
Chapter 979 Surrounding

It was none other than Ao Lin who suddenly appeared in the portal of the Absolute Immortal Sword.

Originally, after they captured Yujing City, they were worried that Zhang Wenyuan would not be able to stop the Acacia Sect's offensive, so only Mumba and Jin Ling were left to lead the barbarian army to guard Yujing City, and the rest followed Yuechen and turned back to Shengjiang.

Of course, Son of Yuanba has been following behind Mumba, insisting on his original intention.

There are so many of them, it's not like they were put in the nine-turn Qiankun pot by the gourd baby when they came, and they didn't know it.

When there are many people, the speed is slow. When they walked halfway, they ran into Taoist Duoqi who was running away.

Daoist Zhengqing shot quickly, if Taoist Duoqi hadn't shouted so fast, he would have almost lost him.

After some surrender, Yue Chen and the others knew that Shengjiang had already started a war, and even Dao Zun had appeared.

Ao Lin was worried about her daughter, so she directly left the army of casual cultivators, turned into a icy light, and rushed towards the Shengjiang River.

When Yue Chen saw him, he naturally chased after him and handed the army into Kong Yu's hands.

As soon as Ao Lin arrived at Shengjiang, she saw the picture of Zhu Xian's array floating in the void.

She didn't know that this was the majestic Zhuxian Sword Formation. After asking the Shence Army, she learned that Ao Qianmiao had already entered the formation. Without thinking about it, she turned around and rushed into the formation.

Coincidentally, as soon as she entered the battle, she happened to meet He Guang Dao Zun showing off his power and beating the Holy Monster Monarch to a bad state.

Although she was worried about her daughter, she was not a person who would not save her. Even though she knew that she was far from the enemy's opponent, she did not hesitate to sacrifice the Ice Soul God lightsaber.

Just like that, Ao Lin filled the vacancy in the Juexian Sword portal by mistake, and the power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation suddenly increased.

But at this moment, not far from Ao Lin, the Holy Demon Monarch who had turned into his original form had turned into a human body again, glaring at Daoist He Guang angrily.

"Who are you, dare to block the way of this deity, do you want to die?"

Seeing that Ao Lin only had the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian, He Guang Dao Zun's eyes turned cold, and his heart became murderous.

It really was a tiger falling into Pingyang and being bullied by a dog!

Relying on the power of the formation, Dao Luo Jinxian dared to attack Daoist Good Fortune, but Daoist Heguang only felt that his face was torn off and stepped on the ground, wishing to tear up all the ants that prevented him from going out.

Daoist He Guang took a step forward, raised his palm and hit Ao Lin: "Looking for death!"

Ao Lin's heart tightened, and she felt a huge coercion rushing towards her face, almost suffocating her.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the Bingsoul Divine Light Body Protector operated on its own, and Bing Lingling's magic power brought her back to her senses in an instant.

She took a deep breath, forced a mouthful of mana, and shot out a palm thunder, which hit the Bingpo God's lightsaber!

In an instant, the divine light of the ice soul burst out, like a glacier bursting its embankment, and a cold wave struck, sweeping towards Daoist He Guang.

In an instant, the divine light of ice soul, like the cold current condensed by the mysterious ice of ten thousand years, danced wildly like a silver snake, roaring towards it!

He Guang Dao Zun's face suddenly changed, and his eyeballs were about to fall out of shock.

"How... how is it possible?!"

He never expected that the mere ants in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, relying on the power of the sword formation, would burst out with such terrifying power.

The endless chill carried by the icy soul light, even if separated by hundreds of feet, made him feel cold all over his body, as if he was in an endless ice cave.

"What a Bing Po Divine Light! What is your relationship with the Bing Po World?"

He Guangdaozun fought back against the attack of Shenguang, and questioned Ao Lin.

He waved the pan of heaven and earth, constantly sprinkled the light of formations, and laid down layers of formations, defending and counterattacking at the same time.

In the end, he even blocked the pan of heaven and earth in front of him, rushed into the gate of the Absolute Immortal Formation, and wanted to take off the Ice Soul Divine Light Sword.

Ao Lin was startled immediately, she threw her fist to resist, but was hit by him casually, she vomited blood and broke her sternum.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Shengzhen Yaojun made a move, and while he was not paying attention, he grabbed Daoist Heguang's back with his claws, turning his flesh and blood, and crying out in pain.

Shengzhen Yaojun retreated with one blow, and Ao Lin also took the opportunity to send out a palm thunder, blasting on the Ice Soul God lightsaber again.

In an instant, the Ice Soul Light Sword soared three feet, breaking the array of light on the Heaven and Earth Vientiane Disk, and stabbing fiercely at He Guang Dao Zun.

He Guang Dao Zun secretly scolded the holy demon king for his despicable sneak attack, so he had to restrain his mind and protect his whole body, so as not to capsize in the gutter and lose all his face.

Ao Lin wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, her breastbone squirmed, the broken bone regenerated, and she quickly recovered from her injury.

She frowned and looked at Daoist He Guang, who was showing great power, with surprise in her eyes.

Ever since she successfully advanced to the Da Luo Jinxian realm, she has never been so embarrassed.

Today, with the blessing of the sword array and the help of the Holy Demon King, she was able to escape from Dao Zun's hands.

If she was alone, she might have died long ago.

It can be seen from this that there is no good fortune, and it is always an ant.

Ao Lin's heart palpitated for a while, and she couldn't help worrying about her daughter's whereabouts again.

At this moment, a sword light with infinite murderous intent suddenly came from afar, and its target was directed at Daoist He Guang.

The radiance of the sword light is like a scorching sun, stretching across the sky.

Ao Lin recognized it, it was Yuechen's prince's saber, Tai'a sword!


Ao Lin exclaimed, and was about to step forward to help.

But as soon as she took a step, she saw two other fierce sword lights coming from afar with boundless murderous intent.

Immediately afterwards, a yellow leather gourd and a roll of colorful small flags came from the sky, blocking Daoist Heguang's retreat!

In addition, there were two flying swords, which also slashed with murderous intent.

In an instant, several magic weapons surrounded Daoist Heguang from all directions, their purpose was self-evident.

"A group of ants dare to attack this deity, they really don't know how to live or die!"

He Guang Dao Zun was so angry that his face was livid and trembling.

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