Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2342 The Prestige of the King

"Ha ha."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, and said: "Do you know the law of space? Didn't you understand the law of space in the Wuta? You also said that you were the first strong man who broke through the 99th floor, but you didn't even understand the law of space. Worthy to be called the number one strong? What a joke in the world, go eat shit."

Space rules!

Although Xiong Yusheng had already thought about it, he was still shocked when he heard Lu Chen admitting it himself.

The kid in front of him has actually comprehended the rules of space!

And it's not the space cutting technique like Song Chengkong's, but space shifting.

With this space-moving supernatural power, how can I suppress it?

Even if the kid in front of him is invincible, he can still use space teleportation to escape.


Xiong Yusheng cursed inwardly.

I am also a strong man who broke through the 99th floor of the Wuta, but I didn't understand the rules of space.

What is this kid's virtue?

You must know that although there is a layer of spatial rules in the martial arts tower, most people break through this layer and use their own rules or magical powers to resist.

Those who can comprehend the rules of space are rare.

In the entire Xiongwu Taoist Academy, there are only Song Chengkong and Miao Renjie.

It can be seen that it is difficult to comprehend the rules of space.

But the kid realized it, and used it to mock himself.

Xiong Yusheng was sullen, and suddenly a golden light flashed from his left hand.

Then, he saw a golden bow emerge and was held tightly by him.

Another moment, a golden arrow appeared in the right hand of Xiong Yusheng.

The golden arrow was resting on the golden bow, and the terrifying power enough to pierce the sky suddenly appeared.

"It's the Holy Dragon Golden Bone Bow!"

An old man cried out in shock.

Just looking at it from a distance, he felt infinite coercion.

Everyone near Xiong Yusheng fell to the ground one by one, trembling, and even passed out, foaming at the mouth.

This is the power of magic weapon.

Before fully releasing the bow and arrow, it was enough to deter countless people.

What kind of coercion did Lu Chen bear when facing this arrow?

Lu Chen's face suddenly became serious.

The coercion of the Holy Dragon Golden Bone Bow is terrifying, but Lu Chen is not unbearable.

What made his heart sink was that this bow also had the ability to lock.

It is certain that facing this bow, there is no possibility of him escaping.

Even if it is space teleportation, under the deterrence of this bow, I can't use it.

It is estimated that the moment the golden arrow is shot, the space around him will be imprisoned, unable to move.

Therefore, we can only resist hard.

Lu Chen's expression was extremely serious.

Before he entered the Wuta, he had already thought about the horror of the number one powerhouse in the empire.

But after breaking through the 99th floor of the Wuta, he felt that he was invincible.

After all, I have comprehended multiple rules, the most difficult to comprehend are the rules of space and time, and I have a lot of insights.

In addition, I also have the Five Emperors Sword Domain, the Saint Domain, and the spiritual power is still the ninth level to break the illusion.

The most important thing is that I am still the unique Fifteenth Layer of the Void Realm.

With such strength, there is no need to worry about being suppressed.

No matter how many people come, even if he loses, he can escape smoothly.

This kind of thought convinced him even more when Chen Lu easily suppressed Xiao Sha.

Xiao Sha is the second strongest in the empire, and he is far from being his opponent.

If it wasn't for the magic weapon Four Rams Fang Ding, Xiao Sha would have died completely.

Therefore, Lu Chen felt that Xiong Yusheng, the most powerful man in the empire, must not be much stronger than Xiao Sha.

But now, he realized that he was wrong.

The strength of Xiong Yusheng himself may not be as good as his own, the unique Fifteen Great Emperors of the Void Realm.

However, the magic weapon in the hands of Xiong Yusheng is far from being able to fight against it.

The previous seal of turning over the mountain posed a great threat to him.

Fortunately, I have comprehended the teleportation of space, otherwise I am afraid that I will not be able to get rid of it at all, and I will be suppressed to death by Fanshanyin.

Originally, Chase Lu felt that having such a magic weapon was enough.

After all, magic weapon is not something that the people of this world can forge at all.

All are treasures handed down from ancient times.

But how many treasures can be handed down in ancient times, even if they are handed down, not all of them will fall into the hands of Sheng Yusheng.

What's more, it is impossible for all magic weapons to be as powerful as the Mountain Seal.

But I was wrong.

Not only did Xiong Yusheng have the seal of turning over the mountain, but he also took out the holy dragon golden bone bow.

Of course, Chase Lu didn't know the holy name of this bow, but he had already felt the horror of this bow deeply.

Locked by this bow, Lu Chen felt an irresistible sense of fear.

This kind of fear has not appeared for many years.

Even if he faced the Siren Emperor back then, he still had the Nine Dragon Pillar formation to rely on, so he didn't have to worry about being wiped out.

But right now, I actually feel the passing of my life.

It was as if just being locked by this bow, his life began to flow out slowly and be absorbed by this bow.

"Don't let it continue to gain momentum!"

Lu Chen's eyes suddenly turned hard.

If he continues, when the power of this bow reaches its peak, he will definitely die!

"go with!"

With a long howl, Lu Chen activated the magic sword, human sword and earth sword.

These two swords are his strongest weapons, magic weapons.

Stronger than his own three emperor swords.

Although the emperor sword itself may be more noble than the magic weapon, but if it cannot be fully repaired, its power is not as good as the magic weapon.

Lu Chen doesn't have any other magic weapons now, and the Heavenly Sword has not been refined, so he can only attack with these two swords.

Hope to interrupt Xiong Yusheng's holy dragon golden bone bow.

"He actually dared to take the initiative!"

Song Chengkong exclaimed in the distance, his heart was extremely shocked.

You must know that the golden bone bow of the holy dragon is made of the bones and muscles of the holy dragon, and it has the terrible coercion of the holy dragon.

Just being locked, that person is doomed to die.

Facing the coercion of the holy dragon, no one dared to make a move.

But Lu Chen made a move.

This guy is simply audacious.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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And his mental strength is too tough.

"If he can escape this calamity, he will become a unique and peerless powerhouse, enough to dominate the entire Xuanwu Continent!"

Song Chengkong prayed secretly in his heart.

Although he has no relatives or reasons with Lu Chen, he has taught Lu Chen so many lessons, and he has already regarded Lu Chen as half of his disciple.

I just hope this genius doesn't die young.

With the talent of this young man, he created a terrible record when he entered the Wuta for the first time.

He is a genius who is absolutely possible to break the confinement of the Void Realm.

But if he died here, I am afraid that no one in the Xuanwu Continent will break through the confinement of the Void Realm forever.


Xiong Yusheng suddenly snorted.

He obviously didn't expect that the kid in front of him was so bold that he could attack him under the coercion of the holy dragon.

However, he stopped there.

The Holy Dragon Golden Bone Bow is a magic weapon that must kill.

Not to mention this kid, even a half-step saint, under this arrow, will be destroyed and turned into fly ash.

This is his biggest trump card of Xiong Yusheng.

Even if he is facing a half-step saint, he is not afraid of Sheng Yusheng.

But today it is used against a young man, it is really overkill.

"You are proud enough to die under this arrow."

Xiong Yusheng spoke coldly, and then loosened the string with his right hand.


A terrifying streamer streaked across the sky, roaring like a golden dragon.

The surrounding air is ignited.

Firelight illuminates the sky.

The ground sword and human sword inspired by Lu Chen had no power to resist, and were instantly swung away by the phantom of the golden dragon.

"It's over."

Someone sighed.

Obviously a peerless arrogance, creating a record in Wuta.

It's a pity that he was suppressed by Xiong Yusheng just after he walked out of the Wuta.

Although many people regret it, they are not surprised, and their hearts are numb.

After all, in order to snatch the magic weapon, it is common for Xiong Yusheng to snatch other people's rings, inheritances, and secrets.

How many people came out of the Wu Tower, and before they had time to be happy, they were caught by Xiao Sha or Xiong Yusheng, reduced to Xiong Yusheng's lackeys, or turned into corpses, and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Because there are too many things like this, even if many people know that the Wuta is a holy place and can improve their strength, they are not willing to come to the Wuta.

Don't break in, hide, and survive.

If something goes wrong, one will die, or be reduced to someone else's slave.

Everyone is a proud genius, who wants to end up like this.

Therefore, most smart people would keep Wuta at a respectful distance.

Poor Lu Chen is a fool.

He thought how powerful he was in breaking the record by breaking the tower, but in the end he exposed his talent early.

I'm afraid he was suppressed and killed by Xiong Yusheng before he could absorb the Wuta's gains in time.

What a stupid genius.

Everyone felt sorry for Lu Chen, mourned him silently, and at the same time felt that he was really stupid.

Lu Chen didn't know what everyone thought.

All his mind is now devoted to self-help.

Although the earth sword and human sword were knocked into the air, Lu Chen didn't panic, but calmed down even more.

Because his purpose has been achieved.

The reason these two swords flew out was not to resist the roaring arrow of the holy dragon, but to force Xiong Yusheng to make an early move.

Therefore, it was already within his expectation that the two swords were knocked into the air.

Swish swish.

The spiritual power in Lu Chen's mind surged wildly, and he condensed the spiritual formation in front of him at the fastest speed to form a defensive formation.

On the other side, he pinched his hands quickly, condensing various holy powers.

All kinds of rules dance on his body, forming a network of defensive rules.

Then the rule nets quickly merged together, condensing the strongest saint domain he could release so far!

In addition, Lu Chen recruited Emperor Sword Bingxin, Emperor Sword Chunyang, and Emperor Sword Aoki.

Then take back the earth sword and human sword.

The five swords rotated and moved, forming a ring of five elements, which mirrored the ring of five elements at the Tanzhong acupoint on Lu Chen's chest.


The Five Emperors Sword Domain moved violently.

But this time, Lu Chen didn't let the Five Emperors Sword Domain spread out, but condensed into a line.

This line is full of infinite cutting power, passing through the center of the phantom of the holy dragon.

But the holy dragon showed no intention of shrinking back. Instead, it became even crazier, making dragon roars and roars.


Lu Chen also let out a long whistle.

Really dragon chant!


The two dragon chants collided in the air, blowing up the surrounding air.

The originally ignited air was full of flames, but now the flames scattered and fell to the ground.

Some unlucky disciples were touched by the flames, and their bodies immediately ignited.

Even the spiritual energy in the whole body cannot be extinguished.

Amidst the howling, at least 30 people were burned to death by the holy dragon flame.

"What a domineering Holy Dragon Flame."

"These flames fall on us, I'm afraid we will surely die."

Some old antiques walked away again, and said in fear.

Today they have a new understanding of Xiong Yusheng's strength.

Some caring people can't help but secretly fear.

It's a good thing they didn't do anything wrong with Xiong Yusheng, otherwise, it would not be Lu Chen who was under the pressure of this arrow, but them.

Xiong Yusheng is worthy of being the number one powerhouse in the empire, he is too terrifying.

"With this bow and arrow, the strength of Xiong Yusheng is comparable to that of a semi-saint!"

Half holy!

Speaking of these two words, countless old men fell silent.

Some young people who followed the old man's eyes flashed, a little puzzled, and said, "What is a semi-holy?"

An old man sighed: "At first you couldn't touch it, but seeing this battle today, it's time to tell you. The so-called semi-holy is a peerless strong man who is infinitely close to the earth element realm."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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