Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2276 Betting

His spiritual power must also be extraordinary, and he can catch your flaws in an instant.

Therefore, don't love to fight. "

"Thank you elder for your guidance."

Cui Jianfeng bowed his hands in thanks, and gave Lu Chen a dark look.

In fact, what Elder Xu Yi said, he also thought of it after he suffered a loss in the battle with Lu Chen.

However, Elder Xu Yi didn't see it clearly.

After all, the authorities are fans.

Now with Elder Xu Yi's guidance, he can definitely defeat Lu Chen.

Just one move.

With his own sword light supernatural power, he can destroy Lu Chen!

You must know that your sword light supernatural power is the top of the supernatural powers, infinitely close to the great supernatural powers.

How rare are great supernatural powers, and those who can comprehend are geniuses of the world.

Even Elder Xu Yi didn't comprehend the real great supernatural powers, only the superficial comprehension of the great supernatural powers.

Therefore, with his sword light supernatural power, he can definitely win.

He didn't believe that Lu Chen, a little guy in the third level of the Void Realm, who came out of some corner, could have great supernatural powers?

A quarter of an hour passed.

Cui Jianfeng recovered from his injuries.

His injuries were not serious in the first place, he was just hit by fragments of his own sword light.


He opened his eyes with burning eyes, stood up, came to the registration office of the competition field, and said, "I want to challenge Lu Chen."


The man took a look at Cui Jianfeng, not surprised.

There are many people who are not convinced after losing and will challenge again, there is nothing wrong with it.

So he said to Lu Chen: "Accept the challenge?"

Lu Chen said: "I hope my odds are as high this time as before."

"That won't happen."

The person in charge laughed.

You just won, how could you return such high odds.

I'm afraid the odds for the two of you will be reversed.

Lu Chen sighed: "Oh, then I will reluctantly agree."


Cui Jianfeng was so angry that he almost vomited blood again.

Insult, Chi Guoguo's insult!

"Lu Chen, you will regret it."

Cui Jianfeng narrowed his eyes and said viciously.

Lu Chen said: "Since it's so scary, then I won't agree to your challenge."

"do not!"

Cui Jianfeng was in a hurry.

If this guy doesn't agree, how can he find his way back.

Even if he defeats this kid outside in the future, the face lost in the arena will never be regained.

"You just promised, you can't go back on your word."

Cui Jianfeng pointed to Lu Chen, and said to the person in charge: "You see, he just agreed."

The person in charge said: "I haven't formally agreed. I haven't announced it yet. People can choose to refuse during this period."

"How can you do this"

Cui Jianfeng felt very aggrieved.

The person in charge of this martial arts arena teased himself.

But there is nothing I can do.

Those who can set up a martial arts arena are also strong people in the Lingxiao Palace, and I guess I can't even make a single move under their hands.

Had to endure.

Lu Chen looked at him pitifully, and said, "Senior Brother Cui Jianfeng, don't be disappointed, I was just joking just now. As you wish, I accept your challenge."

"You can't go back on your word. This brother quickly announced."

Cui Jianfeng said anxiously.

The man said unhurriedly, "In the third match, Lu Chen and Cui Jianfeng will face each other again. Lu Chen pays two to one, and Cui Jianfeng pays two to one."

Cui Jianfeng's expression turned ugly.

Sure enough, the odds turned upside down.

Explain that in the first battle just now, the opponent regarded himself as a weak person.

However, I, Cui Jianfeng, will definitely let you all know my true strength!

After a while.

The second match begins.

Lu Chen and Cui Jianfeng played together.


Both sides hand in hand.

Afterwards, Lu Chen walked quickly.

It is still the previous style of play, melee combat.

Cui Jianfeng sneered, and his momentum swept over his body.

Hu Hu Hu.

I saw a circle of sword energy condensing around his body, spinning continuously, so that Lu Chen could not get close.

That sword energy is like substance.

If you look carefully, you will find that it is not sword energy, but sword light.

Swish Swish.

Sword lights shot out suddenly, spreading all over the sky, and Lu Chen had nowhere to hide.

Everyone exclaimed: "So this is Cui Jianfeng's strength."

"Terrible supernatural powers."

"Comparable to a supernatural power!"

"We bet on the wrong person. Faced with such supernatural powers, Lu Chen will definitely lose."

"Cui Jianfeng is at the fifth level of the Void Realm after all. He just underestimated Chen Lu just now and failed to exert his full strength."

"Oh, miscalculation."

Many people sighed, thinking they were stupid to bet on Lu Chen.

The Twelve Princes, Manager Chang and others also sweated for Lu Chen.

Cui Jianfeng's sword light supernatural power, which is comparable to a great supernatural power, is too terrifying.

Faced with such an all-round attacking supernatural power, how can Lu Chen resist it?

He is hard to guard against!

It will definitely be hit by the sword light.

Unless he has a powerful defensive magical power.

Commander Pingyuan's eyes were burning, trying to see through Lu Chen.

After all, this guy is too jumpy, he doesn't seem like someone who can be a subordinate calmly.

The twelve princes don't know if it's a blessing or a curse to have such subordinates.


Lu Chen didn't have defensive supernatural powers, but resisted with a sword.

Of course, if he used the Great Buddha Palm, all of these sword glows would be absorbed by the Great Buddha Palm without any effort.

But the Great Buddha Palm didn't dare to use it.

Lu Chen then used the five emperors swordsmanship.

His whole body also condensed the field of sword energy.

While resisting Cui Jianfeng's sword light with sword energy, he is also comprehending the opponent's supernatural powers.

This sword light supernatural power looks domineering and mighty, but in fact it has a certain degree of similarity with his own Wan Jian Guizong.

There are swords flying all over the sky, leaving the enemy nowhere to escape.

The only difference is that my Wanjian Guizong is a real sword, which can kill people when hit.

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What the sword light supernatural power shoots out is the sword light.

On the one hand, Jianmang can kill people, and on the other hand, it can drag people down.

If Cui Jianfeng hadn't fought with Lu Chen before, but directly used this supernatural power, then he would probably be able to make Lu Chen drink a pot.

However, he made a mistake in exposing the characteristics of Jianmang's supernatural power in the previous battle.

It was discovered by Lu Chen that the biggest special effect of this supernatural power is that the sword light can enter the human body or the sword body, destroying the enemy from the inside.

This is also the flaw of Jianmang's supernatural power.

In order to destroy the enemy from the inside, this supernatural power reduces the lethality from the outside.

Lu Chen only needs to activate the sixth form of the five emperors' swordsmanship, so that the power of the five elements can be circulated, which can greatly improve the defensive ability in the field of sword energy.

So, half an hour passed.

Just seeing Cui Jianfeng's domineering and mighty sword glow flying, but he couldn't see Lu Chen was injured at all.

"There's a lot of thunder and a little rain."

Someone sneered.

What kind of sword glow supernatural powers can't even break through other people's defenses.

"This Chase Lu's defensive power is really powerful."

Someone praised.

They couldn't see through Chase Lu's details at all.

Even the commander of Pingyuan thinks that Chase Lu is using defensive supernatural powers.

This also shows that the Five Emperors swordsmanship is indeed an extremely high-level swordsmanship.

Cultivate to a high level and master the essence of the five emperors swordsmanship, this swordsmanship is no different from supernatural powers.

"Cui Jianfeng is about to lose."

Xu Yi on this side fixed his eyes and judged.

Deacon Wu said: "I thought Cui Jianfeng was also a genius, but I didn't expect it to be so useless."

Xu Yi said: "Actually, he's not bad. This sword light supernatural power is comparable to a great supernatural power. It will benefit him in the future and let him hand over this supernatural power."

Cui Jianfeng never expected that Xu Yi's supernatural powers had already been targeted by him.

But I am not in Xu Yi's eyes.

Really sad reminder.

What's even more tragic is that he felt extremely aggrieved during the battle.

Jianmang's supernatural powers were actually unable to win Lu Chen.

On the contrary, he let his spiritual power continue to be consumed.

If you continue, you will lose!

Cui Jianfeng made a decisive decision, put away the sword light supernatural power, and instead took out a black round sword that looked like an iron rod.

But before he could exert his skills, he saw endless sword energy coming over the sky.

"I surrender!"

Cui Jianfeng surrendered in fright.

The sword energy stopped in the air, and Lu Chen said: "Accept."

Cui Jianfeng's face turned extremely ugly, he lowered his head, not daring to look into the eyes of everyone.

Lu Chen was very satisfied and took back his Xuanjing.

Even with the odds of [-] to [-], I bet [-] and earned [-] Xuan Jing.

"Hey hey hey."

Lu Chen smiled with satisfaction, and with a smug smile, he glanced at Xu Yi behind Cui Jianfeng.

Xu Yi sensed the provocation in this smile, and said lightly, "Are you going to challenge me next?"

Lu Chen said: "No. I'm only in the third level of the Void Realm, how can I challenge the elder Xu Yi of our Sword Alliance."

Xu Yi chuckled and said, "If you don't challenge me, then I will challenge you. Do you dare to accept it?"

"Don't dare."

Lu Chen waved his hands quickly.

Xu Yi smiled sarcastically.

Everyone was not surprised. After all, Xu Yi had been famous for a long time, and he was still a strong man in the sixth level of the Void Realm.

Although Lu Chen is very arrogant, he is not a fool, and of course he will not challenge.

But Lu Chen suddenly added another sentence: "It is my great honor for Elder Xu Yi to challenge me. I dare not accept it."

Everyone was stunned!

This guy is really arrogant, he wants to die.

"In the next sixth match, Xu Yi will face off against Lu Chen."

The contest field announced loudly.

Arranging to the sixth game gave Lu Chen time to recover.

And it also prolongs the time for everyone to bet.

After all, Xu Yi is the No. [-] celebrity in the martial arts arena, with extremely outstanding strength and extraordinary talent, he is a genius who is qualified to be on the top list in the future.

If such a person appeared, there must be a lot of people betting on it.

The odds of both sides will be released soon.

Xu Yi odds, four to one,

Chase Lu's odds are four to one.

The odds vary greatly, which shows that the arena is very optimistic about Xu Yi.

Xu Yi was quite satisfied with this. Standing at a high place with a smile on his face, it seemed as if he didn't take Lu Chen seriously.

Lu Chen was also quite satisfied, and pressed all the remaining [-] profound crystals on it in surprise.

If he wins this battle, his number of profound crystals will rise to [-] profound crystals.

With so many Xuanjing, I don't need to waste time to earn Xuanjing in the three places Mo Zidao mentioned.

According to what Mo Zidao said, he can only earn a few thousand Xuanjing at the most in the old students' competition field.

Unexpectedly, the result was quite different, and he directly made himself [-] yuan.

Lu Chen really wanted to thank Xu Yi.

But Chase Lu didn't forget his form in excitement.

He saw countless people betting Xuan Jing on Xu Yi.

Even if Xu Yi's odds were so low, they would not hesitate.

It can be seen that everyone trusts Xu Yi's strength.

I am a small person, I am afraid that I am like a bedbug dying, no one is optimistic about myself.

"I bet one hundred thousand Xuanjing, Lu Chen wins."

The twelve princes said suddenly, and threw out a ring.

Everyone was shocked.

He actually bet one hundred thousand.

Big money!

What is the history of this person?

Everyone doesn't know Ling Yunzhi until now, after all, he was just a bystander from the beginning to the end.

Xu Yi's eyes flashed, and he said: "As expected of the Twelve Princes, he is courageous and generous. If so, then I will pay the Twelve Princes for a game. I bet myself, one hundred thousand!"

Xu Yi bet on himself to win, and he could earn [-] Xuanjing after winning.

They were all in excess of ten thousand. Even for Xu Yi, this sum was quite a lot of money, not to mention making a lot of money.

Although Xu Yi usually didn't play so much.

But today is different. First, this is his own game, and he has confidence in himself.

Second, seeing that this little-known second prince had such courage, he wanted to fight him.

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