Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2156 Ambergris

Hou Siyu is no longer an ordinary disciple, but an elder disciple.

What are you doing here by yourself?

But I don't know where the mountain of Elder Yu Yang is.

Forget it, then don't say goodbye.

If Hou Siyu comes back, he will definitely look for him.

So it is estimated that Hou Siyu never came back.

You don't need to waste your time either.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen was about to leave.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in my mind: "Be careful when you go out, and don't deviate from the mission line."

This is a friendly reminder.

The voice was familiar.

Naturally, it was undoubtedly Gong Cheng.

This time Gong Cheng didn't show up, but transmitted the sound directly.

It was unexpected that an arrogant Gong Cheng would be so cautious.

Lu Chen's heart trembled, and he didn't look around to find Gong Cheng's hiding place, but immediately walked out of Danyu.

Come to the big array of guards.

He throws the task card.


The task card turned into a shield to protect him.

Walking step by step in the large formations.

Lu Chen felt that countless eyes were staring at him.

This is a feeling that I didn't have before.

It shows that his mental power is indeed more acute, and he can already feel the mental power of the defenders.

After walking out of the formation, the feeling of being watched finally disappeared.

The mask on his body turned into a secondary mission card and fell back into Lu Chen's hands.

However, the feeling of being spied on appeared again.

It's a spiritual imprint!

The spiritual imprint on the task card, when turned into a mask, was attached to his back.

Lu Chen's heart sank secretly, and rose against the wind.

The mental strength dare not touch the spiritual imprint, for fear of being discovered by the other party.

However, he is always on guard.

And keep in mind Gong Cheng's words: You can't deviate from the mission line.

This mission is to go to a place called Hidden Dragon Valley.

It is said that there used to be real dragons in Hidden Dragon Valley.

When the real dragon breathes out, it will salivate.

When the saliva stains the grass, there is a certain chance that ordinary spirit grass will mutate into ambergris.

Some people who practice dragon-related skills such as the True Dragon Fist have a great desire for ambergris.

Because if they refine the ambergris, they will have the opportunity to master the dragon's breath, and their strength will be greatly improved.

And this mission was announced by a man named Hu Tielong.

The task is simple.

It is to enter Hidden Dragon Valley with Hu Tielong to identify ambergris.

Alchemy is not required.

Because alchemy seems to be someone else.

Lu Chen can't control so much, it's better to go to Hidden Dragon Valley first.

Along the way, he could feel that someone was following him.

And that person was very bold, and he wasn't worried about being discovered by himself at all.

It's just too arrogant.

But after thinking about it, Lu Chen understood that it wasn't that he wanted him to find out, but that he underestimated himself.

How could he have imagined that, as a little triangular disciple, his mental power could reach the peak of his appearance.

Half a month passed.

Lu Chen finally came to Hidden Dragon Valley.

Unlike what he imagined, Hidden Dragon Valley is not such a desolate place.

On the contrary, it is very prosperous.

There's a large town outside the valley that could be promoted to a small town almost immediately.

In the town, there are quite a few trading places, as well as large and small inns.

He activated the task card, and immediately sensed Hu Tielong who issued the task.

Then came to the inn where Hu Tielong stayed.

Just arrived at the inn.

Lu Chen was startled: "Hou Siyu?"

Hou Siyu was also surprised, and shouted: "Brother Chen, why are you here? Are you also out to perform the mission?"

Lu Chen nodded: "Well, what a coincidence."

"Yes, what a coincidence. We also met Elder Yongran and Elder Fujie here."

Hou Siyu introduced them one by one.

Lu Chen cupped his hands to the two: "I have seen the two elders."

He secretly thought in his heart, this Yongran actually passed the examination and became an elder.

It would be unlucky to meet him here.

"It turned out to be Lu Chen's nephew."

Yongran greeted with a smile, hiding his wit.

Previously, Chase Lu called him Senior Brother Yongran.

But now, Lu Chen has to respectfully call himself an elder.

As an elder, he and Chi Yuanbin are on an equal footing.

So calling Lu Chen a good nephew is very reasonable.

On the surface, Yongran pretended to be very familiar with Lu Chen and took good care of him, but he laughed sarcastically in his heart.

Well, you Lu Chen, you actually bumped into my hand.

Back then, I gave Hou Siyu a blow in her ear, which caused her to ignore me and ruined my beautiful love in the bud.

If I don't teach you a lesson, I, Yongran, an elder, wouldn't be in vain!

"Hey, where's your master, Elder Chi Yuanbin?"

Yong Ran asked curiously.

Lu Chen said: "My master and the others went to other places, let me take the lead first.

This task is relatively simple.

As a young disciple, I can solve it, so I don't need to bother my master and senior brothers. "


Yong Ran frowned, and asked again: "Whose task did you accept?"

"My, mine, let Saint Danyu wait for a long time."

A simple and honest middle-aged man walked over quickly, bowed to Lu Chen, and bowed to Yongran and the others.

Yongran took a look at Hu Tielong and said, "Take out the task card and let me see it."

Of course Hu Tielong didn't dare to disobey, and immediately took out the task card and presented it.

Yong Ran took it, glanced at it, and laughed inwardly.

He just heard Lu Chen say that Chi Yuanbin and the others would come over in a while, and he felt something was wrong.

If there is no mission, send the strongest one to come forward.

There must be something tricky.

Looking at it now, it was as expected.

This task is basically a single-person task, so there is nothing to do with Chi Yuanbin.

This kid Lu Chen must be afraid that he will target him, so he is talking nonsense here.

But this lie is too stupid.

Immediately pierced by himself.

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Yongran said with a half-smile, and threw the task card to Hu Tielong.

Hu Tielong quickly took it and looked at these people with some doubts.

They are all saints from Danyu, so the atmosphere seems a bit subtle.

"Brother Dust."

Hou Siyu comforted in a low voice: "Senior brother Yongran has no malicious intentions, so you don't have to worry.

It's just that this task may not be as simple as you imagined.

You'd better wait for Elder Chi Yuanbin to come together. "

"Are there any elders? This is a solo mission for me, it's very simple."

Hu Tielong said strangely.

Hou Siyu was startled: "Huh?"

"Xiao Yu, come back."

Elder Yu Yang remained silent for a long while, and did not show up.

It seemed that he didn't bother to say hello to Chase Lu.

But when he made a sound, it was absolute majesty.

Hou Siyu hurried back and said, "Master."

Yu Yang said: "Our task will start immediately, be serious!"

"Yes, Master."

Hou Siyu knew that Master was also doing it for his own good.

After all, I am the youngest, the latest to get started, and my strength is also poor.

After this trip, I had the privilege to follow the master, took on nine missions, and went out for six years.

Now this is the third task.

I can't help with the first two tasks by myself, and I probably won't be able to help with this one either.

It is simply that the master brought me out to broaden my horizons.

Therefore, she has extreme respect for Yu Yang.

If it wasn't for Yu Yang, she wouldn't have had the opportunity to come out and broaden her knowledge in Zhongzhou.

Sitting in the seat, she gave Lu Chen a helpless look, and immediately meditated with her legs crossed and her eyes closed.

Lu Chen also sat down with Hu Tielong.

Hu Tielong looked at Lu Chen and found that Lu Chen was only at the seventh level of the Triangle Realm.

There was a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

Although he knew that the price he paid was not high, he did not expect that it was actually a seventh-level Triangle Realm who took over his task.

According to his estimation, it must be a Triangle Realm Ninth Layer anyway.

Who knew it would be so unlucky.


Waiting for a while to enter Hidden Dragon Valley, should I look for Ambergris or protect this young man.

It's so cheating.

"Don't worry, I won't hold you back."

Seeing Hu Tielong's expression, Lu Chen comforted him.

Hu Tielong nodded with a smile, thinking to himself that you young man, you speak big words easily.

Not at all humble.

I am a strong person in the first level of the Sifang Realm.

I have to be extremely vigilant when I enter Hidden Dragon Valley.

But you are an old god, really a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

Although he complained in his heart, he was still very respectful to Lu Chen on the surface.

After all, he is a sage of Danyu.

No matter how low the realm is, the status is here, and disrespect is simply not enough.

"What are we waiting for here?"

After working for more than half a hour, Lu Chen finally couldn't help asking.

Hu Tielong looked at him in astonishment: "You don't know?"

"Know what?" Lu Chen looked dumbfounded.


Hu Tielong was going crazy.

Before you accepted this mission, didn't you know about Hidden Dragon Valley?

Even if you didn't understand it before accepting the task, you should always understand it after accepting the task.

As a result, you have such a responsible attitude?

He didn't understand anything, so he came out to take the task and ran to Hidden Dragon Valley.


Hu Tielong was speechless.

Yong Ran, who was at the table beside him, said earnestly: "Nephew Lu Chen, you don't even understand this, what mission do you take?

Your irresponsible attitude is harmful to others and yourself.

Hidden Dragon Valley, the best time to enter, is only three times.

Xu time, Hai time and Zi time.

As soon as the child's time passes, the sound of a real dragon roaring will be born in the Hidden Dragon Valley.

If he stayed in the valley, his mind would be shattered by the roaring sound, and he would be killed on the spot.

Therefore, you must enter at Xu time, and then consider returning in the middle of Hai time, so as not to be left inside. "

"I see, thank you Elder Yongran."

Lu Chen hurriedly cupped his hands.

Yong Ran waved his hand lightly, and said: "You should understand these things yourself, I just don't want to embarrass our Dan Yu, so I'm telling you."

Lu Chen said: "Ashamed, ashamed, the teachings of Elder Yongran must be remembered by the disciples."

Speaking of him like this, he was secretly unhappy in his heart.

Since I asked these things myself, if Yongran didn't say anything, Hu Tielong would definitely tell himself.

He was scolded again by this guy for no reason.

What the hell.

I really think of myself as an onion.

Lu Chen cursed inwardly.

Hu Tielong said: "Little sage, here are the precautions for entering Hidden Dragon Valley, please take a good look.

It's almost Xu time, we have to hurry up and enter as soon as possible.

Otherwise, you will not be able to go further, and you will have to consider returning on the way. "


Lu Chen sneered, took the jade slip, and began to study it.

In Hidden Dragon Valley, there are dragons roaring.

Many people suspect that there are still real dragons inside.

However, no one has ever seen it.

Even if it is a strong person at the ninth level of the Sifang Realm, if they go deep into it, they will find nothing.

Except to get some ambergris.

For such strong people, can ambergris be considered a treasure?

Therefore, the strong in the late stage of the Sifang Realm have already given up this place.

Most of the people who come here today are in the early stage of the Sifang Realm, that is, the powerhouses of the first, second and third levels.

Like Hu Tielong, he is the first level of the Sifang Realm.

Yongran, the second level of the four directions.

Elder Tengjiang, the third level of the Sifang Realm.

A small number of them, like Yu Yang, have cultivation bases of the fifth level in the middle of the Sifang Realm.

In fact, if he hadn't practiced a dragon claw magic skill recently, Yu Yang would not be bothered to take this task.

Speaking of the benefits of the Hidden Dragon Valley, besides the ambergris grass, the real dragon breath inside is also very helpful to those who practice the dragon breath technique.

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