
Chapter 998 I'm scared when I fight!

Yuechen and Da Zizai Tianmo met their opponents in chess, and they fought inextricably, using all kinds of methods.

However, Yue Chen, who was transformed by the Da Zi Zai Heavenly Demon, possessed all his means, and beat Yue Chen in unspeakable pain.

"As expected of the Dazizai Heavenly Demon, this method..."

Looking at this scene, Niu Kui gasped, and murmured: "No wonder it is called the most difficult Golden Immortal Tribulation, it's really terrible."

Beside him, Kong Yu also had a dignified expression, and said in a deep voice, "The most difficult part of this Great Freedom Heavenly Demon Tribulation is to fight against yourself."

"However, if it passes, Xuan Xiao will definitely soar into the sky, and there will be no shortcomings after that!"

Jin Ling, who had always been taciturn, suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, Kong Yu and others were silent for a while.

Indeed, if he could defeat the Great Freedom Heavenly Demon, it would be equivalent to defeating himself, and Xuan Xiao at that time would no longer have any weaknesses.

"This kid is very vigorous!"

After figuring it out, Kong Yu swallowed, thinking to himself that when the two fought before, fortunately Yuechen didn't attack with all his strength, otherwise there would be no room for him to stand up.

At this time, Yuechen, while struggling to find the flaws of the Great Zizai Heavenly Demon, thought proudly: "Hey, I'm really too strong, I'm afraid to fight myself!"

As Jin Ling said, he already understood the role of the Great Freedom Heavenly Demon at this time, instead of rushing to kill it, he was looking for its weaknesses, and based on these weaknesses, he strengthened his skills.

For a long time, whether he created the Chaos Heavenly Scripture or the follow-up Shenxiao Leifa, he created it himself, and he did not ask an expert for advice.

And today is the best time to test your skills!

This Great Freedom Heavenly Demon Tribulation is not only a test of the way of heaven, but also an opportunity?

Once through, Yuechen's cultivation will inevitably go further, directly reaching the peak of Daluo Jinxian, and his skills can be greatly improved.

"He's really a good guy!"

Yuechen sighed, and greeted him with a punch.

As time went on, he shot faster and faster and took fewer and fewer beatings.

Because his mana brought some of the power of heaven in this world, the two of them shot at the same time, and the pressure of heaven permeated the entire Yujiao Mountain, oppressing everyone almost breathless.

It was okay for Ao Lin and other outsiders to come, and they didn't feel much coercion.

The monks in the Qingwei Great World only felt that it was difficult to breathe, and it was difficult to gather their mana, so they had to retreat one after another, away from Yujiao Mountain.

Taoist Hexuan gritted his teeth and waved his sleeves to signal everyone to retreat temporarily.

As for himself, he still stood there, gritted his teeth and persisted.

He is a majestic Taoist and strong man, and he will not retreat easily!



The deafening roar was endless, and the world was filled with terrifying coercion.

"This guy……"

Niu Kui stared at Yuechen with wide eyes. Although he had expected it, he still felt a little unbelievable.

"How did he do it?"

"If this continues, I'm afraid it will really make him easily survive this calamity!"

He muttered in surprise.

"What's the matter, the emperor is already used to it."

Kong Yu let out a breath, and returned to his arrogant and narcissistic appearance.

"..." Niu Kui was speechless.

He was convinced, this guy is still the same as before, shameless.

On the other side, Yuechen was covered in blood.

However, without hesitation, he continued to attack the Great Zizai Heavenly Demon, as if he would never tire, each move was more brutal than the last.

Finally, at a certain moment, Yuechen laughed and roared, "He is free!"

After the words fell, he shook his body, and his whole body changed drastically.

"Eat my grandson!"

A dexterous hozen appeared out of the blue with a golden cudgel in his hand, and hit Da Zizai Tianmo with one stick!


This stick hit Da Zizai Tianmo's chest so hard that he was knocked back hundreds of feet!


Da Zi Zai Heavenly Demon screamed wildly, shook his arms, and immediately tore the surrounding void to pieces, and then suddenly shook his body!

"Eat my grandson!"

The same shout sounded, and the Dazizi Tianmo turned into a hozen with golden eyes, and smashed towards Yuechen with a golden cudgel in his hand!


There was the sound of sticks clashing, the void was smashed to pieces, and countless fires, waters and winds emerged, constantly forming and dying under the two people's feet.

Niu Kui and the others were dumbfounded and dumbfounded, they couldn't believe their eyes.

These two guys turned into monkey grandsons!

"This guy, when did he learn how to transform himself? Why have you never seen him use it?"

Niu Kui asked the crowd suspiciously.

Kong Yu and the others looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Could it be that his understanding is extremely high, and he just learned it from this big free demon?"

Kong Yu asked curiously.

Niu Kui's mouth twitched, and he said speechlessly: "Do you think you are so eager to learn? If the ordinary demon is fine, I'm afraid that it is the demon king who came here!"


Kong Yu spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm at him, and said bitterly, "You crow's mouth!"

Ao Lin also turned her head suddenly, looking at Niu Kui with unkind eyes.

At the same time, in a gray bubble, the monkey who was fighting a huge demon ape suddenly backed away and looked around in surprise.

"Who sensed my grandson? How courageous!"

Sun Houzi frowned, and suddenly his eyes showed a fierce look, wanting to find out what happened.

But I didn't want to, but the huge demon ape quit.

It waved its huge palm, and covered it with the grandson monkey.

"If you want to escape after provoking me, there is no way! Let me die!"


When the action was blocked, Sun Houzi scratched his head and scratched his head angrily, and smashed it with a golden cudgel.

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