Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1845 Plan

You don't dare to be so domineering, it's really the first time we've met.

Huang Xing ignored everyone, he was not a fool, he just tried to trick him with a little trick, what a joke!

But now, the time has come for the giant tin sword, and it is completely broken, how can he fight against the strong in the Tuoyue realm?


Elder Xiang Qian couldn't help but smiled, and said, "Lu Xing, even the little girls challenged me, yet you still flinch, you're not a man.

Go ahead, I guarantee that this battle will only be won or lost, not life or death.

If anyone dares to kill him, I, Xiang Qian, will be the first to not let him go! "

"it is good!"

Lu Chencang drew out his long sword with a clatter, and said without hesitation, "Then let's start!

If you dare to come out and challenge me, you must have some level of swordsmanship.

Just let me see if you are worthy of my stunts! "

Huang Xing's unique skill is naturally the Pingyi swordsmanship with a small amount of success.

But that being said, in fact, he will definitely not pull off a stunt.

He was sure that this woman had bad intentions, so how could he just show his trump card casually?

If you have to show your cards, then this woman must die!

"Lu Xing, my name is Feng Jiayu. The elder said that only the outcome will be decided, not life or death. I hope you don't take too much action."

Feng Jiayu bowed her hands to Huang Xing, but she was very polite.

And listening to what she meant, she was a little resigned before she even made a move.


Some female disciples laughed out loud, full of contempt.

In fact, if it wasn't for Feng Jiayu's pretty appearance and tall figure, those male disciples would have started to sneer.

Huang Xing was slightly surprised, he didn't know what this woman meant, what she said felt weird.

He didn't think too much, but cupped his hands and said politely, "Of course, we're just discussing each other."

After finishing speaking, he nodded at Feng Jiayu, letting her make the first move.

"watch out!"

"In my name, summon the lion elemental spirit!"

Feng Jiayu yelled softly, and the magic wand in her hand was quickly dotted with countless starlights in the air and gathered together, forming a strange formation.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely ferocious golden lion with extremely sharp eyes came out of the formation, bringing with it gusts of wind.

"Summon the lion elemental spirit?"

Huang Xing quickly backed away, not confronting him head-on, but slowly observing.

He didn't expect that there would be a woman who would practice summoning lion elemental spirits.

Because this is summoning magic, it is more suitable for tall and imposing burly men to cultivate.

But having said that, this Feng Jiayu has an excellent figure, very slender.

And as a woman, her body is relatively soft.

"it is good!"

Huang Chen praised it greatly.

Grabbing the long sword in his hand, he tore through the sky, and a tactful sword flower pierced through it.

The lion roared and roared, majestic and majestic, and bursts of scorching breath rushed towards the face, very realistic.

This is a manifestation of the strength of control, and now Feng Jiayu has used them all.

But at this time, while fighting and grinding, Lu Chen suddenly discovered that this sword technique also has its subtleties.

It seems that the swordsmanship I studied before is still somewhat narrow and one-sided.

If I have the opportunity in the future, I must learn other styles of swordsmanship and make up for some of my shortcomings.

For example, strength is a shortcoming for Huang Xing today.Just being super fast doesn't give you control of the battlefield.

Seeing him being beaten back by the golden lion summoned by Feng Jiayu, he was about to retreat to the edge of the cliff, and Xiang Qian's expression on one side became serious.

He wondered if he wanted to stop this competition.

"Hey, Senior Sister, be careful!"

Huang Xing suddenly let out a low shout, and the sword technique that had been fighting and retreating suddenly changed, from defending from the horizontal bar to a straight stab.

Lu Chen's speed soared in vain, bypassing the golden lion and rushing towards Feng Jiayu.


The sword stabbed out at an extremely strange angle, and Huang Xing's body was also twisted into a strange posture.

His speed was extremely fast, this sword actually pierced through Feng Jiayu's next attack in an instant, forcing Feng Jiayu to switch from attack to defense.

Huang Xing reversed the defeat with one blow and took the initiative.

So in one go, Wu Xiangba's swordsmanship was used without stopping.

This is the collision of the outer body and the elements.

As we all know, the practice level of martial arts moves is divided into three levels from shallow to deep: beginner, proficient, small success, great success, perfection, and transformation.

Huang Xing's Wuxiangba swordsmanship has already reached the perfection state.

Although he did not break through to the realm of transformation, this sword technique has a total of thirteen moves, which he has mastered thoroughly and seamlessly connected.

According to Huang Xing's plan, he would make his main attack more oppressive until he knocked Feng Jiayu's long sword into the air.

Facing the powerful summoning system in the Tuoyue Realm, he can only win by fighting quickly, not giving the opponent a chance to breathe and call elements.

However, Huang Xing thought very well, but he didn't expect at all that Feng Jiayu didn't want to fight back, but a trace of misery suddenly appeared on his face.

She lowered her voice and said, "Lu Xing, go farther away, and I'll tell you about Mu Lin."


Huang Chen's face darkened.

This guy was indeed someone sent by Mullin.

Let yourself hit farther, because you want to avoid Elder Xiang Qian.

If he really listened to her, he would be courting death.


Huang Chen moved faster, forcing Feng Jiayu to change his moves.

Feng Jiayu panted, and said in a rapid voice: "The one who broke your cane just now is called Song Xia.

His fiancée, Ye Penghan, is obsessed with Mu Lin and has great trust in Mu Lin. She often follows Mu Lin to ask for sword skills.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Mu Lin used this to threaten Song Xia, asking him to take advantage of the chaos to kill you during the competition.

If he didn't do this, he would have his Twenty Margins trample Ye Penghan to death.

In fact, in today's situation, you were unexpectedly the first to arrive successfully, there was no confusion at all, Song Xia shouldn't have made a move.

But he still did it, and it was as crazy as suicide.

Because he has no choice!

Huang Xing, like Ye Penghan, my sister was also bewitched by Mu Lin.

I don't want to hurt you, I just want you to help me! "

"Go on! What are the twenty margins?"

Huang Chen's expression was slightly stern.

Hearing the news about Mu Lin, he couldn't help but not care.

And this familiar sinister and vicious taste made him believe what Feng Jiayu said.

But even so, his attack still did not stop.

Firstly, is Feng Jiayu's purpose for saying these things really as pure as she said?

I have to guard against it!

Secondly, if I stopped suddenly, I would look strange and be noticed by those who cared.

Who can be sure that the only people sent by Mu Lin are Feng Jiayu and Song Xia?

So, the fight must go on.

It's just that his movements are consciously slowed down, and his attack power is not as sharp as before.

Feng Jiayu was able to catch her breath, took a few steps back, and said in a low voice: "Twenty Margins are the eighteen kendo fellows gathered by Mu Lin.

I don't know what method he used, but those 18 people are loyal to him and are the most loyal servants.

The 18 people have different strengths. The strongest is the ninth level of the Tuoyue Realm, and the weakest is already the third level of the Tuoyue Realm.

Huang Xing, now that the Purple Mansion is being repaired, Mu Lin will definitely be more eager to kill you.

You must be careful!

Although Mu Lin wants to seek an opportunity to break through the late stage of the Tuoyue Realm, he will not make a move.

But his Twenty Margins will definitely be deployed!

Those people are different from those of us who are coerced.

They are more ruthless, more ruthless, and more omnipotent.

Huang Xing, you must not confront them head-on, you have to avoid them and practice hard until you break through the Tuoyue Realm.

Only then can you kill Mullin.

Once Mu Lin died, his Twenty Margins would naturally collapse, and my sister and the others could also be rescued.

Huang Xing, my talent is limited, I can't do anything, I can only beg you.

When Feng Jiayu spoke to the back, her feet suddenly twitched, and her body threw herself forward.


Caught off guard, Huang Xing pierced Feng Jiayu's shoulder with a sword.

"what are you doing?"

Huang Chen drank softly.

But Feng Jiayu turned his back to the crowd and knelt down on the ground, his eyes were red and his lips were trembling: "I beg you. I must kill Mu Lin!"

Huang Xing's heart shook, and he was moved by this woman.

If she hadn't been desperate, how could she kneel down to someone who was in the middle stage of returning to Yi when she was entrusting the disciples of the inner circle of the moon?

With Mu Lin's current special status, even Elder Xiang Qian couldn't make a move against him.

Feng Jiayu herself was far from Mu Lin, so she could only place her hopes on Huang Xing.

Even if Huang Xing is currently weak, she knelt down to him.

Just to get a hope!

"do not worry."

Huang Xing said in a low voice, then drew out his long sword, and said in a cold voice: "Tuoyue Realm, that's all!"

This is a pretentious gesture for some interested people to see.

After all, Tuoyue Realm is a big realm higher than himself.

If it wasn't for Feng Jiayu deliberately giving way, asking for something, and deliberately falling down, she would not be able to win.

Feng Jiayu stood up clutching her shoulders, angrily scolded: "If I hadn't been unlucky today, how could you hurt me?"


Huang Chen sneered again and again, instead of arguing with her, he turned around and walked to Elder Xiang Qian.

He remembered what Feng Jiayu said, and now all he thinks about is Mu Lin and his Twenty Margins.

Three years have passed, and Mu Lin has actually made such a big move.

I am still recuperating at the outer door, but others are thriving in the inner door.

Although Huang Xing hated this ungrateful bitch, he had to admire him.

He said to Du Yuming before that Mu Lin's biggest advantage is that he is very accurate in seeing people and has a sharp eye. This is not a lie.

Mu Lin is a genius who "talks to people and talks to ghosts"!

He has a thousand faces and knows which face to put on in front of whom.

In the face of innocent people, Mu Lin will show a pure and gentle face, which makes people trust.

In the face of timid people, he will become extremely ruthless, using thunderous means to force the opponent to submit, and he dare not make any resistance.

Facing people who are concerned about Feng Jiayu and Song Xia, he will coerce them like puppets.

A person who can use different strategies to everyone around him, who dares to say that he is not a genius?

His eyesight is so vicious that he can almost read people's hearts.

If Huang Xing hadn't suffered such a loss, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to see through Mu Lin's true face.

"Feng Jiayu said that Mu Lin was looking for an opportunity in the late stage of Tuoyue, but he didn't expect him to have come this far!

If he breaks through again and becomes a core disciple, then the gap between me and him will be even greater.

I must quickly find a way to break through, and become an inner disciple first, so that I can have more resources and opportunities to become stronger! "

Huang Xing shook his fist slightly.

The excitement of the restoration of the Zifu has calmed down, and Feng Jiayu's words put a lot of pressure on him, forcing him to continue to forge ahead without stopping for a second.

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