Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2155 Super Alchemist

"So fast"

Lu Chen was shocked, and then he was overjoyed: "With you, a super alchemist, I can take pills for free in the future, and they are all special pills."

"That is"

The little dog triumphantly said, "I'll tell you another good news.

If you use your purified medicinal liquid to refine alchemy, I can refine three-star treasure pill.

I've got plenty of cubes here, so you can eat whatever you want.

There are also some Biyan Qinghuo Pills, you should eat them as soon as possible, it will be good for you.

This elixir clears fire and detoxifies, it has wood attribute, water attribute and fire attribute, which just fits your current state.

After eating, it is combined with my premium Quartet Dan.

I estimate that you can break through the seventh level of the Triangle Realm. "

"it is good"

Lu Chen was overjoyed.

There is such a good medicine.

After purifying the liquid medicine for ten years, the realm at the sixth level of the Triangle Realm is almost sinking.

If he still can't break through, I'm afraid he will go crazy.

Fortunately, after taking Biyan Qinghuo Pill, combined with Bingxin Jue, Qingmu Changshenggong and Tiangang Heart Sutra, he felt the true energy in his body ready to move.

Take Sifang Dan immediately.

Breakthrough to the seventh level of the Triangle Realm is a matter of course


Lu Chen absorbed the moisture in the air and poured cold water on himself.

After ten years of retreat, I was almost suffocated to death.

Fortunately, the final harvest is also gratifying.

time is not wasted

"Now that you have broken through the seventh level of the Triangle Realm, give it a try and see if you can purify it to [-]% this time."

With expectations, Lu Chen calmed down after being excited.

Started to purify the liquid medicine again.

Another year passed inexplicably.

Lu Chen didn't believe in evil and continued to purify.

Another year has passed.

Time is so cheap.

If you want to practice in the subtle state to return to one, it may be impossible for a lifetime.

But Lu Chen was not discouraged.

He kept purifying higher-level spiritual herbs.

Although it's only 90.00% nine point nine every time.

But he knew that his subtle state was still improving.

It's just because the increase is too small to be noticed.

"Little Luzi"

The puppy suddenly roared.

Lu Chen looked at him in astonishment: "What's wrong?"

The little dog shouted excitedly: "Using your recently purified high-grade spirit herb liquid, I finally succeeded in refining the five-star treasure pill."

"Then congratulations."

Lu Chen said casually, and continued to refine.

The little dog let out a hey, jumped onto his head, and shouted, "Guess what pill I am refining. The Sun-burning pill, it's the Sun-burning pill!"

"What happened to the Sunburning Pill?"

Lu Chen was puzzled.

The little dog yelled: "What's wrong with the Sunshine Pill?

Do you know what Sunshine Pill is for?

It boosts the spirit

As long as your mental power is improved, your subtle state can definitely be improved as well.

Quickly take the Burning God Pill to increase your spiritual power.

I am full of expectations for you.

I want to see if you can really purify it to [-]% after your breakthrough.

If it can be purified 100%, we can make history

The elixir that is refined will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes. "

The puppy was extremely excited.

Lu Chen was not excited.

There is actually a elixir that improves mental power.


My own mental power has not broken through for a long time.

After this long period of refining the liquid medicine, his mental power must have reached a peak.

In the medicine garden formation, the puppy's father planted a lot of herbs.

They are self-sufficient and happy.

Now the Five Star Treasure Pill Sunburning Pill has been refined.

Lu Chen accepted it with excitement.

The Sunburning Pill melted in the mouth and turned into thick fog.

Thick fog rushed straight into his head.

It seemed as if it exploded in an instant.

Lu Chen felt his mind explode, and the tearing pain made him cry out in pain.

He hastened to regain his energy, using his energy to heal the torn wound.

But there was still burning pain in my mind.

Sunburning Pill Sunburning Pill, this is a elixir for roasting spiritual power.

The so-called do not break do not stand.

Roast and wear out the spiritual power, and then let the spiritual power grow again.

Then the mental power will be stronger.


In an instant, Lu Chen's body shook violently and let out a long howl.

broke through

Spiritual power has been upgraded from externalization to appearance

The spiritual power of the appearance can condense the spiritual power into a spiritual phantom.

The mental phantom is projected into the enemy's mind, which can cause deterrence.

If you encounter someone whose mental strength is not as good as his.

He only needs a mental projection to scare the enemy to death.


Lu Chen let out a foul breath.

Although there is pain in my mind, it is painful and happy.

And when the effects of the Zhishen Pill ceased, he felt a bright light in front of him.

The improvement of his mental strength made his condition reach its peak.

Subconsciously, he wanted to continue to purify the liquid medicine.

But now is not the time.

I feel that there is still a lot of room for improvement in mental strength, so I have to go all out and continue to take Sunshine Pill.

Fortunately, the little dog has refined three bottles, a total of 45 pieces.

Enough to be cool.

So, in the following time, he kept taking the Sunburning Pill.

Keep crying out in pain, pain and happiness.

It's just that he didn't expect that it took him half a year to completely refine these 45 Sunburning Pills.

Mental strength also took advantage of the trend to rise to the peak of appearance.

"It has actually improved so much."

Lu Chen was overjoyed.

At the same time, he secretly sighed with emotion.

It was because of the painstaking tears I had purified the medicinal liquid for more than ten years before that I was able to improve so much at once.

Once the foundation is solid, breakthroughs will come naturally.

Now that the Sunburning Pill is gone, my mental strength is almost at the bottleneck.

Then, let's start purifying the liquid medicine.

To purify the medicinal liquid, one should be calm and not impatient.

Lu Chen collected his mind.

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After a while, he took out the Burning God Grass and began to refine it.

1 minute later.

Sunburn grass is purified to 90.00%.

After 5 minutes, it was purified to 90.00% nine point nine.

The speed and precision of this purification, if placed outside, may scare people to death.

Even if it is as strong as Gong Cheng, Chao Tian and the others, they will be frightened crazy.

Because they can only catch up with Lu Chen's method of purifying the liquid medicine.

"Go on, go on, go on"

The little dog stared at him stubbornly, not daring to say anything, and cheered Lu Chen from the bottom of his heart.

On the other side, a little boy about ten years old also clenched his fists, extremely excited.

This is naturally the corpse king scorpion.

In this ten times the time, he grows very fast.

And the most important thing is that you can eat the elixir made by the puppy every day.

This caused his cultivation to be the strongest among the three.

Sifangjing Quadruple

Tsk tsk, it's the same realm as Chi Yuanbin.

In addition to the physical strength of the corpse king scorpion itself, and the terrible toxicity of the scorpion tail.

It can be said that the Corpse King Scorpion is now stronger than Chi Yuanbin.

He is also one of Chase Lu's great trump cards.

But Lu Chen hadn't paid attention to him for a long time, and devoted himself to the purification of the medicinal liquid.

Unfortunately, this time the purification failed again.

90.00% nine point nine, seems to be a limit.


Puppy sighed.

Lu Chen also shook his head and sighed.

Obviously, I can feel that my nuances have gone one step further.

However, it still missed the finishing touch.

And that one step at the door, I'm afraid it's a step that no one has been able to take for thousands of years.

Although helpless, but still can not give up.

After all, this kind of practice is also a kind of help for him to improve his level of alchemy.

In the future, if you want to take on a longer outing mission, your alchemy level must not be lowered.

Another three years have passed.

Calculated, from the time he started retreating to the present, the outside world should have passed a year and a half.

Lu Chen stood up suddenly and stepped out.

I saw Chi Yuanbin and the others gathered together, looking very happy.

"What's wrong"

Lu Chen asked strangely.

Ding Li yelled: "Little brother, I have good news for you, brother, my pill formula has been successfully developed."

"It was a success."

Lu Chen blurted out.

But when he thought about it, he came back to his senses.

It has only been a year and a half since the outside world.

Only after 15 years by myself, I feel slow.

Ding Li dissatisfied: "What does it mean to be successful, I'm already very fast, okay?"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Haha, I was just kidding.

In order to congratulate the brother for successfully marinating the recipe, shall we have a big meal?

Let me purify the liquid medicine and prepare the seasoning for everyone.

If the third senior brother wants to make medicinal food, I can also help. "


Ding Li laughed.

With the medicinal liquid seasoning purified by the younger brother, this delicacy will become more and more delicious.

It’s because everyone has just come out of closed doors.

So one by one, they ate happily and drank happily.

In addition, there was another piece of good news, Yan Yan was talking and laughing at the table.

Lu Chen also relaxed for a rare moment.

three days later.

They sent Ding Li to Mount Danu.

Chi Yuanbin said: "Xiao Ding, deduce your elixir well in Dannu Mountain, and try to let your elixir be included in our elixir list as soon as possible."

"Yes, Master, wait for my good news."

Ding Li patted his chest, very confident.

This is a new prescription that I have developed through untold hardships.

I will never give up halfway, but will try my best to make Danfang perfect quickly.


The elders on Mount Danu made an invitation.

Ding Li left with him.

Another elder came out and said, "It's an honor for you as a master to train a disciple like Ding Li.

In order to reward you, Danyu specially gives you a chance to go out and perform missions.

There is a mission here, take a look. "

"You can go out again"

Chi Yuanbin said in surprise.

He didn't know there was such a rule.

The elder said: "Hold this task card, if you are willing to perform the task, you can leave. If you don't want to perform it, it will be returned automatically after one year."

"Yes, we understand, thank you."

Chi Yuanbin cupped his hands.

Take Lu Chen and the others away.

"Only one person can go out with this task card, who of you is willing to go out?"

Chi Yuanbin asked very openly.

In fact, this task card was rewarded to him.

Because he is the master who raised Ding Li.

But Chi Yuanbin doesn't like running around, but likes to be quiet.

He is already very satisfied to be able to make alchemy in Danyu.

Zu Qionghua and Yun Qingming are obviously such people too.

Lu Chen was overjoyed: "Master, give me the task card, I want to go out"

Chi Yuanbin couldn't help laughing: "I know you can't sit still, so I'll give you this task card, remember to come back within the deadline."

Lu Chen quickly took the task card: "Thank you, master, thank you brothers and sisters for not robbing me."

"Go, go, don't be too playful."

Chi Yuanbin smiled.

Yun Qingming said: "Junior brother, get me some ingredients by the way."

Zu Qionghua said: "Cherish this opportunity well, I won't give you the chance to go out next time."

"Yes, thank you all, I'm leaving."

Lu Chen went down the mountain happily.

It's finally time to leave.

As for the next chance that Second Senior Sister said.

Hehe, there will be no next time!

I don't plan to come back anymore.

Taking advantage of this mission, leave Danyu.

The Youmu Linghuo owed to Gong Cheng will not be returned to him.

Who made him love to be a good person, to be courteous for nothing, to rape or steal.

As for the masters, brothers and sisters, I will come back to see them when I have a chance in the future.

The only thing I feel sorry for is that I failed to take Hou Siyu out.

By the way, I don't know if Hou Siyu has returned from his mission.

Say goodbye to her.

When Lu Chen came to the peak of the disciples, he was startled suddenly.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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