As an ordinary person, you have to work hard to survive.

Basic necessities of life are the first to be solved.

And in order to be more like an ordinary person, one must no longer live without bigu.

Be hungry.

Therefore, Chase Lu no longer used any spiritual energy.

It doesn't absorb or refine, and even arranges a set of spiritual patterns around the body to isolate and seal itself from the spiritual energy.

In addition, Lu Chen also sealed up his spiritual power.

Of course, all these preparations, such as spiritual seals and spiritual seals, he can unlock at will.

So this time not only let him experience the life of ordinary people, but also a test for him.

Let's see if he can stick to the rules and go on, knowing that he can break the rules at any time.

This is a different kind of experience, and Lu Chen also wants to know whether he can persist in it.

Thanks to the time spar, there is a lot of time.

Otherwise, he would definitely not be in the mood to do so.

In order to live more like a mortal, Lu Chen also arranged the five-element formation and the Yin-Yang formation.

Let this place be like the outside world, with sunrise and sunset, day and night, seasons of the year, rain, snow and frost.

"Hey, I can actually simulate a world."

Lu Chen suddenly wondered to himself.

He didn't expect that he had grown to such a degree without knowing it.

The comprehension of the rules allows him to arrange a simulated world formation.

How strong would it be if it could be used against the enemy?

The ice and snow world of Bingxuanji before was already very tyrannical.

Wouldn't it be possible to kill the enemy invisible in this real-like world?

I have created a real world like an illusion, which cannot be broken by spiritual power.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen couldn't help getting excited.

But he soon calmed down again, and decided to practice the Great Sleeping Heart Sutra first.

I'll talk about other things later.

In order to avoid losing control and going crazy in the future, it's better to get a good night's sleep as soon as possible.

I hope this will allow me to be more able to keep my mind and not be influenced by anyone.

The life of a mortal is somewhat distant to Lu Chen.

Even when he was in Lu Yuncheng when he was a child, he never suffered much.

After all, he was born as a swordsman genius and from a wealthy family.

As the eldest son of the head of the family, he is also the treasure in the palm of the whole family, and is loved by all kinds.

In addition, since he was eight years old, he practiced martial arts and became a martial artist.

Afterwards, he went to Chunyangzong again, farther away from the life of ordinary ordinary people.

Even if he was plotted against by Bai Haoran later, it was still part of a warrior's life.

Ordinary, what is it?

After thinking about it, Lu Chen found that he really hadn't experienced it.

Fortunately, in Chen Shui's jade slips, he described to himself the life of an ordinary person who did not practice martial arts.

An ordinary person with a life span of at most 80 years.

This person lives alone, living in the wild, without contact with other people, and all he has contact with is the gift of this nature.

For example, use wild fruits on trees to satisfy hunger, and use branches and leaves to build a simple sleeping shed.

In the first month, Lu Chen spent it like this.

He was a little thankful that he had transplanted some more ordinary fruit trees here.

Otherwise, it would be even more difficult to eat only one kind of wild fruit a day.

Fortunately, after a month of persistence, he finally built a log cabin.

Although the cabin is not very warm, it can already withstand the wind and rain.

In the next few months, Chase Lu has been repairing and renovating the cabin to make it stronger.

But suddenly, Chase Lu found himself sick, tired, and his hands and feet felt cold.

Get sick out of nowhere.

He was amazed.

You must know that although you have sealed your aura and sealed your spiritual power, your body is really powerful.

A strong body that has experienced the baptism of thunder, even if there is no spiritual energy to continue nourishing, it can't get sick.

Lu Chen couldn't understand it.

Because the cause of the disease is not known, effective treatment cannot be performed.

He can only hope that his body will carry the pain over.

Another few months passed.

Lu Chen couldn't even climb a tree, so he could only eat wild fruits picked in advance.

But the preservation of wild fruit is also limited.

Later, Lu Chen could only eat moldy and smelly wild fruits.

Then he naturally didn't dare to eat, so he had to be hungry.

On this day, Lu Chen was lying on the bed panting, his mind was full of thoughts.

Before he knew it, he fell asleep.

In his sleep, he seemed to have returned to his hometown, back to his childhood, and remembered the little stories his servants told him.

This servant used to be a poor man fleeing for refuge. He was wandering in the wild and could only eat wild fruits. He was short in stature, yellow and thin.

It wasn't until after eating the pilaf rice donated by their Lu family that they gradually became stronger.

"I see."

Lu Chen woke up suddenly.

I eat wild fruits every day, and the energy it provides is not enough to support my body.

Not to mention a powerful physical body like myself.

Therefore, I need a lot of meat to supplement.

But I didn't consider this before. In this simulated world, there are no ordinary beasts to prey on.

Lu Chen couldn't help sighing: "It failed, it was the first time to be a mortal, and I couldn't persevere."

With that said, he unlocked the spiritual seal and the spiritual seal on his body.

Due to the lack of meat to supplement physical strength, the rice planted by himself also failed.

If you continue, you will just wait for death.

So, I still have too little experience.

Lu Chen suddenly had an idea and left the small world.

He decided to experience it in an ordinary village where mortals live.

The Xiongwu Empire is very powerful and full of aura.

But there are still mortal villages.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Because not everyone has the root bones to absorb spiritual energy for cultivation, even if it has been passed down for thousands of years, there will always be many ordinary people who cannot cultivate.

Even the children of some geniuses may be born with disabilities and cannot absorb spiritual energy for cultivation.

It can be seen that there are always mortals in this world.

And the ancestors of every warrior are just mortals.

Chase Lu flew quickly, and soon found a mortal village.

He quickly sealed his spiritual power and aura, and then pretended to be an ordinary person who was in trouble on foot, and slowly integrated into the village.

For this experience, he set a limit of one year for himself.

No matter whether you can succeed or not, when the one-year deadline is up, you have to leave immediately.

Several months passed quickly.

During this period, Chase Lu no longer lived in other people's homes, but had already built his own house.

There are courtyards, fences, and vegetables grown, and life is already worry-free.

And he has completely integrated into the village group, and even vaguely has the title of the strongest hunter.

Because Lu Chen's body is tyrannical, he doesn't panic in the face of wild beasts, and if he cuts down with a knife, the wild beasts will lose half their lives.

Everyone admired Chase Lu very much.

Some peasant women have already started looking for someone for Chase Lu.

Lu Chen couldn't laugh or cry at this.

Fortunately, a year passed quickly.

On this day, Chase Lu bid farewell to everyone.

"Brother Lu Chen, don't leave, it's great to live here, everyone is like a family."

A hunter elder brother persuaded.

Lu Chen said: "I also want to continue to live, but I still miss my family and want to find them."


Big Hunter sighed.

These days, there are too many martial artists.

If mortals get separated, it is very difficult to survive.

If you are unlucky, if you encounter martial arts directly in a battle, the aftermath of the battle will kill them.

Not every place can be compared with their small villages.

Their place is a mortal realm restricted by the empire, and Wuxiu is not allowed to step in at will.

But after going out, who can guarantee that he won't be killed by a flying stone?

But Lu Chen cared about his family, and they couldn't dissuade him from looking for his family.

Is it possible to say that Lu Chen's family is dead and let him give up?

Such words are too hurtful to say.

"Brother Lu Chen, you are in good health. It is not a problem to climb several mountains on foot. I believe you will be able to find your family."

"That's right, Brother Lu Chen, after you find your family, you must come back. This is the mortal territory restricted by the empire, and it is very safe."

"Yes, yes, Brother Lu Chen must find his family."

Everyone prayed for Chase Lu.

Lu Chen was very grateful: "Thank you for your blessings, I will definitely find my family back. By the way, there are still a lot of dried meat in my yard, let's share it. I also painted some small things in the room for the little ones They're like toys."

"Long live Uncle Lu Chen!"

A group of children chattered and rushed into Chase Lu's room frantically looking for toys.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Then everyone, I will take my leave."

"Brother Lu Chen has a smooth journey."

"Bon Voyage!"

Everyone looked at Lu Chen's back until they couldn't see him.

They are also grateful.

If it wasn't for Chase Lu's arrival, they wouldn't be able to eat wild game every day.

Even now, every household has specially made some cages to hold wild animals, which can be slaughtered and eaten at any time.

These are all the benefits brought to them by Lu Chen brothers!

The villagers are grateful to Lu Chen, and Lu Chen is also grateful to everyone.

Because of this year, he finally put down his defenses and lived the most simple life.

His heart is much more peaceful.

If you go to listen to Chen Shui's class now, you will be led to sleep by him.

Although I may not be able to fall asleep, I will definitely not go crazy like before.

This is great progress.

Even if he didn't make a breakthrough, Chase Lu felt that this year was not in vain.

It's much better than building a car behind closed doors in a small world.

Walking through this mountain, Lu Chen independently released the spiritual seal and aura seal on his body.

Then it rose into the sky and flew towards the imperial city.

With the identity card of the disciple of the Holy Dao of Xiongwu Daoyuan, he does not want to pay any fees, but will be treated respectfully by the city guards instead.

It's much more convenient than when I followed Shi Daoxiong and the others.

But when Lu Chen was about to go in, a voice suddenly called out: "Brother Lu Chen, Master Lu Chen!"

Lu Chen turned around in surprise.

I saw two people running towards me.

"You are"

Lu Chen thought about it for a moment, and said, "Hidden knife Chu Zhong?"

This Hidden Sword Chu Zhong was the first time Lu Chen went to the Lingxiao Palace and saw the competition between Chu Zhong and Shi Yuhong at the Lingxiao Terrace.

Shi Yuhong was defeated with one move, which shows Chu Zhong's strength.

It is said that Chu Zhong's strength is comparable to the top ten in the Lingxiao list, but he has never confronted the top ten.

Moreover, Chu Zhong is good at assassination, if he plots a sneak attack, Fang Yuru may be killed by him.

That's what's scary about it.

Lu Chen had an impression of Chu Zhong at the time, and the people's discussion at the time made him even more impressed with this person.

So now that I see it, I immediately recognize it.

Chu Zhong was overjoyed: "Master Lu Chen, it's great that you know me. I'm Yin Dao Chu Zhong, ranked No. 20 on the top list. This is Ji Sunying, ranked seventh on the top list."

Lu Chen was even more surprised: "How did you get here?"

Chu Zhongdao: "I'm telling the truth, don't blame the palace master."

Lu Chen smiled and said, "We're not in Lingxiao Palace, so there's nothing to blame."

Chu Zhongdao: "To tell you the truth, Lord, I followed you and learned the route to the pass of the Xiongwu Empire and the method to enter the pass, so I went back and called Senior Brother Ji Sunying."

"You didn't enter first by yourself. It seems that you have a very good relationship."

Lu Chen admired.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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