Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1846 The rankings are released

Seeing that Huang Xing immediately sat down cross-legged, he began to practice the Pingyi Mind Method.

According to Huang Xing's judgment, Ping Yi's swordsmanship system should be regarded as a high-level or top-level prefecture level.

You must know that Lu Chen's cultivation path is different from that of other people, and he is unique in this world.Others are born to cultivate, but the path cultivated by Lu Chen is from zero to one, from outside to inside.

Ordinary Guiyi's disciples practice only yellow-level middle-level and high-level exercises.

Those who are a little rich and powerful can practice Xuan-level exercises.

There are too few people who practice earth-level exercises like Huang Xing.

Unless the other party's elders are elders or something, they have the qualifications and possibility to practice earth-level exercises.

Therefore, Huang Xing, who has the method of calming his mind, would have cultivated faster than everyone else.

In addition, he has reached the Great Consummation before, and now he is doing it again, that is, he is familiar with the road without any neck.

As long as there are enough resources, a breakthrough will come naturally.

At this time, he tried his best to absorb the elements of the surrounding world.

After all, the aura on the Inner Zong Mountain is much stronger than that on the Outer Zong Mountain, so I have to take advantage of this opportunity to absorb more.

As much as it can be improved, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

While Huang Xing was practicing with his eyes closed, Liu Zhen and other outer sect disciples finally came to the inner sect mountain.

No.1 is Liu Zhen.

As soon as he climbed up, he looked at Huang Xing with sharp eyes.

A ruined waste in the Purple Mansion ruined his good deeds, and now he is still sitting there so arrogantly, completely ignoring himself.

What a grand style!

Liu Zhen's eyes were like poisonous snakes, and he would stare at Huang Chen from time to time.

After Liu Zhen, the rest of the top ten seeded players came up.

They were not very uncomfortable, but they were startled by Liu Zhen's aura, and they all kept away.

Because everyone knows that No.1 belongs to Liu Zhen, and they didn't even think about competing for the first place.

Now the number one is taken away by Huang Xing, and he doesn't do their business.

Anyway, except that No.1 has speed spirit water, the top ten rewards are actually similar.

Of course, starting from No.11, the rewards are far away.

Xu Ruoyang is No.11.

He would have had a chance to be in the top ten.

But because he followed Huang Xing at the beginning, he didn't take advantage of it, and instead wasted a lot of time.

Now another place is occupied by Huang Xing, the top ten rewards just bid farewell to him.


Xu Ruoyang jumped angrily.

I got a big bow from Tian An this trip, and this big bow is fucking disposable.

In the spirit of not using it for nothing, I have already used two arrows to deal with the monster.

Now there is only one last arrow left.

Even if Tian An didn't take back the big bow, he would suffer a big loss.

"Damn it, Huang Xing, it's all your fault, you bitch.

A waste still occupies No.1, occupying the latrine and not shitting, wasting rewards.

But you trash is still useful. After I kill you, I can get the speedy water rewarded by Mu Lin.

Ha ha.With Sulingshui, I can also break through the Tuoyue Realm and become an inner disciple! "

Xu Ruoyang felt happy again.

His biggest advantage is his strong psychological adjustment ability.

No matter how bad things are, you will be happy when you think about it.

Next, Wang Kaiding, Ma Ruopian, Gao Xue and others all climbed up Neizong Mountain one by one.

Huang Xing was still practicing silently as if no one else was around, until Elder Xiang Qian began to announce the ranking.

Everyone listened in silence.

"Tan Miao, No. 17."

"Wang Kaiding, No. 20."

"Ma Ruobei, No.20 seventh place. Gao Xue, No.20 eighth place."

Soon, Elder Xiang Qian announced the end.

For Huang Xing, the most familiar name was Wang Kaiding, followed by Tan Miao.

As for the names of Ma Ruobei and Gao Xue, he didn't remember them.

But now, he decided to find a chance to go out.

Building a car behind closed doors is the least efficient way of cultivation. If you want to become stronger in a short period of time, you must go on adventures and explore treasures.

"Xiao Kai, you are in the top [-], and your grades are good!"

Huang Xing and Wang Kaiding stood together and said with a smile.

Wang Kaiding smiled foolishly, and said: "It's all directed by Brother Chen. By the way, Brother Chen, have you restored the purple mansion?"

The second half of his sentence was very low.

With a trace of anticipation, but also with a trace of apprehension.

With the strength of their Guiyi foreign sect disciples, it is impossible to see Huang Xing's cultivation level.

Because of the sophistication of Ping Yi's mind, and the control of tiny paired elements, Huang Xing's cultivation seemed extremely mysterious.

If Wang Kaiding could see that Huang Xing was in the middle stage of normalization, he wouldn't have asked this question.

Huang Chen also said in a low voice: "It's been repaired, and I've already broken through the middle stage of unity. From now on, we brothers will enter the Neizong together!"


Wang Kaiding let out an exclamation, which attracted the attention of many people.

He quickly covered his mouth, with an extremely excited face, he leaned into Huang Chen's ear and whispered: "Brother Chen, are you really able to practice?

God, that's great, I knew God wasn't going to fuck you forever.

With Brother Chen's talent, it is not a problem to enter the inner sect, or even become a core disciple.

At that time, Brother Chen can take revenge on Mu Lin!

That hypocrite left me with this scar on my chest, and then we will take revenge together! "

Speaking of the latter, Wang Kaiding showed a trace of resentment in his eyes.

This scar was when Wang Kaiding made a special trip to thank Huang Xing because he was grateful to him, and he also brought souvenirs from his hometown.

However, before he saw Huang Xing, he was blocked by Mu Lin first.

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In the name of Huang Xing, Mu Lin expressed extreme disdain for him, and even threw away his souvenirs.

He wanted to use this method to tarnish Huang Xing's reputation.

In other words, he just didn't want anyone else to get close to Huang Xing, so he deliberately stopped Wang Kaiding.

But Wang Kai decided not to believe it, and insisted on seeing Huang Xing.

So, Mu Lin shot fiercely, and a thunder element split Wang Kaiding's chest to pieces.

In order to heal his injuries, Wang Kaiding was unable to practice for a full month, and the pain was unbearable and miserable.

Even now, his chest hurts on rainy days.

He never forgot this hatred, and he also hated Huang Xing.

It wasn't until after Huang Xing was plotted against by Mu Lin that he met Huang Xing that he finally realized the misunderstanding.

Since then, the two of them who saw through Mu Lin's true colors became the closest brothers.

"Revenge, we must avenge!

However, you must be careful.

Mu Lin is cruel and ruthless, and he has recruited twenty elementalists in Neizong.

Elementalists are pure magicians who maximize the power of the elements.For example, the origin of mages is elementalists, and they have the most primitive characteristics of mages.

He even forced and threatened many people to be his puppets and let him drive them.

I was almost plotted against today. With the relationship between you and me, I guess someone will plot against you in the future.

When they can't kill me, they'll kill you.

So, while they haven't done anything to you, I suggest you go out and explore, and they won't be able to find your whereabouts.

Afterwards, let's break through the Tuoyue Realm together, and then come back and enter the Neizong.

how about it? "

Huang Xing made such a suggestion.

He thought of Feng Jiayu's situation, and knew that Mu Lin would do everything he could.

Since Mu Lin can threaten Feng Jiayu through Feng Jiayu's sister, he will definitely catch Wang Kaiding to threaten him.

The only thing Lu Chen has gained in this world is this little brother.There may have been a friend in the past, that is Tianqi, but he will never be there.

Therefore, he absolutely cannot bear Wang Kaiding being caught and tortured.

In order to avoid such an extreme situation, letting Wang Kai go out is a good way to avoid disaster.

Wang Kai said: "Brother Chen, I know, I will only drag you down now, I will listen to you and continue to go out to practice.

When we meet next time, I will definitely be in Tuoyuejing, helping Brother Chen! "

"it is good!"

Huang Xing and Wang Kaiding clasped their palms tightly.

There is no need to talk between them.

It's really worth it for a person to gain such a brother in a sect with no relatives and no reason!

When Huang Xing and Wang Kaiding were in love with each other, not far away, both Ma Ruoxi and Gao Xue looked over here.

Gao Xue asked suspiciously: "Sister Xie, do you think Senior Brother Lu Chen has repaired the Zi Mansion?"

Ma Ruobei said: "Probably not. It's been a long time, and he hasn't taken the medicine for returning to Yuan. It is estimated that he will swallow the medicine for returning to Yuan at night.

Check it out tomorrow.If he hadn't repaired the Purple Mansion tomorrow, then he would really be useless, and there would be no hope for him anymore.

Today's No.1 is probably the last glory of a genius. "

After speaking, she immediately turned her head and looked at the sky.

Gao Xue said, "Then let's see it tomorrow."

They inferred very reasonable.

At the beginning, Huang Xing also planned to make a breakthrough in his own small house.

Because in this way, Zi Mansion can be repaired secretly, and then act quietly without attracting the attention of interested people.

But after thinking about it, he felt that this was inappropriate.

Because if a caring person really wants to deal with him, he is afraid that they will not give him any chance to restore the Zifu.

Maybe as soon as he took the Yuanhui Potion, the power of the medicine that was disturbed by the other party collapsed.

Therefore, instead of waiting to restore the Purple Mansion at night, it is better to take the Yuanhui Potion here in advance.

Even if someone watched and exposed the fact that he was repairing the Purple Mansion, it was better than being plotted against so that he could not repair the Purple Mansion.

At least for now, Huang Xing is very satisfied with his judgment.

If it hadn't been repaired in advance, he would not be able to absorb the relatively strong aura on Neizong Mountain.

What's more, he couldn't consolidate his cultivation to the peak of Tuoyue's fourth order in such a short period of time.

Moreover, he still couldn't get Elder Xiang Qian's attention, and couldn't get the space ring.

So, exposure is exposure, no big deal.

No matter how long Mu Lin's hand stretched, he couldn't let the disciples of Tuoyue's inner sect come to the outer sect to kill people.

With his current strength, under the Tuoyue state, no one is afraid!

"Okay, this time the big competition is here, and everyone will follow me back to Mount Waizong."

Elder Xiang Qian gave an order and led a group of people down the Twilight Forest.

Feng Jiayu and others acted as guards, surrounding everyone in the middle.

Such is their task.

This time, there were elders leading the way, and within half an hour, everyone returned to Waizong Mountain.

Wei Tian, ​​Yuan Yaqing, Tian An and others all looked over and found Huang Xing from the crowd.

"In the middle of the Unification Realm?"

The three of them were all taken aback.

The three of them were so powerful that they could see through Huang Xing's realm at a glance.

As a result, the three of them fell into consternation.

Unexpectedly, Huang Xing not only restored the Zifu with his own ability, but also broke through the first level of cultivation.

Simply incredible!

"Good, good, good!"

Elder Wei Tian was the first to react, laughed three times, and said, "Lu Xing, come here."


In the crowd, when Huang Xing heard these words, his body was shocked, and he looked around in amazement.

"Brother Chen, what's the matter?" Wang Kaiding asked in surprise.

Huang Xing said: "Didn't you hear someone calling me?"

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