Lu Chen sighed, "Heaven will send a great mission to the people, and they must first work hard and work hard. I think I am the man who wants to save the world."

"Don't feel good about yourself. When you can let me change shape, I will obey you."

The puppy rolled his eyes.

Lu Chen let out a hey, and left the small world again.

Hidden Dragon Valley used to have powerful real dragon coercion, and the sound of dragon chant, and there were many people talking.

I can't fly unscrupulously to search, so I didn't collect any treasures.

But now, this place has completely become his own back garden.

Why don't you quickly search for the good stuff, what are you waiting for?

It is said that around powerful monsters, there will always be metamorphosis grass.

In this Hidden Dragon Valley, there might be a form-changing grass

With such a good hope, Lu Chen pinched the Chengyun method.

The black mist rolled and flew past madly.

Half a time passed, and about half of the Hidden Dragon Valley was collected by him.

Although there are no good things, he has collected almost all the spiritual herbs.

There were also some rings on the dead bodies, and he didn't let go of any of them.

After half an hour, he searched another third of Hidden Dragon Valley.

Only the last third is left.

It is also the deepest place in the entire Hidden Dragon Valley.

Very few people are able to walk to this place.

So this place should be the place with the most treasures.

Lu Chen was full of hope and wanted to find the Transformation Grass here.

But when he approached the deepest place, a heavy breathing sound suddenly came.


Thick black smoke swept out from inside.

Lu Chen turned pale with shock.

Such a powerful smoke, if he is caught by this smoke, even if he is not dead, he will be unconscious.

Even the skin can fester.

It is conceivable that the person who spewed out this smoke is definitely a powerful monster

This monster can live in the Hidden Dragon Valley, and it is not afraid of the sound of the dragon's chant.

how terrifying

Lu Chen couldn't help being afraid, and didn't dare to take another half step.

Fortunately, the smoke slowly dissipated and was no longer dense.

Lu Chen walked in cautiously.

Walking in the faint smoke, Lu Chen could feel the burning pain on his skin.

But after running the True Dragon Art, the pain disappeared.

On the contrary, he absorbed a lot of that smoke and used it to refine his body.

"This is a good place for body training."

Lu Chen thought to himself.

But it's just thinking about it, and I don't dare to really stay here.

He just wanted to find the transformation grass for the puppy as soon as possible, and stay away from this terrifying monster.

Riding the black mist, Lu Chen quietly wandered around the last third of the place.

Along the way, there are many good things.

All kinds of spiritual herbs were dug up by him in the medicine garden of the small world.

Finally, came to a deeper place.

That is, the place that is closer to the monster.

Lu Chen's eyes lit up


And not just one, at least hundreds of them.

It is simply a medicine garden dedicated to planting morphomorphic herbs.

Lu Chen was surprised and delighted, but he was not dazzled, but looked around vigilantly.

Finding that there was no monster guard as he imagined, he began to dig the transformation grass into the small world.

The puppy screamed in surprise when it saw the changeling grass.

The dream thing has finally arrived.

And there are still so many metamorphoses at one time.

But it didn't take long for him to be pleasantly surprised, and the transformation grass was no longer thrown in.

"Xiao Luzi, what's the matter?"

the puppy asked suspiciously.

But Chase Lu didn't have time to talk to him.

At this time, Chase Lu was frightened and stiffened.

Then I heard a voice in my ear whispering, "Little guy, have you got enough? Give me some left over."

"It's disturbing the seniors."

Lu Chen was shocked in his heart, and immediately rushed forward, then turned around in mid-air, trying to see the true face of this monster.

At the same time, by pinching the True Dragon Art, majestic true energy condensed from his body.

The black mist is surging, ready to escape and counterattack.

However, it was beyond his expectation.

The monster didn't move at all, it just kept looking at him in place, even with a hint of a smile in its eyes.

This is a black python.

The giant python lifted its head up, just where it was just now.

Lu Chen couldn't help wondering, when he was talking just now, did the terrifying snake head just lean into his ear?

The picture was so beautiful that he couldn't imagine it.

The only thing that can be known is if the giant python just wanted to sneak attack on him.

I will definitely be swallowed in one gulp.

But fortunately, the giant python doesn't seem to be as scary as it looks, on the contrary, it is very kind.

Lu Chen hurriedly cupped his hands, "The junior is bothering me, and I hope the senior will forgive me."

"Little guy, the accident in Hidden Dragon Valley was caused by you, right?"

The giant python spit out human words.

Lu Chen was shocked.

Originally thought that the giant python just used mental power to condense a sound, so as to talk to itself.

Unexpectedly, it could actually speak.

It's just too weird.

Ordinary monsters have to take shape and have the same mouth as a human, so that they can make human voices.

But this one is different.

What level of monster is it?

Lu Chen said, "Senior was just joking, but junior is just a small triangular mirror, how can it cause changes in Hidden Dragon Valley."

"Hehe, since you didn't cause it, then go to die."

The giant python smiled lightly at first, then suddenly became ferocious.

The bloody mouth opened wide, and a bloody rain spurted out from it.

Lu Chen hurriedly said, "I caused it, and the seniors I caused know the details, and I can't hide it from the seniors."

"That's what it sounds like."

The giant python put away his ferocious expression, and became kind again, "Make friends, little guy.

I don't care about you for poaching so many changeling grass from me.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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It is the first step in our friendship, and it is also the first favor you owe me. "

Lu Chen cupped his hands, "Thank you, senior."

He secretly wondered why this giant python was so generous and wanted to make friends with him.

Moreover, what did he say about the first favor he owed.

Is it possible that I will owe others favors in the future?

But the giant python didn't explain, but said indifferently, "Find a place to hide, this is the second favor you owe me. When I want to transform into a dragon in the future, remember to help me."

After finishing speaking, the giant python opened its mouth and took a breath, sucking all the remaining metamorphosis grass into its mouth.

But Chase Lu noticed that his mouth seemed to form a space of its own.

It looked like it was inhaled into the stomach, but in fact it stored the metamorphosis grass in the space of his mouth.

It's like receiving the changeling grass in the storage ring.

In other words, the python didn't intend to change form at all.

It is clearly in the Quartet Realm, but there is still no transformation.

Reminiscent of what he just said, this giant python is planning to transform into a dragon and then transform into a human.


And when he talked about transforming a dragon, let me help him.

But how did he know that he possessed the True Dragon Art?

In other words, what he wants is not the real dragon formula, but another kind of help from himself.

I need my own real dragon coercion

Lu Chen was puzzled, and could only marvel at the wisdom of the giant python, and quietly hid in the cave behind it.

At the same time, his mental power has already noticed that many people are coming from the sky.

Because among them are the superpowers in the late stage of the Sifang Realm.

Lu Chen didn't dare to continue to scan with mental power, but hid in the dark, wrapped himself with mental power, and hid it perfectly.

He was very curious, whether this giant python could defeat these late-stage powerhouses in the Sifang Realm.

To be able to hide himself so calmly, there must be something domineering about it.

"Have you never entered this depth?"

A red-faced middle-aged man asked.

Beside him was Yu Yang, who said, "Hui Yan protector's words.

Because Hidden Dragon Valley has the pressure of a real dragon, and there is also the sound of a real dragon roaring.

The time we come in is limited, and the speed cannot be increased to the fastest.

Therefore, it is impossible to come to this depth within a limited time. "


Protector Yan nodded, and then said, "Stay back, there is a big monster here."

"big monster"

Everyone was shocked, and quickly dispersed.

How powerful it is to be called a great monster by a strong late-stage Sifang Realm like Yan Hufa.

They are here, they will definitely not be able to help, but will bring disaster to Chi Yu.

Some people moved their wits.

Didn't it mean that the white-masked kid entered Longtan Town before?

Then what the hell are they doing with the big monster here in the depths.

It's better to go directly to Zhenlongtan.

There are not a few people who have such thoughts, and many of them are disciples of the elders of the Three Great Sacred Grounds.

In fact, when everyone entered Hidden Dragon Valley together, many people went to Zhenlongtan immediately.

It's just that there is still a powerful real dragon coercion in Zhenlongtan, so most people can only give up halfway and cannot enter the deepest part.

Yu Yang didn't go to Zhenlongtan, because he was the one who called Protector Yan.

And even if he went, he felt that with his own strength, he couldn't go deep into the bottom of the pool.

Because it has been tested before, there is no need to try it again.

Right now, we can only wait for Protector Yan and others to subdue the big monster, and then follow Protector Yan to Zhenlongtan to see what secrets lie below.

However, although he didn't go, he had already sent his disciples to surround Zhenlongtan and Quanjing.

For fear that the white mask boy would escape.

Moreover, outside the Hidden Dragon Valley, there is also a formation protection from the Heavenly Formation Gate.

With such a net, even if the white-masked boy could escape, he couldn't escape.

Although the three holy places are divided into three parts.

However, in the face of major events, they are a unified whole.

As for the first change in Hidden Dragon Valley in tens of millions of years, there is no doubt that it was a major event.

The treasures buried deep here are definitely treasures beyond the mundane.

It is a treasure handed down by the real dragon clan thousands of years ago.

Absolutely not let a kid with a white mask hide his head and show his tail.

Only the Three Great Holy Lands are eligible to obtain such a treasure

Moreover, only when the three holy places are in the hands can this treasure be brought into full play.

So no matter it is to prevent Xiaoxiao from borrowing this treasure to do evil.

Or, it is to increase the upper limit of practice in Sifang Continent.

This treasure must belong to the three holy places.

The Three Holy Lands are the destiny of the Sifang Continent

Therefore, the protection law of Danyu, the protection method of gold in Qishan, and the protection method of Xuanmen in Tianzhenmen.

Three strong men of the ninth level of the four directions came to the front of the crowd.

Behind them, more than 20 experts from the seventh or eighth level of the Sifang Realm followed.

So many masters are dispatched together.

I don't believe that big monster can go up to the sky

"Below the seventh level of the Sifang Realm, back off."

The Guardian of the Heavenly Formation Sect ordered.

At the same time, he raised his right hand, holding out a formation plate with a length of ten feet and a radius.

Colorful rays of light are emitted from the array disk.

Lu Chen was hiding in the cave, looking terrified.

This array is definitely an extremely powerful treasure.

If you throw it out casually, you may be able to cover yourself, so that you have no power to fight back.


Although this giant python is also very powerful, but the other party is not just the mysterious protector.

Instead, there are two masters at the same level as Xuan Hufa.

There are more than 20 late-stage masters in the Sifang Realm.

How to deal with the python

Lu Chen prayed secretly in his heart.

Now I can only hope for the giant python.

Otherwise, you have to get into the small world.

However, the Five Elements Ring cannot be hidden by itself, if it is held by these three superpowers.

I will die.

So, Python, Python, you must hold on

"You guys, what a big battle. I didn't do anything harmful. Why did you come to encircle me?"

The giant python poked its head out suddenly.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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