Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2219 Can be called the first person


This person is too proud, too rigid and easy to break.

Everyone secretly commented and discussed, expressing regret for Lu Chen.

Lu Chen didn't care about the thoughts of the idlers, but said loudly: "Zong Tiehuang, the three generals of the Eastern Region, recommended me to participate in the general assessment and strategy meeting. I am here to see the General of the Eastern Region and the Marshal of the Temple."

"you you!"

The pale middle-aged law enforcement officer pointed at Lu Chen, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The soul-suppressing seal is linked to his spirit and soul.

The soul-suppressing seal was shattered, and he also suffered a lot of injuries.

But thinking of Lu Chen's prestige just now, the storm of sword energy swept out, and they were not opponents at all.

Couldn't last a single round.

The gap is too big.

Not to mention that this person is an assessment general, I am afraid that his strength, among the thirty generals, is the top powerhouse.

Such people, they cannot deal with, must ask for help.


The pale middle-aged man suddenly took out something, put it in his mouth, and blew a sharp whistle.

Lu Chen looked at him quietly without stopping him.

He just wants to wait for a superior who can listen to people to come out.

Don't always come to these brats who don't listen to people and only follow the rules.

There are so many rules to talk about.

If he followed the rules, he would have to wait for them to finish the strategy meeting before seeing the Temple Marshal.

Then how could I wait.

You must know that there are still four monsters in the moat, waiting for you to give orders.

No time to argue with idlers.

After a few breaths, two old men appeared in front of Chase Lu.

The two were wearing pure black and pure white clothes respectively.

The one in black has a pale face, while the one in white is extremely black.

The combination of the two is very distinctive, and people can remember it at a glance.

Then I heard people from behind exclaiming: "It's the impermanent elders."

Impermanence Erlao?

Lu Chen nodded secretly.

It's a fitting name.

These two people look very similar to the black and white impermanence in the little stories I heard when I was young.

Black and White Wuchang is the legendary enforcer of the underworld.

These two are the law enforcers of the temple.

Even the jobs are the same.

It seems that these two old men made them look like this specifically to correspond to black and white impermanence.

Not bad, very pursuing.

Lu Chen appreciated it very much, and then said: "You two, do you want to take me to see the marshal of the temple?"


The white face in black snorted coldly.

The black face in white clothes sarcastically said: "Little guy, you wounded the law enforcement officer and damaged the soul-suppressing seal of the criminal law treasure of the Law Enforcement Hall. You cannot escape the death penalty! Quickly kneel down and admit your mistake, and we will give you a chance to join the Law Enforcement Hall."

Opportunity to join Law Enforcement Hall?

The pale middle-aged man who was healing on the ground changed color upon hearing the words.

Unexpectedly, the second elder Wuchang actually took a fancy to this kid and wanted to take him into the Law Enforcement Hall.

If this kid agreed, then the four of them would have been beaten in vain.

Not only that, the soul-suppressing seals of the four of them were also shattered in vain.

After the soul-suppressing seal is broken, the Law Enforcing Hall will not kindly issue you another one.

In other words, without the soul-suppressing seal, their status plummeted.

This is really an unacceptable blow!

The audience around in the distance are also amazed.

If you know that beating the law enforcement can attract the attention of the impermanent elders, you can even be invited to join the law enforcement hall.

Then they have already swarmed up.

Law enforcers, even the lowest ones, are far above them.

Under everyone's envious eyes, Lu Chen said: "Can you two invite Zhen Ming, the general of the Eastern Region? Let me talk to him, and any misunderstanding between us can be resolved in an instant."


The black-clothed and white-faced man snorted coldly.

Another person said: "No matter what you and Zhen Ming have to say, there must be an explanation for injuring our law enforcement officers!"


Lu Chen sighed: "It is said that the King of Hades is easy to see, but the little ghost is difficult to deal with. Now it seems that the impermanent ghost is as difficult to deal with as the little ghost. If you don't listen to others, don't blame me for being rude."

The black-clothed and white-faced disdainful man said, "Hmph."

Another person laughed and said: "It seems that you still don't give up. If you want to compete with our brothers, I can give you a chance to try."

"Try it and you don't have to."

Lu Chen strode forward.

Walking past the impermanent elders as if there was no one there.

In the eyes of everyone, they saw Wuchang and the elders were motionless, watching Lu Chen pass by foolishly.

Everyone was stunned.

What the hell is this?

The old saying of Wuchang Er was so ruthless, and in the end he didn't even do it at all.

People walked past him, and the two of them just watched, indifferent.

Did they want to wait for Lu Chen to pass by before they all shot to arrest him?

Well, it seems that this should be the case.

They should be giving this young man one last chance.

Everyone thought so, but found that until Lu Chen walked into the gate of the temple, Wuchang and the elders didn't do anything.

On the contrary, the two looked at each other and let out a long breath at the same time, with cold sweat oozing from their foreheads.

"what's the situation?"

"What happened to the second elder Wuchang?"

"Why don't you do it?"

Everyone was puzzled and discussed.

But the impermanent elders are not in the mood to answer questions for everyone.

There was only shock and fear in their hearts.

The moment Lu Chen walked by just now, they naturally wanted to make a move together, one by one grabbed the boy by one shoulder, and threw him flying.

However, before they could make a move, they felt an incomparably terrifying coercion of sword energy crushing from all directions.

There was a feeling that if they dared to move even a finger, the coercion of the sword energy would tear them to pieces.

And the most frightening thing is that the sword qi coercion doesn't seem to really exist.

Everything seems to be just their illusion.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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But even if it was an illusion, they were so intimidated that they didn't dare to act rashly.

Because, what if it feels real?

If this young man didn't have great confidence and ability, how dare he walk into the temple so casually.

Anyway, let him enter the temple first.

If this kid is really premeditated, there are countless strong people in the temple, and he can definitely be suppressed.

As for the coercion of his sword energy at that time, there is no need to worry.

Two fists are no match for four hands, no matter how powerful this kid is, no matter how talented he is, he is still only at the sixth level of the Sifang Realm.

After entering the temple, he was already in a cage!

So, after the Wuchang two elders came back to their senses, they immediately followed Lu Chen and entered the temple.

in the temple.

Lu Chen looked around, and saw that everyone's eyes were focused on him.

Obviously, they can see clearly the situation outside and are very curious about themselves.

But he didn't care about this, but continued to speak loudly: "Zong Tiehuang, the three generals of the Eastern Region, recommended me, Lu Chen, to participate in the general assessment and strategy meeting. I am here to see the General of the Eastern Region and the Marshal of the Temple."

No one answered.

Lu Chen was slightly sullen in his heart.

You said that the Temple Marshal ignored him, that's all.

Why did Zhen Ming, the general of the Eastern Region, ignore him.

He even brought up Zong Tiehuang's name himself, even if it was just to see Zong Tiehuang's face, Zhen Ming should come to meet him.

How come it doesn't even appear.

Could it be that he was not in the temple?

After waiting quietly for a long while, I only saw a few strong men at the ninth level of the Sifang Realm approaching, but still did not see Zhen Ming appearing.

Lu Chen was too lazy to talk nicely to them this time.

With a casual grab, he grabbed a strong man of the ninth level of the Sifang Realm, and asked, "Is Zhen Ming, the general of the Eastern Region, not in the temple?"

The strong man's complexion changed drastically.

Several people around also backed away in shock.

"You, who are you and how can you be so strong!"

One screamed.

Lu Chen sneered: "I haven't exerted my strength yet, so is it called strong?"

"Do you know that what you are holding is the Second General of the Western Regions, stop quickly, otherwise you will be blamed and you will definitely die!"

One person shouted sharply, but actually trembled with fear.

Wuchang Er, who followed Lu Chen in, was so frightened that he backed out of the door.

The two of them almost hugged each other and shivered.

This young man is indeed ridiculously strong, and their previous sense of crisis is completely correct.

Fortunately, neither of them made a move at the time, or it would be over.

This is a super strong man who can easily capture the Second General of the Western Regions.

His strength may already be on par with the marshal.

But when did such a person appear on the frontline of the spirit protection.

What did he intend to do when he came to the temple to look for the marshal this time.

"Second General of the Western Regions?"

Lu Chen was slightly taken aback.

I didn't expect that I would catch a master in a random grab, and he was a native of the Western Regions.

Then this person must know where Zhen Ming is.

Lu Chen asked: "Second General of the Western Regions, offended, tell me where the Great General of the Eastern Regions Zhen Ming is, and I will let you go immediately."


The Second General of the Western Regions' face was burning red, ashamed and angry to the extreme.

He was the second general of the Western Regions who was dignified, but he was caught by someone and couldn't move.

What a shame!

You must know that there is a temple in the Western Regions. As the second general of the Western Regions, I am the No. 1 besides the Marshal of the Temple and the other generals.

As a result, he was caught so tragically and was watched by everyone.

"Put me down quickly, or you won't be able to get out of here."

The Second General of the Western Regions shouted sharply.

Lu Chen looked at him quietly, and said, "I'll ask you again, where is Zhen Ming?"

The Second General of the Western Regions trembled for no reason, and his head felt cold from fear.

He hurriedly said: "All the generals of the eight domains are at the top to discuss the content of the strategic meeting with the marshal."

It turned out that Zhen Ming, Marshal and others were all having meetings on the top floor.

Presumably there is a soundproof barrier there, they don't want to be disturbed, so they can't hear themselves.

Of course, there are countless strong men guarding the entire temple headquarters, so there is no need to worry about what will happen.

But today is different.

Although Lu Chen didn't want to find trouble, but in order not to waste time, he had no choice but to continue to rush.

But before making a forcible breakthrough, he had to improve his cultivation by another level.

After all, the people on the top floor of the temple are all the most powerful people on the front line of protecting the spirits.

Once inside, there may be a big battle.

Therefore, I must be strong enough to make them obedient.

After all, they might not believe what they said next.

You have to beat them with your fists first, and then reason.

Therefore, Lu Chen let go of the Second General of the Western Regions, and said: "I have offended you. Please stand aside and protect me. If someone disturbs my cultivation, I will ask for you."

"What did you say?"

The Second General of the Western Regions couldn't believe what he heard.

He actually let himself protect him.

And this kid actually wants to practice here?

What a nerve.

I have suffered a great humiliation, how can I protect him.

Seeing the Second General of the Western Regions step back quickly, he shouted angrily: "Activate the formation immediately and suppress him!"

Lu Chen looked at him coldly: "If you dare to activate the formation, you will die first."

The Second General of the Western Regions felt cold all over his body, he didn't dare to move rashly, and stood there blankly.

At this time, Lu Chen sat down on the ground, took out the ice flow crystal, and began to absorb the cold air.

He had broken through to the sixth level of the Sifang Realm before, but Xiao Dantian hadn't broken through yet.

Now refining and absorbing such treasures as ice flow crystals.

In less than a moment, the cold air in the small dantian became more and more filling.

After about half an hour, the realm of Xiaodantian was broken along with the trend, and the realm of the four directions reached the fourth level.

Counting the sixth level of the main dantian, the total is the tenth level of the Sifang Realm.

The genuine Sifang Continent No.1, the invincible powerhouse!

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