Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2229 Purple Cloud Villa

Facing such a force, dealing with it is very troublesome in itself.

Now Lu Chen and Cui Yuqi wondered whether the Nine Dragon Pillar in Zhongzhou was in Ziyun Villa?

If it is true, I am afraid that Master Cui Yu's prophecy will come true.

"Let's go now!"

Chase Lu controlled the black cloud and led Cui Yu to run wildly.

Thanks to the rescue message sent by their temple powerhouse before he died.

With the superposition of Lu Chen and Cui Yu's spiritual power, according to the weak path left by the rescue information in the world, the specific location of Ziyun Villa can be found.

A moment passed.

Lu Chen and Cui Yu finally came to the gap between the two peaks.

"Is Ziyun Villa underground?"

The two looked at each other, no wonder Ziyun Villa has always been so mysterious that people can't find it.

The famous Ziyun Villa, the top forces, put the villa underground.

What's the point of living a sunless life underground?

"There are formations all around."

Lu Chen said, and quickly made a trick to break the formation.

He had to be grateful for Lou Jindan's book, which allowed him to learn the top-level formation breaking method.

Otherwise, there is nothing you can do about it.


It sounded like the sound of eggshells breaking.

Layers of formations were stripped away by Chase Lu.

Cui Yu took a slight breath and said, "Someone has come out."


As soon as Cui Yu finished speaking, a figure suddenly flew out from the gap between the mountains and came to Lu Chen.

"Are you a person against the sky?"

The person who came was a middle-aged man with a short beard, very energetic, and sharp eyes, as if he wanted to see through Lu Chen.

Lu Chen said: "You are Ziyun Tianming?"

"That's right. I am the father of Ziyun Mingzhu and Ziyun Minghu, and the owner of Ziyun Villa!"

Ziyun Tianming said boldly, extremely proud.

Lu Chen didn't look at him, but looked at the gap between the mountain peaks, and said: "The formation can last for a while, why are you rushing out to die?"

Ziyun Tianming sneered coldly: "A person who defies the sky, his tone is too loud. If you are at the peak of the Sifang Realm, I might..."


A sword qi passed by.

Ziyun Tianming's body fell from his neck, leaving only his head floating in the air.

Before he finished speaking, his expression froze, and his head was in mid-air.


Ziyun Tianming put away his shock, as if he had expected it long ago, and said: "You have grown to such a degree, we can't stop you.

But as the Heaven's Punishment Clan, it is impossible for us to be caught without a fight!

People who defy the sky, if you violate the rules of the sky and disrupt the laws, you will be punished.

Today, the entire Sifang continent will suffer because of you! "

"not good!"

Cui Yu screamed.

He saw Ziyun Tianming's head burst open.

This seems to be a signal.

Bang bang bang!

In the gap between the two mountain peaks, the sound of thunder exploded.

Then, the world shook.

"The Nine Dragon Pillar has been destroyed."

Cui Yu's face turned pale.

In fact, ever since he heard the prophecy from his master before he died, he knew that the chance of changing the future was almost zero.

Because Master's prophecy has never been missed.

Moreover, the prophecy from his fortune-telling has never been missed.

This is the result destined by God.

No matter how hard they try, I'm afraid it will end like this.

But Cui Yu still had a glimmer of hope.

He felt that the existence of Lu Chen, a man against the sky, might be enough to disturb the secrets of heaven and win the chance to change the future.

But now it seems that I was wrong.

Everything is irreversible!

"It's over, the Sifang Continent will be wiped out."

Cui Yu said with a ashamed face.

He seemed to have heard the howling of the spirit guard front.

It also seems to be able to see the collapse of the mountains in the distance, and the smoke and dust are scattered.

"shut up!"

Lu Chen shouted: "Continue to bless me with spiritual power, I want to break the formation."

I saw Chase Lu quickly making a tactic with both hands, fighting for the last chance.

He had been on the front line of protecting spirits before, and he knew that there was a third line of defense besides the Nine Dragon Column formation.

And besides that, the Kraken only launched an attack a month ago, and has been recuperating these days.

So in the face of the changes in the Sifang Continent, they may have to gather for some time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I only need to break the formation of Ziyun Villa, destroy Ziyun Villa, and keep the Nine Dragon Pillar.

All of that can be redeemed!

Awakened by Lu Chen's roar, Cui Yu quickly linked up his mental power to assist Lu Chen.

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Although I don't think there will be any turning point, after all, we have seen the landslide.

However, since Chase Lu still wants to try, let's try.

Do your best, listen to destiny.

Swish swish.

Lu Chen's pinching speed is faster, and the speed of breaking the formation is almost a one-breathing formation.

However, he still felt that it was too slow.

With a loud roar, countless sword weapons surged out and bombarded the two mountain peaks.

Bang bang bang!

The sword collided and exploded on the mountain peak.

A completely self-destructive attack.

However, the enhanced formation breaking speed is still limited.

I have to say that Ziyun Villa's formation is too powerful.

It is stronger than all the formations Chase Lu has seen.

He suspected that Ziyun Villa had borrowed the power of the Nine Dragon Pillar's formation to comprehend a more advanced formation.

But there's no point in doubting it now.

Only breaking the formation is the most important thing!

Crack cack cack.

The formation was peeled off layer by layer.

Finally, the last formation was broken by Lu Chen.

I saw a pillar soaring to the sky, and it came into view.

And under the pillars, there are fresh wreckage corpses.

As for the courtyards and pavilions in Ziyun Villa, they don't exist at all.

I don't know if it was destroyed or evacuated.

"It's all dead and empty."

Cui Yu exclaimed.

These mad dogs in Ziyun Villa actually chose to bombard the Nine Dragon Pillar by self-detonation.

Just to let the entire Sifang Continent be buried with them in Ziyun Villa?

"Quick, hold on to the Nine Dragon Pillar!"

With an urgent cry, Lu Chen rushed to the base of the Nine Dragon Pillar at the fastest speed.

There, a gap was opened by the self-explosion of everyone in Ziyun Villa.

If the Nine Dragon Pillar is ignored, the gap will continue to expand, and eventually the Nine Dragon Pillar will collapse, and everything will be irreversible.

"Little scorpion and little dog, Qiqi help me hold the Nine Dragon Pillar."

From the small world, Lu Chen called out both Shiwangxie and Lougoushen.

Let them support the Nine Dragon Pillar with their spiritual power and body.

It's a pity that the puppy itself is not strong in combat, and there is nothing special about its body.

The corpse king scorpion was better, but it still couldn't hold on.

And Cui Yu is similar to a puppy.

If he lets go, the Nine Dragon Pillar will definitely fall down.

But Chase Lu still has things to do, so he can't stay here forever.

He hurriedly called out, "Where's the baby dragon?"

Corpse King Scorpion hurriedly said: "Master, he fell asleep."

"Wake him up for me!"

Lu Chen roared.

In the current situation, I can't take care of anything.

I used to worry about offending the baby dragon.

But now, if this guy doesn't wake up to help, how can he pull out his hand to call for someone.


As soon as the baby dragon came out of the small world, there was a dissatisfied dragon chant.

Cui Yu and the little dog Qiqi let go and covered their ears.

Cui Yu has strong mental strength and can persist.

The puppies bleed from the seven orifices.

Lu Chen yelled: "Shut up, it's time for you to work after raising you for so long. Support the Nine Dragon Pillar for me. If the Nine Dragon Pillar falls down, I'll peel you and cramp you!"

Baby Dragon was taken aback by Chase Lu's severity.

In addition, Lu Chen has the breath of a real dragon on his body, and the mental power of the real dragon's coercion is even more vast.

The baby dragon had no choice but to be obedient, and with the body of a real dragon, he immediately propped up the Nine Dragon Pillar.

It still seems easy.

Cui Yu and the others couldn't help but be amazed.

They supported a nine-dragon pillar and were exhausted to death, but this immature baby dragon could easily support it.

The difference in physical strength is really a world of difference.

Cui Yu secretly thought, this is another scare Lu Chen told himself.

I never expected that there are still real dragons alive in this world, and this real dragon has become Lu Chen's beast pet.


"Lu Chen, what should we do next?"

Cui Yu collected his thoughts and asked.

Lu Chen said: "You go to the temple to gather everyone, and ask Jing Zhu to invite all the masters of the formation of the Tianzhen Gate, and everyone will comprehend the Nine Dragon Pillar together, and fill in the broken base.

I went to Yanyue Academy and brought Ji Yuan back.

His level of formation is the highest, and he has also comprehended the Nine Dragon Pillar formation on the front line of protecting spirits.

These days in Yanyue Academy, I even comprehended the Nine Dragon Pillar.

If there is anyone who can restore the Nine Dragon Pillar, it is only him. "

While talking, Lu Chen received the puppy into the small world, and said: "The puppy continues to refine alchemy, frantically accumulating pills to prepare for the big war.

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