Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2220 One thought can resolve

During the time when Chase Lu broke through, the Second General of the Western Regions, the Second Elder Wuchang and others kept staring at him like this.

They couldn't understand it at all, and they couldn't know the existence of Lu Chen's little dantian, let alone the breakthrough of the little dantian.

I only know that Lu Chen is absorbing the cold air in the ice flow crystal, and I feel in my heart that this guy actually has such a treasure as the ice flow crystal, and he has the ice air in his body, no wonder it is so strong.

But he stopped there.

Dare to cultivate carelessly for half an hour in our temple.

I really thought we were all made of mud.

"Thank you, the Second General of the Western Regions for protecting the law."

Lu Chen cupped his hands at the general.

The Second General of the Western Regions smiled coldly and said, "You are the most courageous lunatic I have ever seen. Kneel down immediately, or you will die without a place to bury you!"

"Is it?"

Lu Chen smiled faintly.

After picking up a few formulas at random, he jumped up and walked to the top of the temple under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Everyone's expression changed, and they exclaimed again and again, terrified.

No matter what, they couldn't have imagined that the confinement formation and air confinement formation, which were clearly activated, would be completely ineffective against this person.

People just picked up the formulas casually, making their formations a display.

Who the hell is this person?

In fact, everyone thinks too much.

Lu Chen's level of formation is not so bad, and the knowledge of formation is all for the sword formation.

But the level of breaking formation is unexpectedly strong.

Because Lou Jindan, the puppy's father, has a deeper understanding of breaking formations, and Lu Chen's mental strength is far beyond ordinary people.

Just by concentrating your mental strength, you can easily find out the flaws in the formation.

To break the formation, one thought can do it.

In this way, Lu Chen came to the conference hall on the top floor as if strolling in the courtyard.

The door was closed tightly, and there were two strong people at the peak of the ninth level of the Four Square Realm guarding it outside.

But when the two of them saw Chase Lu's methods, they were scared out of their wits.

Knowing that the person in front of him is definitely not something the two of them can compete with.

So one of them took a step forward and said: "Young master, please wait a moment, we will go in and report."

"it is good."

Lu Chen didn't embarrass them, after all, he didn't intend to find trouble.

What everyone seeks on the front line of protecting the spirit is to defeat the sea monster, and they have the same interests, so there is nothing to conflict with.

"Thank you sir."

The guard secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The other person immediately picked up the token in the meeting hall, and said via voice transmission: "Report to the Marshal, there are strong people outside asking to see you and the Great General Zhen Ming of the Eastern Region."

in the conference hall.

The marshal of the temple and the generals of the eight major domains, a total of nine people, discussed the strategy for the past ten years together.

After their discussion is over, other guardians, generals and others will be brought in for a second discussion.

Afterwards, there will be a third discussion with the head of the Western Regions and others.

Discuss at all levels to ensure that there are opinions from the upper level to the lower level.

From both macro and micro perspectives, one must see clearly the current battle situation with the sea monster.

This is an important matter, so the marshal ordered that no one should disturb him.

Unexpectedly, only a few days later, before the eight generals had finished reporting the battle situation in their respective regions, the guards at the gate actually came to disturb them.

He said that there are strong people who want to see him and Zhen Ming.

How ridiculous!

The powerhouses of the entire spirit protection front and even the entire Sifang Continent are sitting in their conference hall.

Is there any strong man worth suspending the strategy meeting to meet?

The marshal was slightly annoyed, and snorted coldly: "I said, unless it's something urgent, no interruptions are allowed. Don't you understand?"

His voice was deep and calm, but extremely terrifying.

The guard at the door shuddered, and quickly explained: "Return to Marshal, this is an urgent matter.

The incoming person is extremely strong, and everyone in our temple can't stop him, and even the formation is ignored by the other party.

He insisted on seeing the Marshal and General Zhen Ming, so we had no choice but to inform him. "

"A bunch of trash!"

The marshal snorted coldly, and looked at Zhen Ming: "He asked to see you by name, did he know you?"

Zhen Ming was a middle-aged man dressed as a Confucian scholar. He was stunned for a moment, and also very puzzled, and said, "This subordinate doesn't know. Please ask the marshal to allow you to go out and have a look."


The marshal put away his temper and said lightly.

Zhen Ming nodded, walked out the door, saw Lu Chen at the door, sized him up, and said, "You are the so-called strong man? What do you want from me?"

Lu Chen took out the token given by the three generals, Zong Tiehuang, and said, "Let's take a look first."

Zhen Ming took the token, and his spiritual power was touched.

Then I saw the image memory Zong Tiehuang left inside.

After a while, his expression became pleasantly surprised, he half-bowed to Lu Chen, and said, "General Lu Chen, thank you for saving Xiaotie's life.

It can be described as a great merit for you to be able to command the monsters in the moat.

I will definitely build a bridge to make the marshal believe in you. "

Lu Chen nodded and said, "If the Marshal doesn't believe it, you can ask him to follow me to Tianzhu to have a look."

"Yes, yes. Hearing is believing, seeing is believing."

Zhen Ming echoed, and led Chen Lu into the conference hall.

in the hall.

Eight people, including the marshal, looked over together.

They are very strange.

This Zhen Ming went out for a trip, why did he respectfully bring a young boy.

And this young man is only at the sixth level of the Sifang Realm.

He is not qualified to attend such a meeting.

Could it be that he is the strong man that the guard said?

"Who is coming."

asked the Marshal.

Zhen Ming said: "Marshal. This is the elder Dharma protector of our inland temple, Dharma protector Lu Chen.

He has amazing strength and is good at communicating with monsters.Possess the means of beast control.

Before he teleported to our Eastern Region, he conquered the five monsters in the natural moat between the Eastern Region and the Northeast Region, and let them sign a covenant to fight together.

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After that, he came to our Western Regions, walked through three natural moats, and also made the monsters sign a covenant.

With the help of Lu Chen's guardian, the eight great moat monsters all join hands to help.

Marshal, we can change our strategy and take the initiative to attack. We can surely turn the tide of the battle and win a beautiful battle! "

The more Zhen Ming talked, the more excited he became, as if he saw the dawn of victory.

But the entire conference hall was silent, and the marshal and the other seven generals stared blankly at him, as if they were looking at a fool.

"General Zhen, do you believe what you said?"

asked a general.

Zhen Ming quickly took out Zong Tiehuang's token, poured spiritual power into it, and projected the image.

Inside, Zong Tiehuang brought the five monsters including the golden giant ape, and expressed the matter very sincerely.

The marshal and others watched it, and were silent for a while.

A general said: "Well, it looks as if it is real.

But who can prove that those five monsters are really the strongest monsters in the moat?

I'm afraid they just found a few monsters at random and said they signed a covenant with Tianzhu.

Besides, even if you really signed a covenant with that natural moat, how can you prove it for other natural moats? "

Zhen Ming said: "It's very simple, everyone can go to Tianzhu with Protector Lu Chen to have a look."

"Ha ha."

A general sneered: "Anyone with unknown origins tricks us into going to Tianchao. If he turns into a monster and sets up an ambush in Tianchao, wouldn't we die in vain?"

Zhen Ming was slightly angry: "You don't believe me, Zong Tiehuang, the three generals of the Eastern Region?"

"That's not true. I'm just in case.

What if General Zong Tiehuang was controlled by monsters?

You have to know that the shrewdness and deceitfulness of monsters are no worse than us humans.

And they also have all kinds of weird talents and abilities, which are hard to guard against. "

said a general.

Zhen Ming became hesitant when he heard the words.

This is a possibility.

If Zong Tie Huang is really controlled by a monster, and this Lu Chen is also in the form of a monster, it will be troublesome.

So he looked to Lu Chen, expecting Lu Chen to prove it himself.

Lu Chen took a step forward and said, "If I want to kill you, I don't need any tricks."

The generals were taken aback for a moment, and then their faces showed anger.


Someone yelled, walked up to Lu Chen, and said, "I don't think you know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth"

Before he finished speaking, he found that the world was turned upside down.

Everyone exclaimed in unison.

It turned out that this person was grabbed by Lu Chen's ankle in the blink of an eye, and turned upside down.

"Have you taken it?"

Lu Chen said lightly: "The reason why I came here is not to discuss with you, nor to ask you to believe.

I'm just here to let you know.

In the future, when sea monsters come to attack, Tianzhu monsters will come out to help.

I hope you can order the armies not to quarrel with the monsters of Tianchao.

do you understand? "

As Lu Chen said, he looked at the marshal who was sitting in the lead.

The marshal was a tall old man.

With a serious face, he looked at Lu Chen and said, "Who are you, dare to come to our temple to act wild!"

Lu Chen was startled.

He didn't expect that after talking for a long time, the marshal would have such a reaction.

Lu Chen said: "My name is Lu Chen.

Ever since I learned that the sea monsters are besieging and attacking our Sifang Continent, I have come here to help.

Entering Tianzhu to summon monsters and order monsters to sign a covenant is just to help.

I am here to inform you, also to help.

In order for our Sifang Continent to fight back against the Kraken, walk out of the sea.

If there is offense during the period, it is a last resort.

After all, time can't be delayed. In case the sea monster starts a battle midway, but I don't inform you, it will cause us to fight with the monster, and the loss outweighs the gain.

Therefore, I still hope that everyone will accept the matter of breaking into the temple meeting. "

Lu Chen bowed his hands to everyone and circled around.

The generals have different expressions.

Some people think that what Lu Chen said is right, such an urgent matter, it is justifiable to rush to the temple meeting.

Some people think that Chase Lu is going too far, daring to break into the temple meeting relying on his strength, which is disrespectful and unforgivable!

But having said that, this young man is really strong.

The one he captured casually just now is the Great General of the Western Regions, whose strength ranks among the top three among the eight great generals.

But this level of strength is like an onion in front of this young man.

He was caught easily.

Such strength is unbelievable.

You must know that even if you are as strong as a marshal, you can't do it.

It is also because of this that the marshal has not dared to do anything until now.

He just sullenly said, "How can we believe that you are not a monster?"

Lu Chen laughed: "After talking for a long time, you still don't understand?

If I take the form of a monster and lead the eight monsters in the sky, I can wipe out the human legion in a short time.

Do you think the Heavenly Moat monster is weak?

They were just too lazy to fight for it.

Because there are not many forests and grasslands outside of Tianzhu, which are not suitable for monsters to live in.

Otherwise, they would have rushed forward.

So I repeat, the monsters will fight with us, whether you can accept it or not, you must accept it.

It is serious business for everyone to abandon previous suspicions and jointly fight against the Kraken.

Beyond the sea, the world is so big that it is worth fighting for.

There is no need to compete for power in the Sifang Continent.

In the future, if we really defeat the Kraken and rush out of the sea, we will surely hit a higher realm.

Don't you want to break the shackles of the Sifang Realm? "

"Break the shackles of the Sifang Realm?"

The marshal suddenly smiled.

Lu Chen found that not only the marshal smiled, but the expressions of other people also changed.

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