Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1842 Trial Begins

There is a small town at the foot of Twilight Forest, named Iron Bull Town. The town is not prosperous, but it has everything you need.

Here is the Twilight Forest, how many people want to get the treasure in it, although most of them return empty-handed, or even die here, but there are still countless people rushing forward like moths to a flame.

Whether you come here to hunt for treasures or come here to pay tribute, you must pass through Tieniu Town.

Although Tieniu Town is small, it is full of people of all kinds.

The college has explained before that no troubles are allowed in Tieniu Town, otherwise they will be disqualified from the trial and expelled from the college.

It can be seen from this that Yanyue Academy is also afraid of this small Tieniu Town.

In Tieniu Town, Chase Lu separated from more than 40 team members and sneaked into the Twilight Forest with Wang Kaiding.

In Tieniu Town, Chase Lu separated from more than 40 team members and sneaked into the Twilight Forest with Wang Kaiding.

Depart early and arrive early.

There are also people who stay behind and let those who set off early clear the obstacles, and they follow behind and enjoy the rewards.

This kind of idea is very good. Chase Lu thought that the person who hit his attention was taken down at the corner, and he was severely injured and lost the qualification for the trial.

There are hundreds of thousands of mountains in the eastern region, and the twilight forest is located in the deepest part, stretching for thousands of miles.

"Brother Lu, why do I feel that you are very familiar with this twilight forest." Wang Kaiding cut off the tail of a copper-tailed lion and put it away.

Lu Chen smiled: "I have been here before, and I am familiar with the surrounding environment."

Wang Kaiding was shocked. What is this Twilight Forest? It is a forbidden area in the eastern region. Countless strong people die in it every year. Most people don't have the guts to enter it.

"It's really a bold person with high skills." Wang Kai admired Lu Chen from the bottom of his heart.

Lu Chen suddenly said seriously: "A little further, even I have never been in, we have to be careful."

The Forest of Twilight is not only dangerous in terrain, but also infested by ferocious beasts.

Most of the people who entered the Twilight Forest died under the claws of fierce beasts.

Chase Lu is quite familiar with the surrounding environment, and Chase Lu often went in and out before.

But the deeper he went, Lu Chen had to be careful.


The two were just about to leave when they heard a high-pitched scream.

"It sounds like a woman. It shouldn't be far away. It's just ahead. Shall we go and have a look?" Wang Kaiding looked at Lu Chen and asked Lu Chen to make up his mind.

"Go and have a look."

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen exerted force on his feet and rushed out with a stride.

"Wait for me." Wang Kaiding followed.

"Don't come here, don't come here."

"Gao Xue, go away, leave me alone, I will be fine, at worst, I will withdraw from the trial."

I saw a huge three-headed leopard approaching the two women step by step.

One of the women fell to the ground, her face was pale, as if injured.

And another woman held a dagger in both hands and yelled at the three-headed leopard, trying to scare it away in this way.

The three-headed leopard is a kind of powerful beast in the twilight forest. It is of medium size, and it is as tall as an adult when it stands on all fours.

The three huge heads had big bloody mouths, each with sharp fangs, each about the size of an adult's arm, and the appearance alone was enough to scare people.

Generally, an adult three-headed leopard has the strength to support the moon, but the one in front of him can be seen as an adult just by its size.

The three leopards seemed to be enjoying the struggle of their prey, and they didn't rush to fight immediately, but approached step by step, their eyes radiant with sarcasm full of mischief.

"Go away." The woman shouted coquettishly, stabbing out the sharp blade in her hand.

She was so nervous that she simply forgot the moves, and all the things she learned before could not be used at this moment.

Such an attack was too childish for the three-headed leopard. It just turned its head slightly and dodged it, knocking Gao Xue's sword away with a light bump.

Such a shot made the three-headed leopard feel no interest at all. It felt that the human beings in front of it were too weak, and it even lost the mood to play with it.

"Gulu, Gulu." The Three-Headed Leopard made a Gulu sound from its throat, like a Western prayer before a meal, and then bit down with a bloody mouth.


"Come on."


At this moment, a figure flashed by, and a sword struck the neck of the three-headed leopard.

It was so powerful that it even knocked the three-headed leopard to the ground.


The three-headed leopard stood up and let out an angry beast roar. It was particularly angry, staring at the human in front of it fiercely. It never expected that it would be overturned to the ground by a weak human.

It was Lu Chen who came, and he held a big black sword in his hand. The blade shook slightly, and some rust fell off.


Lu Chen gave a low snort, exuding an astonishing killing intent from his body.

This is the killing intent he honed in the twilight forest, just like the essence.

At first, the three-headed leopard was a little dissatisfied when he was overturned by Lu Chen, but after seeing Lu Chen's breathtaking aura, his heart beat a little.

The roar gradually weakened, and its intuition told it that the human in front of it was not easy to mess with.

Immediately, it retreated cautiously, and after reaching a certain distance, it fled in a hurry.

"Huh!" Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, even Lu Chen himself was not sure about defeating the three-headed leopard. He just gambled just now, but he didn't expect to bet right.

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Otherwise, it will be a hard fight.

"Are you all right?" Lu Chen asked.

"Thank you Mr. Lu for saving me." The two women cupped their hands in thanks.

"If the young master hadn't rescued me just now, I'm afraid I would have been eliminated. The young master may not know me. My name is Ma Ruopie, hiss!" Cold sweat dripped from her forehead.

"Are you injured?" Lu Chen asked.

Gao Xue said: "Yes, Lu Chen, when we were fighting with the three-headed leopard just now, sister Pei accidentally injured her leg because of saving me, can you help her take a look?"


Lu Chen nodded, stepped forward and lifted Ma Ruoxi's long legs and took off his shoes and socks:

Under normal circumstances, where would Ma Ruoxi let Lu Chen touch her feet? She wanted to break free, but when she saw Lu Chen's serious face, she let go of the grudges in her heart and lowered her blushing.

"It's nothing serious, it's just misplaced, bear with it." Lu Chen returned her leg to its original position with a "click".

Ma Ruopei gritted her teeth tightly and didn't let herself make a sound. For some reason, she didn't want to lose her composure in front of Lu Chen.

"Okay, I'll give you some more medicine. You can walk around normally after you rest here for a while."

"Thank you, son." Ma Ruobei lowered her head shyly. The usually cheerful and righteous woman turned into this shy look at this moment, and she didn't even notice it.

"Lu Chen, you hide so deeply. I heard them say that your purple mansion is broken and you can't practice. I didn't expect that you are not only powerful, but also proficient in medical skills. Even the three-headed leopard was scared away by you. I see them. You are blind." Gao Xue said playfully.

"The rumors from the outside world are correct. I really can't practice. As for medical skills, I only know a little bit." Lu Chen said humbly.

"Ah, you can't practice? Then why are you so powerful!" Gao Xue was surprised.

It is true that Lu Chen is different from other people. Without the purple mansion, he cannot accommodate the elements of heaven and earth, but after Zhen Gujue's transformation, Chen Lu can directly absorb the elements of heaven and earth with his body, thus making his body stronger.

"Brother Lu, you didn't wait for me. I heard the voice of the beast just now. Where is the beast? Where did it go?"

At this time, Wang Kaiding had already arrived, and his speed was definitely not comparable to that of Lu Chen. In order to catch up with Lu Chen, he even used all his strength.

"Already scared away by Lu Chen." Gao Xue replied first.

"Okay, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, we're leaving too, the two girls should be more careful." After finishing speaking, Lu Chen pulled Wang Kai and ran forward.

At noon, the sun was shining brightly, and the scorching sun in the twilight forest dazzled people.

At this moment, a breaking wind came.

"Be careful."

Lu Chen turned pale with fright, and dodged again and again, avoiding the breaking wind sound dangerously.

It was a sharp arrow, which shot through the corner of Lu Chen's clothes and hit the tree behind Lu Chen.

"Brother Lu, are you okay?" Wang Kaiding asked, looking around vigilantly.

The corner of Lu Chen's clothes was shot with a small hole by the sound of the breaking wind. If Lu Chen slowed down a little, it would not be as simple as a hole in the corner of his clothes.

"Grass! Almost."

The man in the bush put away the longbow in his hand and retreated quickly.

If he misses a hit, he must retreat, otherwise there will be big problems, this is his consistent principle.

"Who, get out of here." Wang Kaiding shouted loudly, and was about to rush forward with his sword in hand.

"He ran away. I'm fine. Don't chase him." Lu Chen stopped Wang Kaiding and said, "The most urgent thing now is to enter the inner courtyard. Since someone wants to kill me, let him come. I, Lu Chen, have never been afraid."

"Who could it be? Brother Lu is a low-key person, he hasn't offended anyone, right?"

"Who else?" Lu Chen smiled mysteriously.

Wang Kaiding widened his eyes and said, "Could it be Mu Lin! Damn it, I knew that kid was a small-minded person, and he dared to murder his fellow disciples. This time, I have to report him."

"No, that man is not Mullin."

After being attacked, Lu Chen immediately let go of his consciousness.

The man carried a big bow behind his back, and Lu Chen didn't see his face clearly.

"Not Mullin, who would it be?"

"Even if it's not him, I'm afraid it will be difficult to establish a relationship with him. Don't worry, he will come to deal with me again if he fails once. He won't be so lucky next time."

After being attacked this time, Chase Lu became more cautious, and used his divine sense all the time to guard against villains.

Finally, the two stumbled into the inner sect from the outside.

"Are we here?"

Sitting back to back on the ground, panting heavily.

They were all very tired, especially Lu Chen. Not only did they have to guard against the attack of fierce beasts along the way, but they also had to worry about plotting by evil people, which was not easy.

"Congratulations on completing the first trial, you are the first team to arrive here."

At this time, a woman walked up and congratulated with a smile.

"First? You said we were the first team to arrive here? Did I hear correctly?" Wang Kaiding couldn't believe his ears.

"Yes, you heard it right, no one has reached the trial before you."

After reconfirming, Wang Kaiding let out a pig-like howl, very excited.

The previous exhaustion was swept away, and I wish I could raise my glass to celebrate now.

Not long after Wang Kaiding was excited, he suddenly remembered an important thing: "I heard that Mu Lin also participated, why didn't I see him."

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