
Chapter 997

However, under the strong attack of Yuechen and Jinding, the God of Ten Thousand Tribulations, the robbery cloud still existed firmly and did not disappear.


Suddenly, on the sky, a fine gap was quietly torn open, and a ray of clear light fell down and landed on the Jieyun.

In an instant, the already precarious Jieyun stabilized and returned to its original appearance again, and even the color was a little thicker.

Yuechen frowned, and couldn't help yelling: "Damn! What kind of shit is this, you're playing foolishly with me?!"


Hearing his words, the monks of the Hehuan Sect could not help but burst out laughing.

Especially Taoist Hexuan, who laughed most freely.

"Hahaha, kid Yuechen, just accept your fate!"

"Hmph, you thought this was Dazhou, and Tiandao was your father? How dare you destroy the layout of Tiandao, you are dreaming!"


At this time, they finally had some balance in their hearts.

On the other side, Ao Lin and the others involuntarily twitched the corners of their mouths, black lines all over their heads.

Although the situation is not optimistic, they really want to say, the more you scold, the more angry Heaven will be?



In the sky, the Jieyun suddenly changed, and a palpitating aura suddenly came out of the Jieyun, and a tall and stalwart giant body slowly condensed.

His whole body was shrouded in hazy mist, and his appearance could not be seen clearly, but his figure was somewhat familiar.

Suddenly, he raised his right hand, grabbed the thunder light in the sky, rubbed it a few times in his hand, and it suddenly turned into the golden cauldron of the God of Myriad Tribulations.

Afterwards, the smog on the figure's face dissipated, and it was exactly the same as Yue Chen's face!

"I fuck..."

Yue Chen seldom swears, but today he couldn't help it, and broke out one after another.

"What the hell is this! It looks the same as Lao Tzu!"

His eyes widened, looking at the stalwart figure floating in the center of Jieyun, his eyeballs almost popped out.

God knows, is it crazy?

"This, this is the Dazizai Heavenly Demon Tribulation!"

In the crowd, Niu Kui's throat rolled and he roared loudly.

He was afraid that Yue Chen would not know the origin of this calamity and underestimate the enemy, so he hastily sounded a reminder.

"Da Zizai Heavenly Demon Tribulation? What kind of calamity is this?"

Kong Yu and the others didn't know why, but seeing Niu Kui's appearance, they all felt that the fate was not simple, so they couldn't help asking.

Niu Kui suddenly untied the Qingping sword from his back, held it in his hand, and then explained: "When I listened to the master's lecture before, I heard about this Da Zi Zai Heavenly Demon Tribulation. He can transform the calamity that comes down from his hands freely, and can transform all living things in the world, killing terror."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, such a calamity is too terrible.

This is not just a test of the realm of strength, more importantly, this calamity can transform any kind of creature in the world, whether it is a human or a demon, or a god or a fairy, all of them can be transformed.

"Isn't Xuan Xiao very dangerous?"

Ao Lin became anxious immediately, and hurriedly asked.

Niu Kui shook his head, sighed, and said, "As far as I know, except for some Daoist priests, almost no one has succeeded."

Ao Lin's heart skipped a beat, her heart turned cold for an instant, and her face was instantly pale.

Dao Zun, what kind of existence is that!

Xuan Xiao only has the realm of Daluo Jinxian, how can he be compared with Dao Zun, is this calamity really too much to pass?

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, until she bit her lips and did not know that the blood was coming from it.


After all, Ao Qianmiao is a disciple of a sage, and she has more knowledge, so she hurriedly held Ao Lin's hand, and comforted her: "Mother, this Great Freedom Tribulation of the Heavenly Devil also varies from person to person. Dad is going through the Tribulation of the Golden Immortal at this time. The highest one that can be transformed can only be the peak of Jinxian, and it is impossible to transform into a Daojun."

Her words made Ao Lin calm down a little.

Indeed, if only the Dazizai Heavenly Demon at the peak of Jinxian, with the power of Xuanxiao, he would definitely be able to get through it!

Seeing her mother relieved, Ao Qianmiao turned her head, her eyes passed through layers of dark clouds, and fell on the figure exactly like Yuechen.

Da Zi Zai Heavenly Demon is full of tricks, I hope there will be no accidents.


Just when everyone was worried, a roar suddenly roared out from the mouth of the figure, and the world changed color in an instant!


Dazizai Tianmo waved the Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulation God formed by the condensed thunder in his hand, and smashed it down with destructive power!

"Good come!"

Yue Chen also roared, and went up to meet him.

He heard Niu Kui's message, and now he understood that this is the Great Zizai Heavenly Demon Tribulation, and its greatest ability is to transform him into Zizai!

Others may find it scary, but he is not.

Because, this thing, he can also!


There was a bang, and the sky fell apart.

The two big tripods collided fiercely in mid-air, making a loud noise.

A group of dazzling and dazzling thunder suddenly bloomed, and then rapidly expanded and spread, dyeing the entire sky in silvery white.

At the same time, the Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulation God in Yuechen's hand erupted with extreme divine power, nine colors of light bloomed, the body of the cauldron suddenly increased, and clusters of myriad calamity energy rushed out of the cauldron, rushing towards the Great Zizai Heavenly Demon.

Seeing this, the Dazizai Heavenly Demon took it easy, stretched out his left hand, and suddenly pointed at the Golden Cauldron, the God of Myriad Tribulations that he had transformed into!

Seeing that, the transformed cauldron also grew in size suddenly, bursting with nine-colored light, and rushed out of the cauldron's mouth to charge towards Yuechen.

"I bother!"

Yuechen's expression was suffocated, he spat fiercely, and cursed: "I don't believe it anymore, you really can melt anything!"

The next moment, he waved his hands repeatedly, the divine light of the five elements, the divine light of yin and yang, and the divine light of chaos burst out one after another, and swiped towards Da Zi Zai Tianmo dazzledly!

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