
Chapter 978

The God Emperor Great World ranks fourth in the Heavens and Myriad Realms.

The emperor of the beasts, Emperor Cang Shenhuang, is even more comparable to Hongjun Daozu.

Even though God Emperor Great World is only ranked No.4, none of the top three are willing to provoke them.

For no other reason, this Emperor Cangshenhuang is extremely defensive. Although there are wars between fierce beasts from time to time, when necessary, they must unite the front and unanimously attack the outside world.

It can be said that if you kill one of the beasts, unless you are stronger than the God Emperor Di Cang, you will face the pursuit of the whole God Emperor World.

Who is willing to do such a loss-making business unless it is absolutely necessary?

However, in the blink of an eye, Daoist He Guang thought that the Great World of the God Emperor is extremely far away from here. Even if he is a Daoist, he would have to walk for many years to go there. It is absolutely impossible to come here without 800 years!

With the personality of a ferocious beast, he would not be bored to this point, traveling through the endless chaos, from the world of the emperor to this world of Qingwei.

Therefore, this ferocious beast can never be a fierce beast of the God Emperor's Great World!

He Guangdaozun thought with confidence.

How did he know that the Holy Demon Monarch was invited by Shen Gongbao to go to the Great Desolate World to help out, and he just passed through this place.

Therefore, when Daoist He Guang pointed at Shengzhen Yaojun and scolded evil animals, Shengzhen Yaojun was so angry that the three corpses jumped violently, wishing to swallow it in one gulp.

Think of him as a majestic monster, when was he scolded like this by pointing his nose?

"Old bastard, you are courting death!"

Shengzhen Yaojun was furious, roaring and rushed towards Daoist Heguang.

Daoist Heguang sneered, but he didn't panic. He tossed the pan of heaven and earth lightly, and the light of many formations rushed out, drowning the holy and true demon king.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of Dao was faint, and the light of those formations suddenly changed, turning into eighteen weapons, and attacked the holy and true demon king!



Shengzhen Yaojun was soaked in blood and bruised, but he still showed no signs of mercy. He violently swung his fists and knocked back the universe.

"You beast, today is your day of death!"

Daoist Heguang laughed loudly, and his subordinates were merciless, releasing all the grievances he had suffered before on Shengzhen Yaojun.

His strikes were extremely vicious, and it was difficult for Shengzhen Yaojun to resist with only his flesh and blood.

"Damn it, you have the ability to beat my old cow!"

In the distance, Niu Kui vibrated the Zidian Qingshuang Sword, and kept shouting at Dao Zun Guang.

"What are you? Are you worthy of fighting with me?" Daoist He Guang glanced at him, and then slapped him again.


A terrifying palm wind blew up, knocking Shengzhen Yaojun backwards and flying back, his red clothes were soaked with blood, it looked as if he was soaked in water.

Daoist Heguang laughed wildly, and continued to beat the holy demon king violently, without giving him any time to adjust his breath.

Niu Kui and the others were in a hurry, but they didn't dare to leave their respective doors, so they could only stare at them from afar.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sword cry, and accompanied by the extreme coldness, a crystal clear flying sword slashed at Daoist He Guang silently.

Before it approached, there was a chill, and Daoist Heguang hurriedly let go of Shengzhen Yaojun, and retreated cautiously.

However, where the sword light passed, the void turned into frost, freezing everything.

Even the turbulent evil spirit in the formation was frozen by the white-edged sword light, forming a substance.

"Ice Soul Divine Light!"

He Guang Dao Zun's pupils shrank slightly, and he exclaimed.

Afterwards, he slapped the Heaven and Earth Vientiane Disc, and rushed out of the light of the formation again, forming a large defensive formation, protecting him in front of him.

Fortunately, the Ice Soul Divine Light looked like a bluff, but it hadn't reached the point where it could hurt Daoist Venerable. After forcing Daoist Heguang back, the flying sword swayed again, and with a "swish", it rushed into the gate of Juxianjian , hanging upside down on it!

This time, Daoist He Guang was a little dumbfounded.

Just now he was like a frightened bird, thinking that this was another top-level innate spiritual treasure, and was so frightened that he missed the opportunity.

Now that I came back to my senses, I realized that this was just a top-notch acquired spiritual treasure, not even a congenital spiritual treasure, it was just a bluff with the Ice Soul Divine Light.

But with this dazzling effort, the flying sword rushed into the portal of Juxianjian, filling the original vacancy.

If there is only one flying sword, even if it is of the innate spirit treasure level, Daoist He Guang is not afraid, and he can take it away at will, but it can be paired with the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the power is completely different, and his claws are numb immediately.

"I'm mad at me too!"

Daoist Heguang blushed, regretting that he didn't take the opportunity to escape just now, and patronized to teach that evil animal a lesson.

But at this time, inside the portal of the Immortal Sword, a slender hand opened suddenly, and shot out a palm thunder, which bombarded the Ice Soul Light Sword.


The sound of thunder and thunder is deafening.


An invisible and colorless icy soul light suddenly struck, cut through the void, spread silently, and bombarded Daoist Heguang.

Where the sword light passed, the void was frozen and shattered inch by inch, and a sense of freezing the soul suddenly rushed towards Daoist Heguang!

His complexion changed drastically, and he hastily swiped his hands, causing the universe to spin, exuding a mysterious pattern, which actually blocked the invasion of the ice soul divine light, and disappeared it into nothing.

This is the core formation of the Heaven and Earth Vientiane Disk, and Vientiane returns to the clan!

"Sure enough, this formation has a great blessing on Feijian. The two complement each other and are extremely terrifying. I don't believe it. Is it true that I can't get out today?"

Daoist He Guang frowned and looked forward, only to see that under the icy soul light sword, standing impressively was a beautiful and beautiful Xiu who was only in the realm of a golden fairy, wearing a green and golden silk fairy clothes.

At this time, the female Xiu Xiu exuded extreme coldness all over her body, and looked over with cold eyes.

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