Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2343 Semi-Saint

"Earth element realm?"

the young man asked suspiciously.

Someone was clever, and immediately asked: "Could it be that above the Void Realm is the Earth Yuan Realm?"


The old man said: "There are ancient books that say that above the Void Realm is the Earth Origin Realm. And those who have achieved the Earth Origin Realm are called Earth Venerables."

"Isn't he a saint?"

the young man asked again.

According to what Master said, those who are infinitely close to the Earth Element Realm are honored as semi-sages.

Why is a strong man in the Yuan Realm called a saint?

The old man smiled sarcastically, and said: "Saints, half-sages, are just martial artists from the Xuanwu Continent putting gold on their faces.

How powerful is the real ancient saint, how can it be so easy to achieve?

Look at this holy dragon golden bone bow, the holy dragon condensed has one ten millionth of the power of the ancient saints.

One can imagine the horror of the saint! "

"One millionth?"

All the young people were terrified.

The pressure of the holy dragon in front of them made them feel palpitations despite being separated by hundreds of miles.

The coercion of the ancient sage was thousands of times that of this holy dragon.

How strong is that?

Even a toenail of an ancient sage could crush them into minced meatloaf.

The old man sighed, and said: "The so-called semi-sages are called semi-sages only because everyone breaks through the inheritance of enlightenment.

In fact, it is only a half-step earth respect.

But even if it is called a half-step god, it is just that everyone puts gold on their faces.

After all, no one can break through the Earth Element Realm.

The half-step Earth Venerable, to put it nicely, is infinitely close to the Earth Origin Realm.

To put it bluntly, it means that one will never be able to break through the Earth Yuan Realm! "

The expressions of all the young people changed, and they were all silent.

Their masters are all octogenarians, and they don't know how many years they have lived to grow into this old state.

It can be said that the strength of their master is not even a half-step Earth Venerable, let alone break through the real Earth Element Realm.

Then, will they be like their master in their whole life, unable to break through for a lifetime, and eventually die of old age?

Thinking of such an ending, everyone felt ashamed.

If you live like this, you might as well die now.

Life is meaningless without hope.

While the young people on this side were in turmoil, in the distant sky, Lu Chen's figure suddenly moved, breaking free from the lock of the holy dragon golden bone bow.

But it was only a moment of breaking free, and he was restrained again in the blink of an eye.

But even for a moment, Lu Chen was enough to activate his other sword.

Green Feather Sword!

This was snatched from Gongsunyou back then, and it was made of the feathers of the divine bird Qingluan.

Then Lu Chen re-refined it with pure Yang fire on the side of the flame tree, and absorbed a large number of fire crows on the flame tree with this sword.

This sword has already transformed!

When the sword was unsheathed, countless fire crows walked around it, and it turned out to be the phantom of the divine bird Qingluan.

Holding the sword with both hands, Lu Chen let out a terrifying roar: "Slay the monster!"

This is his demon-slaying swordsmanship.

When I first comprehended this paranoid swordsmanship, it was because I had an obsession in my heart to kill the Sea Demon Emperor.

It never occurred to him that the Sea Demon Emperor hadn't beheaded yet, but he did it in advance today to kill the phantom of the holy dragon.

Shenglong, hehe, after all, it's just a monster!

Kill the demon, kill him too!


The Qingluan condensed by the fire crows made a neighing sound, and the surrounding flames roared and rolled, and the sky was like a sea of ​​flames.

This sea of ​​flames almost overwhelmed the coercion of the holy dragon.

All over the sky and plains, the phantom of the holy dragon can no longer be seen, but only Qingluan bathing in fire.

"So strong!"

All the old antiques were amazed and dumbfounded.

They thought Lu Chen had absolutely no ability to fight back in front of the holy dragon golden bone bow, and could only let him be slaughtered.

However, he didn't expect that Lu Chen would be able to compete with the Holy Dragon Phantom without relying on magic weapons.

And what he sang in his mouth was actually the voice of a real dragon.

How many cards does this young man have?

Qingluan bathed in fire, sword energy rose into the air, and the endless artistic conception of sword art broke through the air and raged.

Fortunately, there was no one around him.

Otherwise, I am afraid that this field of kendo is enough to kill tens of thousands of people on the spot.

This young man's offensive is comparable to a magic weapon!

It's a pity that he doesn't have a magic weapon himself.

Facing a high-level magic weapon like the holy dragon golden bone bow, how can it match?

Even if it is to temporarily suppress the phantom of the holy dragon with the fire of Qingluan, but the power of the magic weapon can be resisted by the flesh?

An old man sighed.

If this young man possessed Xiao Sha's Four Rams Fang Ding and pushed it to the extreme, and his various hole cards emerged one after another, he might really be able to withstand the power of the Holy Dragon Golden Bone Bow.

But unfortunately

"hold head high!"

An angry dragon roar roared out under the flame of Qingluan.

No one can see the phantom of the holy dragon, but the holy dragon still exists, and it is full of anger.


A stream of light suddenly shot out from Qingluan's fire, hitting Lu Chen's eyebrows directly.

Lu Chen changed color in shock.

He didn't expect that he tried his best to suppress Shenglong phantom, but he still lost a move.

The holy dragon arrow shot by this holy dragon golden bone bow, in addition to condensing the phantom of the holy dragon, the holy dragon arrow itself is also a magic weapon.

When the phantom of the holy dragon is suppressed, the power of the holy dragon's arrow will shoot out, which is a mental attack, which is hard to guard against.

"Are you going to die here?"

Lu Chen was not reconciled, and his mental power was frantically mobilized, condensing a mental pattern in his mind.

In addition, he stimulated all the killing intent and inspired the Senluo Palace in the spiritual world!

Although this Senluo Palace is not a magic weapon, it is comparable to a magic weapon.

The killing intent in it was already extremely condensed, and it was refined by Lu Chen after absorbing a large number of blood crystals.

The Senluo Palace is already comparable to a magic weapon!

The only regret is that the Senluo Palace is not real, but entrusted in Lu Chen's spiritual world.

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The current situation is like Lu Chen using his spiritual world as a battlefield, using the power of the quasi-magic weapon of the Senluo Palace to fight against the power of the magic weapon of the Holy Dragon Arrow.

Needless to say the dangers involved.

If he is not careful, Lu Chen's spiritual world will be shattered, and he will become a soulless corpse in an instant.


When the streamer pierced Lu Chen's brow, time seemed to freeze.

Everyone could only see Lu Chen standing in the middle of Qingluan's fire full of yuhuo, standing blankly, motionless.


Xiong Yusheng in the opposite air sneered.

His face was slightly pale, his throat moved slightly, and he secretly swallowed a mouthful of blood.

Don't think he has the advantage, but activating two magic weapons at once consumes a terrifying amount of his spiritual energy.

With his current physical condition, any ordinary emperor could kill him.

If Lu Chen didn't die with this trick, then he, Xiong Yusheng, would have died.

But that is impossible.

No one has ever survived the Holy Dragon Golden Bone Bow and Holy Dragon Arrow.

These two magic weapons are matched as a set, and the lethality is multiplied and multiplied when combined.

The phantom of the holy dragon shot by the golden bone bow of the holy dragon is a substantial physical attack, and it contains the coercion of the holy dragon, which can suppress the spiritual power.

The holy dragon arrow also possesses the coercion of the holy dragon, and also contains spiritual attacks.

Under multiple attacks, even if Lu Chen is a half saint, he will definitely die!

Xiong Yusheng secretly took a pill, and looked at the other side indifferently.

Lu Chen, who was motionless, was like a statue, and the aura on his body began to dissipate quickly.

This young man's life was at an end.

The treasures and all kinds of secrets on his body belong to his Xiong Yusheng!

Xiong Yusheng's heart was burning.

This kid was able to set a record for breaking into the martial tower, and he could still support it for so long under his own Holy Dragon Golden Bone Bow and Holy Dragon Arrow.

There is absolutely no small secret in him.

After absorbing all of them, he will definitely be able to break through to become a semi-saint.

If luck is better, I'm afraid I can break the shackles of the void realm and become the unique earth element realm venerable!

"Hmph, you are lucky to be my stepping stone."

Xiong Yusheng looked at Lu Chen, stepped in the void, and walked slowly towards Lu Chen.

In his eyes, Chase Lu was already dead.

Even if it is still holding on, it is only the end of the battle, not worth mentioning.

If you hold his corpse and study it carefully, you will definitely get infinite benefits.

However, before Xiong Yusheng approached, a series of terrifying murderous intentions rumbled out.

In an instant, the surroundings seemed to become a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Xiong Yusheng changed color in shock.

He has consumed a lot and is not in his best form.

If it is at its peak state, these killing intents can be easily resisted.

But now, he only felt that his soul was trembling in the sea of ​​corpses and blood.

Involuntarily, he knelt down, crying and begging for mercy.


A light flashed across Xiong Yusheng's chest, and the warmth hit him, which brought him back to his senses immediately, and his face was extremely ugly.

He is a majestic emperor, the most powerful man in the Xiongwu Empire, kneeling down in front of this kid, crying and begging for mercy.

What a shame!

The people below are probably mocking and mocking themselves.

Among the previous emperors, I am the only poor person who kneels down to others.

The majesty of the emperor disappeared instantly!

Xiong Yusheng's face was green and white.

He glanced around, and saw everyone looking at him in astonishment.

In the crowd, some people fled in twos and threes.

These fugitives were all old men standing on the sidelines, leading their apprentices to stay away from this place crazily.

"It's over, it's over, all the onlookers will die."

"The majestic emperor knelt down and begged for mercy in front of an unknown young man, showing his ugly face. All the onlookers who witnessed this scene are sins."

"Today, Sheng Yusheng kneels down, it is a great shame and shame, and he will become his demon."

"Xiong Yusheng will kill all the witnesses to get rid of the demons."

"Can we escape?"

Someone asked in horror.

An old man sighed and said: "Anyway, the sooner you escape, the better.

This male Yusheng activated three high-level magic weapons one after another, and it was already at the end of its strength.

He can't pursue us, at most he can only order the Imperial City to close to prevent anyone from leaving.

But as long as we force ourselves to go out, the sky will be high and let the birds fly.

With so many of us, breaking out of the Imperial City is not difficult.

But the premise is that the formation of the imperial city has not been activated.

If the formation is activated, we will not be able to escape! "

Everyone was heartbroken.

The formations in the imperial city are controlled by top-level formation masters, half-step formation kings and powerhouses.

If the half-step formation king and powerhouse get the order to immediately open the trap formation, how will they escape?

Now, only by racing against time can we escape from our lives!


Seeing the figure fleeing in the distance, Xiong Yusheng's face was extremely gloomy, and he let out a cold laugh, with awe-inspiring killing intent.

From the moment he knelt down, everyone in the imperial city had to die!

Even those who didn't see him kneeling down must die!

Because Xiong Yusheng couldn't judge who saw him or didn't see him.

Therefore, just in case, to avoid being spread out about your ugliness, you must kill everyone.

Only in this way can the demons be eradicated!

Otherwise, once he sees someone talking, he will feel that the other party is talking about himself, and he will inevitably think of this scene.

In addition, Xiong Yusheng had to hide his name and change his identity.

Once the imperial city is destroyed, there is no need for him to be an emperor.

But it doesn't matter.

With all the secrets of Chase Lu, he will surely become an invincible powerhouse and dominate the entire Xuanwu Continent.

All the emperors of the mighty empire are just passing by, not worth mentioning.

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