Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2338 Five Emperor Sword Domain


Chapter 330 Five Emperors Sword Domain

Even she herself didn't know that her understanding of kendo was already improving crazily.

She was still a little dazed.

After all, this surprise came too suddenly, and I never thought that I could comprehend the way of swords in this way in my whole life.

At this time, Chase Lu, although he found that Bing Xuanji was in his kendo domain, he didn't have the heart to throw it out.

For one thing, I couldn't just throw it out of Wuta.

Secondly, there is no such time.

When the kendo field condensed out, the coercion of No.30's third layer was condensed instantly.

From the calmness at the beginning to the current shaking of this layer, Chase Lu could not be distracted.

Outsiders can't feel the turmoil in this layer at all, only Lu Chen can truly experience the horror of this layer.

The so-called field of kendo not only incorporates sword energy and sword intent, but also various rules.

Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and five elements rule, wind, thunder, ice, light, and darkness rule, time rule, and space rule.

There is also the field of saints, spiritual power, spiritual power

In short, everything comprehended on the 32nd floor in front of the martial tower is now integrated into the domain of swordsmanship.

Lu Chen finally understood what was going on in the so-called martial arts field.

This is a large collection, a summary of what I have learned.

Only by integrating all of what I have learned can I find my own martial arts.

This is the field of martial arts!

Lu Chen's martial art is the way of swordsmanship.

Take the Dao of Sword as the general outline, and then send out all the previous comprehension, all the combat experience and understanding of the body, and walk around the Dao of Sword.

What is the murderous aura of the Senluo Palace, the peaceful aura of Zhishui Jing and other anti-killing.

The peace of deep sleep previously realized

"It turns out that this sleep formula is not peaceful enough, and has some shortcomings."

While condensing the field of kendo, Lu Chen suddenly understood the Sleeping Dream Art.

If he hadn't started to integrate what he had learned, he might not be able to know that there are shortcomings in the Sleeping Dream Art for the rest of his life.

Now that I know, Lu Chen thought to himself, after he got out, he had to talk to Chen Shui's lecture hall to help him correct his sleeping formula.

"Hey, ice type"

Lu Chen frowned suddenly.

He found that his understanding of the rules of the ice system was getting deeper and deeper.

It seems to be the feedback brought by Bing Xuanji.

It seems that this woman is not useless.

It should be that she merged into her own kendo domain, and unknowingly revealed her own ice system rules.

In any case, Chase Lu began to take the opportunity to comprehend the rules of the ice system crazily.

In short, it is necessary to empty out the understanding of the ice system rules in Bingxuanji's body.

Anyway, this woman has benefited a lot from me, so if I don't take the opportunity to get more benefits, wouldn't it be a big loss.

Bing Xuanji didn't know what Lu Chen was doing.

All her mind was focused on comprehending kendo.

I have never experienced the joy of using a sword like this in my life. Now that I am in the field of kendo, I feel as if I have turned into a sword.

Man and sword unite.

In addition, the Bingxuan Jishou subconsciously condensed an ice sword and began to dance the sword.

Lu Chen didn't bother to talk to her, let her dance.

The air traction brought about by her dancing has also accelerated the cohesion of her kendo domain.

The only downside is that the speed of cohesion in the field of kendo has accelerated, which has increased the pressure on him.

Fortunately, Chase Lu can hold on.

He continued to cooperate with this energy, speeding up to gather the field of kendo.

Time does not know how long has passed.

Miao Renjie on the stairs from the 32nd to the 33rd floor is going crazy now.

"Impossible, impossible!"

He let out a yelp of insane jealousy.

Because he knew that the 33rd floor was self-sealed, indicating that Lu Chen had already begun to comprehend the field of martial arts.

Is it possible that this guy really wants to break through the shackles, break through the 33rd floor, and become the peerless No.1?

It's impossible!

Why is he?

You must know that Xiong Yusheng, the number one powerhouse in the empire, and Xiao Sha, the second powerhouse, both failed to break through the shackles and set records.

He Lu Chen, why?

Although his heart roared, no matter how Miao Renjie attacked, the blockade on the 33rd floor could not be opened.

He has almost forgotten about Bing Xuanji now.

Because of the blockade on the 33rd floor, it means that there is only one person.

Bing Xuanji, I'm afraid he has already left.

I came a step late, and I didn't make it to the side where I saw the goddess Bingxuanji, and I couldn't be in the same room with the goddess.


Angry, jealous, and mad, Miao Renjie was already stupid.

After sitting blankly on the stairs for a long time, Miao Renjie decided to leave Wuta.

Because Lu Chen has already begun to comprehend the field of martial arts, unless Lu Chen is an idiot, this comprehension will not stop.

And when Chase Lu succeeds in realizing it, he will naturally be sent to the fourth floor of No.30.

That's the second tier.

He, Miao Renjie, couldn't go to the fourth floor of No.30 at all, so how could he kill Lu Chen?

What's more, even if he can go there by himself and comprehend Lu Chen in the field of martial arts, he can kill him by himself?

The strength of this Chase Lu, I am afraid that he has surpassed himself by now.

Going to trouble others by myself, I'm afraid I can only bring myself to humiliate myself.

After thinking this through, Miao Renjie got off the martial tower.

But when he walked out of the Wuta Tower and looked at the huge monument of the Wuta Tower, his expression immediately became brighter.

Because, he actually saw Bing Xuanji's name, beside Lu Chen's bright name, it was like a foil.

"This is impossible!"

Miao Renjie screamed in disbelief.

Everyone was surprised: "How is it impossible?"

"Chase Lu and Bing Xuanji stay together on the 33rd floor, which means that none of them have comprehended the martial arts field on the 30rd floor of No.[-]."

"Yes, if you understand it, the Martial Dao Domain should bounce one person back to the 32nd floor."

"It's true to say that, but Miao Renjie just showed that he reached the 32nd floor, but not the 33rd floor, and now he even left the Wu Tower."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Before the man finished speaking, everyone knew what he meant.

Everyone was dumbfounded, showing incredible expressions.

After a long while, a person faltered and said: "Impossible, according to speculation, the 33rd floor was blocked by comprehension, so Miao Renjie came down. But why were there two people inside when comprehension was blocked."

"" Some people are silent because they don't know how to explain.

"Who knows, that's never been the case."

One shook his head.

No one knows what's going on on the 33rd floor of the Wu Tower.

This is already considered a vision.

"Look, why Miao Renjie left suddenly."

"Where is he going?"

"Aren't you here to watch? That's the Bingxuanji Lecture Hall. The Bingxuanji Lecture Hall is in the same room with another man, and they also comprehended the field of martial arts together."

"This Lu Chen is really happy to die."

"What martial arts field do you think they can comprehend together?"

Everyone was talking and guessing.

Miao Renjie didn't want to hear anyone's comments at all.

He is now on his way to the imperial palace.

Just seeing the name of the Wuta Monument, he felt as if struck by lightning, and couldn't believe that Chase Lu and Bing Xuanji were still together.

But slowly, he finally reacted.

These two people who also comprehend the field of martial arts are no longer within their reach.

Now, this matter must be reported.

So he quickly sent out a communication talisman to report to Emperor Xiong Yusheng.

Now rushing to the imperial palace is to welcome the Emperor Xiong Yusheng out of the palace.

As a pawn, he wants to lead the way for Emperor Xiong Yusheng.

Such a vision appeared in the Wu Tower today, and if I was the first to report this to Emperor Xiong Yusheng, I would definitely be rewarded.

What kind of goddess of ice mystery, don't have to think about her anymore.

What Lu Chen, you kid is dead.

Either obey the Emperor Xiongyu, or be the ghost under the sword of the Emperor Xiongyu.

With your kid's talent, he must be a rebellious master.

After all, he is the first transcendent genius in history to enter the martial tower for the first time and break the record, and he is even more outstanding than the male emperor.

You have a bright future, and you will definitely become the number one powerhouse in Xuanwu Continent.

How could a person like you be willing to succumb to the Emperor Xiongyu?

So, you kid is dead.

There has never been a single one alive who defied the majestic Sage Emperor.


I, Miao Renjie, are not as talented as you, admit it.

But I can live longer!

Lu Chen had no idea what the commotion outside was like.

All his mind is used to condense his kendo field.

A month passed quietly like this.

It is also due to Lu Chen's strong mental strength, otherwise, under such crazy comprehension, he would be exhausted and die of energy.

Of course, it is impossible for ordinary people to comprehend so much time.

Lu Chen's ability to comprehend for so long just shows that the foundation of what he has learned and understood is really too deep.

It's a pity that he couldn't effectively use his strength to perfection before.

But now with the field of kendo, Lu Chen's strength can be multiplied ten times, or even a hundred times.

However, anyone who is below his kendo domain has basically no way out.

Another month has passed.

Chase Lu is still tireless.

Poor Bing Xuanji's face turned pale with exhaustion.

If it wasn't for Bingxuan's body having all kinds of treasures and elixir, he might be tortured to death by this crazy comprehension.

But the benefits she got were beyond her imagination.

Even if she doesn't know to which level her sword level has been raised, she still knows that she has become very strong.

The cultivation base has taken advantage of the trend to break through the first level, reaching the eighth level of the Void Realm.

"How long can you comprehend?"

Bing Xuanji had a very good heart, and at the same time prayed secretly.

Because she has almost used all the things on her body that can restore mental strength and aura.

If you continue to use it, the effect will not be great, but it will increase the burden on your body.

The only thing I want to do now is rest.

But with her prayers, another month passed.

Bing Xuanji's eyes were sunken, looking extremely tired.

If Miao Renjie were to see his goddess now, he would be heartbroken to death.

What a beautiful goddess, she was tortured into this appearance.

This Lu Chen really doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade!

How could Lu Chen have the time to distract himself from Bing Xuanji at this time.

He has reached the final moment of condensing the field of kendo.

In the past three months, he was not only integrating all the things he had learned, but also comprehending more advanced sword techniques.

For example, the eighth form of Chunyang swordsmanship, Lu Chen can finally comprehend it.

The eighth form is the Pure Yang Sword Domain!

The eighth form of Bing Xin Sword Art, Bing Xin Sword Domain.

The other three Wuji swordsmanship, Kaishan swordsmanship, and Qingmu swordsmanship also have their own sword domains.

The five sword domains superimpose to form an endless ring.

The final condensed sword field is the Five Emperors Sword Field!

The five emperors swordsmanship is the foundation of Lu Chen, and all his strength revolves around this five emperors swordsmanship.

The formed Five Emperors Sword Domain is naturally the embodiment of his ultimate strength.

These three months of comprehension were finally not a waste of time.


Lu Chen drew a big circle with both hands, and different breaths of light came out of his body.

In the end, all the light is integrated into the great circle of the five elements.

The great circle condensed into a simple halo, which fell into the sandalwood hole on Lu Chen's chest.

"Finally succeeded."

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long night fire

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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