Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2275 Fighting Cui Jianfeng

Lu Chen said: "I accept."

"Okay. The next second battle is for you to go on the field and get ready."

As soon as the martial arts field was announced, the market opened immediately.

This time Lu Chen's odds are higher than Cui Jianfeng's.

Cui Jianfeng's odds are two to one.

It means that you invest two shares, and after Cui Jianfeng wins, you can get back the principal and win a reward.

Suppose you invest two hundred profound crystals, you can get back the original two hundred profound crystals in the end, and if you count the one hundred profound crystals you won, you get three hundred profound crystals.

Lu Chen's odds are [-] to [-].

It is the money you put in. After Lu Chen wins, he can get back the principal and win two rewards.

Assuming that if you cast two hundred profound crystals, you will get six hundred profound crystals in the end.

Faced with such odds, Lu Chen put all of the four hundred profound crystals on himself to win without saying a word.

The twelve princes also bet one thousand Xuanjing to support their own people.

When betting, some people whispered.

"Hey, if I cast two hundred Xuanjing on Lu Chen and Cui Jianfeng respectively, then I won't lose any money.

If Chase Lu wins, I can get six hundred Xuanjing.

Cui Jianfeng wins, and I can get three hundred Xuanjing.Ha ha. "

The man was very excited.

The person next to him laughed and said nothing.

This fool only saw the money he got in the end, but forgot the principal he invested.

If you bet two hundred on both sides, you will have to pay four hundred.

If Lu Chen wins, it's okay, he can still earn two hundred Xuanjing.

But if Cui Jianfeng wins, he will lose one hundred Xuanjing.

Of course, there is a way to be foolproof.

It is to bet two hundred Xuanjing on Lu Chen and four hundred Xuanjing on Cui Jianfeng.

In this way, no matter who wins, he can get six hundred profound crystals.

Expenditures and harvests are exactly the same.

But does it make sense?

That's what neuropathy does.

Gambling without losing or winning, is that also called gambling?

Therefore, if you are sure of someone, just vote for that person directly.

Don't think about a sure win, don't grab it with both hands, and don't think about taking advantage of other people's loopholes.

What everyone gambles for is a thrill.

Do you do the math, is it a martial artist, or is it an arithmetic?

Soon, all bets were over.

Cui Jianfeng stood indifferently, apparently satisfied with the odds.

This means that the martial arts field recognizes its own strength.

Lu Chen is also very satisfied, but there are too few mysterious crystals on his body.

If there are more, he will bet all on himself.

Finally, it was their turn to compete.

With a flash, Cui Jianfeng landed on the competition platform.

He is not tall, but standing upright on the martial arts platform, he looks very tall.

This is an illusion brought about by momentum.

But just this aura makes everyone feel that this person is extraordinary.

This person has merged with the sword on his back.

The aura on his body is also the aura of the sword.

Stand tall!

Lu Chen jumped onto the stage and said, "Senior Brother Cui, please."

"Junior Brother Lu Chen, please."

Cui Jianfeng was very polite, he didn't make a move, he still stood calmly.

Lu Chen didn't want to pretend like him, so as not to waste time, he rushed up directly.


The two swords collided with each other, making a crisp crashing sound.

Cui Jianfeng is not weak, and has unique attainments in swordsmanship.

But under Chase Lu's fine-grained control, he couldn't exert his full strength.

"Into the smallest details."

Cui Jianfeng narrowed his eyes slightly.

Just now when Lu Chen and Ji Chao fought, he saw Lu Chen's ability.

Now this kid is repeating his old tricks, and using the nuances on himself.

He thought he was also a waste like Ji Chao?


Cui Jianfeng shouted loudly, and the long sword emitted a blue light.

Lu Chen stepped back a few steps, and said in surprise: "Sword magic?"

Cui Jianfeng laughed loudly: "You are really ignorant. To deal with you, I still can't use the magic power of the sword."

"Then what is this, little supernatural power?"

Lu Chen didn't know how to ask questions, so he stood in the distance and waited.

Cui Jianfeng said: "Look good. This is called Jianmang."

Chi Chi Chi.

Cui Jianfeng's long sword flickered with light.

Lu Chen observed carefully.

It's not that he doesn't know about Jianmang.

A long time ago, I used my sword glow.

Jianmang is just a very common way to release internal energy, and it can be used in sea of ​​​​qi and straight lines. What's so special about it?

But the sword light in Cui Jianfeng's hand was different.

This guy should have miniaturized a kind of kendo supernatural power, making it easier to use and less consuming.

Cui Jianfeng shot out the cyan sword light.

Choo Choo Choo!

The sword glow pierced the sky and came head-on.

Lu Chen swung his long sword and Dangdang blocked it.

But he found that his internal energy became more and more stagnant.

I saw that the long sword in his hand was stained with green and became heavy.

"I see."

Lu Chen suddenly realized.

This Cui Jianfeng's sword light can not only attack the enemy, but also drag the enemy down.

For example, when the sword glow attacks on one's own sword, it merges into one's own sword, increasing the burden on the sword.

If you continue to use this sword to block Jianmang.

I'm afraid that the sword light will shatter his own sword.

Under such an accident, I didn't know how to resist in a hurry, and I would definitely be stabbed by Cui Jianfeng's sword.

This is Cui Jianfeng's strategy.

Lu Chen saw through his strategy and cooperated with him.

One sword after another passed, Lu Chen did not retreat but advanced.


After several times of blocking, the long sword in Lu Chen's hand became heavier and heavier.

At this time, Lu Chen's figure flashed, and he leaned close to him at an extremely fast speed.

Cui Jianfeng was taken aback, he didn't expect Lu Chen to be dragged down by Jianmang so quickly.

In a hurry, he subconsciously aroused the sword light again.

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Lu Chen's long sword blocked the sword glow.

At the same time, he mobilized his spiritual power to shatter the long sword autonomously.

I saw the broken pieces of the long sword, together with the sword light, all shot at Cui Jianfeng.

Because the distance between the two was extremely close, Cui Jianfeng never thought that the long sword would break so early.

Caught off guard, all the splinters hit his wrist.

Dang bang.

The long sword in Cui Jianfeng's hand fell to the ground.

And on his neck, there are two fingers.

These two fingers condensed into a sword finger, and the sword energy was breathed out, which made people shudder.

The owner of the finger smiled slightly: "Accept."


Cui Jianfeng also spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was red and white.

He finally felt the aggrieved Ji Chao before.

Facing Lu Chen, a cunning guy, he didn't even display [-]% of his strength.

Like Ji Chao, he also didn't even have time to display his supernatural powers.

It was just a simplified version of the sword light supernatural power, but it was still used by Lu Chen.

"Lu Chen, win."

The results of the contest are announced.

Even if Cui Jianfeng was unconvinced, he could only endure it.

On this side, Lu Chen and the others have already started to get Xuanjing.

He bet more than 400, earned more than 800, and had a total of more than 200 Xuan Jing.

These mysterious crystals are definitely enough to push Lu Chen to another level.

And the twelve princes bet one thousand profound crystals, and earned two thousand.

He gave all the two thousand to Chase Lu, and said, "Chen Lu, you won these."

"Thank you, Prince."

Lu Chen was not hypocritical, and immediately accepted it.

The more Xuan Jing there is, the better.

Even if it is not used up, it can be exchanged for other treasures.

As for the favor owed to the twelfth prince, I will definitely make him feel that it is worth it in the future.

"Who will challenge next?"

Manager Chang asked with some expectation.

In just one battle, he earned eight hundred profound crystals, and counting the twelve princes, he earned a total of two thousand and eight.

It was too easy for Xuan Jing to come.

He now wants to see who General Lu can challenge to win.

Lu Chen looked around the arena, looked at the statistical list of consecutive victories, and thought secretly.

Definitely have to challenge a strongman.

In this way, your odds will be higher and you will be able to earn more.

You must know that you have not even displayed [-]% of your strength now.

It is entirely by relying on strong mental power and fine-grained control ability to suppress the opponent.

None of the five emperors' swordsmanship and comprehension of supernatural powers were displayed.

According to Lu Chen's thinking, he will definitely not use the Dafutu Palm.

This great supernatural power is too strong, and it will definitely arouse everyone's covetousness.

The Twelve Princes have not yet reached maturity, and their own strength has not yet risen to the top.

Therefore, it is still necessary to hide this great supernatural power.

Then you can only rely on the five emperors swordsmanship to win.

Although the five emperors' swordsmanship is not supernatural powers, but his comprehension of the five emperors' swordsmanship can make the illusion of supernatural powers.

Back in the Sifang Continent, when he dealt with Bi Xia, the five emperors swordsmanship already had the embryonic form of supernatural powers.

Now that his strength has improved, he can simulate the five emperors' swordsmanship into supernatural powers, and he can do it at his fingertips without any effort.

"I want to challenge Xu Yi."

Lu Chen murmured.

He doesn't want to waste too much time here.

After watching the winning streak, this Xu Yi is considered the strongest.

And his reputation is also very loud.

If you challenge him, your odds will definitely be extremely high.

Chase Lu planned to take advantage of the odds and leave after making a fortune.

He also wanted to quickly absorb the cold air and raise the little dantian up.

Now they are all in the third level of the void realm, but Xiao Dantian has not yet condensed in the first level.

If Xiao Dantian is quickly promoted to the second level, his strength will improve by leaps and bounds, and he has a chance to step into the top list.

And after stepping into the High Heaven List, he has entered the eyes of the upper-level figures in the High Heaven Palace.

At that time, there was no need for the Twelve Princes to become so popular, he, Lu Chen, was already a benchmark.

Lingxiao Palace will definitely cherish his genius.

I also have more time to practice, and I don't have to worry about someone plotting to squeeze me out.

After all, for Lu Chen, improving his cultivation is the first priority.

He has to keep speeding up the speed of strength improvement, lest Xu Daoguang break the Nine Dragon Column formation in advance.

For this reason, it doesn't matter how many people are offended.

Anyway, when he becomes the Great Emperor powerhouse at the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Void Realm, who dares to say that he is not?

What's more, his peak is not only the ninth level of the void state, but the fifteenth level of the void state.

It can be described as an invincible existence!

Who do you need to be afraid of?

Hearing that Chase Lu wanted to challenge Xu Yi again, everyone didn't know what to say to dissuade him.

They have already seen Chase Lu's unique strength.

But it might not be so easy to say that Chase Lu could defeat Xu Yi.

And Xu Yi is still the eldest prince's man.

Isn't this difficult for the twelve princes?

Chief Chang said: "General Lu, although your strength is outstanding, you can't act rashly. The prince said that we will not take the initiative to provoke them."

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry. I won't take the initiative to challenge Xu Yi, but Xu Yi will definitely challenge me.

Besides, Cui Jianfeng probably wouldn't be reconciled.

When he recovers from his injuries, he will definitely fight me again in an attempt to regain his reputation.

So, just wait quietly. "

While speaking, Lu Chen looked at Cui Jianfeng, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly.

There seems to be a hint of irony.

However, he quickly withdrew his expression and arched his hands slightly.

Cui Jianfeng was furious!

Even a fool can see that this is a provocation, an undisguised mockery.

"Elder Xu Yi, I want to challenge that kid again!"

Cui Jianfeng said in a deep voice.

Xu Yi said: "Yes. This time, you can directly use your supernatural powers, don't let him get close, and try to defeat the enemy with one blow.

This person's close-up style of play is very exquisite, and his subtlety is beyond ordinary. He is a top swordsman.

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