Lu Chen finally couldn't take it anymore.

After fighting for so long, I can't even hurt the slightest hair of others.

There was no point in continuing to fight at all.

Rather than wasting time here, let's talk about it.

When the other party wanted to kill or cut, he blew himself up.

If the opponent is moved by his sword move, feels his affinity, and thus let himself go.

Even better.

"Hey, why don't you fight, let's continue."

A bull-shaped monster said in a low voice.

Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "I'm tired, you guys want to kill or cut, so come wherever you want.

If you have the courage, you can wait for me to break through the Sifang Realm, and then come to fight with you.

Overwhelming me with realm, I didn't see how powerful your family's blood is.

If we know that your family has such virtues, we puppies would not bother to return to your family.

It's just sad!

What kind of family, no wonder Lou Jindan wanted to leave. "

When Chase Lu was talking, the little dog came over.

Lu Chen looked at him with resentment.

You didn't come here earlier, what's the point of coming now?

Just came here, and while they were all attracted by the sword move, they had a chance to escape.

But now, the opportunity has completely disappeared.

But Lu Chen didn't give up.

As soon as he picked up the puppy, he drove the black mist and rushed outside frantically.


A disgusting voice suddenly came.

Lu Chen felt nauseated and stopped quickly.

Very good, it seems that there is no way to escape.

That disgusting snail monster, are you a cow monster or not?

If it's a bull monster, you should be gentle, I'm a man with an affinity.

Why do you keep spitting on people.

No manners!

Seeing Lu Chen's resentful expression, the snail stretched out its tentacles.

The two eyes at the top of the tentacles, the one as big as a bull's eye, turned their eyes to Lu Chen.

A giant monster.

It all looks disgusting.

Lu Chen had no choice but to turn around and look at the black dog again.

A group of monsters also quickly surrounded them.

"What exactly do you want to do to me?"

Lu Chen asked helplessly.

Senior Ma came over and said, "What happened to your sword technique just now?"

Lu Chen said: "That is my inheritance, the Liuhe Sword Art. Do you want to learn it?"

Senior Lao Ma shook his head: "I don't use a sword, but your swordsmanship is very shocking to me, and it seems familiar.

I want you to cast it a few more times, let's take a look.

Don't worry, I can guarantee that everyone will not hurt you and send you away. "

As he spoke, he looked at all the monsters, including the black dog.

The black dog nodded first, and said: "Exert your sword skills, we will let you go."

"Well, we all keep our promises, unlike you humans."

A tiger-shaped monster said in a deep voice.

But Chase Lu didn't immediately agree, but said: "Not only do I want to leave, but I also want to take the puppy with me. Otherwise, I'll blow myself up, and none of you will continue to watch swordplay!"

"This is negotiable."

Senior Lao Ma nodded, looked at the fat-eared old black dog, and said, "Lao Lou, what do you say?"

Lao Lou said: "I've said it before, let the half-demon go as far as it takes, and never come back with that brat!"

"Okay, since you have already decided, there is no conflict between the two parties."

Senior Ma, who was a peacemaker, said to Lu Chen, "You heard me. You can start dancing your sword."

Lu Chen cupped his hands: "I believe that everyone is a senior, and they keep their promises, so I won't talk nonsense.

However, we have to make an agreement on this sword technique, and only need to perform it several times.

You can't let me use it all the time, or even let me use it for a lifetime.

Wouldn't that be no different from putting me under house arrest? "

"How can there be so many fancy intestines?"

A bull-shaped monster said unhappily: "You just cast it three or four times, and we can learn it. Even if you keep you, what's the point?"

"That's right. Little things talk a lot."

"Talk nonsense again, I'll swallow you in one gulp!"

Senior Ma laughed and said, "It only takes three times, and we will let you go regardless of whether we have learned it or not. But you can't hide your secrets."

"it is good!"

Lu Chen was overjoyed.

Among these monsters, the most prestigious one is Senior Ma.

What he said has a certain degree of credibility.

After all, prestige is here, and he also cares about his own face.

But what others say doesn't count.

Don't say that monsters are more innocent than humans, it's just putting gold on the face of monsters.

It's not that I haven't seen monsters before.

When it comes to preying, monsters are smarter than anyone else!

People really want to eat themselves with determination, and their strength is not as good as others, so they can't escape at all.

If you didn't look at the dead snail just now, you would be too shrewd to die.

Although he didn't speak, Lu Chen could clearly feel his sarcasm and ridicule.

Just like a cat catching a mouse, playing with it non-stop is a kind of fooling the prey.

Pity myself for being this prey today.

So, Lu Chen cupped his hands to the fat-eared old black dog again, and said, "Senior Lou, then I will start to perform."

"Well, let's get started."

The old black dog nodded lightly.

When Lu Chen heard this, he began to dance his sword.

[-]. Combining swordsmanship, twelve kinds of sword moves, can imitate the different momentum of twelve kinds of animals.

After performing it all at once, not facing the enemy, just finishing all the moves.

It takes half an hour.

Lu Chen hadn't practiced the Liuhe sword technique for a long time.

After performing it all over, he suddenly had a new understanding of the Liuhe sword technique.

And because of his subtle realm, he has already approached the limit of unity.

Therefore, he can imitate the animal postures in swordsmanship to the point that they are almost exactly the same as animals.

The body is twisted, almost as if there is no bone.

Odd poses, imitating twelve animals.

It feels like every move seems to radiate new life.

Lu Chen was overjoyed.

Did not expect such a harvest.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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In fact, ever since I was able to use the Eight Diagrams Sword Formation at will, I didn't pay much attention to the Five Elements Sword Technique, the Liuhe Sword Technique, and the Qiyao Sword Formation.

If it weren't for the five kinds of exercises of the Five Emperors Sect, in fact, I wouldn't even be able to comprehend the Five Elements Sword Qi.

But now, he discovered that the five-element swordsmanship, the Liu.he swordsmanship and other swordsmanship have different effects.

After all, it was the sword technique in the secret hall of the Black Cloud Mountain Range.

Each has its strengths.

I used to only pursue more advanced heaven-level swordsmanship, but I didn't care about these swordsmanship.

What a stupidity.

Now that he realized the special energy contained in the Liuhe Sword Art, he instantly forgot about his situation.

At this moment, there was no monster in his eyes.

He even forgot that he was in the moat.

In his mind, he was always practicing the Liuhe swordsmanship, realizing the mistakes and omissions in the previous swordsmanship.

After a long while, he opened his eyes and started to perform the Liuhe Sword Technique again.

This time, he cast it very slowly.

It took a full day to perform, and only half of the swordsmanship was performed.

Because of every move and style, he has a new comprehension.

The slower you perform, the more the various postures fit the corresponding animals, and the more you can comprehend.

And what surprised Lu Chen the most was.

As he physically mimics animal poses, contorting bodies and changing bones.

I can clearly feel that the power of Liuhe is changing.

It turns out that the Liuhe sword technique is not just a sword technique, but also a body training technique.

Lu Chen didn't practice much body training methods.

His improvement in physical strength is all due to the baptism of Lei Jie's bombardment.

Although he had practiced the earth-type skill of moving mountains not long ago, the effect of this skill was negligible.

Might be useful to others.

But it is almost useless to my body that has been baptized by thunder and calamity many times.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the Liuhe swordsmanship gave himself a surprise.

If he could increase his physical strength to the current extreme, then he would not need to be afraid of thunder disaster.

With such a mood, Lu Chen began to crazily practice the Liuhe sword technique.

As for the thing that he promised to perform three times before, he had already forgotten.

Time flies.

On this day, Lu Chen stopped his swordsmanship, sat down cross-legged, and threw hundreds of spirit stones at the same time to surround himself.

Then he took the milk beads of the white-eyed black sheep before, and took various pills to enhance his true energy.

To break through!

After staying in the seventh level of the Triangle Realm for so long, it is finally time to break through.

I want to thank Liu Hejian for improving my physical strength.

The breakthrough this time should be the benefit of the breakthrough in physical strength.

It is conceivable that once the breakthrough is completed, one's physical strength will be raised to another level.


When he was practicing cross-legged and realized the opportunity to break through, Chase Lu found that at some point, there were more and more monsters around him.

Everyone turned their faces to him and bowed down.

Even the little dog bowed down with everyone.

What's amazing is that the eyes of the monsters are full of piety, not as bad and domineering as before.

They all seemed lost.

"Swordsmanship has such an effect, it's ridiculous that I was worried that they would kill me before."

Lu Chen whispered to himself.

Then close your eyes and break through with peace of mind.

The breakthrough in swordsmanship also affected the monsters watching.

I no longer have to worry about being killed by them.

Now you can practice boldly without worrying about them.

While Lu Chen was practicing, those monsters began to wake up slowly.

They looked at each other with astonishment in their eyes.

"What are we doing?"

A bull-shaped monster said strangely.

Senior Ma shook his head: "This sword technique has a spirit, which is related to our ancestors. This young man has a connection with us, so don't touch him."


The old black dog also nodded.

Then he glanced at the puppy.

Unexpectedly, this grandson of his own would have such a chance to follow a young man with extraordinary background.

It's a pity that he is a half-demon.

Why did my most proud and talented son leave Tianchao and go to the human world?

And he married a human woman and gave birth to cubs.

What a jerk!


Lu Chen's momentum surged up.

The cultivation base immediately broke through the shackles and broke through to the eighth level of the Triangle Realm.

He took a deep breath, then cupped his hands to a circle of monsters, and said, "Thank you for protecting the law."

Senior Ma smiled and said, "Little brother, congratulations on the breakthrough."

Lu Chen said: "Senior, I will perform the Liuhe sword technique again and leave."

"Okay, we'll take you there."

Senior Ma nodded.

I have seen the Liu He sword technique no less than a thousand times before, which is much more than the promised three times.

It's also time to let the little brother leave.

And they are very kind, so they have to perform it again.

This time was the first time after his breakthrough, and it was definitely different from the previous ones.

Sure enough, every movement of Chase Lu became more standard.

If you look at it from a distance, it feels like he is that animal, completely resembling it.

Half an hour passed.

Lu Chen put away his sword and stood up, then said: "Senior, you can send me off"

Just as he was speaking, the voice stopped abruptly.

Because he found that all the monsters bowed down in unison again, their expressions extremely devout.

"Cough cough."

Lu Chen coughed twice, then danced his sword again, pretending that he had just finished performing the sword.

I saw the monsters move in unison.

All were awakened.

They looked at each other in dismay, each one extremely embarrassed.

It's unbelievable that they all knelt down and bowed down again.

In order to avoid kneeling down to this unknown boy again, the monsters left separately.

They have learned what they should have learned.

No matter how many times I watch the sword technique right now, it is impossible to improve more.

So, better leave now.

No one wants to kneel down for no reason.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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