Upon seeing this, Senior Ma said, "I'll send you two away."

"Thank you senior!"

Lu Chen hurriedly cupped his hands.

Then they took the puppy and rode on the back of the old horse senior together.

Senior Ma walked forward slowly.

Along the way, all kinds of monsters stepped aside and bowed, showing their high status.

Soon, they walked out of the moat.

Senior Ma said, "Chase Lu, we will see you again."

Lu Chen cupped his hands: "Goodbye, senior."

Watching Senior Ma leave, he took the puppy and left Tianzhu immediately.

After coming out, the puppy let out a long sigh of relief: "It's so dangerous."

"Fortunately, there is no danger, and I have broken through a level."

Lu Chen smiled.

Although the puppy got into trouble this time, it is understandable.

After all, he sensed the aura of his family members. If he sensed the aura of his parents, he would definitely come here anxiously.

So, there is no need to criticize him.

Anyway, nothing happened, but a blessing in disguise.

"Xiao Luzi, go and strengthen your cultivation, I will continue to drive the flying boat. I guarantee that this time, I will never enter the moat."

Knowing that he had made a mistake, the little dog immediately patted his chest and said that he wanted to make amends.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "That's up to you, I'll go in and absorb the cold air to practice."

After finishing speaking, he recruited the flying boat and handed it over to the puppy.

He himself entered the medicine garden formation.

Now that it is the eighth level of the Triangle Realm, it is possible to improve the cultivation level of the small dantian by another level.

So Lu Chen took out all the ice treasures in the ring gifted by the giant python, and absorbed them crazily and quickly.

There is no shackles at all for cultivation, and within half a month, he broke through immediately.

In this way, the triangular state of the main dantian is at the eighth level, and the triangular state of the small dantian is at the fifth level.

Together, it is thirteen layers.


Chase Lu left the small world, and found that the puppy controlled the flying boat, and fell outside the sky in a daze.

"what happened?"

Lu Chen asked in surprise.

The little dog said: "One day, I will definitely let them know that my father and I are the pride of their Lou family!"

"Then you have to work hard."

Lu Chen encouraged.

The little dog nodded, then took his leave and returned to the small world.

He wants to continue alchemy non-stop, and raise his alchemy level to the highest level.

In addition, we must also find a way to break through the Sifang Realm.

On this side, Lu Chen stepped into the sky.

I saw him moving forward, constantly changing his posture.

Sometimes it runs like a mouse, sometimes it looks like a snake, sometimes it runs like a tiger, and sometimes it rushes like a hog.

For every change, one must observe the surrounding monsters.

In short, under Lu Chen's changes and running around, there was not a single monster to oppose him.

He couldn't help but be overjoyed!

He deepened his comprehension of the six-fit sword technique, allowing himself to acquire the six-fit technique.

Really wonderful!

From now on, this natural moat will be his back garden.

There is no need to worry that having monsters will be bad for you.

"Little guy, what are you doing?"

A voice suddenly sounded.

Lu Chen's heart shook.

There are still monsters ignoring the influence of their own six. Fitting method.

The most frightening thing is that I only found out when the other party was close to me.

What a powerful monster!

He glanced quickly and found that it was a giant python.

Then immediately changed into a snake shape.


The giant python was stunned for a while in surprise.

Then he shook his head, and said, "What a strange posture, it actually made me want to worship him. Little guy, it's not easy."

Lu Chen was taken aback.

This giant python monster can actually wake up from the influence of its own six.

It's really powerful and boundless!

Huh, this voice seems familiar.

Lu Chen took a closer look and found that this giant python was the one from Hidden Dragon Valley.

No wonder it is so tyrannical.

This is an existence that even the ninth-level powerhouse of the Sifang Realm can swallow at will.

His spiritual will is strong enough to resist his own six. Fitting method.

"I've seen seniors!"

Lu Chen immediately handed over.

The giant python smiled and said, "Come on, I'll see you where you want to go."

Lu Chen was overjoyed: "Thank you, senior."

Then he stepped onto the back of the giant python.

The giant python swayed and rose into the sky.

But none of the monsters in Tianzhu dared to make a cry of dissatisfaction.

Lu Chen was amazed.

This giant python is the king of monsters.

He has walked through two moats, and he has never seen a monster dare to fly so boldly at will.

Even flying monsters only dare to fly within their own limited range.

If you go out of the territory, you will be attacked by other monsters.

Because the other monsters felt offended.

You fly so high, all our lives are seen by you.

This offense cannot be tolerated.

But now facing the giant python's offense, all the monsters have no temper.

"Senior, did you live in the natural moat? Is this natural moat all your territory?"

Lu Chen asked curiously.

The giant python chuckled and said: "I was originally a little snake under the Dragon Mountain, and I received the great kindness of the Dragon Mountain to protect the Hidden Dragon Valley for ten thousand years.

Now that I have fulfilled my promise, I will come out and walk around.

Just came to this good place, so I stayed for a while.

By the way, when I will transform into a dragon in the future, I need your help, you can't refuse.

After all, you owe me another favor today. "


Lu Chen was speechless.

This guy is doing everything possible to make himself owe him favors.

But without you today, I can leave Tianzhu safely.

This favor is not worth it!

Soon, it reached the edge of the Tianzhu Northwest Territory.

The giant python said: "Go, I won't go out to scare people."

Lu Chen cupped his hands: "Thank you, senior."

After all, he rushed out of the moat and officially set foot in the Northwest Territory.

"finally come!"

Lu Chen sighed: "Kaishan sect, Kaishan secret code, here I come!"

Northwest Territories.

After sweeping out of Lu Chen's mental power, he came to a big city.

It didn't take much effort to buy a map of the place.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The long-lost feeling of spending silver taels is full of emotion.

In Zhongzhou, I have always used spirit stones or pills.

Things like silver taels are only used in the Eight Great Outlands.

And the more remote things, the greater the role of silver.

Of course, what can be bought is also limited.

This place is close to the natural moat, and the remote ones can no longer be remote.

So the things that can be inquired about are also very limited.

But even so, Lu Chen learned about Kaishanzong.

But it's not good news.

The reason is that a disciple of Kaishan Sect offended the young master of a big family during an expedition.

So Kaishan Sect was wiped out.

Lu Chen couldn't help but sigh.

Unexpectedly, Kaishan Sect, one of the Five Emperor Sects, would be so unlucky.

The other four sects are all doing well.

Even if their Yanyue Academy was down and out, they were not so humble that they were wiped out by a family.

You must know that this family is not a high-level family.

It can be compared with the six-star sect at most, and the strongest of the family is the ninth level of the Triangle Realm.

But even so, Kaishan Sect could be wiped out by others.

And it's just because of the fight between the younger generations.

It was so miserable.

"It was wiped out, so how do we find the disciples of the Kaishan Sect?"

Lu Chen frowned and thought. .

After a while, he decided to go to the family.

After all, I am the successor of the Five Emperors Sect, and I want to get the secret book of the Mountain Founder Sect.

Just because of this fate, I have to help Kaishanzong take revenge.

As far as he knew, that family was the Miao family.

Occupy a city, called Miaojiacheng.

Miaojiacheng has a special geographical location and has some special products.

They transported their special products, and there were branches of the Miao family in every nearby town.

Chase Lu looked for it according to the map.

Before arriving at Miaojia City, his spirit suddenly jumped.

This is the induction of the four major exercises of the Five Emperors School to another exercise.

Lu Chen was overjoyed.

It seems that there are disciples of Kaishan Sect nearby!

Even if the sect is exterminated, many disciples who went out survived.

Just like this, I was lucky enough to meet him!

Fu'an City.

The city used to be very peaceful, without any conflicts.

Everyone lives in peace and tranquility.

But on this day, a battle broke out in the city.

It was Miao Renjie from the Miao family who discovered a remnant of the founder of the mountain sect in the city, and arrested him!

Unexpectedly, this Kaishan Sect remnant has a lot of tricks, it seems to be a genius disciple of the Kaishan Sect.

He exploded his hole cards and even killed several guards of the Miao family in a jedi counterattack.

Miao Renjie was furious.

He put away his smile and no longer watched from the sidelines, but leaped vertically and landed on top of the Kaishan Sect disciple.


With one foot, the disciple's shoulders were crushed.


He was trampled to his knees.

But the disciple resisted the pain in his shoulder and let out a loud roar: "Kaishanzong swordsman, I would rather bend than bend!"

I saw that he actually stood up firmly.

Miao Renjie's face was ugly, and he sneered: "Is it better to bend than to bend? Then I will break your sword!"

As he spoke, he jumped up, slashed out his saber energy, and slashed at the disciple's knees.

At this moment, a voice sounded: "Swordsman, you would rather bend than bend, you are worthy of being a disciple of Kaishan Sect."


Miao Renjie's complexion changed drastically.

He felt that voice seemed to come from the depths of his mind.

The saber energy that had just been condensed automatically dissipated in an instant.

It seems to be able to see a figure walking over from his mind.

If it is a strong person with knowledge, he will definitely be terrified.

Because the spiritual power of the person who spoke is undoubtedly already in the realm of appearance.

Only the externalized and manifested spiritual power can affect people's spirits, making people feel like someone is coming from their minds.

But Miao Renjie didn't understand at all.

Just feel weird.

He looked around.

I saw a figure coming from a distance.

"Triangle realm powerhouse!"

It was only then that Miao Renjie became frightened.

If the person who just spoke up is this person, then it will be troublesome.

Listening to this person's words, it is obviously biased towards the Kaishan sect.


The figure in the air fell down.

is a young man.

younger than my own age.

Miao Renjie cupped his hands hastily: "I've seen senior."

He doesn't dare to judge seniority or inferiority by grade.

Strength is the truth!

Lu Chen ignored him, but patted the Kaishan Sect disciple on the shoulder.


A stream of pure zhenqi instantly spread throughout the Kaishan Sect disciple's body.

He shuddered and felt the injury on his shoulder begin to heal.

Hastily bowed gratefully: "Thank you, senior!"

Lu Chen smiled and said: "Thank you, since I'm here, I want to help us start the Shanzong."

"Senior is the hidden elder of our Kaishan Sect?"

The disciple exclaimed in surprise.

Lu Chen was surprised.

Hidden elders, is there such an elder?

But since the other party thinks so, let him think so.

"What's your name?"

Lu Chen didn't answer, but asked instead.

The disciple said: "Disciple Lu Shanzheng."

"Well, do what you have to do."

Lu Chen nodded and said casually.

Lu Shan's heart was shocked, and the flames of revenge appeared in his eyes!

"You, what do you want to do?"

Miao Renjie cried out in horror.

He wanted to step back, but found that his body was restrained and he couldn't move a bit.

"Forgive me, this matter has nothing to do with me.

It was Miao Wushang who killed your Kaishan Sect, it was another branch.

The young master Miao Zhi who caused trouble at first is also the grandson of Miao Wushang.

It has nothing to do with our branch, we were all hurt by Miao Wu. "

Miao Renjie shouted anxiously.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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