Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2192 Kill the Palace Master

In order to make Zang Tu feel the shadow of Zang Jiuming, I also imitate Zang Jiuming's behavior all the time.

Being moody is actually one of Zang Jiuming's characteristics.

However, in the past two years, although Xu Yifeng has developed the ability to be moody, he has never been as bored as he is today.

I don't feel happy at all.

It seems that there is a dark cloud overhead, and there is a big mountain.

Thunderstorms were about to fall, which made him extremely depressed.

So he planned to go home immediately.

Only by returning to the assessment hall can I stop my anxiety.

"Congratulations to Master Xu."

Dou Long knelt down and saluted.

Xu Yifeng didn't even bother to look at him, turned around and left with a group of followers.

But after a few steps, he suddenly froze.

Then cold sweat flowed down, and he looked at the young man in front of him in horror.

"You, you, what are you, how dare you come back!"

Xu Yifeng trembled and was extremely shocked.

In front of Palace Master Zang Tu, this kid killed the Palace Master's son Zang Jiuming.

How dare you come back now.

Isn't he afraid that Palace Master Zang Tu will tear him into pieces?

"Don't try to tell Zang Tu, you are not as fast as me."

Lu Chen warned.

His eyes swept over everyone.

Everyone felt a majestic figure appearing in their minds, over them, so that they could not have any thoughts of resistance.

As for those dancers and city lord Dou Long, they were bullied.

Seeing Lu Chen showing his power, he knelt on the ground one by one, trembling, and even fell into a coma.

Lu Chen ignored them, but walked to Xu Yifeng's side and said, "Take me into the examination hall."

With that said, he put on the mask.

Obviously, they wanted to pretend to be one of Xu Yifeng's attendants and enter the examination hall together.

Xu Yifeng trembled slightly, pretending to be calm and said: "Okay, I promise you."

He secretly said in his heart, when he enters the hall, no matter how strong you are, you won't be able to escape!

Palace Master Zang Tu is terrifying. You ran too fast before and didn't have time to experience it.

Now you send it to your door by yourself, and you are looking for a dead end!


Lu Chen drank coldly.

Xu Yifeng immediately took the lead.

And his followers consciously surrounded Chase Lu.

There are a total of seven powerhouses at the first level of the Sifang Realm, and one strong man at the second level of the Sifang Realm.

But the eight people were by Lu Chen's side, and they didn't dare to act rashly at all.

I just feel that they are surrounded by a majestic mountain.

Gao Shan only needs to cast a shadow, and they can be suppressed to death.

Everyone walked slowly.

Xu Yifeng deliberately acted the same as usual, but was secretly thinking of tricks.

Unfortunately, he didn't come up with any plan until he reached the border gate.

I can't help but feel anxious.

He planned to wait until the entrance of the examination hall and rush in by himself.

With the protection of the hall formation, he is not afraid that Lu Chen can rush in and kill himself.

As for my eight followers, they should die if they die.

If they can save their own lives and die, they deserve to die!

Thinking of this, Xu Yifeng calmed down.

He looked at the guard at the border gate, and said coldly, "Are you blind, why don't you open the door?"

The two guards were obedient.

I was wondering why this young master Xu Yifeng came back before daytime.

Just as they were thinking, they suddenly saw a flame rushing towards them.


Terrible fireballs light up the night sky.

The two guards broke up in an instant.

Xu Yifeng yelled in horror: "Didn't you ask me to take you to the main hall? You can't get in if you kill me!"

"What am I going to do?"

Lu Chen smiled sarcastically.

Then another fireball smashed out fiercely.

Emperor Sword Chunyang, coupled with the fifth form of Chunyang swordsmanship, Changhe Sunset, and Burning Spiritual Fire.

Boom boom boom!

A terrible fireball pierced the night sky, pulling a long line of flames.

At the same time, Lu Chen quickly played the hand formula, inspired the hand formula with sword energy, and slammed into the weak point of the formation in the examination hall.


In an instant, the protective array of the examination hall shattered.

Xu Yifeng's body had been burned and was about to collapse. When he was dying, he saw this scene and shouted in shock: "You can break the formation!"

With a sound, Xu Yifeng's body collapsed completely.

When he was dying, he realized why Lu Chen didn't need to enter the hall by himself.

And I thought how stupid it was to block Chase Lu with a formation.

He is a powerful array mage.

Even the formation in the examination hall can be broken, how strong will his formation be?

Could it be the disciple of Tianzhenmen?

But they are both three holy places, why should they attack the examination hall.

Before he died, Xu Yifeng thought of so many things like returning to the light.

But to no avail.

He himself had died before the mystery could be solved.


"Forgive me!"

"Hallmaster, help!"

The guards outside the examination hall, and the two guards at the Zhongzhou gate over there, were all burned into nothingness under the flames.

Lu Chen didn't show any mercy to these little people who worked for tigers.

They didn't even look at it, another sword qi slashed out.

Five Emperors Sword Qi!

The majestic sword energy was like a beam of swords, slashing across the examination hall.


There was a crisp sound, and a sharp cut appeared.

The upper body of the examination hall began to slide, and the sound of collapse sounded.

Someone in the hall screamed.

Crying for help, howling.

Rolling in the flames, but unable to eliminate the burning spirit fire, it finally turned into nothingness.

"who is it!"


A burly figure in black rushed out of the top floor of the examination hall, above the void.

He holds the seal in his hand, and his spiritual power blesses it.

With a bang, Fayin suppressed it.

A frenzied and frightening momentum rushed over, as if it wanted to crush the entire space into pieces.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"Good come!"

Lu Chen shouted and rushed to the seal.

He doesn't use Five Emperors Sword Qi, nor does he use Emperor Sword Chunyang.

Simply, rushed up.

But he didn't mean to die.

Instead, the True Dragon Jue was run, and at the same time the Five Emperors Kung Fu was performed, and the Five Emperors Ring was condensed in the body's meridians.

This ring of five emperors could absorb even thunder calamity, so why are you afraid of this seal?

Bang bang bang!

The seal landed on Lu Chen, making a crackling sound.

Zang Tuju watched condescendingly, and said indifferently: "No matter who you are, if you dare to come to our examination hall to play wild, die!"


He slammed down with another dharma seal, his face was cold and cold.

As soon as Zang Tu's confident words fell, he saw a figure rushing up from below.

He can actually resist his own seal.

"who are you?"

He shouted loudly.

Lu Chen took off the mask and said with a smile, "It's the bad guy who killed your son."


Zang Tu's eyeballs stared fiercely, almost spurting out a mouthful of blood.

This guy who suddenly appeared to split the examination hall, actually killed his son's enemy!

When this kid saw him, he had no choice but to run for his life.

But now he took the initiative to rush forward and fight hard by himself.

"How dare you come back!"

Zang Tu screamed sharply, and the murderous aura rose from his body like a substance.

It was as if a mountain of murderous aura had condensed, rolling towards Lu Chen fiercely.

Lu Chen smiled sarcastically: "You couldn't catch up with me back then, do you think you can kill me now?"

As he said that, he continued to run the five emperor rings, using the murderous mountain to temper his body.

Absorb and refine its murderous aura!

In the blink of an eye, Zang Tu's aura dropped back.

He looked at Lu Chen in disbelief, and exclaimed, "Who the hell are you, and why do you want to have trouble with me?"

Lu Chen shook his head: "Originally I didn't mind my own business, but your son came here by himself."

"Don't mention my son again!"

Zang Tu roared.

As soon as he mentioned his son, he remembered the scene of his son's death.

Hatred and regret both came to my heart.

But the enemy in front of him was a little too strong.Obviously only at the second level of the Sifang Realm, but it can resist all of its own attacks.

I'm afraid I can't avenge this revenge.

You have to go back to the temple and report the boy's destruction of the examination hall.

Ask the guardians of the temple to take action before killing this beast!

Thinking of this, Zang Tu dropped several magic seal array disks, turned around and fled.

Lu Chen laughed out loud!

If this guy was from Qishan, throwing out all kinds of spirit treasures and exploding himself, he would still be able to hinder him a bit.

It's a pity that this guy was born in the Heavenly Formation Sect.

Array plate, is it useful to me?

The formation in the assessment hall is useless to him.

You must know that when you set up a super-large sword formation between Lucheng and Yanyue Academy, you learned and used it, and deepened your understanding of the formation.

Unless it is like Danyu's guardian formation, I need to spend time and means.

For example, ordinary formation disks, he can break them at will!

So, I saw Lu Chen grabbed the magic seal array with his right hand, and grabbed it in his hand.

Grabbing the weak core of the array all at once, it was like pinching the snake's seven inches, and the array instantly failed.


Zang Tu was terrified, his face was pale, and cold sweat dripped down his back.

The Fayin array plate didn't work.

He quickly threw out a Lingbao seal.

Dayin rose against the wind, trying to suppress Lu Chen.

But Lu Chen slashed past with a sword, and the five emperors' sword energy instantly cut the Great Seal in half.Zang Tu screamed: "I will not avenge my son's murder, don't chase me."

"If I don't chase you, let you go back and report the letter?"

Lu Chen sarcastically said, another Five Emperors sword qi slashed out.

The Five Emperors Sword Qi he used was all released with the Emperor Sword Chunyang.

Among them are not only the pure Yang fire from the Emperor Sword Pure Yang, but also the blessed Burning Spiritual Fire.

The two flames can ignite a raging fire just by touching them.

Zang Tu quickly dodged and threw all kinds of treasures to resist.

Unfortunately, his treasures are no more than Lu Chen's.

And even if it is thrown out, it will only turn the treasure into ashes, lingering on its last breath.

Seeing Lu Chen stepping on the black clouds, getting closer and closer, Zang Tu was terrified.

If you can't kill yourself, you can't escape, you are just fish on the chopping board.

"You forced me!"

Zang Tu roared.

A mouthful of blood arrows suddenly spewed out.

I saw the blood arrow hit the air, and suddenly disappeared.

It seemed to rush to the distance at an extremely fast speed.

Lu Chen's face darkened.

This guy is really difficult.

After all, he is a master at the late stage of Sifang Realm, so he can't kill him with one blow.

Caused him to spit out blood arrows.

Although I don't know what this blood arrow is for, but this blood arrow is obviously not an attack method.

I'm afraid it's a letter of faith.


Zang Tu knew he was going to die, so he stopped and laughed, "Boy, what's your name?"


Lu Chen slashed out with a sword, and the flames burst into flames.

Zang Tu was hit by the sword under his feet, and the flames engulfed him from under his feet.

His body was trembling, but he forced himself to laugh loudly: "Although I don't know your name, you are dead. Haha, I'll be waiting for you on Huangquan Road! Hahahaha"

His laughter echoed in the air, tragic and terrifying.

Lu Chen looked at him coldly, and then he slashed out with a sword, burning down all the remaining examination halls.

When the people below saw the hall master, they all killed him with their hands tied up, their faces turned ashen, and they gave up resisting.

Standing in the flames, burned to ashes by the raging fire.

Lu Chen looked at it indifferently.

When they saw Shi De and the others running around, hunting and killing people in the examination hall, they ignored it.

"The blood arrow is a message from you?"

Looking at the only half of Zang Tu's body, Lu Chen asked.

Zang Tu laughed loudly: "So what if you know, you're sure to die! Instead of dying with your head hidden, it's better to say your name, and leave a paper-thin name."

Lu Chen looked at him with idiot eyes.

This idiot still wants to get his own name.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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