
Chapter 926 What a Powerful Spell!

Don't look at the giant bull chasing wildly for a long time, but Zhang Wenyuan can see it clearly.

This big black bull is very cheap, it chased it for a long time, but it didn't even trample to death a member of the barbarian tribe.

For a quasi-Sage Lord, this is definitely intentional!

Zhang Wenyuan frowned, and looked at the big black cow with some doubts.

He always felt that the purpose of this old cow was to drive these people together, and then end it in one pot?

But at this time, those barbarians who were fleeing desperately finally found Da Zhou's army, and immediately screamed!

"Great Zhou Army!"

"It turns out that people from the Zhou Dynasty are attacking, run away!"

"Hey! Fight them!"

For a while, the scene became more chaotic.

Seeing Zhang Wenyuan and others, some fierce-tempered barbarians rushed forward immediately, intending to pull down one or two of them.

But, before they approached, bronze swords and arrows came through the air, nailing them to the ground one by one, and they couldn't die any more.

When the rest of the barbarians saw this, they all lost their souls, so they had to run in another direction.

On the other side, Ao Qianmiao eagerly looked at the fleeing crowd, her eyes filled with excitement.

When the crowd got closer, she suddenly raised her hands, and countless auras flew out from her slender hands, falling on the fleeing barbarians little by little.

Afterwards, the bodies of these barbarians paused, wrapped in spiritual light, and gradually tightened.

Seeing this, Ao Qianmiao cocked her lips, and stretched out her arms suddenly, a space crack about a foot wide appeared immediately in front of her!

Then, she pulled her hands violently, and a little bit of spiritual light turned into strands of silk, wrapped around these barbarians, and quickly pulled them into the space crack!

The barbarians who were rushing forward suddenly turned pale with fright, and stopped in their tracks.

In such a short time, more than a dozen unlucky ghosts have been dragged into that mysterious space crack, and their lives and deaths are uncertain.

The rest of the barbarians stopped one after another, not daring to continue chasing, but staring at the weird space crack vigilantly.


Zhang Wenyuan, who was watching from afar, immediately widened his eyes and gasped.

This Fengyang eldest princess's powerful spell can actually drag people into the cracks in space, and disappear from there.

How did he know that this is just a cave opened up by the monks of the Chiming Realm when they cultivated to the realm of the void.

In the realm of practice in the Qingwei Great World, there is no such thing as a hole in the void. After they pay attention to the soul, they will unite heaven and man, the Tao and the body, and become immortals in one step.

The realm of practice in the Scarlet Bright Realm is somewhat different from that of the Qingwei Great World, but they lead to the same goal by different routes, and the difference after becoming an immortal is not very big.

Therefore, how did they know the difference, they thought that Ao Qianmiao had profound mana and powerful spells!

Looking at the stunned crowd in the distance, Ao Qianmiao raised her eyebrows, then greeted the crowd and led the cavalry to charge.


In an instant, cavalrymen poured out from all over the mountains and plains like a tidal wave. Wherever they passed along the way, the barbarians howled and fell down one after another, unable to stop the iron hoofs of the cavalrymen at all.


The horses trotted through the grass and roared, and the dust was flying.

This is real trampling!

Killing all the way, until the end, Zhang Wenyuan and others broke through the barbarian's defense line, pushing all the way horizontally, like a broken bamboo.

Then, he saw the huge peacock standing high on the altar of the Man tribe.

At this time, Kong Yu had already shown his prototype, swaying his huge tail feathers in a majestic way, looking at everyone proudly.

Beside it, stood a three-meter-tall giant, holding a mace and wearing animal skin armor.

He has a strong figure, a burly figure, and holds a heavy hammer in his hand, with a vicious look.

There was a ferocious scar on the giant's face, and it looked extremely aggressive, like a wild beast that chose to eat people.

However, to everyone's surprise, the giant was obediently bowing to Kong Yu, as if he was reverent to his master.


After a huge earthquake, Niu Kui also appeared.

As soon as it looked up, it saw the colorful peacock on the altar.


It cursed secretly, knowing that if this peacock won the first place this time, it would be able to give it all the prestige and prestige.

Ao Qianmiao looked at Kong Yu with a smile on her face and said, "Great Emperor, who is this person?"


Hearing this, the peacock chanted proudly, swept its tail feathers at the giant beside him, and said proudly: "This is the hidden hand of the Chiman tribe. At this time, it has been caught by the five elements of the emperor. Anyone else, as long as they have not made good fortune , don’t even think about getting away!”

"Wow, the emperor is really powerful!" Ao Qianmiao flattered her.

Hearing this, Peacock raised his head proudly, his eyes showing disdain.

It is indeed powerful, in all the heavens and myriad worlds, apart from Patriarch Peacock, there is no other peacock that can be more powerful than it!

Fortunately, Ao Qianmiao didn't know what was going on in his heart, otherwise, he would have secretly sprayed him in the face.

Among other things, even the peacock in the Great Desolate World, he couldn't even fight it!

He was No. 1 under the saint, a fierce man who dared to attack the saint, although the result was not very good, it also proved his fearless courage.

As for Kong Yu, if he met a saint, with his treacherous temperament, he would definitely run away. There is no chance of confronting a saint!

"Great Emperor, this barbaric tribe has to pay a price, otherwise it will appear that I am a bully?"

Ao Qianmiao looked at the Chiman tribe, turned her beautiful eyes, and said with a smile.

"what ever!"

After Kong Yu finished speaking, he spread his tail feathers and swiped again, and the giant disappeared immediately, only the endless roar echoed over the Chiman tribe.

The old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled of the entire Chiman tribe watched this scene with horrified eyes, and their hearts were ashamed.

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