Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1843 Awarded Chapter Yuan Pharmacy

"Little guy, congratulations on winning the first place in this trial. You have performed very well." Elder Xiang Qian walked over, readying the No.1 reward in his hand.

"This is your reward."

Both of them had a gift box in their hands at the same time, and when they opened it, it turned out to be Yuan Hui Potion.

The two were overjoyed.

"Thank you elder."

A bottle of regenerating potion is something Lu Chen has always dreamed of. Although it was transformed by Zhen Gujue, Lu Chen has the ability to absorb the elements of heaven and earth just by relying on his body.

But if he can own the Zifu, Zhen Gujue will be able to play to the maximum, and Lu Chen will become stronger as a result.

"Well, what is this?"

Lu Chen suddenly felt that the palm of the wooden medicine box he was holding was warm, and it was still getting warmer, so he couldn't help turning his hands to look.

At some point, a stone in the shape of a half moon appeared in Lu Chen's hand.

Intuition told Lu Chen that this small thing is not simple, it is not extraordinary.

"Is it the treasure that Elder Xiang Qian secretly bestowed on me? But I don't have much contact with him." Lu Chen wanted to find something on Xiang Qian's face, but he didn't find anything unusual.

With complicated thoughts, Lu Chen quietly put this thing in the Five Elements Ring without much thought.

Don't want it for nothing, although I don't know what it is, but if it is a treasure, wouldn't it be beautiful.

"In this trial, Chase Lu won No.1."

A voice penetrated almost half of the Twilight Forest, and each of the participating students could hear it clearly.

"Haha not bad!"

At the outer gate of Yanyue Academy, Elder Wei Tian clapped his hands and laughed.

He was really amazed.

Originally, he planned to give Huang Chen a potion of recovery, as a way of showing respect to the little guy, and to give the little guy a chance to accept his affection.

Who knows that before they have time to give it, they have already obtained it by their own ability.

It seems that my good intentions should be put away as soon as possible.

I didn't expect that at my age, there would still be times when I couldn't meddle in my own affairs.

This kid is too unexpected!

Elder Wei Tian looked at Neizong Mountain in the distance, his eyes were full of appreciation.

The disciple Yuan Yaqing behind him had a complicated expression.

Yuan Yaqing always thought that Huang Xing's last fight was just to die decently and draw a relatively satisfactory end to life.

But I didn't expect that people didn't think about death at all.

The reason why he worked so hard to win the first place was actually in exchange for the Yuan Yuan Potion.

This guy, is it possible that he really wants to restore the Purple Mansion?

Do not make jokes!

If the Purple Mansion was damaged in the first place, you, Huang Xing, would have taken the Yuan Hui Potion to save your life, and there might be a [-]% chance.

No matter how strong the talent is, it is impossible to restore the Zifu at this time.

The [-]% chance is only [-]%, or even less than [-]%.

Why do you think you can recover, God have mercy on you?

Yuan Yaqing shook her head silently, thinking that Huang Xing was dying.

This young man is good at everything, but he is a little too naive.

"Lu Xing, after you take the Yuanhui Potion, you will completely give up.

In this world, sometimes hard work doesn't pay off.

Even if you give everything, nothing will change in the end.

Desperately working hard, thinking that you can move the heavens?

It's a pity that you can't move anyone except yourself.

As a small person, we are persevering after suffering and suffering. Can we really become strong if we practice [-] in winter and [-] volts in summer?

Hehe, in fact, no matter how hard we try, even if we try our best, it is still not as good as a real strong man.

this is the truth!

Accept your fate, Huang Chen! "

Yuan Yaqing's heart was extremely agitated, and all kinds of emotions surged up.

Because she saw Huang Xing's persistence, as if she saw her former self.

Back then, their Yuan family was destroyed, and they were left to live alone.

In order to get revenge, he practiced crazily, but unfortunately he couldn't kill even the humblest servant among the enemies.

She, Yuan Yaqing, still remembers that kind of despair, and she will never forget it for the rest of her life!

Originally, she thought that she would never have any hope of revenge, but who knows, she ran into Elder Wei Tian by chance.

At that time, Elder Wei Tian came out to carry out the mission on behalf of Yanyue Academy, and Yuan Yaqing's enemy happened to be involved, and was wiped out by Elder Wei Tian by the way.

From then on, Yuan Yaqing understood a truth.

An ordinary weak person, no matter how hard he tries, he will not be the opponent of the strong.

If the weak want to defeat the strong, they must seek help from the stronger!

In her eyes, Elder Wei Tian is the stronger one.

So, she took this opportunity to catch up with the injured Elder Wei Tian and took good care of him.

At only 16 years old, she even wanted to sacrifice herself to Elder Wei Tian.

Fortunately, Elder Wei Tian did not accept it, but saw her potential, accepted her as a disciple, and took care of her like a father.

With the teaching of Elder Wei Tian, ​​Yuan Yaqing's cultivation has improved rapidly.

She was even more convinced that she was right.

If it wasn't for Elder Wei Tian, ​​a stronger person, to support him, how could he become so strong.

Stronger than the enemy back then!

So what's the point of working alone and silently?

With this in mind, wouldn't it be better to curry favor with someone who is stronger, and use this to gain a higher position?

The more Yuan Yaqing looked at Huang Xing, the more she thought of her past self, the more she felt that Huang Chen was pitiful and innocent.

At the beginning, at least I still had talent, but at this time, Lu Chen's purple mansion was damaged, and he didn't even have the qualifications to be trained.

What's the point of his life?

Should have committed suicide long ago!

"Poor boy, when you fail after taking the potion of recovery, you will know that the reality is terrible.

In fact, Master said, if Elder Yun Xin is here, you can still get his training, and it will not be surprising to restore the Purple Mansion.

It's a pity that your fate is too bad, and it happened that Elder Jian was not there. "

Yuan Yaqing felt sorry for Huang Chen.

Although I didn't know Huang Xing before today, but looking at him, it seemed as if I was saying goodbye to my past self.

This feeling made her feel a little closer to Huang Xing, but also a little more distant.

It's like a mirror image.

Standing outside, Huang Xing lived inside, living in false hopes.

Poor man, why bother dying?

Yuan Yaqing's heart was not at peace, and many people in Twilight Forest were not at peace.

"So fast, how is it possible?"

Xu Ruoyang exclaimed, feeling extremely lost.

Originally, I was full of interest to pretend to kill Huang Xing by mistake, but who knew that Huang Xing had already completed the journey ahead of schedule.

Standing here by myself looks like a fool.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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"Damn it, forget it, I'll deal with him later when I have a chance.

Anyway, his purple mansion was damaged, and there were no waves.I really thought that the potion of Huiyuan could restore the Purple Mansion, it's a whimsical idea! "

Xu Ruoyang sneered.

In fact, I didn't lose money, and I even got a burning lamp from Elder Tian An.

In order to prevent Elder Tian An from taking it back later, I might as well use a big bow to deal with monsters next, haha.

He suddenly became complacent again, proud of his ingenuity.

On this side, Ma Ruoxi and Gao Xue walked together.

Gao Xue exclaimed excitedly: "Sister Xi, Huang Xing actually won the first place, so fast.

Sister Xi, you can't keep silent now, go and confess your love. "

Ma Ruobei blushed slightly, but he was not overly excited, but pondered for a while, and said, "Wait a little longer. It won't be too late for me to confess my love after the Zi Mansion is restored."


Gao Xue shook her head, did not continue to speak, but followed Ma Ruoxi to continue walking through the forest.

In any case, the big competition is not over yet.

Huang Xing only took the first place, and everyone still has a fight for the next places, so we can't slack off.

"Hahahaha, Brother Chen, I knew we could do it!"

Wang Kaiding slammed his iron fist on a big tree.

He laughed excitedly, feeling extremely comfortable in his heart.

But having said that, the number one, it's really surprising that they can get the number one.

Although I have great confidence in Brother Chen, I never thought that I would win the first place.

It seems that Brother Chen is even more genius than he imagined!


Follow Brother Chen and have meat to eat.

With Brother Chen's abilities, he must be able to restore the Purple Mansion.

"It must be successful!"

Wang Kaiding punched the sky hard, and secretly cheered for Huang Xing.

There is no reason for such an excellent person to be so unlucky all the time.

Mullin is not a thing, isn't God a thing?

Brother Chen's fate, it's time for Jitai to come!

Wang Kaiding's chest was puffed up, and he believed so firmly.

He ran wildly, wanting to share the joy with Huang Xing.

Yanyue Academy, beside the Twilight Forest, on Neizong Mountain.

With his right hand, Huang Xing tightly held the Huiyuan Potion.

This crystal clear potion is simply tempting me to swallow it up!


Huang Xing suddenly realized something was wrong.

This medicine is clear and translucent, without a trace of turbidity, and it seems that the refining is not medium, but

High-grade recovery potion!

"How come?" He murmured in a low voice, unable to believe it.

As we all know, medicines are divided into low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade and special-grade.

The medicines that are generally rewarded are all medium-level.

Because the low-grade potions appear to be too low-level, while the high-grade ones are too good, and the middle-grade ones are just right.

But now, Elder Xiang Qian actually gave him a high-quality recovery potion.

You must know that the value of a bottle of high-grade recovery medicine is equivalent to five bottles of medium recovery medicine, and there is no market for it.

The reason is that the higher the level of medicine, the stronger the effect after taking it.

In terms of recovery medicine.

Ordinary people's purple mansion is damaged, and the medium recovery medicine has a [-]% chance of repairing the purple mansion.

There is a [-]% chance for the first-class recovery potion.

Special grade is [-]%.

But there are too few special-grade medicines, and special-grade restoration medicines are even rarer, and almost no one has seen them.

For Huang Xing, with his small-scale control ability, even a medium recovery potion is [-]% sure to restore the Zifu.

Now the potion in his hand is a high-grade recovery potion.

The probability rose from [-]% to [-]% in an instant, and even approached [-]% in a straight line.

"To the elder!"

Huang Xing looked at Xiang Qian gratefully.

Xiang Qian smiled slightly and said, "Take it, take it quickly, I hope you succeed."

"Thank you!"

Huang Xing nodded heavily.

He didn't like to promise anything to others, but he had already made a vow in his heart.

Today's favor will be repaid a hundredfold in the future!

After calming down slightly, Huang Xing sat down cross-legged.

With Elder Xiangqian here at this moment, I don't have to worry about some young people coming to harm me, and I just took the potion to quickly restore the Zifu.

Also avoid long nights and dreams.

The so-called things should not be too late, late will change!

"Elder Ge, please excuse me."

Huang Xing sat down firmly, and did not forget to bow his head to Elder Xiang Qian, and bowed in gratitude.

Xiang Qian nodded slightly to reassure Huang Xing.

Huang Xing's heart immediately cheered up, and he put the high-grade recovery potion in his mouth.

The medicine melted in his mouth, and turned cold in an instant, slipping down Huang Xing's throat and entering his stomach.


A warm breath swayed from his stomach, Huang Xing's body shook violently, and a soaring force seemed to burst through his forehead.

He was taken aback, quickly gathered his mind, and quickly withdrew this force.

This power is the power to restore the Zifu.

Once I am a little careless, these powers will dissipate and let myself fail.

Lu Chen, who had practiced once, knew this well. He immediately held his breath and sank his whole body and mind into the Purple Mansion.

If Xiang Qian could check Huang Xing's state of mind, he would be shocked to find that Huang Xing had stepped into the second level of mental power.For Lu Chen, this is just a restart, starting a new practice, the difference is just the rules, the internal force of the lower realm, the immortal power, and in this realm, what the practitioner needs is the element.

The first level of mental power is something that normal Guiyi Realm element controllers can do, and it is called inner vision.

It is to use mental power to perceive the meridians and acupoints inside the body, so as to absorb elements in a planned way and improve the cultivation level.

The second level is called internal contact.

This level is not only able to see the inside of the body, but also can use the tentacles of mental power to touch the Zifu and meridians.

Under normal circumstances, many powerhouses at the Moon-Touching Realm are unable to reach the Realm of Inner Touch.The reason is that they cannot practice from outside the body like Chase Lu

Huang Xing was able to do this, really thanks to the precipitation in the lower realm, and the last battle.

Whether it's cultivating swordsmanship or the subtle essence of Pingyi's swordsmanship, they are all ways to cultivate the heart.

He is also a blessing in disguise!

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