Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2193 Hall Master, dead!

But are you really that stupid?

Tell him his real name and let him send out the message, so as to implicate Dan Yu's master, Chi Yuanbin?

"Did you pass the blood arrow to the Heavenly Formation Gate?"

Lu Chen ignored him and asked again.

Zang Tu said: "Once the blood arrow shoots out, you can't stop it, just wait for death!"

Lu Chen shook his head and said, "Talking to you is a waste of my time."

After finishing speaking, he grabbed Zang Tu's head and crushed Zang Tu's head.

Taking away his ring, Lu Chen fell to the ground and saw that the remaining people had been killed by Shi De and the others.

Basil smelled the least of blood.

Shi De and Shi Yiyi were jealous.

Obviously, he vented all the grievances he had held over the years.

"Master Dust."

"Master Dust."

The two immediately bowed down respectfully.

Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "I want to go back to Zhongzhou, where are you going?"

Shi De said: "I want to go back and find my wife and family."

"Me too."

Shi Yiyi said, a little worried: "Zhongzhou is too dangerous. If we kill the people in the examination hall, I am afraid that they will be wanted by the three holy places. You should be careful, Mr. Chen."

Lu Chen nodded, and asked Bei Xiyuan, "Would you like to go?"

Bai Xiyuan couldn't say a word.

Although it is dangerous to go to Zhongzhou, but I am just a follower, and not many people are killed below.

No one knows what they did, so they are not afraid.

It's just that Lu Chen, as the main murderer in the Extermination and Examination Hall, is afraid that he will be targeted.

Even with Lu Chen's outrageous leapfrogging challenge ability, facing the powerhouses of the ninth level of the Sifang Realm, I'm afraid he won't be able to please him.

"Brother Chen, I just saw that Zang Tu spit out bloody arrows. I'm afraid that the news has spread to the temple. Why don't you go to other places to take shelter for now."

Bessie made a suggestion.

Lu Chen asked in surprise, "Holy Palace?"

When it came to the temple, Lu Chen remembered that he had seen the introduction of the temple in Danyu's Buddhist scripture pavilion.

It seems to be the place shared by the three holy places.

There are powerful Dharma protectors from the three holy places.

For major events related to the Sifang Continent, the three holy places will communicate in the temple.

For example, the allocation of personnel in the assessment hall and other issues are made by the hall master of the temple.

As for the master of the temple, three people are selected from the three holy places.

There are three hall masters in total.

In other words, Zang Tu, who is the master of the examination hall, directly reports to the three masters of the temple.

To be more accurate, it should be the palace master who was born in that day.

The blood arrow message must have been sent to that person.

Seeing that Bei Xiyuan seemed to know a little about the temple, Lu Chen asked, "How do we intercept the blood arrow?"

Bessie was taken aback.

I didn't expect Chase Lu to ask such a stupid question.

A peerless monstrous genius who can even destroy the examination hall doesn't even have a little common sense.


"The blood arrow cannot be intercepted, it travels through the void."

Bessie explained.

Lu Chen pondered: "It can't be stopped, can the blood arrow record our appearance?"

Bei Xiyuan thought for a while and said, "Everything Zang Tu saw should be recorded."


Lu Chen frowned.

But I am not overly worried.

Because what he showed was still just a mask.You must know the mask he has been using since he escaped from Hidden Dragon Valley.

Bai Xiyuan never knew his true face.

When killing Zang Jiuming and Zang Tu, he still used a mask.

The mask was just removed in front of Zang Tu, but the top mask was removed.

The real high-end imperceptible human skin mask is always worn on the face.

So, so what if the temple knows what he looks like?

They absolutely couldn't connect themselves with Lu Chen in Danyu.

In addition, the blood arrow was passed to the master of the Tianzhenmen of the temple, not the master of Danyu.

Among them, there will be errors in the exchange of information, let alone being able to think of myself.

So Lu Chen let go of his heart.

He drove the flying boat and brought Bei Xiyuan to Xiyuan Village outside Bing Xinzong.

In order to avoid trouble, or be seen to affect Bing Xinzong.

Lu Chen said: "Brother Xiyuan, you can go to Bing Xinzong to see, and make sure that my sister is doing well."

Bei Xiyuan took out a communication talisman and said, "I can't enter the Bingxin Sect, so I can use this to contact Xiaomeng and ask her to bring your sister Xiaoyu over. You siblings haven't seen each other for two years, and it happens that today I'm holding a banquet at Xiyuanzhuang. "


Lu Chen nodded.

Bei Xiyuan pinched the communication talisman, spiritual power poured in, and the communication talisman ignited: "Xiaomeng, we are back, you bring Shi Yu'er to my Xiyuanzhuang."

There was no sound.After a while, Jiang Yunmeng's voice came: "When did you come back?"

Bei Xiyuan said: "I just came back."

"That's it."

As Jiang Yunmeng said, he was obviously relieved in his tone.

Bei Xiyuan asked in surprise, "What's wrong?"

"Shi Yu'er and I have a mission to go out, and we can't go back to Xiyuanzhuang for the time being. You don't have to wait, it should be at least a year before you can go back. Well, there are some things, don't send communication symbols."

After Jiang Yunmeng hurriedly finished speaking, he cut off the communication symbol.

Bei Xiyuan sighed, and said, "Oh, I didn't expect us to come here so unluckily."

Lu Chen's eyes narrowed, and he said, "What level is your communication talisman, and what is the communication range?"

Bei Xiyuan was startled, then his expression changed, and he said in a deep voice, "The range is [-] miles. It's so close, why does Xiaomeng say it will take a year to come back."

Lu Chen didn't say a word, but released his mental power and rushed into the Bing Xinzong.

I saw the Bing Xinzong decorated with lanterns and festoons, a bright red color, which seemed very festive.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is a trace of sadness in this celebration.

Of course, not everyone is sad.

Some are gloating, some are secretly worried, and some are genuinely jubilant.

It's a pity that Lu Chen's mental strength can only rush to the middle of the mountain.

I didn't see Hou Siyu either.

It can be seen that Hou Siyu will either perform tasks outside as Jiang Yunmeng said.

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Or, it is on a higher mountain.

Lu Chen stood up and said, "Let's go, go to Bingxinzong and see what's tricky."

Bei Xiyuan was startled, and said: "No man should step into the Bing Xin sect."

Lu Chen sneered: "There is a man's breath left in the sect, you say you can't let men step in?"

"What, impossible!"

Bessie screamed angrily.

You must know that for so many years, I have been adhering to the principles of Bing Xinzong, and have not stepped into Bing Xinzong.

Even though his mother was the suzerain of Bingxin Sect, he didn't set foot on it.

But now Lu Chen said that there was a masculine breath on it.

That is simply insulting Bing Xinzong.

Bingqingyujie Bingxinzong, everyone in the world does not know.

If a man steps in, it will not be pure and clean, but will become a place where filth is hidden.

"Go and see for yourself if you don't believe me."

Lu Chen was too lazy to explain to him.

His mental strength is strong, he can pass through the protective array, and he can feel the breath that is different from Bing Xin Jue.

But Bei Xiyuan is not strong enough to feel it at all.

No matter how you explain it yourself, it's useless. Why don't you go up and have a look and ask clearly.

Bei Xiyuan said angrily: "If I go up, wouldn't it be breaking the rules of Bing Xinzong?"

"Regular ass!"

Chase Lu couldn't communicate with him.

Taking one step forward, he rode the black cloud and arrived at the gate of Bing Xinzong.

The Ice Heart Sect's formation is quite good.

When I came here with Hou Siyu, I couldn't enter it myself.

But at that time, the level of formation technique was not as high as it is now.

Secondly, since I am not strong enough, even if I can spend time breaking the formation, it is meaningless, and it will offend Ice Heart Sect.

But today is different.

Lu Chen quickly pinched his hands and hit the formation.

Then he walked in without hindrance.

It was as if a small door had been opened by him in the formation, and he drove straight in through that small door.

At this time, the female disciples guarding the formation at the foot of the mountain were still chattering.

Suddenly seeing Lu Chen walking in, everyone was dumbfounded.

"You, who are you?"

"How did you get in!?"

"Get out immediately, or don't blame us for being rude!"

All the female disciples shouted loudly.

Lu Chen ignored them, but shouted loudly: "Tell Du Qiuhong to come and see me!"

All the women and brothers turned pale with fright.

This kid is so arrogant, he dared to call Elder Du Qiuhong by his name.

Could it be that Elder Du Qiuhong got romantic debts somewhere, and let others come to his door.

Look at this posture, it's really similar.

The girls' ability to associate is very rich, and each of them looks at Lu Chen differently.

He actually charged into our Bing Xin Sect directly for Elder Du Qiuhong.

What a seed of infatuation.

It would be great if they could meet such a seed of infatuation one day.

Someone secretly envied Elder Du Qiuhong.

Counting it, today this is already the second seed of infatuation.

Lu Chen watched these women discussing one by one, and stared at him.

But no one reported it.

He had no choice but to raise his voice again: "Du Qiuhong, within three breaths, appear in front of me! Otherwise, don't learn your Bing Xin Jue!"


"Ice heart formula?"

"What does it have to do with our Bing Xin Jue?"

The women were surprised again.

It felt that the purpose of this young man's visit was different from what they had imagined.


Chase Lu began to count.


As soon as the words fell, a figure rushed over quickly, saying: "Senior, don't be angry, the disciple is here."

When Du Qiuhong landed, she immediately bowed and saluted with all respect.

Everyone was dumbfounded, unable to understand at all.

The most powerful elder of their Ice Heart Sect is actually so respectful to this young man.

It was even more respectful than when facing the suzerain Bei Xinyi.

Who is this young man?

Du Qiuhong was also shocked at this moment.

Unexpectedly, the senior actually came to their Ice Heart Sect, and directly walked into their sect protection formation.

As expected of a senior, the level of formation is also unfathomable.

In addition, the mask worn by the predecessors is also impenetrable.

She didn't know that it was actually because of Lu Chen's strong mental power that he wrapped the mask with mental power.

But anyone who looks at it will be affected by its spiritual power.

Therefore, no one can see through Lu Chen's true face.Unless someone's mental power is stronger than Lu Chen, beyond the sixth layer of spiritual power.

"Get up."

Lu Chen said calmly.

Du Qiuhong stood up, made a letter of invitation, and said, "Senior, please go up the mountain. I will introduce you to the suzerain and the three elders of our Bingxin Sect."

"No need."

Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "I want to know where Shi Yu'er went, you can check for me what mission she went to perform."

Du Qiuhong's face suddenly changed.

Lu Chen found that not only Du Qiuhong changed color, but also the disciples of Bing Xinzong around him started talking.

"What do you mean?"

Lu Chen's face darkened.

Du Qiuhong asked cautiously: "Senior, who is that Shi Yu'er?"

Lu Chen said coldly: "It's my new sister, why, do I need to report to you for anything I want to do?"

"no no."

Du Qiuhong quickly waved her hands, followed by plopping and knelt down, and said, "Senior, we didn't know that Shi Yu'er was your sister."

"Where is she!"

Lu Chen's voice was like thunder, and his face was gloomy and terrifying.

Du Qiuhong said: "This matter is a long story, I would like to invite seniors to go up to the mountain to discuss the matter."

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