
Chapter 990

Asked by everyone about Daoist Zhengqing, Calabash Baby was silent for a moment, and then said: "It's still a little bit close, but the injury has stabilized."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, they had no time to pay attention to Daoist Zhengqing.

After all, they have more important things to deal with now.

The Battle of Shengjiang went on for a few days, but the monks on both sides did not fight each other. Just relying on a scroll of Zhuxian formation map, all the monks in the Hehuanzong camp were wiped out.

Except for the casual monks who were about to escape, all the monks who came to seek refuge were killed.

Of course, there were also a few shrewd monks who followed Shen Gongbao in the Jade Immortal Sword Formation and were brought out together by him.

Not long after Taoist Hexuan returned to the camp, he waited for Shen Gongbao and the others.

However, they were overwhelmed by the power of the Master Tongtian, and they did not dare to stay where they were.

After some discussion, Taoist Hexuan gave an order, and the army immediately broke out and retreated in panic.

With this retreat, he withdrew thousands of miles away.

After all, they are too close, and they are afraid.

However, they still sent scouts to monitor the battle in Shengjiang.

At the same time, it was not only Hehuanzong who paid attention to this battle, but also many major forces that had not shown up, as well as the other two Daoist priests.

Not to mention what the major forces are thinking, but to say that the two Taoist priests who have not made a move are very entangled in their hearts at this time.

Since they hoped that Daoist Fukui and Heguang Daoist would join forces to defeat Tongtian Sect Master, it would be best to kill his incarnation and take away his Qingping Sword and Zhuxian Formation.

But at the same time, they were afraid that if they killed the leader of the Tongtian Church, they would provoke two other people who were not easy to mess with, and they would just finish playing with their innocence in the big world.

After all, the situation is stronger than people, and not everyone has the determination to fight the Great Desolate World.

Therefore, when Master Tongtian received the Zhuxian Formation and the three Taoist priests went to Dazhou hand in hand, the purple air was floating all the way, and the people in the world were buzzing, the two Taoist priests breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Since you can't be an enemy, then make a good relationship. One more ally is better than one more enemy.

It's just that I'm going to feel wronged and honor fellow Daoists.

The two Taoist priests looked at each other across the endless void, and the meaning revealed in their eyes was surprisingly the same.


On the other side, after learning that He Guang Dao Zun was defeated, even Fu Kui Dao Zun went to rescue him, but also ended in repeated defeats, Empress Yu Mei was so frightened that her face turned pale.

Inside the Hehuan Sect, the Headmaster Hall.

The charming and charming Empress Yumei, who has always been sure of winning, is now pale, her delicate body trembling, and she is restless in the hall.

And many elders and disciples in the hall were already in a mess, and they were all panicked.

" could..."

Empress Yumei murmured, seemingly a little unbelievable.

She was sure that He Guang Dao Zun was her biggest hole card, as long as he made a move, Da Zhou would be able to catch it.

Therefore, she has always been full of confidence, even if Da Zhou conquered the wild land, she never took it to heart.

But now?

The other party was actually backed by the Daoist Good Fortune, and he was the most murderous Saint Tongtian.

This time, Empress Yumei was completely flustered.

She had never imagined this situation, and she didn't know how to deal with it, let alone how to fight back.

However, she was indeed extremely intelligent, and after a while, she calmed down.

"Judging from the past calamities, Dao Zun didn't make a move easily, and only watched on the jade. Perhaps, this is my chance for the Acacia Sect."

She thought about it for a long time, and finally made up her mind.

"Decree! All the disciples of the sect will fight, and the outcome will be in this battle!"

Her eyes flickered with coldness, and her tone was serious.

"Yes! Follow your mother's order!"

The relatives and disciples in the hall immediately got up and took orders.

Elder Yujiao frowned, and said worriedly: "Mother, my sect disciples are panicking right now, and their morale has been greatly reduced. Will going to battle at this time be counterproductive?"

At this time, she didn't deliberately contradict Empress Yumei, but was really worried.

"It's okay!"

Empress Yumei caressed her jade arm with her fingertips covered in red cream, her face regained her usual calmness.

"The timing is just right, and Da Zhou didn't expect it. Our sect will decide the winner at this time. It just happened to catch them by surprise. It only takes one victory to drive Da Zhou's army out of Yunan Pass. Victory and pursuit, the momentum is like a broken bamboo, and let them taste the taste of losing soldiers and losing generals!"

"So that's how it is. Your Majesty appreciates it, and Yujiao admires it!"

Hearing this, Elder Yujiao breathed a sigh of relief, thinking to herself, no wonder she was defeated by that bitch Yumei back then, with this concentration, she was willing to bow down.

Empress Yumei raised her winking eyes, turned her eyes, and said: "I heard that the leader of the Great Zhou this time is the eldest prince who has been missing for a long time, but unfortunately our sect doesn't know much about him, otherwise... ..."

"How about asking Huanqing to seduce that eldest prince?"

Suddenly, Elder Yujiao proposed.

She had disliked that dead girl for a long time, she was even more coquettish than her master at such a young age, the two master and apprentice directly oppressed her Yujiao until she couldn't breathe.

Besides, it is her duty as a saint to succeed, and it is her fate to fail. Who told her to be a saint?

"What did you say?"

Empress Yumei raised her head suddenly, staring at Elder Yujiao firmly, her plump breasts kept rising and falling, she was obviously angry.

"As the saint of our sect, Huanqing shouldn't contribute to the sect at this time? If she is so irresponsible, what face does she have to continue to be the head teacher?"

Elder Yujiao spoke sharply without flinching.


"Your Majesty, Yujiao's words are correct. If the Holy Maiden does not make meritorious deeds, what virtue and ability will she have to inherit the position of head teacher?"

"Yes, ma'am, don't let the disciples of the sect be disappointed!"


At this time, in the hall, many elders spoke one after another, and the words were surprisingly consistent.

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