Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2230 The array is powerful

Xiaoxie protects Cui Yu and sets off immediately.

Baby dragon, guard the Nine Dragon Pillar, if someone comes to commit an attack, kill him without mercy! "


Everyone responded in unison, doing their own thing.

Lu Chen drove a black cloud and flew frantically towards the northern region.

Thousands of miles away, a figure sprang out from the cracks in the ground.

At first glance, this seam seems to be formed because the Nine Dragon Pillar was hit, causing the sky to shake.

But if you carefully perceive it with your spiritual power, you will find that this crack in the ground was opened up independently by the shaking of the sky and the earth.

I saw the figure rushing out with gloomy eyes, looking back at Ziyun Villa.

She said to herself coldly: "Lu Chen, everything is because of you, you are a sinner in the Sifang Continent!"

After saying that, she walked against the wind and fled far away.

In fact, she didn't know where she was going, she just knew to stay away from the Nine Dragon Pillar, so as not to be discovered by Chase Lu.

Northern Territory, Yanyue Academy.


The Zhongzhou Nine Dragon Pillar was hit, and Duan Qingyang and others on the Suzerain Peak of Yanyue Academy immediately felt it.

"No, someone wants to destroy the Nine Dragon Pillar!"

Tu Mingdao screamed in shock.

Duan Qingyang's face changed suddenly: "It must be the Nine Dragon Pillar in Zhongzhou, we are the only ones we can't contact.

Chen'er must have found them, but they fought back frantically.

But why are they doing this right, and what good is it for them? "

"what should we do?"

Qiu Zixuan shouted anxiously.

At this moment, it was he who was in charge of offering sacrifices, and he felt the most when the Nine Dragon Pillar shook.

You can even feel that the connection between the Nine Dragon Columns is slowly fading.

With the passage of time, I am afraid that the connection between the Nine Dragon Columns will completely disappear.

At that time, the entire Nine Dragon Column formation was destroyed.


There was another hum, shaking the sky and the earth.

Cracks appeared around the entire Sovereign Peak.

Outside Yanyue Academy, everyone sensed this vision of heaven and earth, and let out horrified cries.

But they are lucky.

Because of the protection of Lu Chen's sword array, he was not hit by the fallen mountain peak or ancient tree.

But people outside the formation were not so lucky.

There were miserable howls everywhere, and the lake water rolled back, overturning the villages.

If it weren't for the protection of Wuxiu who passed by, more people would die.

And this scene didn't just happen outside Yanyue Academy.

The entire Sifang Continent is full of shocking scenes of broken mountains and rivers.

Many people don't know what happened, and the weak are all terrified. Facing this terrible natural disaster, they can only close their eyes and wait for death.

Those who are strong in the Flying Sky Realm and the Sifang Realm can survive in the air.

The martial arts cultivators of the death-killing realm all surrounded them, and cooperated with the experts of the flying sky realm to guard them all.

But even so, as far as the eye could see, there were corpses everywhere.

Just that momentary earth shaking, countless people died because of it.

Master Cui Yu's prophecy: There are two hearts in front of the Nine-Dragon Pillar, and there will be blood on the land in all directions.

Completely fulfilled!

Lu Chen flew past all the way, watching helplessly that the once prosperous city was now in ruins.

His heart was full of anger.

But the people in Ziyun Villa were all dead, and they had nowhere to vent their anger, so they could only hold back.

Although I really want to rescue the people who are still alive, it takes too much time.

I must bring Ji Yuan there as soon as possible, and the restoration of the Nine Dragon Column is the top priority.

Otherwise, when the Zhongzhou Nine Dragon Pillar completely collapses, it will be too late to save yourself, so what about saving others.

So absolutely not be affected by everything in front of you.

There can be no mercy, lest more people die later because of a moment of kindness.

So Lu Chen raised his head, didn't look at anything, and ran to Yanyue Academy with all his heart.

Finally, Yanyue Academy is approaching.

Lu Chen yelled, and the voice transmitted thousands of miles: "Marshal Ji Yuan, quickly follow me to repair the Nine Dragon Pillar."

"I am coming!"

Ji Yuan flew up in response to the sound, and followed Lu Chen closely.

It seemed that before Chase Lu came, he knew that Chase Lu would definitely come.

After all, in the entire Sifang Continent, I am afraid that I am the only one who has the deepest research on Nine Dragon Pillars.

It's a pity that my comprehension is also very limited.

If he could spend more time in the Nine Dragons Pillar of Yanyue Academy, even if it was just one more year, he would definitely be more confident.

Unfortunately, there is no time.

On the way back with Lu Chen and Ji Yuan, they talked quickly.

Ji Yuan sighed: "Ziyun Villa, I have long thought that they are hidden dangers and wanted to wipe them out, but unfortunately I have not been able to find them.

Thinking about it now, they must have used the Nine Dragon Pillar to completely hide the villa.

Based on their understanding of the Nine Dragon Pillar, they must know the weakness of the Nine Dragon Pillar.

Initiating such a suicidal attack is rushing to destroy the Quartet Continent.

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It is difficult, difficult to repair the Nine Dragon Pillar! "

Before seeing Zhongzhou Nine Dragon Pillar, Ji Yuan analyzed this conclusion.

Totally frustrating.

Lu Chen's face was also extremely ugly, but he still insisted: "No matter what, we have to do our best, or we will have to be the belly of the sea monster."


Ji Yuan sighed.

He looked into the distance, looking around the world.

Sifang Continent, this great river and mountain, has now become like this.


Ji Yuan suddenly murmured to himself, but then got stuck.

Lu Chen was so focused on his journey that he didn't hear his crooning.

Whoosh whoosh.

The speed is like electricity.

But still feel anxious.

I don't know how long it took, and finally rushed back to the Nine Dragons Pillar.

At this time, there are already many strong people in the four directions in front of the Nine Dragon Pillar.

They are all experts from the Holy Palace, the Three Great Sacred Lands, and Fu Hai.

Lu Chen swept his eyes and saw a familiar figure in the crowd.

Xu Daoguang of the Daoguang Chamber of Commerce.

At the beginning, this guy passed the assessment and joined the Heavenly Formation Sect.

Because of his incomparable ability to restrain his words, he was accepted by Zhi Weibei of the Tianzhen Sect as his apprentice, and became the sixth disciple of Feng Ziyan, the strongest of the Tianzhen Sect.

Now that he has come here, his strength has reached the ninth level of the Sifang Realm, which is three times higher than the sixth level of the Sifang Realm on the surface of Lu Chen.

Its talent is astonishingly powerful.

And being able to be brought here shows that its level of formation is already extremely powerful.

If there is no Chase Lu, he can definitely be called the strongest of the new generation in the entire Sifang Continent.

Unfortunately, Chase Lu is here.

Everyone immediately gathered around.

Even though Tianzhenmen and Qishan had never had direct contact with Lu Chen, they knew Lu Chen's name when they were called over by Cui Yu, Jing Chu and Huang Wuqi just now.

And when they saw a real dragon carrying a Nine Dragon Pillar, they knew how terrible Chase Lu was.

What level is a person who can subdue the legendary dragon?

"Sect Master Lu Chen, I heard that you have mastered all the Nine Dragon Columns. This Nine Dragon Column has suddenly changed like this, how to fix it?"

A white-haired old man asked.

This is Qishan's strongest protector, Fu Rong.

Lu Chen said: "To restore the Nine Dragons Column, we have to rely on Marshal Ji Yuan."

"Ji Yuan, it's you, you're not dead yet."

Another person made a sound of surprise.

This person was standing in front of Xu Daoguang, he looked old, but his eyes showed infinite brilliance.

Just by looking at his eyes, one can tell that this person is extremely powerful.

"Feng Ziyan!"

Ji Yuan immediately stepped forward and shook hands with Feng Ziyan.

The two were good friends of the Tianzhen Sect before, but unfortunately they took different paths.

Therefore, Ji Yuan went to the front line to protect the spirit, and Feng Ziyan was in charge of building the flying boat.

When Ji Yuan and Feng Ziyan were feeling emotional.

Xu Daoguang's eyes collided with Lu Chen.

Now is the time to employ people, and the previous personal grievances are temporarily put aside.

And Xu Daoguang is now Feng Ziyan's apprentice.

Feng Ziyan brought him here on such a major event, which shows his love for Xu Daoguang.

If Lu Chen killed him at this time, I'm afraid it would cause unnecessary trouble.

At least one of the masters at the same level as Ji Yuan will be lost.

And to restore the Nine Dragon Pillar, what is most needed is a master of formation.

Therefore, there must be no conflict with Feng Ziyan at this time.

So Lu Chen took a step forward and said, "Marshal Ji Yuan, please you and Master Feng Ziyan to preside over the restoration of the Nine Dragon Pillar immediately, and all of us will assist you two."

The so-called assistance means that the alchemy expert does alchemy to replenish spiritual, physical, and spiritual strength for the two of them.

The refiners refine the top-level array flags or array disks they need.

The strong man of the sea of ​​symbols is responsible for depicting powerful runes on the formation flags and disks.

The strong Fu Hai who came at this time was Hua Hailan, the master of Jiang Xinyue Fu Hai.

Lu Chen knew each other, but he didn't have time to greet her, so he just nodded.

As for Jiang Xinyue and Fu Yingyu, neither came.

The two are not very good at cultivation, and they can't hold on to such a situation.

"Sect Master Lu Chen, don't worry, the two of us will work hard to restore the Nine Dragon Pillar!"

Ji Yuan said solemnly.

Feng Ziyan nodded to Lu Chen, and said: "Although it is the first time I know Suzerain Lu Chen, we are very grateful to know what Suzerain Lu Chen has done for our Sifang Continent."

"Master Feng is too serious. The flying boat you built is the pillar of our Sifang Continent."

Lu Chen cupped his hands.

But he didn't continue this topic, but said: "Jing Chu, Huang Wuqi, Hou Sitian, Gong Cheng, Hua Hailan, five of you are in charge here.

We must do our best to cooperate with everyone and help Marshal Ji Yuan and Master Feng Ziyan together.

Now, you immediately replace Xiaolong to carry the Nine Dragon Pillar. "

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