Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2339 Chasing and Killing

Lu Chen took a deep breath and was very satisfied.

Although the body is also inevitably tired, but the harvest is so significant, the joy even dilutes the fatigue.

"It's finally over."

Bing Xuanji let out a shēnyin, and fell into a deep sleep.

Before, I persisted in Lu Chen's kendo field, for fear that I would be crushed to death by the kendo field when I fell asleep.

Now that the field of kendo has disappeared, I can finally have a good sleep.

She was relieved of Lu Chen.

After all, when he was in a coma before, Lu Chen didn't do anything wrong to him, he didn't even touch himself, but put himself in a basket.

Although it was very weird, it showed that this guy had no interest in him.

That's it.

You don't have to be on guard against him, you can rest happily.

Seeing that Bing Xuanji was sleeping soundly, Lu Chen couldn't help but wanted to sleep with him.

But right now it's clearly not the right place.

What if someone rushes up.

Just as he was thinking about it, a bright light suddenly flashed out and flew towards him rapidly.


With a subconscious grasp, Lu Chen caught the bright light just in time.

He took a closer look and found that it was an extremely simple long sword.

The light on this sword faded quickly, like an ordinary long sword in the mortal world, without any special features.

Lu Chen looked at it for a long time, and thought to himself: "Mu Huang, the master of the great hall, said that there will be a magic weapon in the martial tower. Could this be the magic weapon?"

Thinking of this, Lu Chen pinched the magic formula.

But he saw the long sword swish into his arm and disappeared.

But Lu Chen could feel that the long sword was in his hand, and it seemed to be running into his body.

But the long sword is not hostile.

Lu Chen nodded secretly.

It is estimated that this magic weapon has not been warmed by its master for many years, so it needs to be warmed by its own blood.

Let's warm it up for now, and when it's almost warmed up later, it can be used.

Hu Hu Hu.

A sound of wind suddenly sounded.

Lu Chen felt his body floating in the air, and looking at the ice mystery, it was the same.

However, no danger was detected.

Lu Chen felt relieved and followed the wind.


With a flicker, his feet suddenly stepped on the ground.

Lu Chen's eyes narrowed: "Is this the fourth floor of No.30?"

He found that the position he was standing now was very ingenious.

It just so happens that this is a resting point.

The power of rules on the 34th floor will not crush him at all.

And beside him, Bing Xuanji happened to be asleep.

Lu Chen kicked Bing Xuanji and found her motionless, he couldn't help cursing secretly: "Sleeping like a dead pig, who gave you the courage?"

Lu Chen was envious and jealous.

Because he himself dare not sleep on this occasion.

Who knows if someone will come up in a while.

If he was teleported to the same location as them, and he happened to be sleeping here, wouldn't he be slaughtered by others?

There are many treasures on him.

In case of encountering a bad person, he will undoubtedly die.

Even if it wasn't a villain, that person would definitely check his ring secretly.

If he discovers his own small world, then he still has no way out.

Therefore, Chase Lu must stay awake.

"It would be great if we could set up formations in this place."

Lu Chen sighed secretly.

If you can set up an array, you can rest at will.

"Hey, this place is a resting place. Is it possible for me to set up formations without the rules of Wuta?"

Lu Chen suddenly had an idea, and used the spiritual pattern to arrange the formation.

Array flags and disks are naturally indispensable.

To his surprise, it was indeed possible to arrange formations!

It's a pity that the rest point is too small, and can only accommodate two people lying flat at most.

Lu Chen wondered secretly.

If I set up a formation here, and someone is teleported up in a while, it is very likely that it will be teleported into my formation.

So he had an extra mind, and with the help of the spiritual array, he sent the array into the air.

Then a formation was arranged in the air.

Only then did Bing Xuanji be sent into the beast control bag, and he took the beast control bag into his own formation, and then entered the small world.

Throwing the animal control bag on the ground casually, Lu Chen summoned the time spar and dropped a lot of mysterious crystals.

Holding the time spar, he secretly tapped the newly realized and corrected sleep formula, muttering words in his mouth.

After a while, he fell asleep peacefully.

This time, I slept in a dim light.

Because of being too exhausted, the body's aura and mental power have been depleted. At this time, it is just through sleep that the body can be replenished freely and the state can be restored to its peak.

Lu Chen guessed right, Wuta indeed judged his identity by the breath of the saint's domain.

And because Bing Xuanji has integrated into Lu Chen's Saint Domain, her identity has been integrated with Lu Chen.

When Chase Lu stepped into the fifth floor of No.30, even if Bing Xuanji did not appear in the beast control bag, the names of the two of them were still displayed on the huge stele of the martial tower outside.

I saw the two names moved to the 35th floor in unison.

Xiao Sha's eyes froze sharply.


He was very puzzled that he had not found Lu Chen and Bing Xuanji.

Now finally seeing the movement between the two, Xiao Sha rushed into the martial tower immediately.

With his strength of passing through the 99th floor of the martial tower, it is not too troublesome to enter the 35th floor.

But his speed is fast, and Lu Chen is not slow.

Originally, Lu Chen had a very deep understanding of various rules, but now his strength has improved, and he has also comprehended the Five Emperors Sword Domain.

The 35th floor, 36th floor, there is no pressure for him at all.

Because all the coercion of the second ladder is exactly the same as that of the 33rd floor of the first ladder.

There are twelve levels of rule power, twelve levels of rule supernatural powers, six levels of saint domain, one level of spiritual coercion, one level of mana coercion, and one level of martial arts domain.

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There are 33 floors in total.

So, within a blink of an eye, Chase Lu stepped into the sixth floor of No.60.

As soon as he stepped in, the Five Emperors Sword Domain naturally appeared on his body, which merged with the martial arts domain on the 66th floor.


The entrance to the stairs on the 66th floor was immediately closed.

When Xiao Sha rushed up, it was already impossible to enter.


Xiao Sha cursed loudly.

He really couldn't imagine how a guy who just entered Wuta could step into the sixth floor of No.60 so quickly.

It seems that this kid has been to Wuta before, purely familiar with the road.

The speed is simply faster than myself.

Why is he?

Could it be that there really is such a super genius with incomparably terrifying talent?

Xiao Sha frowned, his face was ugly.

In order to avoid missing Chase Lu again, he did not leave Wuta this time, but stood quietly and waited.

Once he found that the entrance to this floor was opened again, he immediately rushed to the seventh floor of No. 60 and arrested Lu Chen!

This kid can create miracles, and the secrets on him are absolutely terrifying.

Grab him, force him to interrogate him, get his secret, and his own strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

Xiao Zhan's mind was fiery, and he would touch the entrance barrier on the 66th floor from time to time, unwilling to miss any opportunity.

At this time, the Wu Tower is already in full swing.

Everyone exclaimed in admiration and talked a lot.

"Brother Lu Chen seems to be flying, all the layers are effortless for him."

"That's right, except for the last floor of each ladder, Brother Lu Chen can pass through the other floors at will."

"This is a peerless genius! The first time he stepped into the Wuta, he broke the record and created a miracle."

"If Lu Chen can step into the ninth floor of No.90, he will be the third man to reach the top."

"And it's the first time to enter the Martial Pagoda, and his talent is stronger than that of Emperor Xiongyu Shengdi and Senior Xiao Sha."

A group of people sighed with emotion.

They are all honored to be able to witness the legend.

Miao Renjie's expression was gloomy, almost dripping water.

According to his imagination, if Xiao Sha made a move, Lu Chen would definitely die.

As a result, half a day passed, and Xiao Sha didn't even touch Lu Chen's shadow.

Instead, Lu Chen ran to the No.60 sixth floor for enlightenment.

This Xiao Sha, who is also known as the second strongest in the empire, is this level?

Miao Renjie cursed inwardly.

Especially when I saw Bing Xuanji's name and Lu Chen's name were inseparable, I was even more angry, envious and jealous.

His own goddess has been in the same room with Lu Chen, side by side with enlightenment, how could he not be heartbroken?

But there is another problem.

It's not that Miao Renjie doesn't know the level of Bing Xuanji.

Why can the ice mystery step into the sixth floor of No.60?

Apart from Miao Renjie, many people discovered this problem.

Everyone was very puzzled, but they also waited and watched, waiting to see the scene where the Bingxuanji lecture seat came out of the Wuta.

This peerless woman is estimated to be the fourth person to step into the 99th floor of the martial tower.

Bing Xuanji has no idea about everyone's expectations or guesses.

She was still sound asleep.

If she knew that she stepped into the sixth floor of No.60 out of nowhere, she would definitely vomit blood in anger.

Because I didn't get any benefits, and I didn't comprehend the martial arts field on the 66th floor, so I came to the 66th floor in such a strange way.

It's just a name for nothing, it's meaningless.

What is the use of such a record breaking tower?

At this time, the Wu Tower is on the 66th floor.

Lu Chen had already forgotten Bing Xuanji, he frowned slightly, and said to himself: "I always feel that something is chasing me.

Forget it, don't care about these.

These 33 floors are exactly the same as the previous 33 floors, there is nothing special about it.

The only difference is that the coercion has increased.

But with my current Five Emperors Sword Domain, I can easily break through.

There is nothing special about the martial arts field at this level.

As long as I raise my Five Emperors Sword Domain to the same level of coercion as this place, I can probably leave this level. "

After thinking about it, Lu Chen began to continue to comprehend his Five Emperors Sword Domain.

He found that the most important thing about this martial tower is the first 33 floors.

What these 33 floors provide is an entrance.

As long as you enter this gate, the remaining 66 floors are all about improving and deepening various rules, supernatural powers, and fields.

For others, it may take a lot of time to improve their strength and resist coercion every time they upgrade to one level.

But for Lu Chen, as the unique [-]th-floor Void Realm powerhouse in the world, he is a genius who has survived many thunder disasters.

He is not afraid of coercion at all.

So this time on the 66th floor, it took him less than 20 days to raise his Five Emperors Sword Domain to the same level.


A stream of light suddenly flickered over.

Lu Chen grabbed it again, it was a sword.

It looks very similar to the sword on the 33rd floor before, but the breath is different.

Seeing this, Lu Chen ran the Yuncheng Jue again.

I saw that the sword also swished into his arm.

Like a living thing, breathing in his arms.

"It is indeed a magic weapon, but I don't know how powerful it is. You can feel it after refining it."

Lu Chen secretly admired.

Can't wait to try it out.

But the refining time is uncertain, and he has nothing to do.

It can only float up and be sent to the seventh floor of No.66 by the airflow on the 60th floor.

As soon as he stepped into the 67th floor, Lu Chen felt that he was being hunted down by something.

He walked quickly, and as soon as he reached the stairs, he felt a ray of light shooting from behind him.


Lu Chen looked back.

I saw a tall and thin man rushing towards him, the speed made Lu Chen startled.

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Temple of Heaven

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