He was kind to everyone, with a boundless kindness.

Therefore, Ji Sunying told Jin Zhong that he was cheated and let him come down.

Jin Zhong only hesitated for a moment, then immediately made up his mind.

He didn't dare to offend Ji Sunying.

Once he doesn't listen to Ji Sunying's advice, what awaits him is Ji Sunying's anger.

Don't look at Ji Sunying who advocates friendship.

But as a strong man, he also has his dominance.

There used to be two parties who argued and fought, and did not listen to Ji Sunying's dissuasion.

In a fit of rage, Ji Sunying beat all the people on both sides until they couldn't get out of bed for half a year.

Its horror is evident.

Thus, Jin Zhong gritted his teeth and struggled immediately.

His figure trembled slightly, fighting against the terrifying murderous aura locked by the formation.

But suddenly, his body lightened, and all murderous aura seemed to disappear in an instant.


Jin Zhong fell to the ground smoothly, his expression was extremely ugly.

I was actually played by that kid.

What kind of formation murderous locking is completely fake!

This guy used a fake killing formation, and frightened himself into motionless.


Jin Zhong's face was livid, with red in the blue.

Under the eyes of everyone, he wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

If senior brother Ji Sunying hadn't appeared today, I'm afraid I would still be hanging in the air as a human body benchmark.

it is ridiculous.

I have become the laughing stock of the entire Lingxiao Palace!

"Jin Zhong, you don't have to blame yourself.

This formation is very ingenious, but the formation plate and formation flag are of inferior quality.

In three days, the array of flags tended to be unstoppable.

That's why I discovered the trick.

In other words, if Lu Chen, who set up the formation, used high-level formations, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to see the tricks. "

Ji Sunying comforted her.

Jin Zhong cupped his hands: "Thank you, Brother Ying."

As he said that, he lowered his head, feeling even more ashamed.

Before Lu Chen took his ring and left directly, he felt something was wrong at that time.

If this kid could really kill him, then why did he run away if he had the confidence.

Now it seems that my first feeling was correct.

But he was afraid of being targeted by the fake killing intent, so he hung up here for three days and became a laughing stock!

"Lu Chen, Lu Chen, if I, Jin Zhong, don't chop you into mincemeat, I swear I won't be human."

Jin Zhong roared in his heart.

Seeing his unwillingness and frustration, everyone left either shaking their heads or sarcastically.

The excitement is over.

But it is estimated that there will be more excitement in the future.

Everyone is looking forward to whether this guy named Lu Chen can withstand Jin Zhong's monstrous anger.

I heard that this guy went to practice in the practice room, so he probably hid there too.

But what's interesting is that this guy didn't go to the T-shaped practice room, but to the A-shaped practice room.

[-] a day in the A-word practice room.

The word B, one thousand a day.

C character, one hundred.

D, ten.

If Lu Chen went to the T-shaped practice room to practice, he would have more than 60 million profound crystals, and he could hide in it for more than 5 days.

This is more than 130 years.

It was enough to make Jin Zhong suffocate to death without revenge.

But Chase Lu didn't do that, instead he went to the most expensive character A.

It can be seen that this kid is not avoiding, but really went to practice.

Did he think that after more than 50 days of practice, he could defeat Jin Zhong?

What a fun kid.

Many people have paid attention to Lu Chen, including the elders of Lingxiao Palace.

This Lu Chen can be regarded as bringing a little vitality to the Lingxiao Palace, which has been calm for a long time.

"The little witch, Shi Yuhong, has made it to the High Heaven list, and now such a little-known brat has appeared. It's time for the High Heaven Palace to be lively."

In the main hall of Lingxiao Palace, an old man sat cross-legged on the highest point, looking down at the world and smiling.

Lu Chen didn't know anything about what was said about him outside.

He put all his attention on improving his cultivation.

As soon as he entered the A-character training room, he immediately arranged a series of formations such as the shielding formation.

This vigilance is a habit.

No matter where you go, first arrange the formation to hide yourself.

After all, I want to enter the medicine garden formation in the small world to cultivate, so naturally I can't let anyone know such a terrible secret.

But having said that, even if Lu Chen didn't arrange the spirit-gathering formation, the aura in the A-word practice room was terribly abundant.

No wonder it takes [-] profound crystals a day.

Worth it!

Just standing here, Lu Chen felt that his cultivation base was constantly improving.

One must know that he had just broken through to the third level of the Void Realm not long ago.

And when he broke through the third level, he was hit by a foreign object because he drank Zuixianchou's Zuixianjiu.

But here, his Void Realm triplet is rapidly consolidating.

Lu Chen sighed secretly, with such a strong aura, does he even need to enter the small world to practice.

After all, the small world cannot absorb all the aura here.

I spent more time in the small world, but my aura became not strong enough.

In contrast, it would be better not to enter the small world.

However, without entering the small world, Chase Lu felt that he had lost a lot of time.

I can't help but feel a little tangled in my heart.

Suddenly, he had an idea.

When I was in the sea area, didn't I move an island to the small world with the help of the villain.

That being the case, why can't I arrange a formation to transfer the spiritual energy in the training room to the small world?

You must know that the island is a substantial thing, and it has a large weight and volume.

It can all be done.

How can aura not do it?

In addition, my mental strength has improved when moving the island, and I have the help of a villain.

It must be successful!

Lu Chen was full of confidence and very excited.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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He immediately began to prepare.

First, a small teleportation array was arranged in the training room.

After that, a small teleportation array was also arranged in the small world medicine garden formation.

His research on the teleportation array was done in Lingwu Continent for several years.

I didn't quite understand it at first, but now that the formation level has broken through to the realm of the formation king, it is not so difficult to arrange the teleportation formation.

After the two teleportation formations were connected, a small spirit-gathering formation was arranged in the teleportation formation.

Hu Hu Hu.

In the blink of an eye, bursts of aura came from the teleportation array in the small world.

There is more and more spiritual energy, almost pulling the spiritual energy in the training room to this side.


Lu Chen was overjoyed.

I never thought of doing this before, but now that I have done it, this paves a broad road for the future.

If you encounter such a practice place again in the future, you can arrange it like this.

With time, there is aura.

Isn't this cultivation level going up?

In addition, there are a lot of mysterious crystals

One day in the outside world, ten days in the small world.

Lu Chen's cultivation became stronger and stronger.

But the third level to the fourth level of the Void Realm is a hurdle, and it is not so easy to overcome.

Lu Chen's small dantian has not been promoted to the second level of the void realm, which also affects the breakthrough of his main dantian.

The main and auxiliary parts of the gourd dantian complement each other, always improving at a ratio of three to two.

If one party improves too rapidly, the other party will not be able to keep up.

This is not a good thing for Chase Lu.

So Chase Lu had to stop and start absorbing the cold air.

However, although there are a batch of ice treasures presented by Ling Zhiyun, his current state needs too much ice energy.

Even after using up all the ice treasures, Xiao Dantian still failed to advance to the second level of the Void Realm.

In desperation, Lu Chen had no choice but to start absorbing the icy air in the small world.

You must know that in the earliest time, when he swallowed the ice flame fruit, he swallowed the ice crystals under the ice flame fruit tree.

At that time, the small world did not absorb the Five Elements Ring, Liuhe Ring, Qiyao Ring, Eight Trigrams Ring, and Nine Palaces Ring.

Although its area is large, it is all confused.

However, after the upgrade of the Liuhe Hall and other halls in the Black Cloud Mountains, the area of ​​the small world has become more and more clear.

When Lu Chen was in Lingwu Continent, he had retreated in the small world for a hundred years.

At that time, he took the time to walk through the small world.

Unfortunately, the formations in the small world are very powerful.

Although it is broken, it is not something he can explore.

But now his formation level has been greatly improved, and his mental strength and cultivation have both improved.

Why not study in the world?

There are ice flame fruit, a treasure that can repair broken dantians, and ice crystals under the ice flame fruit tree.

There must be other treasures in it.

As long as he gets some ice treasures, he can smoothly raise his little dantian to the second level.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen immediately walked out of the medicine garden formation.

He is fast, driving madly forward on the black cloud.

Because it is so big here, it will take a lot of time to walk slowly.

Even if it is to control the black clouds, it may take several days and nights to fly.

Lu Chen didn't have so much time.

Moreover, there are ten thousand profound crystals a day in the A-word practice room, so he doesn't want to waste time looking for things here.

Therefore, I just want to find the ice treasure quickly.


Lu Chen threw Bingliujing in front of his eyes, and followed Bingliujing's instructions.

This treasure is good at absorbing the icy air of the world, and has an unusual response to the icy air.

Follow it, and you will definitely find a lot of icy air.

Whoosh whoosh.

After a while, Lu Chen came to a misty place.

Can't get in again.

Spiritual power penetrated into it, and he could clearly see the way, but was blocked by an inexplicable force.


Lu Chen suddenly became suspicious and was overjoyed.

Sure enough, there are ice treasures inside.

It was a big flame tree.

Explore it with spiritual power, and you can even see a large number of fire crows perched on the big flame tree.

The fire crow quacked, making one's heart extremely hot.

And around the bottom of the flame tree, there is a circle of ice and flowing water.

It is clearly piercing ice, but it is still flowing, and it seems to be inexhaustible.

Lu Chen was overjoyed.

If he could enter it, he would not have to worry about the icy breath of Xiao Dantian's breakthrough in the future.

"Quick! Follow me to break the formation!"

Lu Chen threw out the villain and asked him to cooperate with him to break the formation.

The misty mist and inexplicable barrier in front of him are all formed by formations.

If it wasn't for the improvement of his mental power, he might not be able to see the situation inside.

Now that you see it, you must do your best to fight for those cold and flowing water!

With full of passion, Lu Chen integrated all his spiritual power into the formation in front of him.


For a moment, he felt as if he had come to another place.

A gray world.

The sky and the earth are surrounded by gray mist, and the mist is mixed with the atmosphere of desolation and death.


Lu Chen was taken aback, and immediately called out the sword energy domain to defend.

Then the spiritual power came out.

It's a pity that even with his current mental strength, he can only explore a location within a radius of three feet.

If you concentrate your spiritual power in a straight line and explore along a line, you can explore ten feet.

But that's about it.

Ten feet away, nothing can be seen, and the whole person seems to be blind with his eyes open.

"Why is there such a barren and dead place? Where is this, or is it my little world?"

Lu Chen was full of doubts.

He walked forward cautiously step by step.

Suddenly, something soft was stepped on under his feet.

Looking down, it was actually a corpse.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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