Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2284 Breaking the Formation

Although the body was mutilated, the part where he existed seemed to have just been stripped from the body.

In other words, the bodies looked fresh, as if they had just died.

But Chase Lu definitely didn't think so.

How could a corpse that had just died exude such an air of death and desolation.

It must have been a long dead body.

The reason why it was not dissolved was because the owner of the corpse was a peerless powerhouse.

It is a hundred times, a thousand times stronger than the Void Realm powerhouse!

Suddenly, Chase Lu saw the mutilated face of the corpse.

He felt a sudden pain in his heart, and he felt as if he knew this face.

Is it really someone you know?

Why can't I remember.

Chase Lu racked his brains and couldn't figure it out, but he still put the corpse together piece by piece carefully.

He looked around.

After a waste of effort, the corpse was finally put together.

At this time, I felt that I knew this person.

It's no wonder that Lu Chen was inexplicable, he bowed respectfully to the corpse, and then took out a coffin.

This coffin is one of the four coffins obtained in the ruins of the Northern Imperial City very early on.

The coffin has its own characteristics and magical functions, and it can swallow aura.

Chase Lu has studied this and found that the inscriptions carved in the coffin have an effect.

He has already understood the inscription and can draw it himself, so this coffin is useless.

So, he broke the inscription on the coffin, and then replaced it with the spirit-gathering formation, and then put the corpse in.

In any case, the dead body still gave him the feeling of being alive.

I only hope that this peerless powerhouse can really absorb the aura of heaven and earth, so as to restore his body, heal his wounds and revive him.

After doing all this, Lu Chen buried his body on the spot.

After that, a tablet was engraved: Lu Chenli, an acquaintance he didn't know.

Unexpectedly, just after worshiping on a stick of incense, I heard a voice that seemed to come from the ground, and it seemed to come from the sky.

It even seemed to be ringing in my ears.

That voice said: "Thank you, Master Emperor!"

Lu Chen: "!?"

He raised his head suddenly and looked around, but there was no one there.

I can't help but feel a little hairy.

Was that sound from the dead body?

That peerless powerhouse really didn't die, and he could still send his own spiritual sound transmission.

"who are you?"

Lu Chen asked.

Unfortunately, the voice never answered.

He waited for a long time, but he didn't get anything.

He just sighed and moved on.

As he was walking, he suddenly came back to his senses.

No, I am looking for a way to break the formation, why are you wandering around here?

Simply inexplicable.

Realizing that he was wasting time, Chase Lu immediately used his mental power to attack the surroundings, attacking the world, looking for a flaw so that he could go out.

After a while, he found that all methods were useless, so he sat down cross-legged in meditation.


A voice suddenly sounded.

Lu Chen opened his eyes and saw the villain said happily, "The formation is broken, the formation is broken!

This formation is really miraculous, I thought it would be impossible to break, at least it would take more than ten years of research.

Unexpectedly, a hole suddenly opened and formed a gate.

What's even weirder is that there are still people talking inside, saying something about Master Xie.

I do not know what it meant.

But luckily, hey, hey. "

The wisdom of the villain is a little simple, without deep thinking.

Lu Chen was shocked when he heard it.

The ability to break the formation this time was actually due to the corpse.

But where did the body go?

Lu Chen looked around, but could no longer find the dead and barren land.

But that's fine.

If I continue to be trapped there, God knows what will happen.

Now that the formation here is broken, he can absorb the ice energy smoothly!

Along the route he had previously explored with his spiritual power, Chase Lu was unimpeded all the way.

Soon, they came to the flame tree where the fire crow lived, and the icy flowing water under the flame tree.

Before he got close, he could feel a powerful icy aura.

Lu Chen's body shuddered, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

This icy aura is really ferocious, and it is estimated that placing ice flow crystals here can be upgraded to a higher level.

But when you get closer, because the breath of ice and the breath of the flame tree oppose each other, it's not that cold.

It is a good place to practice here, it is warm and comfortable.

"Quack quack, quack quack!"

As soon as Lu Chen got closer, he saw the fire crows start to yell.

They rushed towards themselves whirring.

Lu Chen was taken aback and stepped back quickly.

But when they saw the fire crows coming to the place where the ice and flowing water were, they stopped consciously, not daring to move on.


Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, sat down cross-legged, and began to absorb the cold air.

Although he couldn't touch the fire crows, he could still feel the terror of these thousands of fire crows.

If you really let these fire crows rush out, you will be finished.

Therefore, when Lu Chen absorbed the cold air, he had to devote part of his mind to observe the movement of the fire crow.

Once he found that the ice and flowing water could no longer support him, he had to stop absorbing it immediately to prevent the fire crow from rushing out to attack him.

Fortunately, after half an hour passed, the icy water still showed no signs of weakening, as if it was truly inexhaustible.

But Lu Chen still didn't dare to be careless.


With a crisp sound from Xiaodantian, he was promoted to the second level of the Void Realm.

Lu Chen stood up, twisted his neck, feeling stiff.

The cold here is really scary.

In a short period of time, the ice flow crystal has also been upgraded to a higher level.

Picking up the ice flow crystal, Lu Chen planned to leave.

But the gourd dantian suddenly shook, and he quickly sat down cross-legged.

Breaking through again?

It seems that the main dantian was unable to break through the fourth level of the void realm for a long time because the small dantian had not been promoted to the second level.

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Now that he reaches the second level, he immediately feeds back to the master's dantian.

The speed of this breakthrough was still fast, and in less than a stick of incense, Lu Chen arrived at the fourth level of the Void Realm.

He simply didn't leave, and planned to absorb the flame breath of the flame tree here as well.

But when he thought of the time flow in the medicine garden formation, Chase Lu was reluctant to spend time here.

"By the way, the medicine garden formation can change the speed of time, is it because the dog's father, Senior Lou Jindan, has comprehended the law of time? I'm afraid not."

Lu Chen's heart suddenly moved, and then drove up the black cloud, and immediately returned to the medicine garden formation.

The law of time is a powerful law that surpasses the rules of the five elements and the rules of wind, thunder, ice, light and darkness.

Only the law of space can be compared with it.

The rules of the Sifang Continent are incomplete, and even the Void Realm cannot be broken through.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for the puppy's father to comprehend the law of time.

But he chose to arrange a formation that affects the speed of time.

It can be seen that there is a big mystery in this formation.

Lu Chen immediately rushed back to the formation, sweeping out his mental power.

When he was retreating in the Sifang Continent before, he did a lot of research on this formation.

As a result, he was promoted to the master of the nine-star formation.

But now that he has broken through to the formation king, this formation has become extremely simple in his eyes.

So when I probed, I discovered the mystery.

Sure enough, there was a foreign object in the formation that he had never seen before.

This thing is the foundation of the formation, but also the heart of the formation.

Lu Chen came to the location of the object, dug it out, and looked at it carefully.

This is a spar.

It exudes a profound atmosphere.

If you guessed right, I'm afraid this spar is the spar that affects the flow of time.

Time spar?

"If I can comprehend the law of time from this time spar, my strength will improve by leaps and bounds, and it will be stronger than the improvement of my cultivation base."

Lu Chen whispered to himself, feeling extremely excited.

If I had known that there was a time spar here, I should have tried to comprehend the law of time when I was in Sifang Continent.

If you understand the law of time, it will be more convenient and less dangerous when you go to the sea area.

But it is not too late.

Holding the time spar in his hand, Chase Lu quickly entered with concentration.

Everything in the outside world has nothing to do with him, only time passing by his side.

You can clearly feel the passage of time.

As if time had become substance.

Now even if he doesn't need to look at the sky, Lu Chen knows how long it has been.

And his dantian was also unknowingly operating, absorbing the spiritual energy transmitted from the training room.

Because he chose the ice-type training room, the aura is all ice.

Slowly, Lu Chen's whole body was frozen.

The icy air has absorbed too much, and the whole person is immersed in the law of time. After being frozen, he almost loses consciousness.

After an unknown amount of time, Chase Lu suddenly opened his eyes.

The icy breath on his body was quickly refined.

He spit out a mouthful of white mist.

Lu Chen immediately left the small world, and then left the training room.

There has been some progress in understanding the law of time.

But the icy breath has too much influence on people.

This time, he chose a non-attribute A training room.

Continue to retreat.

Xuanjing still has more than 30 yuan, and he can stay for more than 30 days.

Next to the time spar, that is more than 300 days, which is equivalent to a year.

I hope that I can understand something, even if it is only a superficial understanding, it is a great improvement.

Practice outside the hall.

Jin Zhong waited for a long time.

He barely moved, just sat cross-legged all day, with a gloomy face, as if everyone owed him money.

With his performance like this, all fools know that he is waiting for Lu Chen to leave the customs.

In just over 50 days, Chase Lu will come out to die.

Many people thought so, waiting for the battle between Jin Zhong and Lu Chen.

The fact that Jin Zhong was calculated by Lu Chen with a formation has now spread.

Jin Zhong has become the biggest laughing stock of the entire Lingxiao Palace for many years.

He was almost dazed.

Every day when he saw someone passing by, he felt that the other party was mocking him and pointing fingers at him.

This suspicion has penetrated deep into the bone marrow, like a demon.

He knew that if he didn't defeat and kill Lu Chen, then this inner demon would exist forever, and he would never be able to improve his cultivation level a little bit.

Therefore, Chase Lu must die!

When he came out, it was time to die.

Fifty days, whether it is long or not, is not short.

In order to suppress the inner demon, Jin Zhong crossed his legs and closed his eyes to shield his mental power.

All external things are not perceived.

Thus, fifty days passed in a flash.

It is estimated that there are only a few days before Lu Chen comes out.

On this day, Jin Zhong stood up and paced left and right with a look of excitement and excitement.

He knew that in a few days, he would be able to take revenge.

At this time, in the training room, Lu Chen had already walked out of the small world.

The time spar is still in place.

I dare not take this thing out.

Once taken out, tens of thousands of people robbed it, and the corpses littered the field.

Lu Chen took a deep breath and stretched his body.

His cultivation base has been successfully promoted to the fifth level of the void realm, and Xiao Dantian has also been promoted to the third level of the void realm.

Taken together, it is the eighth level of the Void Realm.

This kind of cultivation base, plus the yin and yang reconciliation power of his gourd dantian, not only is not inferior to the ninth level of the void realm, it is even stronger.

Lu Chen was quite satisfied with this.

I didn't practice much, and I put all my mind on the time spar, but I was able to break through the double level.

It can be seen how rich and pure the spiritual energy in the A character training room is.

Well worth the money.

The only pity is that the law of time is too difficult to comprehend.

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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