Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2163 Nirvana Spirit Fire

He looked at the guardian Xuan who was holding the treasure array plate with both eyes, and spoke out, as if he felt aggrieved.

The crowd was shocked.

With such a huge python's head, one can imagine the majesty and majesty of its body.

I'm afraid it can spread for hundreds of miles

The most surprising thing is that this snake can speak human words.

And the stench from the mouth made people dizzy.

The mysterious protector holding the array plate bears the brunt.

When he saw the giant python's eyes, there seemed to be a humanized banter.

There was a panic in my heart for no reason, and fine sweat appeared on my forehead.

"Hmph, when a big monster is born, there will be disasters. Everyone gets it and punishes it"

Xuan Hufa realized that he was actually afraid, and immediately snorted coldly, shouting to embolden him.

The giant python shook his head, "You are trying to commit a crime, so there is nothing to worry about.

A tiger doesn't hurt people, but people have the heart to kill tigers.

How many years have passed, and you people are still like this, making no progress.

But Bao Yuntian didn't tell you that I, a big monster, can't be messed with. "

Bao Yuntian

When Xuan Hufa heard this name, his complexion changed.

Bao Yuntian is a peerless master of their Heavenly Formation Sect.

More than 1000 years ago, Bao Yuntian entered the Hidden Dragon Valley with a group of strong men.

But most of them couldn't come out.

After Bao Yuntian escaped by chance, he and several other survivors immediately made Hidden Dragon Valley a dangerous place.

And ordered that only people below the late stage of Sifang Realm can enter Hidden Dragon Valley.

Because people below the late stage of Sifang Realm cannot get close to the big monster, so there is no need to worry about being swallowed by the big monster.

But Bao Yuntian and the others didn't tell everyone the reason. He shouted loudly, and violent flames burst out from his body.

This is a spiritual fire under his control.

This spiritual fire master kills, once activated, it can annihilate all things.

Therefore, since Protector Yan got this fire, he stopped making alchemy and became a protector instead.

It is because this fire cannot make alchemy.

When the medicinal materials saw the fire, they immediately collapsed and turned into fly ash.

It can be seen how terrifying and powerful this fire is.


Fen Ji Ling Huo condensed a fireball, which fell from the sky, just like the sun falling down.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chen was shocked.

This move is very similar to the fifth form of Changhe Sunset in his Chunyang swordsmanship.

But obviously, it was much more terrifying than his own long river sunset.

In terms of the power of the flame alone, his own pure Yang fire is much worse.

In the face of this fire, I don't know if the giant python can resist it.

Lu Chen was secretly worried about the giant python.

But seeing the giant python calmly opened its bloody mouth and swallowed the fireball in one gulp.

Protector Yan was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed

This big monster lacks in IQ, and actually swallowed his own Fen Ji.

You are looking for death.


Protector Yan shouted excitedly, "This demon space has its appearance, everyone act quickly!"

rub rub.

Several people behind him immediately jumped to a higher place, inspiring various moves.

Rain, thunder and lightning, the bombardment continued, and the sky and the earth changed color.

Qishan's golden protector was also unambiguous when he saw this, and immediately threw out all kinds of treasures and bombarded them.

As Qishan's guardian, treasures are nothing to him.

A big seal can be found at will, it is a powerful treasure that can cover the sky and the sun.

I saw that the big seal covered all the snake heads of the giant python.

Jin Hufa sneered in his heart.

Forgive you, no matter how tough you are, you will be crushed into meatloaf under my seal

But the giant python opened its mouth again.

Swallowed the Great Seal into his mouth in one gulp.

As for the other weapons or moves, he ignored them.

I don't care.


Bang bang bang.

I saw many moves bombarding the giant python.

But it was blocked by the scales on the giant python.

Everyone was shocked

There are so many late-stage powerhouses in the Quartet Realm all attacking together, but they can't even scratch a layer of skin.

what a strong body

Is this the perennial big monster?

"Let's do it together

He is already at the end of his strength.

My Burning Spirit Fire and Brother Jin's Heaven-shattering Seal are enough to explode his stomach.

As long as everyone keeps working hard, this monster will be killed here."

Danyu's guardian Nayan continued to call on everyone to take action.

The corner of the giant python's bloody mouth twitched, and he said with a smile, "Which one of your eyes thinks that I am at the end of my strength and want to kill me, are you crazy?"


Protector Yan was horrified.

According to his estimation, his own Burning Spirit Fire should have exploded the giant python's belly.

Even if it didn't explode, the giant python should have been half-dead by the spirit fire, rolling and crying on the ground.

However, the facts were beyond his expectation.

Let alone the giant python howling, there was no response at all.

Instead, he pretended to be joking, mocking and laughing at himself.

How strong is this guy?

"I'm in a good mood today, please spare your lives."

The giant python shook his head.

Then he opened his mouth and sucked out a small flame from Protector Yan's body.

But when this flame appeared in the air.

Everyone felt that the hair on their bodies seemed to be on fire, and they all retreated hurriedly.

With such a distance, Lu Chen could still feel the terrifying and anxious air of the flame.

"This is the flame that can burn everything away"

Lu Chen was shocked.

If he owns this flame and uses the move Changhe Sunset, the lethality will definitely be even more terrifying.

"My Burning Spirit Fire"

Protector Yan's face turned pale.

The giant python forcibly sucked the Fen Ji Linghuo out of his body, and he felt as if half of his life had been sucked dry.

This is the spiritual fire that I have nurtured for so many years.

Already integrated with one's own body.

Being taken away by the giant python now is equivalent to taking away part of one's own body.

so ruthless

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I'm really not a Gescher

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It doesn't kill itself, but it's worse than killing itself.

After taking away my own Burning Spiritual Fire, my strength has been greatly reduced, how can I still act as a Danyu protector?

"Don't take mine, just set the rules.

More than 1000 years have passed, and everyone has forgotten this rule.

It's just because I don't think there are any treasures in Hidden Dragon Valley, so the strong people in the late Sifang Realm haven't visited.

But today, they came, and they came to the depths.

I saw the big monster python with my own eyes.

That scene back then, I'm afraid it will happen again

One must know that more than 1000 years ago, this giant python was able to kill Bao Yuntian and other super masters without leaving a piece of armor.

what about today

Xuan Hufa couldn't help shivering, the horror in his heart was beyond words.

When he met Bao Yuntian back then, he was just guarding his disciples.

However, he will never forget that scene.

Bao Yuntian, the first genius protector of the majestic Tianzhen Sect, unexpectedly fell to his knees on the ground the moment he returned to the Tianzhen Sect, and burst into tears.

That kind of terrified cry is a cry that can only be comprehended by those who have passed through the gate of hell and survived by chance.

Xuan Hufa didn't understand at the beginning, but he could feel Bao Yuntian's panic from the bottom of his heart.

But now, he somewhat understood Bao Yuntian's state of mind back then.

"Hey hey hey."

The giant python's mouth actually revealed a humane smile.

The arcs on both sides were raised, giving birth to incomparable ridicule and disdain.

She Xinzi spat out suddenly, shaking in front of Guardian Xuan.

Xuan Hufa's body stiffened instantly.

He didn't even know that the treasure array plate in his hand fell off.

The whole person seems to have fallen into an illusion.

"Mysterious Guardian"

Danyu's protector yelled loudly.

Qishan's Golden Protector urged him urgently.

According to their layout, they want Xuan Hufa to throw out the formation plate to cover the giant python.

Then the two of them led the others to attack together and killed the big monster on the spot.

However, the guardian Xuan, who was the first to attack, was stunned at this critical moment.

Why is the mental quality so poor

The big demon is very strong, no one knows

The reason why the battle strategy was laid out was because he knew how terrifying the big monster was.

However, so many of them shot together, what are they afraid of?

"Leave him alone, let's do it together"

Flame Protector Fen Ji, give it back to me"

Protector Yan struggled to snatch it back.

But was terrified by the cold smile in the giant python's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, with a bang, his body seemed to be blown up by something, and he flew backwards quickly.

Blood splashed all the way in the air.

There is no doubt that at least half of this Yan protection method has been abolished.

Even if he recuperates from his injuries, his strength is at most half, maybe not even half.

Because his Burning Spirit Fire is gone.

And the giant python just took a breath and glanced at him.

what strength is this

It's not a level of fighting at all.

In the terrified eyes of everyone, they saw the giant python spit out the burning fire to the mountain behind him.

Lu Chen was taken aback.

This guy spit out the Fenji spirit fire, is he trying to kill himself?

Think about it.


If you want to kill yourself, why bother.

"The third favor."

The voice of the giant python came and rang in Lu Chen's mind.

Lu Chen was surprised and delighted.

Hastily began to secretly refine the burning fire.

But it was more than that that surprised him.

The giant python snatched the ring and all the clothes of the Qishanjin Dharma Protector and threw them on the ground.

Then a foul-smelling breath spewed out, and the golden guardian flew thousands of miles away.

In addition to the golden protector, the mysterious protector of the gate that day, and many strong men behind him.

That's how it all ended.

Everyone's rings and treasures were mercilessly stripped off by the python.

According to him, it was the blessing of these people that he did not kill anyone.

In fact, it is true.

If the giant python wanted to kill someone, there would probably be a river of blood here.

this side.

Lu Chen had already refined the Fen Ji Linghuo as quickly as possible.

Losing the Master's Fenji Spiritual Fire, he was like a child, very fragile.

Lu Chen only needs to engrave the imprint of spiritual power on it to refine it.

And when he finished refining, he saw that the place was clean.

"Little guy, you already owe me a lot of favors."

The giant python smiled.

As soon as the mouth was delivered, all the rings and other treasures on the ground were sent to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen put all the things into the ring and said, "Senior, what do you want me to do?"

The giant python said, "Little guy, you can help me when I transform into a dragon in the future."

As he spoke, the giant python suddenly stepped forward.

I saw the body of the giant python rising slowly.

Lu Chen was shocked to find that the giant python had four legs.

Snakes have legs, this is Jiao.

If horns grow out of its head, it is a real dragon.

"The younger generation will never forget today's promise."

Lu Chen hurriedly cupped his hands.

The giant python nodded with a smile, and then took a long breath, "I can finally leave. After sleeping for so long, my body is stiff, haha."

While smiling lightly, it stepped on its footsteps and ran towards the outside of Hidden Dragon Valley step by step.

And every step that is stepped on will cause the entire Hidden Dragon Valley to vibrate.

bang, bang, bang

At this time, the treasure hunters in Hidden Dragon Valley were all shocked.

Those people who sneaked into the bottom of Zhenlongtan also crawled out in fear.

Seeing the densely fleeing crowd, Lu Chen thought to himself that this is a good opportunity.

So he took off the white mask and white clothes, and put on the human skin mask of Ziyun Minghu.

I have to say that the Ziyun brothers and sisters really have a lot of good things.

The layers are also different.

Putting on the human skin mask, Lu Chen followed the crowd and fled in a hurry.

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

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