuta, and saw Bingxuanji stepping into the 99th floor, and then sent a message to herself, mentioning Lu Chen.

But she didn't care too much, and she never thought that Bing Xuanji's stepping into the 99th floor had something to do with Lu Chen.

But from what the person said just now, Bing Xuanji has been staying on the thirtieth floor.

It wasn't until Chase Lu entered that she soared to the 99th floor.

It can be seen that the relationship with Lu Chen is very close!

But what about Bing Xuanji?

Before, he only thought about wanting the ring, and forgot about Bing Xuanji for a while.

Thinking about it now, the Lord of Ice and Snow was about to rush into the martial tower immediately.

Whether it is to catch Lu Chen to get the ring, or to find Bing Xuanji, he has to enter the Wuta.


Lord Fengyun stopped Bingxue and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Step aside!"

Sacred Lord of Ice and Snow flicked his sleeve robe, and a terrifying blast of icy air blasted out.

Lord Fengyun sneered, the strong wind swept across his body, knocking back the icy airflow, and said, "Why, do you still want to do something? Just now that person said that Chase Lu disappeared, how can you conclude that he entered the Wuta?"

"If you don't believe me, let's go in and have a look!"

The Lord of Ice and Snow drank coldly.

"Okay, then let's go in and have a look."

Fengyun gave Lie Yan a wink, and the two stood on the left and right respectively, and stepped into the martial tower together with the Lord of Ice and Snow.

With their strength, Wuta couldn't stop them at all.

Not to mention the first floor, even the 99th floor, they can easily step in and suppress the martial arts field.

But if they want to destroy Wuta, they are too far away.

Strictly speaking, Wuta can be regarded as a magic weapon.

It's just that this magic weapon is very high-level, not to mention the three of them, even if all the holy masters of the Xuanwu Continent make a move, they can't shake the Wuta.

Therefore, the three of them could only go up the stairs as usual.

And step by step, the three of them are like conjoined twins, not separated at all.

Bingxue's face was gloomy.

Being sandwiched between two men, even though there was no physical contact, it still made her feel extremely disgusted.

But I'm not in the mood to worry about that right now.

She just wanted to find Lu Chen as soon as possible, and then rushed to the 99th floor to see the whereabouts of Bing Xuanji.

But no matter how their mental power swept, they didn't find Lu Chen.

It was as if Lu Chen had disappeared out of thin air.

"What about the kid? This is what you said about entering the Wuta!"

Holy Master Fengyun stared at Holy Master Ice and Snow, as if he wanted to see through him.

The Ice and Snow Lord's face was ugly: "I clearly saw that kid hiding in the air, entering the martial tower and creating space ripples!"

As she said that, she suddenly said: "That's right, this kid got the magic weapon formation plate of Xiong Yusheng, he must rely on this magic weapon to condense the formation and escape our detection!"


Fengyun Shengzhu yelled: "How difficult it is to refine a magic weapon, I don't need to explain it to you. You are ashamed to say this kind of rhetoric! Bingxue, hand over the ring of Xiong Yusheng, and the three of us will share it equally! I advise you Don't make things too rigid!"

The Lord of Ice and Snow couldn't argue with a hundred words.

Before the Holy Fire Master could stop her, she rushed towards the Wu Pagoda.

Now Lu Chen can't find it, but Bing Xuanji should still be on the 99th floor.

Otherwise, how could the person who was caught before not see Bing Xuanji coming out?


Lord Fengyun shouted angrily.

He has the deepest understanding of the rules of the wind system, and he can also walk on clouds, faster than ice and snow.

But wherever the Lord of Ice and Snow goes, there is ice behind him, which hinders his actions, and it is also a trouble to poke him, which makes him slow down.

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