Chu Zhong nodded seriously: "Senior Brother Ji once saved my life, and I found a way to enter the Xiongwu Empire, so naturally I have to take him with me."

"Well, let's go to the city together then."

Lu Chen laughed, and handed the city guard a city entry tax of 2000 million Xuanjing.

Although the cost of accommodation in the imperial city is high, Chu and Zhong can live in their own yard.

Anyway, the yard is so big that twice as many people can live in it.

Lu Chen has heard of Ji Sunying, and it is said that he is an alien in the Lingxiao Palace.

Love that sometimes Ji Sunying can really help them out.

What I hate is that Ji Sunying sometimes makes trouble for them, preventing them from acting recklessly.

However, Lu Chen has never been in contact with Ji Sunying, and he doesn't know that the formation that he trapped Jin Zhong in the old students' competition field was actually broken by Ji Sunying.

In short, Ji Sunying can have such a reputation, which shows that he is a person.

As for Yindao Chuzhong, after knowing the path to enter the Xiongwu Empire, he can still think about calling Ji Sunying, which is already a great advantage.

So Chase Lu did not reject them, and immediately brought them into the city.

Chu Zhong said with emotion: "The hall master is still powerful, and he can bring us in casually. Even if we paid multiple times the fee before, they didn't approve and didn't allow us to enter."

"The imperial city is strictly controlled."

Lu Chen said.

I still remember the first time I came with Palace Master Shi Daoxiong and the others, the city guard also checked the records of the three Palace Masters leaving the city before letting them in.

After all, this is the imperial city, and anyone who is a little suspicious cannot enter, and danger and turmoil must be nip in the bud.


A figure suddenly fell not far away.

Chu Zhong's eyes froze suddenly, and he said: "Hall Master, this man chased and killed us all the way, and finally got rid of it, I didn't expect him to be able to keep up."

Lu Chen's mental power stayed on Chu Zhong and Ji Sunying for a moment at will, and said: "You have been marked for tracking."

"What! Impossible!"

Chu Zhong's face changed drastically, and he never believed it.

He is the hidden sword Chu Zhong, the king of assassination.

He has always been the only one to mark others, how could it be someone's turn to mark him, and he still doesn't know anything about it.

But even with Lu Chen's reminder, Chu Zhong inspected his body carefully with mental strength, but found no mark.

His face became even uglier.

How strong Lu Chen is, although he has not seen it with his own eyes, but Lu Chen's deeds have become a legend in the Lingxiao Palace.

So what Lu Chen said is definitely true.

In other words, I was really imprinted by someone, but I didn't know it.

What a shame!

"Why did he hunt you down?"

Lu Chen asked.

Chu Zhongdao: "Hall Master, I practice assassination, and I am good at concealing assassination, so I have a feeling for some things that are darker in nature.

Along the way, I happened to have a feeling and found a blood-colored agate.

This is a treasure. There is milky blood-colored chalcedony in the agate, which condenses the power of multiple rules.

I was naturally very excited to get this treasure, which led to some omissions.

At this time, he was attacked and seriously injured by that guy.

If Senior Brother Ji hadn't made the move, I'm afraid I would have died.

Afterwards we fought and fled, and I healed quickly.

Another battle, the guy was attacked by me, injured and escaped.

I thought I had gotten rid of him completely, but I didn't expect him to catch up again.

Hall Master, you can kill people outside the imperial city.

Brother Ji and I are going to kill this kid to avenge being hunted down! "

Lu Chen nodded and said, "There is no one outside the imperial city, so go ahead."

When Chu Zhong heard this, he exchanged a glance with Ji Sunying, and immediately stepped forward to make a move.

But the man smiled coldly and said: "I am a disciple of Xiongwu Taoist Academy, how dare you touch me?"

"Xiongwu Taoist Academy?"

Chu Zhong and Ji Sunying hadn't heard of it at all, and looked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen said: "It's okay, the disciples of Xiongwu Taoist Academy are no big deal, let's do it."

Chu Zhong was overjoyed, and laughed loudly: "What kind of bullshit is a disciple of Xiongwu Dao Academy, and he still wants to scare people."

The man's face changed, he glared at Lu Chen, and cursed: "What are you, you dare to say that the disciples of Xiongwu Daoyuan are no big deal."

Lu Chen laughed and said: "I am not talented, but I happen to be a disciple of the Holy Dao of Xiongwu Taoist Academy."


The man's breath was stagnant, and he was speechless for a long time.

I am an ordinary disciple of the Xiongwu Dao Academy, and I am indeed inferior to other disciples of the Holy Dao.

He couldn't help panicking, and shouted: "You can't touch me, my cousin is the lecturer of the Great Emperor of the Holy Way"

Just as he was talking, his face was full of joy, and he cheered: "Cousin, you are finally here, stop them from entering the city, and stop them for me."

"The lecture hall of the Great Emperor of the Holy Way?"

Chu Zhong and Ji Sunying were once again suspicious, not knowing what their status was.

However, I heard that Lu Chen Palace Master said that he is a disciple of the Holy Way, but this person is called the lecture chair of the Great Emperor of the Holy Way.

So does it mean that he is relatively taller than the disciples of the holy way?

Can Lu Chen Palace Master hold him down?

For a moment, they hesitated.

The two looked at each other and felt that it would be better to withdraw first.


Chu Zhong shouted quickly.


A middle-aged man snorted coldly, grabbed the air with his right hand, and vines grew out of thin air, condensing into a cage, trapping Lu Chen, Chu Zhong, Ji Sunying and others in it.

Chu Zhong's face changed drastically: "This man is so strong, Palace Master, I'm the one who got you involved."

Lu Chen's face was calm, he waved his hands calmly, and said, "It's okay."

With a casual grab with his right hand, the rattan cage instantly disintegrated.


The middle-aged man showed a suspicious look on his face, and said: "You practice the law of the wood system, why haven't I seen you before."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The middle-aged man stepped forward and stared at Lu Chen for observation.

Lu Chen said: "There are too many disciples, so of course we can't see all the lecture seats."

"That's true."

The middle-aged man nodded: "Because you are a disciple of the wood system, I don't have to argue with you. But these two must be left to my cousin to make amends!"

"Cousin, they stole my blood-colored agate, and I don't have to argue with them, as long as they hand over the blood-colored agate."

The man in the distance rushed over immediately, pointed at Chu Zhong and said.

He also knows what the concept of a disciple of the holy way of Xiongwu Daoyuan is.

What my cousin said just now also showed that he didn't want to have too much conflict with this disciple of the holy way.

Therefore, he also chose to take a step back, so as not to make it difficult for his cousin.

Cousin who has the lecture hall of the Great Emperor of the Holy Way, I believe that even the disciples of the Holy Way should give a little favor.

Chu Zhong shouted angrily: "You are talking nonsense!"

The wood department lecturer interrupted Chu Zhong's words, looked at Chu Zhong, and said coldly: "Young man, I believe my cousin will not lie. Since you took away what originally belonged to him, I advise you to still It's fine if you come back. As the lecturer of the Holy Way, I will naturally not make things difficult for you again."


Chu Zhong was angry, he looked at Lu Chen.

If Lu Chen wasn't there, he and Ji Sunying would have taken action against this person long ago.

It's just that now that Chase Lu is involved, he can't make his own claims.

"Okay. Let's deal with it later, let's go to town."

When Lu Chen arrived, he led Chu Zhong and Ji Sunying into the imperial city as if no one was there.

The faces of the lecturer and his cousin changed.

The cousin shouted: "Cousin, why don't you stop them?"

The lecturer's face darkened: "This person is very powerful, and he is by no means an idler. Let me go back and find out where he came from, and settle the score after the fall!"

After all, he brought his cousin into the Imperial City.

Being able to do the lecture of the Great Emperor of the Holy Way is naturally not a simple person, and he will not easily make enemies.

But just now Lu Chen took the two of them past him, but he didn't react.

It can be seen that Chase Lu is terrible.

How can such a person be provoked at will?

You must plan clearly before making plans.

On this side, Lu Chen brought Chu Zhong and Ji Sunying into the Xiongwu Taoist Academy.

There is no need for Lu Chen to waste time solving small things like Chu Zhong.

Anyway, he has a yard of his own, so Chu Zhong and the others can live there without any problems.

Xiongwu Daoyuan has strict rules and regulations, killing people is impossible, no one dares to kill people here.

No matter how strong he is or how high his status is, when this rule is established, it is an iron order.

Even the lecture hall of the Great Emperor of the Holy Way will not work.

Unless out of town.

Therefore, the problem of Chu Zhong and Ji Sunying is not a problem here.

Let them solve the next thing by themselves.

Since they came to Xiongwu Daoyuan, they naturally wanted to become peerless powerhouses.

I have given them a chance to move in, and after that, they will find their own way out.

It is impossible for Chase Lu to protect them all the time.

The most important thing right now is to quickly cultivate the Great Sleeping Heart Sutra.

After experiencing the life of a mortal and gaining the benefits of peace of mind, Chase Lu has found a way to improve his strength.

Entering the small world, he immediately took out the collected grains and the animal control bag used to capture wild animals.

After that, the life of sunrise and sunset, sunset and rest began.

Life is very leisurely.

The days of idle clouds and wild cranes made Lu Chen's breath change significantly.

He deliberately emptied his head completely, not thinking about anything.

Because he gave up the nourishment of spiritual energy, his strong body needed a lot of energy, so he had to keep eating.

The more you eat, the more you start to be particular about it, and you want to eat better.

So the whole day's life is to study how to eat.

Rest after eating, and then hunt game, plant flowers and trees, chop firewood to feed horses, research seasoning

day to day.

Lu Chen's mind was completely filled with these daily life, and for a moment, he even forgot his identity.

He doesn't think about anything else, past or future, doesn't think about worry.

All considerations are only in front of you.

Before I knew it, several years had passed.

All the beasts raised by Lu Chen were tamed into poultry by him.

On this day, he lay on the bench in the courtyard, watching the sunset and sunset, and couldn't help feeling satisfied.

Sleepiness came slowly.

Lu Chen closed his eyes.

At this moment, he felt extremely peaceful.

What kind of spiritual power and aura are left behind by him.

However, he seemed to be able to hear the sound of his body transforming.

It was a cheering chirp.

It seems that my body has finally been nourished and is about to step into another level.

Lu Chen was surprised and delighted: "Is this the benefit of deep sleep?"

He was overjoyed, and he didn't expect that he had succeeded without knowing it.

Once the body is improved again, the strength will be greatly improved.

Originally, I was a strong flesh body baptized by Lei Jie, I don't know how tough my flesh body will become after this promotion.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen immediately unsealed the seal on his body, threw out more than a billion profound crystals, and practiced crazily.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to nourish the body with spiritual energy, it happened to take advantage of the opportunity to improve the cultivation base.

Another year passed by quickly.

Lu Chen's cultivation base has been successfully promoted to the ninth level of the void state, and he has also absorbed the cold air of the ice crystal flowing water, and Xiao Dantian has been promoted to the sixth level of the void state.

Completely stepped into the top level, the fifteenth level of the Void Realm!

In addition, even the spiritual power has also made a breakthrough, reaching the ninth level of breaking the illusion!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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