
Chapter 989 This kid is a talent!

Taoist Fukui looked towards the gate of Zhuxianjian in surprise, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Master Tongtian couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and he had some understanding of Yuechen's thick skin.

He felt that it was too much for him not to seek revenge with Taoist Guang, but in the end, not only did he do that, but he also wanted to deceive him and continue to squeeze him.

However, he speaks nicely, so it's hard to say that He Guang's brain is hot enough to respond.

This kid is a talent.

I don't know what I thought of, but the eyes of Master Tongtian flashed.

For a moment, in the Zhuxian Sword Formation, everyone's eyes focused on Daoist He Guang.

Fortunately, Shen Gongbao and others had already escaped from the Zhuxian sword formation long before Taoist Fukui came, otherwise he would have said that like father, like son.

Daoist He Guang didn't expect Yue Chen to say such an outrageous suggestion, but after careful consideration, he still felt a little bit looking forward to it.

Thinking about the feeling of being domineering in the enemy's country without anyone restraining him, he actually felt a refreshing feeling of revenge.

Therefore, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! Pindao agrees!"

He was so straightforward that everyone was taken aback for a moment, obviously they didn't expect Daoist He Guang to respond so happily.

He Guang Dao Zun was actually very depressed in his heart, but on the surface he still had to hold it, otherwise how would he gain a foothold in the future?

"In that case, swear to Fellow Daoist Guang!"

Master Tongtian raised his eyebrows and said lightly.

"……it is good!"

Daoist He Guang had no choice but to hold back his tears and made a shameful oath, promising not to be an enemy of the leader of Tongtian, and not to trouble Ao Qianmiao.

At this time, he only had one thought in his mind, which was to quickly toss the Great Zhou Dynasty.

As for his concubine Yumei, she didn't even think about it, she had been forgotten by him long ago.

She's just a mere woman, how can she compare with Dao Zun's face!

"Fellow Daoist, may the poor Daoist come out?"

The oath has been made, and Daoist Guang raised a stiff smile and asked impatiently.

Hurry up and let go of the formation, Pindao is going to Da Zhou to make trouble!

I don't know if he saw what he was thinking, Master Tongtian said with a half-smile, "No hurry, let them go out first, and wait for the poor Taoist to collect the formation."

So, when Yuechen and the others appeared on the surface of the Shengjiang River when their eyes darkened, Daoist Heguang moved his feet, and white clouds condensed, and he was about to rush towards the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But I didn't want to, and suddenly heard the Master Tongtian say: "Disciple, now the general situation has been settled, as a teacher, go to the Great Zhou Imperial City to talk to the Emperor Zhou, and you should come back earlier."

"Yes, Master!"

Ao Qianmiao nodded respectfully.

Yuechen and the others also rushed forward, thanking Tianzun, and Zhang Wenyuan led the Shence Army to pay their respects.

For a while, there was a lot of voices on the river, and only Yu and Daoist Guang stood on top of the clouds in a daze, roaring wildly in their hearts: "Is this bastard determined to follow the poor Daoist? It's too much to bully!"

However, no matter how deep the resentment in his heart was, when he caught the occasional glance of the Master Tongtian, his footsteps seemed to be drilled, and he didn't dare to move at all.

The Taoist Fukui at the side saw it, and quickly smoothed things over and said: "The Great Zhou Dynasty is the protagonist of this calamity, and the poor Taoist is also very curious. Why don't we go together and see if the Zhou Emperor is worthy of a generation of emperors?"

What he said was true.

Those who are emperors will have prosperous luck, which is the destiny of heaven.

If Da Zhou is successfully promoted to the imperial dynasty, it will be a combination of heaven and earth luck. At that time, as the emperor Zhou Huang, his cultivation will improve by leaps and bounds, and he may be able to break through the Daoist and achieve good fortune.

This is extremely important to the entire Qingwei Great World.


Master Tongtian nodded.

After finishing speaking, the two of them took off on the clouds and flew towards the Great Zhou Imperial City.

Although Taoist Heguang was unwilling, but seeing the resolute attitude of Master Tongtian, he could only ruthlessly flick his sleeves and chase after him on a cloud.

The sage travels, and the purple air is mighty for thirty thousand miles.

Seeing the big commotion they made, Yuechen could only shake his head and ignore it for now.


On the bank of the Shengjiang River, in the camp of the Shence Army.

Cucurbit Baby cheerfully held the Nine Turns Qiankun Pot, almost laughing silly.

"Don't worry, since you trust me and entrust me with the precious blood of Dao Zun to make alchemy, I will definitely do my best to make the best elixir!"

He slapped his chest and said solemnly.

"do not!"

Yuechen hurriedly stopped him and said, "Tianzun's flesh and blood are hard to come by, and the flesh also contains infinite essence, so I use it to make alchemy. This precious blood, I use it to concoct an advanced version of body quenching liquid. Everyone can soak it for a while." Bubble, isn't it wonderful?"

"Crack! What a wonderful remark!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Kong Yu couldn't wait to clap his hands and praise him.

As a demon cultivator, this body quenching liquid was tailor-made for him!

Hearing this, everyone smiled happily.

Even Ao Lin is no exception.

Who doesn't want to be strong?

It's just that the cultivation should be done step by step, not to overthrow the seedlings and encourage the growth, but to pay attention to accumulation.

Although she didn't want to eat Daoist's flesh and blood, the body quenching liquid she concocted could still be soaked in it.

If I can break through my own shackles like Qian Miao, and grow another claw...

Ao Lin was thinking about the effect of the body quenching liquid, and hurriedly urged: "Didn't you hear what your master said, why don't you go!"

The two big monsters, Shengzhen Yaojun and Niu Kui, have never soaked in body quenching liquid, but they are not stupid.

Since Dao Zun's precious blood was added, no matter how the medicine was prepared, the effect of this body quenching liquid would be astonishing, so they all urged him to refine the medicine quickly.

At this time, Yuechen asked again: "How is the situation of fellow Taoist Zhengqing?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked at Calabash Baby nervously.

Previously in the formation, they all saw the madness of Daoist Zhengqing, and deeply felt that his practice was not easy, so they naturally hoped that he would be able to come to the top and succeed in advancing.

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